Stock Symbol:? MBTTORONTO, July 29, 2013 /CNW/ - Allstream, Canada's all-business communications provider, today announced that its Chief Operating Officer, Mike Strople, has been elected to the Board of Directors for the MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum).迷你倉 At the MEF's Annual Meeting in Montreal on July 23, the membership elected three new members to the Board, including Mr. Strople. The Board consists of 11 Directors from around the world. Mr. Strople will be the only Director from a Canadian organization.The MEF, as the defining body for Carrier Ethernet, is a global industry alliance made up of more than 215 organizations including telecommunications service providers, cable MSOs, network equipment/software manufacturers, semiconductors vendors and testing organizations. The MEF's mission is to accelerate the worldwide adoption of Carrier-class Ethernet networks and services."I'm very pleased to represent Allstream on the MEF Board," said Mr. Strople. "Allstream believes in the activities of the MEF, including the framework for interoperability which ensures consistent, end-to-end operational and service excellence.""It has been an exciting couple of weeks for us, first we announced a second point of presence in Chicago which will provide access to more than 40 of the leading domestic and international carriers," said Allstream President Dean Prevost. "And now we have Mike's election to the MEF board, which reflects our ongoing commitment to the MEF and our support of its mission and objectives."For many years Allstream has been enabling businesses' migration to all-Ethernet environments through its ongoing investment in local fibre facility expansion and upgrades to its core network. Allstream's native LAN network services can directly connect businesses into approximately 3,000 buildings across Canada and has U.S. connection points in Seattle, New York City, Buffalo and Chicago.About AllstreamAllstream is a Canadian leader in IP communications and the only national communications provider that works exclusively with business customers of all sizes. With nearly 600,000 customer connections, Allstream's momentum is fuelled by the knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial spirit of its 2,500 employees across the country who collaborate with customers to determine their unique communications solutions needs. Supported by文件倉its more than 30,000-kilometre nationwide high-performance fibre-optic network, Allstream's broad portfolio of business solutions are built from an array of advanced communications technologies and services including a wide range of innovative, highly-scalable IP-based solutions to help organizations communicate more efficiently and profitably. Allstream takes pride in its commitment to delivering an exceptional customer experience, and has long been recognized by its technology partners for the contributions made to their businesses. Allstream is wholly-owned by Manitoba Telecom Services Inc., which is listed on the TSX . For information on Allstream's products and solutions, please visit Statements DisclaimerThis news release includes forward-looking statements and information (collectively, the "statements") about the Company's corporate direction, business opportunities, operations, financial objectives and future financial results and performance that are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions. As a consequence, actual results in the future may differ materially from any conclusion, forecast or projection in such forward-looking statements. Therefore, forward-looking statements should be considered carefully and undue reliance should not be placed on them. Examples of statements that constitute forward-looking information may be identified by words such as "believe", "expect", "project", "should", "anticipate", "could", "target", "forecast", "intend", "plan", "outlook", "see", "set", "pending", and other similar terms.Factors that could cause anticipated opportunities and actual results to differ materially include, but are not limited to, matters identified in the "Material assumptions" section below, the "Risks and uncertainties" section, elsewhere in the Company's 2012 Annual MD&A and 2012 Annual Information Form, all of which are available on SEDAR at? note that forward-looking statements reflect Management's expectations as at the date hereof. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.MTS AllstreamCONTACT: Media:Alexandra WalshCorporate Communications416-642-4030media.relations@mtsallstream.com存倉

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南方日報訊 (記者/廖奕文 特約通訊員/楊穎)昨日上午,新蒲崗迷你倉潮州市召開市委常委會議,學習傳達全省進一步促進粵東西北地區振興發展工作會議精神。會議要求各級各部門抓住省促進粵東西北地區振興發展的有利契機,堅定信心、堅持加快發展、促進優質增長。要根據到“2018年人均生產總值超過全國平均水平”的要求,重新測算和分解每年度、各個地區、每項工作要達到的目標以及具體工作措施,確保潮州發展底數更清、底線更明、底氣更足。會議提出,潮州要緊緊抓住這個有利機遇,根據省里的政策動向,加強與上級有關mini storage門的溝通聯繫,爭取得到更多的支持;突出抓住重點,通過加強交通基礎設施建設、加強產業園區建設和加快市中心城區建設步伐“三個抓手”,確保全市經濟社會實現全面協調可持續發展;扎實推進三環新型電子材料基地等重大項目建設,加大招商引資力度,力爭引入一批優質企業、重大項目落地,培育新的經濟增長點;集中人力、物力、財力,按照“修舊如舊”的原則,加快古城區改造步伐,打造古城文化旅遊區,爭當全省文化旅遊產業“單打冠軍”;加快韓江潮州段沿江兩岸景觀帶改造建設步伐,將其打造成為新城區的亮點工程。self storage

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○新報記者王曉琳文連日高溫酷暑,迷你倉新蒲崗把大家逼得“宅家”,或是趕去“乘風涼”。8月去哪兒避暑?據近日出爐的《2013年中國城市避暑旅遊發展報告》顯示,“上山下海入草原”以及城市周邊短途游已成主要避暑旅遊方式。中國旅遊研究院與中國氣象局公共氣象服務中心共同研製的《2013年中國城市避暑旅遊發展報告》近日發佈,為即將動身的避暑遊客提供些許參考。報告顯示,今年的避暑旅遊產品豐富,主要體現在“上山下海入草原”三大類。同時,兩大機構以氣候舒適度、景觀游賞度、遊客滿意度和綜合風險度四個結構指標綜合評估了全國60個主要旅遊城市的避暑旅遊狀況,評選出七八月避暑地排行。結果顯示,7月份排名前15位的城市分別是貴陽、秦皇島、煙台、哈爾濱、昆明、青島、吉林市、大連、沈陽、長春、成都、西寧、延邊和太原。8月份排名前15位的城市分別是煙台、貴陽、秦皇島、昆明、哈爾濱、沈陽、大連、成都、青島、呼和浩特、延邊、吉林市、太原、北京和延安。隨著《2013年中國城市避暑旅遊發展報告》的出爐,日前,國內知名在線旅遊服務商攜程旅行網透過廣大旅遊者“用腳投票”,評選出“2013中國十大人氣避暑目的地”榜單:三亞、麗江、青島位列三甲,緊隨其後受歡迎的目的地依次為大連、廬山、河北壩上、內蒙、九寨溝、貴陽、長白山。據記者瞭解,該榜單中絕大部分上榜地的夏季日間氣溫不超過30℃,多數目的地日間氣溫在25℃左右。從親水濱海型到山嶽型再至草原避暑,避暑游產品內容可謂是豐富多樣。其中,草原避暑是近幾年的新興項目,依托避暑氣候,走生態旅遊路線,既有河北的壩上草原,也有深入內蒙的呼倫貝爾、滿洲里等地,還有西向的新疆天山、伊寧等地。尤其是隨著新疆天山申遺成功,被列入聯合國教科文組織的《世界自然遺產名錄》,遊客與日俱增。暑假期間,不僅目的地的旅遊線路種類�多,而且優惠形式豐富多樣。記者在攜程官網發現,“國內避暑游0元開搶”活動正火熱展開。據網站工作人員介紹,7月10日甫一放出“0元搶購寧夏+內蒙古+阿拉善左旗3日當地組團”產品,即吸引了5000余人次參與搶購。“該活動將持續至8月31日,每周推出一個區域的限時搶購 、抽免單等活動,幸運客人有機會享受酒店費用全免,甚至全部費用免單。”避暑提示1.暑期出游應該注意防暑防蚊,隨身攜帶防曬霜、風油精、花露水等必備物品;2.天熱腸胃敏感,飲食方面要注意衛生安全,並及時補充水分;3.注意戶外安全,特別是參加海濱游泳、漂流等水上項目時,避免迷你倉出租無安全保障的地點;4.絕大多數避暑目的地的日夜溫差較大,建議遊客帶上外套防止著涼。【上山】江蘇鎮江:遊覽精彩三山“上山下海入草原”,今年若打算“上山”避暑,未必要登五嶽,就近赴江蘇鎮江“三山”國家風景名勝區也不錯。從上海搭乘動車只需1.5個小時左右便可抵達鎮江。所謂“三山”,指金山、北固山和焦山,是國家5A級旅遊風景區。景區緊鄰鎮江市區,擁有著豐富的自然資源和獨特的歷史遺跡,巧妙地將“大江風光”與“城市山林”的景觀融為一體,具有極高的觀賞和度假價值。“三山”沿長江逶迤展開,猶如一條出水蛟龍;風景秀麗壯觀,亦如一幅壯麗的山水長卷。三山之中,金山居首,焦山斷後,北固山雄踞其間,渾然天成,讓人不得不感嘆大自然的鬼斧神工。夏日來此,游走山間,涼風習習,無比清涼。若疰夏胃口欠佳,用餐時還可來點鎮江香醋調味開胃。顯微“境”:“三山”景區目前正全力打造360度大型魔幻水景秀《白蛇傳》,並推出一系列精品旅遊路線的推薦和景點門票的優惠政策,以期更多旅客輕鬆走進鎮江賞風光。【下海】海南陵水:觀賞珍珠海岸位於海南島東南部的陵水黎族自治縣,東瀕南海,南與三亞市毗鄰,地處海南島東部黃金旅遊線上,全縣面積1128平方公里,地處熱帶與亞熱帶氣候交界點,屬熱帶季風島嶼型氣候,氣候溫和,雨量充沛,年平均溫度24℃,就算現在前往,白天也不過30℃,不但有陣陣海風,不時還有陣雨送爽,“桑拿天”大可在此避暑度假。陵水旅遊資源十分豐富,以“三灣三島兩湖一山一水”著稱,三灣即香水灣、清水灣、土福灣,三島為南灣猴島、分界洲島、椰子島,兩湖指新村瀉湖、黎安瀉湖,一山即吊羅山,一水即高峰溫泉。這些優質的自然資源如珍珠般連串在陵水長達57.5公里的海岸線上,使陵水享有“珍珠海岸”的美譽。與令人心曠神怡的海景相伴,品味慢調生活。顯微“境”:2013海南·陵水城市營銷全國巡展上海站于上周五正式開幕,這是繼上個月在北京站後的第二站巡展推介會。據瞭解,本次全國巡展分為“魅力陵水盡享旅程”、“聚焦陵水置業天堂”和“愛在陵水浪漫港灣”三大主題開展,時間從5月開始至12月,歷時8個月。【入草原】金星:草原撒歡兒這兩天大家忙著避暑,明星亦不例外,金星就帶著孩子們去了草原。“今早草原下起雨來,小仨兒捉起蟲子更歡了。”金星微博記錄道,“草原在錫林浩特那邊,靠近赤峰,是僅有的保持遊牧生活的地區了。從蒙古包里往外看就是一幅畫;小小的風力發電機給手機控們充電的希望,哈哈,草原太美了!”儲存倉

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楚天都市報訊 (記者郭姍姍 實習生胡飛)天氣持續高溫,mini storage江城許多景區景點內白天遊客稀少。為了爭搶客源,許多周邊景區紛紛開辦“避暑節”,吸引遊客避暑度假。木蘭雲霧山風景區介紹,今年暑期景區投資數百萬元,再造了“戶外拓展世界”,生態木屋、帳篷營地、山間滑道、空中滑索、登山岩壁等戶外設施齊全,適合單位、小團體前來進行戶外娛樂。self storage日該景區負責人稱,雖然武漢中心城區高溫不下,但遊客來到景區置身山林中、湖泊旁,“熱感”要低不少。羅田薄刀峰景區也正在開展“悠涼避暑地”主題避暑節,從眼下一直持續到9月15日,包括避暑養生體驗行、養生避暑美食匯、森林啤酒狂歡節等活動內容。據介紹,由於景區海拔高,昨日溫度在300C左右,不少過夜的遊客稱晚上睡覺還需要蓋被子。迷你倉

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Thousands expected for 23rd installment of annual eventBy Xie Chuanjiaoxiechuanjiao@chinadaily.存倉com.cnThe month of August in Qingdao is packed with a variety of festivities that appeal to tourists and locals alike.While some will undoubtedly come to join in the revelry of the city’s renowned beer festival, others will enjoy sailing on the ocean’s whitecaps.The 23rd Qingdao International Beer Festival is scheduled to take place from Aug 10 to 25 at Beer City in Laoshan district.A wide array of related events will be staged across the city center and its suburbs to allow more citizens and tourists to enjoy the festival.The festival will incorporate beer drinking with other elements, including culture, trading, gourmet cuisine, entertainment, tourism, sports and leisure, offering a full range of activities that boost the city’s brand and promote economic growth, said Liu Mingjun, deputy mayor of Qingdao.“Through a series of events that have international influence, such as the beer festival, we hope to bring benefits to city residents, enriching their cultural life and boosting domestic demand,” Liu said.“Our beer gala is the best in Asia. With world-class facilities and services, we will offer tourists a high-quality environment to taste beer, have fun and make friends. The festival will show the charm of Qingdao to the world.”Xia Zhengqi, commander-in-chief of the festival, said that 15 grand tents offering delicacies from around the world will be set up at the main venue this year, breaking records in a range of categories compared with previous events.More than 300 beers under 27 brands from 18 countries will be on show during the 16-day event, he said.Meanwhile, an entertainment zone with all kinds of gaming fac自存倉lities will provide more thrills for beer lovers.To give the gala a touch of new technology, the organizing committee vowed to build it into a “smart festival”.Like events of previous years, all the information and important notices will be available on the festival’s official website — year, tourists to Qingdao can download the official app of the festival to their smartphones. They can receive real-time information on activities, transportation, parking and navigation.And people can also receive updates of information by following the festival’s official account on WeChat, a popular chatting app.Meanwhile, the organizing committee also opened accounts on Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo, the two major micro-blogging services in the country, to release information.The city has also beefed up security to ensure the success of the festival.To be better prepared in the event of an emergency, the city has conducted a series of drills.Xu Baofeng, deputy director of the Qingdao exhibition industry development office, said that in addition to Laoshan district, the city’s other eight districts will also organize beer-themed events to meet the demand created by visitors and locals involved in the gala.A 1,000-meter-long Tsingtao Beer Street has been set up along Dengzhou Road.Its amenities include a wide range of bars, restaurants, museums and leisure facilities.It is expected to draw 10,000 visitors daily during the three summer months alone.Together with the beer festival, Qingdao will hold more than 50 large and small events during the summer, such as the China-Hong Kong International Fashion Luxury Expo, the Qingdao Music Festival, the Taiwan Gourmet Food Festival and the 2013 German Products Exhibition.迷你倉新蒲崗

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南都訊 記者賀達源 近日,文件倉深圳寶安長築路橋工程有限公司有二三十名黨員被指利用公款外出到江西旅遊。該公司黨支部書記稱是紅色教育,公司員工平時經常加班很少有休假,之前確實是想打一個擦邊球給一定補貼,媒體關注後已經決定不再補貼全部自費,還有13名即將前往的黨員也不再前往。報料人自稱是深圳寶安長築路橋工程有限公司的一線工人。該員工向南都記者報料稱,最近該公司有二三十名黨員利用公款外出到江西旅遊。針對該問題,深圳長築路橋工程有限公司黨支部書記表示,公司最近確實有20名黨員外出,10人去了江西,10人去了貴州。但是以紅色教育的名義,公司原存倉只打算每人每天出3 0 0元錢補助,其餘的錢自費。“吃住都很一般,機票什麼都是交給旅行社代辦的。”該負責人還表示,前段時間公司黨支部接到組織部門通知,要求在黨員中開展遠程紅色體驗式教育活動,黨支部結合公司員工平時工作辛苦、很少有休假的實際情況,打算組織前往紅色景點參觀,每人每天給予一定補助。“主要去了井岡山和遵義會議舊址,當然讓大家全部去紅色景點也不願意,畢竟部分費用是自費,所以也去了黃果樹等景點。”該負責人證實,他自己也跟著去了貴州。南都關注該事件後,公司已決定不再給予補貼,改為全部自費,另外還有13名準備外出的黨員也不再外出。自存倉

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本報河池訊(記者/韋鵬雁 實習生/韋姍妮 通訊員/吳昌勳)記者從7月23日召開的河池市年中工作會議上獲悉,文件倉今年上半年,該市主要經濟指標均實現兩位數以上增長,成功突破經濟下行困境,重返正常發展周期。受紅水河上游乾旱、有色金屬價格下滑等多重困難影響,2012年河池市主要經濟指標呈兩位數高速下行趨勢。面對困難,該市提出“穩進突圍、提速發展”的發展基調,重點抓環境倒逼、項目建設、特色農業和現代服務業,推動經濟形勢逐步好轉。今年上半年,該市地區生產總值、工業總產值、規模以上工業增加值、全社會固定資產投資和財政收入,分別同比增長11.5%、28.2%、25.2%、33.5%和28.5%。抓環境倒逼,保工業增量提質。“絕不能好了傷疤忘了痛。”河池市市長何辛幸說,“以環境倒逼機制推動產業轉型升級攻堅戰,是河池今年工作的重中之重。” (下轉第四版)(上接第一版)該市用嚴格的排放標準、先進的科技手段來治理、提升有色金屬產業,實現工業增量提質發展。全市關閉96家有色金屬企業,對保留的58家進行存倉面整改。新建大任產業園,引導城區周邊有色金屬、建材企業“出城入園”。抓項目建設,保投資強勁拉動。圍繞全年社會固定資產投資358億元、增長30%的目標,把項目建設作為經濟建設的第一要務,不斷掀起項目建設高潮。加快推進河池至都安高速公路、河池機場等重大項目建設。立足資源和產業優勢,在有色金屬、化工、清潔能源、長壽養生旅遊等產業上推出了一批項目。抓特色農業,保農民增收。按照錯季生產、錯峰入市、錯位發展的思路,推廣特早、特晚、特優品種,壯大了桑蠶、糖料蔗、香豬、菜牛、山羊等產業,為農民增收找到新途徑。目前,河池桑園面積76.3萬畝,糖料蔗131萬畝。上半年,全市農民人均現金收入3257元,增長11.4%。抓現代服務業,培育旅遊等新興產業。河池搶抓機遇,把旅遊業培育成為戰略性的支柱產業,統籌和深化東蘭、巴馬、鳳山和大化、天峨、都安長壽養生旅遊規劃,促進整個片區整體系統發展。上半年,全市接待遊客688萬人,旅遊總收入58.7億元,分別同比增長21.7%和27.3%,是全市經濟形勢好轉的重要因素。自存倉

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Source: AME Info, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesJuly 29--KUWAIT BOURSE DROPS ON POST-ELECTION DAY: The KSE Market Index fell 0.儲存38 percent to 8,080.18 points on Monday, the day after a new parliament was elected in the Northern Gulf state. Yesterday's pols saw Shia deputies losing more than half of their seats, while liberals made slight gains. Shares of National Bank of Kuwait lost KD0.10, closing at KD0.910. Alnawadi Holding gained the most (up 8.47 percent at KD0.128).AL KHALEEJ TAKAFUL GROUP DIVES ON EARNINGS DEBACLE: The Qatar Exchange 20 Index sliped 0.15 percent, finishing Monday trading at 9,640.54 points. Al Khaleej Takaful Group plummeted 6.92 percent to QR41. In the first six months, the Islamic insurance firm recorded a net profit of QR28.3m in comparisons to QR59m for the same period last year. "Takaful Insurance contributions for Alkhaleej Takaful Group amount to QR 158.6m , an increase of 9 percent over last year," the firm added. "Deficit in contributors account continued to decline. It stands at QR1,339,352 compared to QR2,853,996, an improvement of 53 percent over the same period of last year. We expect more improvement by the end of the year."RAK PROPERTIES PLUMMETS AS SIX-MONTH PROFIT SLIDES: The Abu Dhabi market index ADXGI lost 0.45 percent to 3,867.59 points. RAK Properties list the most, closing down 4.84 percent at Dhs0.59. Earlier in the day, the biggest developer in the emirate of Ras al-Khaima said it earned in the first half of 2013 a profit of Dhs51.10m, down 26.05 percent year-on-year. Sales revenues dived 75.52 percent to Dhs110.52m. The emirate of RAK is currently revamping ist infrastructure which adds more construction sites to roads and residential and hotel areas, weighing on tourist arrivals and on property purchases.DUBAI MARKET UP 0.33PCT IN LACKLUSTER TRADING: The DFM General Index advanced by 0.33 percent to reach 2,515.14 points on Monday. Some 230m shares were traded, valued at Dhs402m. Air Arabia gained the most (up 3.17 percent at Dhs1.30). Arabtec, as the most liquid share, lost for the second day straight, ending off 0.92 percent at Dhs2.16. After a rights issue allocation, Arabtec's 1.56bn new shares issued at Dhs1.50 per share started trading yesterday. The UAE's first construction firm acquired through this way Dhs2.4bn.OMAN REPORTS OR110.4M IN BUDGET DEFICIT: According to figures by Oman's National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI), the sultanate posted a budget deficit of OR110.4m for the first five months of 2013, compared with a surplus of OR1.58m in the corresponding period of last year, Muscat Daily has reported. The shortfall was the result of a marginal decline in government revenue even as public expenditure continued to rise. Total public revenue dropped 1.5 percent during the five-month period to OR6bn from OR6.1bn in the same period last year, the data showed.TRANSGULF INVESTMENT REPORTS H1 NET LOSS: Oman-based Transgulf Investment Holding Co has posted a net loss of OR375,300 for the first six months of this year, compared with a net profit of OR596,113 during the same period of 2012, Muscat Daily has reported. The company, which in June approved the merger with Al Madina Financial and Investment Services Co, said total assets surged 79 percent to OR20.97m at end of June 2013, compared with OR11.73m as of end June 2012. "The merger will result in the creation of a stronger entity that will support ambitious future investment plans of our company taking advantage of the various opportunities that arise from the strong economic growth of Oman," said chairman of Transgulf, Mohammed Ali al Barwani.EGYPT REPORTS 2.2 percent GDP GROWTH IN Q2: Egyptian finance ministry has said the second quarter of 2013 saw a 2.2 percent growth of the country's gross domestic product (GDP), Daily News Egypt has reported. The increase, however, was less than the first quarter, which saw an increase of 2.4 percent of the GDP, the ministry said. "Between May and July 2013, the budget deficit rose to 11.8 percent to reach EGP204.9bn, compared with EGP136.5bn during the same period last year," it said. "In addition, it is expected that the budget deficit reaches 9.1 percent as a percentage of GDP during the fiscal year budget 2014/2013, to become approximately EGP186bn," the ministry said in its report.SIPCHEM AFFILIATE SECURES ISLAMIC REFINANCING: The Tadawul All-Share Index on Sunday closed 0.10 percent lower at 7,763.14 points amid a neutral market breadth (68 shared rose, 68 stock declined). Saudi International Petrochemical Co. or Sipchem gained 0.42 percent to reach SR24.10. Earlier in the day, Sipchem said that International Methanol Company, one its affiliates, signed Islamic Facility agreement with Riyad Bank worth SR325m ($87.75m), with maturity on 2023. Earlier this year on March 31, Sipchem' subsidiary International Diol Company in which its own 53.91 percent completed the signing of new agreement for refinancing of existing loans with local commercial banks and two Saudi Arabian public fund, amounting to SR1.023bn ($266m), with SR32.76m (SR32.76m).MUSCAT MARKET ON THE RISE : The Omani MSM30 Index closed 0.13 percent higer新蒲崗迷你倉at 6,714.17 points on Sunday. The gauge gained 30 percent in the last 12 months and approaches a 2.5-year high at around 7,000 points (double-top from the beginning of 2011). The Financial Corporation gained the most (up 9.09 percent at RO0.108). Earlier in the day, the firm published an unaudited profit for the first half-year of RO445k, up from a loss of RO203.9 in the same period last year.DOHA LISTED SHARES DECLINE ACROSS THE BOARD: The QE 20 Index fell 0.41 percent to 9,654.55 points on Sunday. Qatar Islamic Bank gained 0.88 percent to reach QR68.70. Qatar National Bank (QNB) lost 1.18 percent to QR168. QNB said earlier in the day it officially launched operations in China at ts "Qatar National Bank S.A.Q. Shanghai Representative Office" after receiving all of the required regulatory approvals. Doha Insurance lost the most (off 3.21 percent at QR25.65), while Gulf International posted the biggest increase (up 1.74 percent at QR46.80).BANK OF SHARJAH RISES ON HIGHER HALF-YEAR NET PROFIT: Like the Dubai market index, the Abu Dhabi equity market measure ADXGI slipped 0.60 percent, closing at 3,885.08 points. Gulf Medical Projects Co. jumped 7 percent to hit Dhs2.90. Bank of Sharjah (BoS) finished 1.23 percent higher at Dhs1.65. Earlier in the day, BoS reported it recorded in the first six months a net profit of Dhs144m ($39.26m), up 15 percent year-on-year. Net profit for the second quarter was Dhs74m ($20.2m) up 6 percent, q-o-q).DUBAI LISTED SHARES SWING BETWEEN GAINS AND LOSSES: A volatile Sunday saw the DFM General Index closing 0.48 percent lower at 2,506.82 points. Drake and Scull International was the most liquid share. The construction and property maintenance firm lost 0.85 percent at Dhs1.17. Arabtec dived 3.11 percent to Dhs2.18. The UAE's first construction firm said it concluded the rights issue scheme which was 2.4 times oversubsribed. Through the scheme, Arabtec raised Dhs2.4bn ($655m). "1.56bn share have been allocated and began trading today," said Arabtec. Aramex gained the most (up 3.13 percent at Dhs2.64). Some 352m shares were traded, valued at Dhs527.6m.SAUDI ARABIA NEEDS TO BOOST PRIVATE SECTOR GROWTH: IMF: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned Saudi Arabia may not be able to create all the private sector jobs it needs for its rapidly growing population, which could lead to higher unemployment, Reuters has reported. "A large number of young people will enter the labour market in the next decade and beyond, and creating a sufficient number of rewarding jobs for them in the private sector will be a challenge," the IMF said in its regular health check of the Saudi economy. The fund said recent history shows the private sector may not be able to absorb all the new job seekers. Saudi Arabia needs to act now to boost growth in the private sector, as the oil output its economy is dependent on is likely to slow over the next five years, the IMF said.IRAN INFLATION HITS 45 percent IN JUNE: According to official data, Iran's inflation rate surged to 45 percent in June, adding pressure on squeezed Iranian households and an indication of the huge task President-elect Hassan Rouhani faces to repair the economy, Reuters has reported. Prices rose 45 percent in the month up to June 21, compared with the same month a year earlier. They accelerated from 41.7 percent inflation in the month to May 21, the data showed. Inflation averaged 35.9 percent over the 12 months through June 21, the country's central bank said earlier this month.EGYPT NOT TO FOLLOW AUSTERITY MEASURES: Egypt's new finance minister, Ahmad Galal has said the country's interim government will seek to avoid major austerity measures and instead work to stimulate the economy by improving security and pumping in new funds, Reuters has reported. The government inherits a budget deficit that since January has been running at around $3.2bn a month, almost half of all state spending. "One of the important tools to deal with the budget deficit is stimulating the economy," Galal told reporters at a briefing. "We will seek to pump more new funds into the economy and not follow austerity measures. We do not want to increase taxes sharply, that is if we increase them at all, and we do not want to lower spending in a way that will slow a revival of the economy," the minister said.IMF TALKS WITH EGYPT TO RESUME AFTER INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY RECOGNISES INTERIM GOVERNMENT : The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said it will not engage in talks about a possible $4.8bn loan to Egypt until the country's interim government gains recognition from the international community, Reuters has reported. "It's a case of the international community, ... its institutions, its nations, coming together and recognising a particular government," IMF deputy spokesman William Murray told reporters. "And until that happens, and until our members make a decision on the Egyptian government, we're going to keep our context technical (at the technical level)."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 AME Info (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) Visit AME Info (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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【香港商報訊】記者易小婧通訊員劉明報道:深圳交警於近日組織開展了集中整治客貨車交通違法行為統一行動。據了解,存倉行動期間,交警部門共投入警力826人次,出動警車254輛次,共檢查客車1970輛、旅遊包車429輛、檢查中型以上貨車1272輛、城市工程運輸車523輛,查處各類交通重點違法行為208起,其中不按規定車道行駛148宗、衝禁令45宗,其他一般交通違法944宗。 另悉,自今年以來,深交警局不斷加強對非法中介和個人通過他人代辦非現場處罰、買駕駛證分數的違法行為的查處力度,持續開展打擊買賣分違法行為的專項行動。截至目前,偵破買賣駕駛證記分違法行為22宗,行政拘留22人,刑事拘留2人。

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