SAN FRANCISCO, Jan.存倉 22, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Wondershare Software just made the industry's leading iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch data recovery solution even better by significantly extending the application's recovery capabilities. New Dr.Fone for iOS V4 (Win & Mac) can now recover files from Apple's iCloud backup and encrypted iTunes backups, makes big strides forward by supporting data recovery of selected third-party app data including photos, videos, and other documents. Dr.Fone for iOS V4 Recovery of chats & attachments from the popular WhatsApp online messaging service is supported as is iPhone voicemail messages.Dr.Fone can be extremely effective when disaster strikes, not only recovering data, but also treasured photo/video memories. Users simply connect the device to the computer, launch Dr.Fone and with a few clicks even the most casual user can scan their iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch and instantly see what information is recoverable directly from the device and then restore it. If the desired content cannot be recovered from the device, Dr.Fone can also recover the information from the latest iTunes or iCloud backups; giving users two avenues for recovering deleted content.What's New in Dr.Fone for iOS V4-- Now recover from iCloud backup; -- Recovery of encrypted local iTunes backups; -- Recovery of deleted iPhone voicemail messages; -- Recover chats and attachments from WhatsApp messaging conversations; -- Recovery from iTunes backups located on external hard drives; -- Recover photos, videos, and documents from selected third-party apps. -- Completely new user interface based on user feedback makes Dr.Fone for iOS V4 even easier to use and fully iOS 7 friendly; -- Complete support for entire lineup of Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch hardware; -- Available for both Windows and Mac platforms.Wondershare, a trusted developer of mobile-focused utility and 儲存esktop software products has helped countless users successfully recover deleted content from their iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touch devices after an "oops" occurs and with the new enhancements in V4, the chance for successfully recovering critical data such as text messages, contacts, attachments and precious photos & videos is now better than ever! Recovered content can be re-synched to the iDevice by using iTunes companion product Wondershare TunesGo.Wondershare Dr.Fone for Android (Win) is also available for Android mobile phone and tablet users.Price & AvailabilityDr.Fone for iOS V4 is currently available for $69.95 for the Windows version and $99.95 for Mac from the online store. User's who have previous versions of Dr.Fone for iOS get the new version as a free update. There are free trial versions of Dr.Fone available; which can scan a device and show content which is recoverable.Learn more about Wondershare's entire lineup of award winning mobile, multi-media, business productivity, PDF, and system utility software products at WondershareWondershare, an IDG invested company, is an innovative software developer dedicated to delivering the very best in software products and services to the worldwide consumer and business market segments. Wondershare has branch offices in the United States and Japan. Wondershare has been honored as Deloitte Tech Fast 500 Asia Pacific and China 50 for three consecutive years, and Forbes Business Potential of China for two consecutive years. For more information about Wondershare and its products, please visit is a registered trademark of Wondershare Software Co. Ltd. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Wondershare Software Co., Ltd.CONTACT: Yi Pang, Wondershare Software Co., Ltd. Public RelationsSpecialist, Phone: +86-135-1071-2890, Email: yukin@wondershare.comWeb site:迷你倉

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迷你倉出租   〈本報記者蔡秀娥台北報導〉中華電信開春傳捷報,繼2013年入選道瓊永續指數(DJSI)「世界指數(DJSI-World)」及「新興市場指數(DJSI-EmergingMarkets)」雙料成份股後,2014年再傳捷報,在本月21日由全球知名永續投資機構RobecoSAM,所發行的「2014年企業永續年鑑」(TheSustainabilityYearbook2014)中,榮獲「電信服務產業類別」銅級獎的肯定,同時也是台灣唯一一家被列入永續年鑑的電信業者。  RobecoSAM所出版的企業永續年鑑,是全球永續評比中最完整的出版品之一,2013年針對全球59產業、超過3,000家公司進行永續性評鑑,並將永續性領先的企業,再分為金級(GoldClass)、銀級(SilverClass)與銅級(BronzeClass)等3個級別獎項。  2014年全球總共有14家在永續性表現優秀的電信企業被列入年鑑中,而亞洲僅有韓國電信(KT)、韓國SK電信(SKT)及中華電信入選。中華電信與荷蘭皇家電信集團(KoninklijkeKPNNV)、瑞士電信(SwisscomAG)、葡萄牙電信(PortugalSwisscomAG)與西班牙電信(TelefonicaSA)等5家企業並列為優質銅級企業。圓剛科技火力全開一連推出三款錄影盒〈本報記者蔡秀娥台北報導〉數位多媒體科技領導品牌-圓剛科技,於農曆年前推出三款錄影盒,提供全面解決方案,讓消費者不錯過任何精彩畫面。此次上市-圓剛極致錄影盒,可透過HDMI和色差端子錄製及串流高畫質1080p60fps的原始影音內容。圓剛極致錄影盒相容於DirectShow架構的影音軟體,配合先進的USB3.0影像擷取技術,影像來源和顯示設備之間可以完全同步,用戶可直接在慣用影音軟體上玩遊戲,同時進行錄影或串流;隨附的USB3.0診斷工具,也讓使用者得以確認USB3.0連接埠的相容性和性能。此外,搭配的RECentral軟體提供簡單直覺的錄影及串流設定,不僅支援錄高畫質1080p60fps影像,更可直接與玩家的YouTubeLive,TwitchTV與Ustream帳號整合,直播遊戲畫面至玩家的直播頻道,此外也支援自訂RTMP設定,提供玩家全面的直播經驗。迷你倉

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mini storage美國中西及東北部前日起再遭北極漩渦侵襲,暴風雪下至少三人喪生。紐約、新澤西州、費城均錄得數十厘米積雪,全國連日多達九千航班取消或延誤。紐約州宣布進入緊急狀態,首都華盛頓的聯邦機構非緊急部門前日關門一天,多地學校停課。滯留旅客在大西洋城國際機場等候退款。(美聯社圖片)北極漩渦近日南下美東地區,遇上大西洋北上的暖空氣,形成暴風雪侵襲廣泛地區。列車逼縮班次美國國家氣象局指,新澤西州馬納拉潘錄得超過三十九厘米積雪,費城國際機場附近積雪達三十八厘米,紐約市更出動了一千七百輛剷雪車清理。寒風大雪夾擊下,中西部很多地區前日氣溫降至攝氏零下十度以下;紐約市氣溫雖為零下五度,但受風寒效應,室外體感溫度為零下十五度。暴風雪癱瘓陸空交通,危害駕駛者迷你倉馬里蘭州三人在風雪中遇上交通意外死亡;經營列車服務的美鐵(Amtrak)亦縮減列車班次。多個機場前日和昨日共有四千多國內外航班取消、約五千航班延誤,大量旅客被迫滯留,其中費城國際機場和紐約拉瓜迪亞機場受影響尤其嚴重,全美運輸陷入混亂。前日白宮新聞發布會及多地政府會議亦要取消。連任的新澤西州州長克里斯蒂原於前日舉行就職慶祝晚宴,但因風雪取消。美國傳媒報道,這場風雪會是華盛頓自二○一一年以來最大降雪,但預計威力不及兩周前的風雪強大。降雪為民眾帶來不便,紐約華埠餐館顧客明顯比往日減少,禮品店亦因太少生意提早關門。長途巴士和賭場巴士紛紛縮減班次甚至取消。但超市和熟食店較為熱鬧,因不方便外出,不少人都索性買多些食物,放在家中。本報綜合報道文件倉

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【本報特訊】美國國防部表示,其某一新網絡98%的設備將採用黑莓的智能手機後,黑莓股價連日來飆漲。昨日黑莓又表示,正計劃出售位於加拿大的大部分物業,涉及物業總面積300萬方呎。相關消息刺激黑莓股價繼續大漲。美國當地時間周二收盤,黑莓急升9.迷你倉旺角36%,報9.93美元。黑莓指出,正與CBRE合作,出售空置的物業,至於本身佔用的物業,該公司望以售後租回方式處置。黑莓為翻身連續換了幾個執行長,華裔科技精英程守宗去年11月出任黑莓首席執行長,希望可扭轉該公司業務虧損的情況。黑莓近來股價不斷上漲,似乎終於讓投資人重拾對公司mini storage信心。獲美國防部大額訂單此外,美國國防部正式宣布,將在新布建網路系統第一階段的採購計劃中,採用黑莓手機,計劃採購量為8萬台,佔其總網路通訊設備採購比重的98%。美國國防信息系統局上周聲稱,約8萬台黑莓手機,及1,800台使用 Apple 公司iOS系統及Google Android系統的手機和平板電腦將在本月底開始連入國防部的管理系統,據香櫞研究發布的報告表示,黑莓擁有穩健的資產負債表、充裕的流動資金以執行其轉型策略,並進行必要的投資推動增長,將黑莓在納斯達克的目標價定在15美元,並認為目前並非做空黑莓的時機。迷你倉

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WASHINGTON, Jan.迷你倉旺角 22, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The Washington, DC Travel & Adventure Show - part of the largest series of consumer travel events in the U.S. - returns to the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in downtown Washington, DC for the 10(th) straight year, on Saturday, February 22 and Sunday, February 23. The show is a one-stop-shopping bazaar with an extensive array of destination vendors offering show-only travel deals, free giveaways and action-packed activities, plus educational seminars, cultural performances and more.Among the travel legends who will be speaking include: Rick Steves, writer and host of Rick Steves' Europe; Pauline Frommer, editorial director of the Frommer guides, publisher of and radio host; Samantha Brown, who has hosted several popular Travel Channel programs, including the upcoming "The Trip: 2014;" and Andrew McCarthy, award-winning travel writer and actor and Editor-at-Large, National Geographic Traveler.Two additional Travel Channel stars will make their Washington, DC show debuts this year - "Dangerous Grounds" host Todd Carmichael, Coffee Entrepreneur and Adventurer on Saturday, and history explorer and museum enthusiast Don Wildman from "Mysteries at the Museum" on Sunday.Savor world cuisines on the Taste of Travel Stage, with hosts and guest chefs leading attendees through a combination of discussions and cooking demos, celebrating gastronomy. Watch the world come alive on the Global Beats Stage, featuring culturally diverse dance and music performances representing destinations from around the world. Additionally, guests of all ages will have the opportunity to take scuba lessons in a heated pool, check their dexterity on a rock climbing wall OR their balance on a Segway.Exhibitors frommini storagea wide array of exotic and exciting destinations across the world and adventures practically in our own backyard will display thousands of thrilling travel opportunities, ideal for every budget. From discovering the wild beauty and adventure opportunities of Africa to a magnificent sunset on the beautiful beaches of Aruba, experiencing an elephant tour in Thailand or Tanzania to the thrills of nearby Hershey Park, no destination is out of reach. The show is just right for anyone looking to create the vacation of a life time. Exclusive show deals on select travel packages will help turn this long-lasting dream into a reality.The Washington, DC Travel and Adventure Show's supporting sponsors are SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment and Rick Steves' Europe; Hershey Harrisburg Region is the contributing sponsor, and Ethiopian Airlines is the event's official airline sponsor. Travel Channel is the national television media sponsor and AFAR magazine is the national magazine sponsor, along with media sponsor Jetset Extra.DATE/TIME: Saturday, February 22 - 10:00am - 5:00pm Sunday, February 23 - 11:00am - 4:00pmTICKETS: Each ticket is valid for one day only. Adults (17-and-over): $10 Online with Promo Code: DCPR ( or $15 at the Door Children: Children 16-and-under are free with a paid adult.LOCATION: Washington Convention Center 801 Mount Vernon Place NW Washington, DC 20001 Metro Stop: Mount Vernon Square-Convention Center Station (Green and Yellow Line)Travel & Adventure ShowCONTACT: Brotman|Winter|Fried- A Sage Communications Company, Kerry LynnBohen 703.533.4823; kbohen@aboutbwf.comWeb site:迷你倉

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24小時迷你倉一月六日,香港《文匯報》報道自由黨主席梁淑怡對民主派的批評:「反對派誤導公眾,不斷說香港人在政制改革事宜上可以完全自主,態度不老實。」中共所定《基本法》明言香港人可以「普選」行政長官,到頭來「普選」卻是假的,而不老實者原來還不是中共。新中國的真理,真教人欲說無從。但新中國現代漢語「誤導」一詞的來源,則還可以說說。「誤導」不是中文,而是英文mislead的方塊字寫法。臺灣一九九一年版《文馨最新英漢辭典》mislead條下注譯是:「使誤解;欺騙。」現代漢語人把mis直譯做「誤」,lead直譯做「導」,合成「誤導」這個不中不英的雜種。蔡東藩《後漢演義》第二十一回西域莎車王遭漢室收回其西域都護印綬,但仍然「詐稱大都護,蒙騙(西域)各國。各國未識真假,只得聽命」。蔡東藩不會說莎車王「誤導各國」。又蔡東藩《清史演義》第八十七回慈禧太后把光緒皇帝拘禁瀛臺,自行臨朝聽政,輿論不平。上海人經元善聯絡全體紳商,發電報呼籲慈禧歸政光緒,說道:「倘不速定大計,恐民情誤會,一旦騷動,適召外人干涉,大可為慮。」經元迷你倉旺角不會說「恐民情遭誤導」。清末民初,英國以印度為根據地,覬覦西藏,致力挑撥藏民反華情緒。所以,一九四二年八月二十三日,蔣介石寫了一則日記:「中央之所以必須統制西藏者,其宗旨全在解放藏民痛苦,保障其宗教與生活自由,不被外國所愚弄與束縛而已。」蔣介石不會說「不被外國誤導」。現代漢語人卻一味「誤導」。請看大陸保險監督管理委員會的《人身保險公司銷售誤導責任追究指導意見》第一條:「為進一步強化各人身保險公司對銷售誤導問題的責任追究力度,有效遏制銷售誤導行為,制定本指導意見。」這四十四字的意思,據我猜度,大概是:「是套規例之制定,旨在遏止並嚴懲人身保險公司以蒙騙手法,招徠顧客。」這二十九字中文,意思清清楚楚,完全不用猜測。二零一四年一月十二日臺灣《自由時報》有評論說,馬英九政府整天喊「停止藍、綠兩營鬥爭,全力拚經濟」,目的只是掩飾施政無方。該文標題是:「不要被『藍綠惡鬥』誤導」。翻譯成中文,這應是「不要被『藍綠惡鬥』說法愚弄」。誰說現代漢語人不是死心塌地的洋奴。周三刊登作者專研中英文,以寫作、翻譯為業。mini storage

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  • Jan 22 Wed 2014 09:55
  • 臺灣

搶搭農曆年前末班車,統一企業今年首度發行無擔保公司債,標售結果昨(21)日出爐。債券商主管說,統一在外流通籌碼少,所謂「物以稀為貴」,買盤很捧場,5年期利率僅1.迷你倉出租39%,低於市場預期。交易員分析,市場原先預期,統一公司債得標利率應該會在1.4%以上,沒想到比預期要來得低,絲毫不受美國縮減購債規模疑慮的影響迷你倉顯示買盤對統一企業前景深具信心。統一今年首度發債,市場反應不錯,昨日發行金額為36億元。債券承銷商說,與國內發債大戶台灣電力公司在外流通籌碼超過4,000億元相較,統一企業在外流通僅180億元,籌碼稀有,更獲投資人青睞。另外,統一屬於傳統產業,產業特性穩定,比起容易受景氣波動循環影響的科技業,更受投資人歡迎。mini storage

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儲存倉 信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from“小紅帽”志願者幫忙接送小孩。    華西城市讀本訊(王永明 侯容 記者鄒輝 攝影報道)春運期間,萬源市汽車站精心挑選近十名業務精、責任心強、熱心服務、樂於助人的女職工開展“小紅帽”志願服務活動,接受旅客咨詢、引導上下車、幫助提攜行李、照顧老人小孩等,讓廣大旅客感到到旅途的溫馨,受到廣泛讚譽。迷你倉最平

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文件倉 本報北京1月21日訊 記者陳郁報道: 春節臨近,中國消費者協會特別提醒消費者, 出境旅遊購物要多加注意。中消協提醒, 消費者在參團時切勿只考慮價格, 還要從旅行社資質、 消費者評價等多方面進行考量。在簽訂 合同前一定要明確團費所包含的項目、 具體行程安排、 自理費用項目等內容, 不要輕信旅遊從業人員的低價團費宣傳。在旅遊地購物前要事先做好功課, 不要輕易委托導遊或他人代理購物。存倉

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自存倉行業領軍人物> 重慶遠見信息(集團)有限公司總經理劉禹: 使用“發票雲” 手機開票只要幾秒鐘 重慶晨報記者 楊新宇 攝 用一部蘋果或...迷你倉出租

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