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迷你倉最平 年VOGUE Fashion's Night Out都會號召多個國家參與,部份國家為了趁機刺激消費,振興時裝工業,都會邀請多個品牌在不同地區延長營業時間及推出限量產品。 今年CHANEL beauty推出幾款sharp醒甲油贈興,單色用或併色用各施各法。萬萬聲�時裝我買唔起,買幾支甲油支持�總得�? CHANEL 銅鑼灣希慎廣場106-107號鋪 2810 1083迷你倉

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大地之母變幻莫測,迷你倉人類面對突如其來的環境轉變,必須要受到保護。AIGLE在創立160年來都堅守使命,將大自然融入設計當中,讓服飾、鞋履適應各種環境氣候。今年冬天,AIGLE把經典重新帶到我們眼前,以一系列標誌性的防護服飾、鞋履打造成全球限量160件的HERITAGE COLLECTION。整個系列均由法國人手製造,並於每件服飾賦予編號,手工細緻精良,絕對值得收藏。ONLY AVAILABLE IN TAKSHING HOUSE, CENTRAL. GLOBALLY LAUNCH ON 9TH SEPTEMBER,2013 RAINDROPS KEEP FALLING ON THE CLASSIC COAT 百多年仍巍然屹立的品牌,自然經典輩出,AIGLE的GORE-TEXR防水TRENCH COAT及天然像膠短靴CHANTEBOOT正是具品牌標誌性的經典。為慶祝品牌成立160周年,將這長青產品重現眼前的ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION於9月9日隆重登場。天然像膠短靴CHANTEBOOT女裝款式除了推出富傳統法國風情的紅色和藍色,亦加入時尚型格的黑色。這款短靴鞋身印上160周年標誌,鞋筒加入象徵飛鷹翅膀的翼型皮革細節作點綴,為短靴添置一份柔美。而AIGLE外套中的佼佼者TRENCH COAT,由當年軍用服裝演變成衣櫥內不可或缺的潮流單品,加入GORE-TEXR防水物料,同系列的男裝亦有卡其色與黑色,讓時尚與功能性結合,帶來簡約的悠閒風格。TIME FLIES 160 YEARS 所謂160年只是人生天地之間,若白駒之過隙,忽然而已,當中值得紀念的時候卻是一絲不落地被人們記住,經典正由此而生。1853 品牌創辦人HIRAM HUTCHINSON購買了CHARLES GOODYEAR的專利-─使橡膠具有不可逆的彈性和防水性能的硫化生產過程,然後HIRAM HUTCHINSON從美國來到法國開創了他橡膠靴子的事業。HIRAM HUTCHINSON創立品牌AIGLE,法文品牌名稱意思為「EAGLE」鷹。他用「� L’AIGLE」這名字申請了專利,以此來紀念象徵美國精神的鷹,並開始大規模生產防水鞋履、防水靴子和防水衣服。1903 「� L’AIGLE」的靴子、高筒靴、過膝長靴及運動鞋正式面世。1932 AIGLE飛速發展,運用橡膠專利,提供別緻的雨衣和在城市中穿著的靴子及休閒鞋履,當中休閒鞋款將用料擴大至帆迷你倉最平及橡膠,受巴黎女性歡迎。1939 品牌廣告以全家福表現「家族」的主題,突顯出每季重點推介產品及說明AIGLE代代相傳的特點。1953 AIGLE已擁有1850名員工每日在製鞋廠生產30,000雙鞋,主要是網球鞋及體操鞋,生產數量之多可見產品受歡迎程度。1960 AIGLE專利的手工橡膠靴開始成為潮流指標的代表,更在此時以俏麗橡膠靴與全世界第一款的迷你裙做搭配,成功引領一股全新的時尚風潮。1972 為了慕尼黑奧運會,AIGLE與MARC PAJOT合作設計經典的藍色航海膠靴,膠靴具防滑功能,配以鞋身白色雙條紋設計,讓靴款及條紋至今仍為熱愛水上運動人士的最愛。1980 品牌推出首個完整紡織系列「COUNTRY」,同時品牌從旅行及水上運動得到靈感,開始設計出戶外運動服飾,適合專業航海、狩獵、滑雪等,將品牌進一步拓展至休旅、戶外類型,亦強調產品面對大自然變化的保護。1989 AIGLE於巴黎BOULEVARD ST GERMAIN開設首間旗艦店。1990 品牌推出原創設計及具防水功能,冒險家最愛的T�N�R�布鞋。1993 品牌進駐亞洲,於日本東京澀谷購物區開設亞洲首間專賣店。1996 品牌推出經典「COPELAND」款式水手外套,單是這款式的銷售量暢銷數十萬。同年,改良過後的PARCOURS橡膠靴也投放到了市場,鞋底加厚了一倍,採用了極為舒服的切割方式,備受歐洲人推崇。2001 ACTIMUM生產線投入運行,該生產線採用高科技形式生產水手鞋、登山靴和滑雪靴。採用精湛的工藝和流線型設計進行生產。2005 品牌代表作CHANTEBELLE橡膠靴席捲時尚界,打造時尚定位,成為潮流標記。2010 舉辦世界巡迴展覽「SAVOIR FAIRE SAVOIR VIVRE」,是次展覽於巴黎、布魯塞爾、日本及香港作巡迴站,展示品牌精湛的工藝技術。2011 品牌全球首間AIGLE CONCEPT STORE於香港ifc MALL開幕,同時亦為品牌全亞洲第200間銷售店。2012 品牌於法國巴黎CHAMPS-ELYS�ES開設全球首間地鋪CONCEPT STORE。2013 品牌為慶祝160周年紀念,以HERITAGE CONCEPT STORE重新裝潢位於巴黎ST. GERMAIN 的旗艦店及東京澀谷分店。text > cin photography > chan man ching & fung kwok fai迷你倉

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Source: Connecticut Post, BridgeportSept.儲存 20--The sad, sordid saga of former House Speaker Chris Donovan's failed 2012 bid for the 5th Congressional District is just about closed out, 15 months after it exploded and sank his political career like the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor back in 1898.The scandal won't really be finished until Halloween, when the mask finally comes off Ray Soucy, the brash former prison-guards union leader and back-slapping Democrat who got snared by the FBI doing something of the "alleged" variety.Common wisdom is that Soucy somehow was on the periphery of a long-running federal probe into the Waterbury-area gambling industry and accordingly became engaged as an undercover source.Soucy then was persuaded to wear a federal wire and started rounding up illegal campaign contributions, including nearly $28,000 funneled to Donovan's self-defeating campaign staff, led by Josh Nassi and Robert Braddock.They are not "donations," by the way. You give donations to Goodwill, WMNR or the Connecticut Food Bank. Political contributions are not altruistic. They are calculated amounts of money to support one's personal interests in a candidacy. There is no charity involved.Indeed, Soucy kept harping on the desire of his backers to kill legislation in the Capitol, to which Nassi, Donovan's former General Assembly attorney, was recorded saying "I'm working on it."Soucy's partners were a group of knuckleheaded smoke shop owners in Waterbury, including a former local cop, who decided to use straw contributors in attempt to shield their identities -- in violation of federal law -- when they could have easily written the checks themselves, legally. They all pleaded guilty to federal charges.Yeah, $28,000 is enough money to buy a used pickup truck and Nassi and Braddock needed to raise $3 million to run an election that was first seen as Donovan's divine right, then became Elizabeth Esty's seat when the speaker's traditional union support sat on their hands for the primary.Halloween is the scheduled date for U.S. District Judge Janet Bond Arterton to sentence Soucy, of Naugatuck, for his role in the case that resulted in a total of eight arrests. Donovan, who has denied wrongdoing, has not been arrested or indicted. He's ancillary damage, though, like that wreck of a battleship in Havana Harbor 115 years ago.Braddock, who took a chance on a jury trial, got 38 months in prison. Nassi, of Fairfield, received 28 months last week after his guilty plea and is scheduled to enter prison the day before Soucy's sentencing."I know that I've hurt so many people. I'm sorry for my family, coworkers, friends and people who hear about this story and feels differently about our government," Nassi said in court the other day. "I hope that people can forgive me and they can understand our government is better than my actions and have faith in our political system."Arterton said she hopes that Nassi will make himself available to student groups and public-service organizations and offer his experiences as a case study in the unacceptability of political corruption. Arterton told Nassi's attorney, Bill Bloss of Bridgeport, that his pre-sentencing memorandum was worthy of a Pulitzer Prize nomination, but she believed that Nassi was the center of the corruption."The court is certainly aware of the kind of pressure mentality that a campaign builds迷你倉up," she said. "But what is essential -- if you are working in politics, much less if you are leading a campaign -- for one whose candidacy advocates the transparency and openness in government, is to maintain your moral compass. This was not a hard call. Mr. Nassi wasn't in over his head enough to not recognize what was going on. He was truthful to law enforcement, by and large, unlike some of his co-defendants. He didn't invent the scheme. But he was the key. He may have been a latecomer, but he was the key. He should have pulled the plug."If there's nothing else that law school teaches, is respect for the law."--In a court of a different kind last week, Hartford state Superior Court Judge Kevin Dubay listened to the latest arguments in the drawn-out, nine-year-old school funding case called the Connecticut Coalition for Justice in Education Funding versus Gov. M. Jodi Rell.Four assistant attorneys general tried to have the case dismissed on existential grounds, charging that plaintiffs don't have a stake in the issue; and the argument that Gov. Dannel P. Malloy's educational reforms of 2012 should be allowed a few years to see if results get better."We're still arguing over ridiculous legal jargon," said Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch, after the hour-long argument. "The world 'child' was never mentioned once by the state of Connecticut, or even us."The attorneys general also argued against the submission of testimony from Jim Finley, a member of the coalition who is also executive director of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM), of which Finch is the president of the board."How is the state prejudiced by their filing?" Dubay asked. "There is bias in his position," argued Assistant Attorney General Eleanor Mullen of Finley. "That hardly makes him incompetent," Dubay replied."There are children in Connecticut who as we sit here are being harmed," said Megan K. Bannigan, an attorney with the New York-based Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, lead attorney for the coalition. "We have to allow something for these children who have been waiting for nine years for their day in court."Supporters on the plaintiffs' side note that Malloy, then mayor of Stamford, was an original party to the lawsuit but now seems opposed to it while Attorney General George Jepsen's office fights it."The governor has increased education funding every year since being elected, with most of $152 million last year in additional funding to high-needs school districts," said Andrew Doba, the governor's spokesman. "Through additional funding and reforms in the bill he championed last year, we're making great strides in improvements to public education."A note from Mr. Potato Head: The winners of last week's inadvertent French quiz include Madame Johnston of Stamford; Monsieur Nightingale of Seymour and Monsieur Cameron, of wherever he is at the moment on the Metro-North rail line. They all noticed that my reference to tomatoes at farmers markets was grounded all too well. Indeed, I wrote "pommes de terre" in a second reference, making them tomatoes of the earth, or potatoes.kdixon@ctpost.com; 860-549-4670; twitter.com/KenDixonCT; .facebook.com/kendixonct.hearst; blog.ctnews.com/dixon/Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Connecticut Post (Bridgeport, Conn.) Visit the Connecticut Post (Bridgeport, Conn.) at .ctpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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時間一點一滴地過去,存倉流逝告別,刺破青春的華美精緻,卻無法抹走心中的悸動。曾經於校園走廊遇見的人、在圖書館閱讀的書或是由鏡子裡看到青澀的自己,不斷徘徊腦海的記憶,最終發現每個時刻都有TOMMY HILFIGER見證。儘管我們因長大與遭遇,早就轉變得天翻地覆,唯有TOMMY HILFIGER永遠長青。RAYON-TWILL BLOUSE HK$990 CHECKED CARDIGAN HK$1,490 FUSCHIA PANTS HK$990 CLASSIC ANKLE BOOTS HK$1,690 TOMMY HILFIGER MIRA MALL, 118 NATHAN ROAD, TST PAISLEY PATTERNED SHIRT HK$990 YELLOW SWEATER HK$1,290 TURQUOISE CORDUROY PANTS HK$990 TURQUOISE HOBO HK$1,690 CL迷你倉SSIC ANKLE BOOTS HK$1,690 CABLE-KNIT SWEATER HK$1,990 WHITE SHIRT HK$890 DARK GREEN CORDUROY PANTS HK$990 CLASSIC ANKLE BOOTS HK$1,690 STRIPED SHIRT $990 BLUE SWEATER $1,290JEANS $990FLORAL PATTERNED DRESS HK$1,690 PATTERNED CHIFFON BLOUSE HK$1,090 PEACHED COTTON PARKA HK$3,290 JEANS HK$1,390 text > cin photo > fung kwok fai model > lenka k@dream model make up&hair > vicky fan@walter make up assist > justin ng自存倉

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Source: Cape Cod Times, Hyannis, Mass.儲存Sept. 20--The latest results from the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System are a mixed bag, with third-grade English scores dropping across almost all of the Cape and seventh-grade math scores mainly on the rise.MCAS scores, which the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education released this morning, show that Falmouth, Mashpee, Sandwich, Sturgis Public Charter, Dennis-Yarmouth Regional and Upper Cape Regional Technical high schools had across-the-board increases in the percentage of students scoring "advanced" in all three subject areas: English, math and science.- Search for MCAS results by school for Cape Cod & the Islands -Sturgis Public Charter School led the Cape for having the highest percentage of advanced students in all subject areas, with 83 percent of math test takers scoring advanced.Barnstable and Bourne high schools saw declines in the percentage of students advanced in math and sc迷你倉ence.The state cited two schools, Mattacheese Middle School in West Yarmouth and Mashpee Middle School, for performing in the lower 20 percent of schools in the state.More than 90 percent of the Cape's 10th graders met the required minimum MCAS score needed for a high school diploma in all three tests subjects.At Chatham High School, now part of the Monomoy Regional School District, 26 percent of 10th-graders failed the math test.It was the highest percentage of failed scores on the Cape, followed by Barnstable with a nine percent failure rate, also in math.Monomoy Schools Supt. Scott Carpenter said the results were skewed by the small number of students who took the MCAS."You have 22 students that are in this cohort that took this exam," he said. "It is an extremely small sample size."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Mass.) Visit the Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Mass.) at .capecodonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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■本報記者 徐淼蘋果終於開始“正視”中國市場了。日前,mini storage蘋果公司召開新品發佈會,這一次的新品發佈與眾不同:第一次推出兩款手機iPhone5S和iPhone5C、第一次在中國(北京)召開發佈會。此外,iPhone5S和iPhone5C將于9月20日在中國內地與美國、澳大利亞、日本等地同步上市,這也是中國第一次成為首發市場,而在此之前,蘋果產品往往是在發佈兩個月後才在中國內地上市銷售。但在北京發佈會結束後,蘋果手機並沒有像以往那樣得到業界的叫好。因為此前,對於新手機的發佈,外界期待蘋果公司將取得兩大突破:一是推出一款價位較低的機型,以奪回在全球最大電信市場——中國失去的市場份額;二是與中國最大手機運營商中國移動聯手合作。可是,此次北京發佈會卻讓“圍觀者”的期望落了空。在北京發佈會上,除了向受邀媒體播放凌晨美國舊金山全球發佈會現場視頻,重申了最便宜的一款iPhone5C售價為人民幣4488元(該價位高于外界預期)外,中國三大運營商高管全數缺席,蘋果也隻字未提與中國移動的合作。種種跡象,似乎預示著什麼。據悉,在新浪微博上,“蘋果發佈新iPhone”的消息分別在發佈會當天的熱門微博和熱門話題中占據第二和第四位,但其中多為“吐槽”和詬病新機設計與價格的內容。中國坐上“首發席”很多人把蘋果首次在中國召開新品發佈會,首次將中國列入新產品首發地看作是其重視中國市場的結果。而在中投顧問IT行業研究員王寧遠看來,蘋果選擇在華首發的原因主要是:iPhone5C定位低端,目標市場客戶群主要集中于發展中國家消費者,而中國作為世界上最大的發展中國家自然成為了蘋果首發的理想選擇。此外,在iPhone4和iPhone4S的銷售中,中國消費者為其做出了較大貢獻,這引起了蘋果公司的高度重視。市場研究公司預計,明年,中國市場的智能手機總銷量將達到4.21億台,而蘋果目前在中國的市場份額僅為5%。與此形成對比的是,中國是除美國之外蘋果的第二大市場、銷售收入超過其總收入的20%。“中國是全球最大的智能手機消費市場,蘋果不得不重視中國市場。”易觀國際分析師王珺對《中國貿易報》記者如是說。但原因不僅如此。據易觀智庫最新發佈的數據,今年第二季度,蘋果手機在國內手機市場的份額僅排名第七,是當季市場份額跌幅最大的品牌。而過去一年來,蘋果在中國智能手機市場的佔有率已經減半,跌至5%。王寧遠分析指出:“之前,蘋果在中國的市場佔有率較高,是消費者個性化追求使然,但如今,國產智能手機的技術水平已經得到大幅提升,並且價格實惠,搶佔了部分蘋果的市場份額。此外,繼iPhone4S後,蘋果新款手機品質低於市場預期,消費者也開始紛紛嘗試其他品牌手機。”面對流失的市場和收益、自身技術優勢的衰減、市場多元化帶來新的競爭格self storage的形成,蘋果也不得不開始向中國市場“表達善意”。新產品廉價是個“傳說”可惜的是,蘋果對中國市場的“示好”並沒有得到預期的效果。新品發佈前,很多人對蘋果“親民廉價款”iPhone5C充滿了期待。甚至有評論認為,iPhone5C意味著蘋果向中端手機市場投去了目光與精力,或將挑起價格戰。但隨著發佈會的結束,人們發現這種擔憂並沒有必要。首先,雖然對於iPhone5C的手機定價,官方解釋是“沖著”中端手機市場去的。但“iPhone5C的定價與中國的智能手機價格戰沒有什麼直接關聯,中國手機市場的價格戰主要集中在中低端機型。”王珺說。其次,iPhone5C在中國市場的定價為最低4488元,僅比最低售價為5288元的iPhone5S便宜了800元,同時,iPhone5C在美國市場的定價是549美元,折合人民幣3361元,香港市場的定價是4688港幣,折合人民幣3701元。“iPhone5C雖然號稱低價機,但其價位依然較高,相比華為、聯想甚至三星的一些手機,基本無價格優勢可言。”王寧遠表示。很顯然,只是換了個彩殼的iPhone5C的價格並沒有“縮水”多少,“廉價中低端機”的宣傳似乎更像是在為消費者畫餅充飢,業界甚至已經開始質疑蘋果“低配高價”。如此種種,倒顯得蘋果的低價策略只能是個“傳說”。與中國移動合作仍未落實此外,對於讓廣大消費者期待的蘋果與中國移動合作的傳言,在發佈會上也沒有被證實。現如今,業界對於二者的“結合”更是�說紛紜。王寧遠認為,蘋果與中國移動合作的可能性較小,雖然移動的客戶量位於電信運營商之首,但是3G建設卻遜色于聯通。3G是移動互聯網的重要載體,移動在這方面存有短板或將降低蘋果尋求合作的積極性。此外,如果蘋果與移動合作,意味著移動將對蘋果進行一定補貼,而在補貼額度上仍存有較大爭議。王珺則表示,蘋果與中國移動合作的可能性很大,之前沒有達成協議的主要障礙有幾點:其一,移動的3G是TD-SCDMA,當時的適用範圍較窄,而且技術成熟度較低,蘋果要考慮到投入產出以及用戶體驗的問題;其二,移動是最強勢的運營商,在一些利益的分配上難向蘋果妥協;其三,移動在3G運營初期,對終端的投入相對較小,而從2012年第四季度至今才加大了對終端的投入。由於發達國家智能手機市場逐漸飽和,有巨大開發潛力的中國市場對於蘋果的重要性不言而喻。即便目前已經在超過100個國家和地區的240多家運營商銷售蘋果手機,但世界上最大的移動運營商中國移動的缺席對於蘋果來說仍是巨大的“損失”。業內人士分析,從長遠來看,與中國移動合作蘋果公司或許可以扭轉在華下滑頹勢,有望重新點燃iPhone在中國的銷售市場,再次成為消費者心目中的第一大智能手機品牌。對於如何把中國移動“收歸帳下”,確實值得蘋果好好規劃。迷你倉

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  港台電視節目新季度,存倉將由下星期一開始,未來一年的節目,除了照顧香港人對本土口味的需求,還要拓闊觀眾視野;另一方面,港台在數碼電視廣播上的發展,又再踏前一步。  新季度,除了把兩個免費電視台的播映時段互調之外,還有連串新節目。助理廣播處長(電視及機構業務)施永遠指出,今年主題是「天大地大.前看」。施在過去一年的觀察,是紀錄片十分受歡迎,如講及海洋生態的《海底交易》就有不錯反應,不難發現香港觀眾的口味更多元、接受能力更高、求知慾更強。「所以我們未來的節目要強調世界性,以及世界時事和香港的關係,電視節目不止於劇集,公營廣播機構的作用,是要提供更多選擇、製造良性競爭。」展望世界  港台有更多自製紀錄片,如 11 月播映的《天人合一》,就帶出世界各地對環保的睇法,其中大陸有人以兩極、陰陽五行角度看環保,非常有趣。此外,《功夫傳奇》將於年底播出第 3 輯,這次講中國功夫的無遠弗屆,已形成不同文化,例如它可以流傳至緬甸、俄羅斯,又或者泰拳也可找到中國功夫的蛛絲馬�。  施永遠表示,港台節目內容以質取勝,而明年則會推出《氣象萬千》和全新一輯的《華人移民史》,「前者是颱風的故事,現時我們同事常四出追風,每次知道打得就去追,去過菲律賓、台灣等地,拍攝個風的形成、走勢、登陸、造成的破壞等。至於《華人移民史》,就會到日本、南美等地採訪。」  港台電視部總監陳敏娟補充:「自家製的紀錄片,有別於外購或西方主流媒體的紀錄片,我們會用香港人的眼睛看世界、思考問題。」陳又透露,港台攝製隊將走進南美亞馬遜森林,拍攝探討水資源的紀錄片。本土面貌  放眼地球村之外,陳敏娟又指,香港觀眾仍渴求本土故事,因此「展示香港人面貌和社會現象」也是新季度的節目方針,最新一輯《香港故事》道出 10 個「香港人幫香港人」的個案,「主題是互助,都是一些市民自發去幫助人的故事,例如幫助窮困學童的『義務補習隊』,發起人是教會幹事,在社交網招募了 200 名義工、找合適場地、定收生準則,然後到街市貼街招,而小販們都很樂意幫助,讓來自基層家庭的小朋友可以補習。」陳表示這些微小的力量,足以在社會中發揮作用,緩和現時紛擾、緊張的氣氛。  真人騷形式的《窮富翁大作戰 III》,不單叫富人走入低下階層家庭、體驗生活,這次更有新元素,「參加者要多走一步,他們要利用自己的社會經驗、關係、條件、能力,為該家庭提出改善方案,需要邊拍邊想,例如其中一個 case,參加者擅長烹飪,因此教人如何在小小的廚房用電飯煲煮出不同�菜。」這次《窮富翁》以食物、房屋、教育、壟斷為題,希望不同階層人士對社會問迷你倉有更多理解。  此外,《天下父母心》就找來專業人士如兒童心理學家、社工、治療師等,傳授教養孩子的秘笈,每集都有真實個案。至於紀錄片《體育的風采》,今輯不再是運動競技,而是集中講香港中、小學的體育項目,原來游泳、球類、跑步之外,有學生甚至參加爬樹、拔河比賽,別開生面。最後不得不提的是,每集《窮富翁 III》和《天人合一》的內容將延長至 1 小時。陳表示:「港台節目以往多是半小時,新季度將某些星期六、日的節目延長,目的是深化內容和質感,《窮富翁 III》將首先嘗試,希望以後有更多 1 小時的節目。」﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏向前看 —— 節目試播  施永遠表示,港人觀看電視的習慣已經改變,透過很多不同方式、渠道,可不受時間、地域的限制收看港台的電視節目,「因此我們更注意流動平台的發展,如明年推出新的手機 app,專看港台電視節目。」  另外,港台數碼電視頻道雖定在 2018 年才啟播,但今年數碼地面電視廣播有進一步發展,「繼慈雲山、金山、青山、飛鵝山的發射站之外,南丫島、九龍坑山、聶哥信山的發射站,亦已進行傳送測試,可照顧 70% 觀眾。今年 12 月 30 日,我們將推出新的時間作頻道試播,播出時間更長之外,也有專為『港台電視』而設獨家、全新製作節目(不在 TVB 或 ATV 播映),此外,亦把經典節目如《獅子山下》、《小時候》等重新包裝作數碼廣播,可說真的有第 3 間電視台!」﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏港台新季度節目  ヾ 10 集《香港故事》發揮「人人為我,我為人人」的精神。(9 月 23 日起,逢星期一晚上 7 時,亞視本港台播映)  ゝ《星期六主場》用 80 後眼光看香港,代市民提出社會、政治、經濟等問題。(9 月 28 日起,逢星期六晚上 7 時,無�翡翠台播映)  ゞ《窮富翁大作戰 III》將會突破前兩輯�重體驗貧窮的範疇,要求參與者提出改善方案。(10 月 5 日起,逢星期六晚上 7 時 30 分,無�翡翠台播映)  々《天下父母心》各集主題包括:優質親子時間、服從、為孩子確立標準、學習專注力、手足關係、社交能力、物質與價值觀等。(9 月 24 日起,逢星期二晚上 7 時,亞視本港台播映)  ぁ《體育的風采》以紀錄片形式,記錄青少年在運動場上的成長路。涉獵題材包括:游泳、划艇、拔河、籃球、爬樹、板球、龍舟、跑步。(9 月 29 日起,逢星期日晚上 7 時,無�翡翠台播映)  あ文化雜誌式節目《好想藝術》(9 月 25 日起,逢星期三晚上 7 時,亞視本港台播映)  ぃ紀錄片《天人合一》將於 11 月播映。自存倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/平武核桃花大興安嶺野生藍莓幹重慶巫山中南村臘豬腿貴州巴結鎮古法紅糖溫州的紗面和菜幹想吃到這些讓人安心又好味,self storage而且包裹著故事和情感的食物,不需要翻山越嶺,只需要手握一根網線。網絡上,匯集全國手作天然食材的店鋪足以構成一個完備的虛擬超市。比起那些“大而全”的綜合電商,這些“術業有專攻”,一心一意只賣幾樣好食材的店家,真是讓我們的味蕾和身體都得到了拯救。這個雙節假期,咱們就說說這些“舌尖上的淘寶店”。成都商報記者 王越四川的“食物人類學家”@把文翰主營:四川偏僻鄉野、深山古寨中搜尋而來的食材shop69357144.taobao.com/近兩年時間,把文翰走遍了四川,最終只找到11樣他自己滿意的食材。他說,他要賣的,都是最好的。如果不夠好,他絕對不會進貨。兩年前,把文翰在深圳工作。很忙,擠公交,打卡,打開郵箱,然後再坐公交回家。他說那幾年裡,自己幾乎沒吃到過新鮮的食物,一次燉湯,不小心掉了根買來的粉條進去,三四個小時後,一撈,粉條幾乎完好,塑料一般。後來,他決定做一些自己感興趣的事。他是個嚮往自由且非常好吃的人。於是,他來到成都,變身“食物人類學家”,開了一家售賣“古早安心的食材、膾炙人口的美味、傳承至今的老手藝”的淘寶店。平武核桃花、中江手工空心掛麵、瓦屋山的冷竹筍乾……這許多食材,恐怕只有當地人才知曉,把文翰卻一一找到。不過,其實他也有很多缺憾,他在微博上抱怨說,有些不想錯過的東西,他提前一年去打聽。對方說是十月的貨,他等到十月再去問,對方卻說早就收過了,沒了。他覺得,這就是緣分啊。今年的食材,把文翰總結了一番,因為天氣乾旱,花椒不及去年味道濃郁。採摘期間又雨水不斷,讓採摘也不順利。但這些雨水卻讓瓦屋山的冷竹筍乾比去年更細嫩……特色產品潼川豆豉128元/380g四川人的廚房里,豆豉和辣椒、花椒、郫縣豆瓣一樣,不可或缺。最有名的豆豉就是潼川豆豉,有“潼川豆豉保寧醋”的說法。店里的這種來自于三台縣潼川豆豉廠,至今仍然沿用傳統的毛霉工藝,整個製作過程至少在一年以上。做出的豆豉,色澤褐黑,顆顆俐落,入口豉香濃郁,滋潤化渣,味香回甜。瓦屋山野生高山冷竹筍乾 42元/200g冷竹筍生于農曆八月,僅生在瓦屋山,每年只有一次採摘季節。鮮筍下山後,即刻開始製作筍乾。15~18斤的鮮筍,才能烤出1斤筍乾。製作過程耗時一晝夜,慢工細火,造出山珍美味。“不光是個賣吃的”南食召主營:溫州和瑞安特產nanshizhao.taobao.com/在“南食召”上出售的食材都是瑞安人杜克從小吃到大的,“我們希望自己不光是個賣吃的的。”康銳說。康銳是杜克的女朋友。2011年,南通人康銳第一次到浙江溫州的瑞安市時,吃到了許多像花菜幹這樣她從未見到過的美食。抱著想同更多人分享的念頭,她試著將它們擺在了自己的淘寶店“芥埴”上出售。當時芥埴主營商品是手工印章和陶器。隨著對當地美食的不斷挖掘,杜克提議不如開設一家專門以食材為主的淘寶店,也就是“南食召”。打開“南食召”的首頁一目瞭然:紗面、姜酒、紅糖、紫菜、蝦皮和菜幹。所有的貨品都強調手工製作,其中紗面是利潤最低的“寶貝”。紗面又稱素面或索面,原料非常簡單:精麵粉、水和鹽。但這種麵條細如紗線,脆弱易碎。這種食材南山村家家戶戶都會做,但農戶求數量不求質量,製作流程被大大簡化,再加上近年紗面製作機流行,手工的紗面更為罕見。店主走訪南山村,找到了做紗面的林師傅。林師傅仍然堅持用祖輩的老工藝制面,別人搓面只搓一遍,他堅持反複搓三遍,所以他一天做的面只及其他人的一半。供應量已經不大了,限于手工製作,偶爾還要因天氣原因斷貨,因為一遇陰雨天,就無法進行生產。據說當初《舌尖上的中國》本打算拍瑞安紗面,就因為連日陰雨,只能放棄拍攝計劃。在“下廚房”這個軟件里,“南食召”聲名在外。原因很簡單,就是他們給出了很多食譜,都是家的味道。有炒雙粉,雙粉即米粉幹和番薯粉,這是溫州人家喻戶曉的主食;有西府面戒子,面戒子雖與紗面同生同質,但因其沒有紗面靚麗迷人的外表,不能贈送親友,而少有人問津,其實它非常易做又入味,不加任何味精雞精都鮮美到不行。所有這些食譜,南食召都是精心製作,一是為了宣傳自己的店鋪,二是為了讓人不要忘記這些傳統的美食。特色產品蔬菜幹 18.9元/200g瑞安是個江海貫穿群山環繞的好地方,滋潤了這裡的五穀蔬菜分外香甜有味。富足的食物就有了各式的儲藏和吃法,比如蔬菜幹。“南食召”上可以買到的有:花菜、萵苣、刀豆、葡瓜。其中萵苣幹口感非常脆,很有嚼勁,清香味也足,清炒或者炒肉都可以。十多斤的新鮮萵苣才能做成一斤萵苣幹,200g的分量可供兩個人吃2∼3頓。手造姜酒 16.8元/180ml吃紗面,少不了姜酒。鄉人認為,生薑性烈,需要家釀糯米酒配合熱油反複翻炒才能真正達到暖胃驅寒的效果。清水煮開,投入紗面迷你倉1-2分鐘後撈出裝碗,加入兩勺姜酒,再加清湯拌勻便可食用。知根知底的故鄉美味故鄉車站主營:當地材料,當地手藝,當地完成,不含任何防腐劑添加劑birthfood.taobao.com/溫東龍摘過大興安嶺的藍莓、長白山的松塔,尋過武夷山稻田里的鯉魚,也背著臘豬腿走過巫山,在貴州看人家用古法制糖,又走過雪山和沙漠找到玫瑰。所有這些的起點,是媽媽做的霉豆腐。2010年,北漂多年的江西青年溫東龍,懷著對家鄉的美味“鄉愁”,在北京經營起了一家地方特產購物網站,名字叫“故鄉車站”。網站的廣告語只有九個字:知根知底的故鄉美味。知根知底,幫助食客們尋找到他們的“根”,也是讓人們真正去瞭解這些美味背後的故事。溫東龍用了2年多的時間,跑遍了大江南北,去找足夠好的食材。這兩年來,他的每一站,他都寫成了故事,然後將這些美味放在自己的淘寶店售賣。“在和田,有人的地方,就有巴扎,有巴扎的地方,就有玫瑰。”在新疆,當地人的一句話將他引向了“沙漠香魂”———這是一種好看的玫瑰,但更好吃。和田人,幾乎家家都有做玫瑰花醬的習慣。在貴州,他又親眼看到了如《天工開物》描述的熬糖工藝,那是巴結鎮的古法紅糖,被譽為“東方巧克力”,也是明清時期皇家御用貢品。在“故鄉車站”,溫東龍除了講故事,還要寫說明。在溫東龍販賣的所有食材里,都有一份非常詳細的說明,包括產品介紹,製作、儲存、食用方式,甚至精細到了貨品提供人的姓名、主材和輔材的採集。所有這些具體而微的東西,其實也是尋“根”的一種方式。都在尋根,都在路上,“故鄉車站”最特別的一點是,把這些食材裝進了“行囊”。起初“故鄉車站”的產品都用紙箱包裝,但溫東龍總覺得還缺點什麼。後來他發現了藍印花布袋,於是找到設計師幫他設計,確定畫布的唐草紋理,然後跑去南通採購紗布,又在山東嘉祥完成染色和印花,最後,由山西女工手工剪裁縫製。這樣精緻的“包袱皮”,總能讓人產生買櫝還珠的衝動。特色產品永新宮廷醬蘿蔔 98元/300g產品自述:千年曆史的貢品蘿蔔,人民大會堂國宴食材土貨提供:江西吉安永新縣里田鎮�田村,李志良、李明章、李志榮等村民蘿蔔品種:信豐白蘿蔔,明萬曆年間以來信豐縣當家品種主材採集:前一年入冬用鹽醃制的白蘿蔔,晾曬後入壇保存,來年再用,歷時近10個月輔助食材:當季新鮮糯米,家用食鹽食品口味:鹹甜製作方式:醬制醃制,無任何添加劑儲存方式:密封置於陰涼乾燥處食用方式:開袋即食,或煲湯時使用。武夷山稻花鯉魚幹 228元/250g產品自述:高山梯田里的稻花魚原住作者:武夷山市吳屯鄉後乾村,舒華昌家族魚類品種:武夷山稻花鯉主材採集:從舒華昌家族稻田放養中捉起,部分新鮮鯉魚從同村村民處收集。魚稻田只能施農家肥,絕不使用化肥和農藥。輔助食材:食鹽、辣椒、大蒜、野菜、青豆、筍乾、香葉、八角、桂皮、生薑等數十種佐料食品口味:香酥,辣味製作方式:烘焙烤制,先急後文的炭火之上烘焙兩三日儲存方式:密封冷藏保存食用方式:開袋後與青豆、小芋頭一起,加入八角、桂葉、米酒、辣椒、蒜頭、姜片、鹽等作料,入高壓鍋燉制一小時左右。程序員成了養蜂人好熱鬧茶市主營:茶葉、山貨haocha1982.taobao.com/陳斌原本是端坐微軟辦公樓的程序員,卻不經意成了一個山野間的養蜂人。2011年,他辭職回家鄉武夷山做茶,後來,又接連幾次受朋友所托,壯著膽去養有惡犬的深山老林里尋找放心的山貨。再後來,他就乾脆自己養起了蜜蜂。現在,淘寶上的食材店賣蜂蜜,往往是有親戚朋友養蜂,便拿來販賣。店主自己要養蜂收蜂蜜的實在太少見。原因倒是很簡單,就是太麻煩了。要引蜂,要築蜂巢,還要自己收割蜂蜜,一步步都是技術活,也累得很。但陳斌倒是樂在其中。他的蜂蜜收割于武夷山脈南麓。他將蜂場選在一個深山里,他的童年也在這裡。他想做純正的、未加工的蜂蜜。而這裡他最瞭解,從未有過工廠,周圍數十公里也沒有。這片山頭不大,種了些花生、西瓜和楊梅樹。蜜蜂怕熱,他就把一部分蜂箱放在樹下陰涼處。時不時他還能逮到竹鼠。這個小生靈,他也準備好好來養一養。特色產品斷木香菇、黑木耳30元/100g 38元/100g除了茶葉和蜂蜜,山貨也是陳斌店里的主打貨品。斷木香菇和黑木耳都是生產于農家的斷木中,自然生長,一般頂部會開裂,不剪腳。那些舌尖上的淘寶店■設計豐收老賈種的大米實在不漂亮,因為堅持不用機器拋光。但是價格很貴,10公斤要價300元,因為稻穀每年只種一季,又是人工,成本實在很高。老賈是一個不喜歡用農藥、化肥和除草劑的農民。如果你喜歡他的大米,也可以去他在崇明島的田埂上住宿、用餐。■走店這家賣的是江西美食,有樂平芝麻油,鄭奶奶的甜茶,也有三清山的葛粉,齊雲山南酸棗糕。最後還有江西口味的古法紅糖。■青品尚店主朱紅多年來從事堅果批發,目睹了不少商家的採購黑幕,比如低價收購劣質腐敗原料。她便把生意收了,回老家長白山承包了一片原始森林,建廠做野生食材深加工。文件倉

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最近iPhone 5S又快將推出,self storage在這重要時刻,講述蘋果教主生平的電影JOBS也同步上映。應邀出席首影禮,先睹為快這部期待已久的電影,男主角阿斯頓傑查,他模仿喬布斯的走路姿勢與嘴唇非常神似,值得讚賞。蘋果教主的一生,切實是個傳奇,他堅持己見,知人善任,領袖的先決條件。教主雖然脾氣大,但他對意念的執�,他憑眼光獨到,由他率領勝任的下屬,去創造了蘋果神話。在任何一個行業,創新是很重要的。教主除了創新,他更會以用家角度出發,了解用家需求,把產品藝術化,實用之餘,還多了份美感,知道外形是很重要的,能關注別人忽略的部份,他心思細密。勇創新拋離對手手機市場競爭激烈,iPhone能從其他老牌手機中,脫穎而出,因為它的功能性,方便易用且新鮮,優秀的表現,遠遠拋離對手,老牌子的守舊,被創新而取代了。而iPod 是我最喜歡的產品,能存放很多照片和歌曲,後來還進化到能拍攝短片,這是非常全面的設計。不少朋迷你倉們,父母懂得上網,是因為iPad的誕生,簡單易用的設計,讓一歲小孩都會用,這是教主的意念,要改變世界,要改變舊觀念。成功前,一定會撞板,就算多聰明的人,也會有被制肘的時候,要做自己想做的事,就要把阻礙自己人和事甩掉,教主的故事,是個殘酷的事實,就是你不狠,你就被甩開了。年輕人有夢想,沒有足夠資金,就要找人投資。我相信有創意的人,不會被埋沒,事在人為,你不去找,你永遠找不到。教主打了百多通電話,才找得到投資者,從此改變一生,改變世界!如果當天沒有這衝勁、勇氣、決心,我們手上就不會有蘋果出iPhoneiPod,iPad ,有夢想的你,請跟隨教主的信念,改變世界。第四十一篇Naomi馮鎵瀠,香港模特兒及演員,曾擔任台灣節目主持人,也與無�男藝員李思捷傳出緋聞,性格敢作敢為又敢言,愛抱打不平,早前在台灣推出唱片及寫真集,熱愛唱歌、跳舞及寫作,愛把看到的及心中所想的用文字記錄下來,跟大家分享。文件倉

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Source: The Arizona Daily Star, TucsonSept.迷你倉 19--Arizona winemakers are celebrating the harvest with statewide fall festivals that kick off next weekend in Sedona. It's a chance to taste the fruits of the vine, meet winemakers and learn their secrets. It's also a chance to celebrate a growing force in Arizona's agri-tourism industry. "Arizona Wine is the best thing that has happened to Arizona in a long time in terms of an economic engine. It is one of the few industries that grew in the recession," said Sandy Moriarty, who founded the Sedona Wine Festival in 2009. "And the wines are really good."Sedona will celebrate its fifth annual festival Sept. 28-29. Over the third weekend in October, Willcox dots it historic downtown Railroad Park with wine-tasting tents for the fall installment of its twice yearly Willcox Wine Country Festival.And the granddaddy of all of Arizona's wine events, the Arizona Wine Growers Association's Festival at The Farm at South Mountain in Phoenix, will showcase top winemakers from around the state in mid-November.Here's a guide to help you make the most of the festivals.Fifth Annual Sedona Wine FestivalWhen: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 28 and 29.Where: Beneath a 13,000-square-foot tent at Sedona Airport, 235 Air Terminal Drive, Sedona. Sedona is about four hours by car from Tucson.Cost: $20 in advance at sedonawinefest.com, $25 at the door. VIP premium tickets $40 in advance, $45 at the door if available.Details: sedonawinefest.comHistory: Started by Sandy Moriarty, a community activist and member of Sedona's interim city council after Sedona incorporated in the late 1980s. A self-proclaimed "major wino," she launched the first festival in 2009 with a handful of wineries; about 700 people turned out. Last year's festival attracted 2,500 people and featured more than a dozen wineries, most of them from the Verde Valley. This year's event includes 15 wineries, live entertainment and food vendors.Taste the wine: Arizona wineries represented at the festival include Cottonwood's Alcantara and Arizona Stronghold; Willcox-based Zarpara Vineyard; Tough Country Wines from rural Skull Valley; Page Springs Cellars and Javelina Leap from nearby Cornville; Scottsdale-based Su Vino Winery; and Jerome-based Cellar 433, home of John McLoughlin's family of wines including Bitter Creek, Jerome Winery, Dribble Creek and Sultry Cellars.Moriarty said she is most excited about the introduction of Prescott's Superstition Meadery, the only winery in Arizona to produce honey wine, which predates any other fermented beverage in human history. "I'm going to be very excited to taste it," Moriarty said.Eat the food: Several Sedona restaurants will be selling food during the festival -- the Sedona Airport's Mesa Grill, brick-oven pizza from Andiamo Pizza, and gourmet fare from Poco Diablo Resort's T. Carl's Restaurant and Culinary Creations By Beth.Stay the night: Sedona is home to some of the state's most exquisite resorts including Enchantment Resort tucked into the picturesque Boynton Canyon (starting at $395 a night, enchantmentresort.com); and L'Auberge de Sedona alongside Oak Creek (suites start at $364 a night; lauberge.com). Rates start at $80 per night at The Sky Ranch Lodge at the airport (skyranchlodge.com).Explore the grapes: While you're in town, check out a local winery or tasting room. Some suggestions:* Alcantara Vineyard (alcantaravineyard.com), 3445 S. Grapevine Way in Cottonwood, about a 30-minute drive.* Made In Arizona Wine and Gift (facebook.com/MadeinArizonaWineandGift), 235 N. State Route 89A, in the Oak Creek Marketplace in uptown Sedona.* Javelina Leap Winery (javelinaleapwinery.com), 1565 Page Springs Road in Cornville, about 15 minutes outside Sedona.* Caduceus Cellars (caduceus.org), 158 Main St., Jerome, about 40 minutes outside Sedona.* Pillsbury Wine Company (pillsburywine.com), 1012 N. Main St. in Old Town Cottonwood, about 30 minutes outside Sedona.Willcox Wine Country FestivalWhen: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 19 and 20.Where: Historic Railroad Park, downtown Willcox, about 90 minutes east of Tucson.Cost: Admission is free; $15 for eight pours and a souvenir, embossed, long-stem wine glass.Details: willcoxwines.comHistory: The first festival was held in spring 2010, organized by Willcox Wine Country, a conglomerate of wineries that market Willcox's burgeo迷你倉ing wine industry. The group holds two two-day festivals a year -- in October and in May."It's a venue for a lot of the wineries to show off their new wines," said Robert Carlson of Carlson Creek Vineyard. Carlson is on the organizing committee and his vineyard will participate in the festival.Last year, as many as 2,500 people attended. In addition to wine tastings, four bands from Bisbee, including the popular Nowhere Man and A Whiskey Girl, will perform.Taste the wine: The festival will feature as many as 16 wineries, most of them from Willcox including Pillsbury Wine Company, Zarpara, Flying Leap Vineyards, Sand-Reckoner Vineyards, Kief-Joshua Vineyards and Keeling Schaefer Vineyards.Eat the food: The Dragoon Cafe food truck, which dishes up Southwest-inspired fare including garlic-lime pulled pork sandwiches, chile sirloin burgers and spinach feta tarts; and Rodney's, a popular Southern soul food diner, 118 N. Railroad Ave., in Willcox's historic downtown, will have food for sale.Stay the night: While less than a 90-minute drive from Vail, consider staying the night. Dos Cabezas Spirit and Nature Retreat Bed and Breakfast 7101 E. White Pacheco St., is about 14 miles from the festival grounds and not far from the picturesque Chiricahua National Monument. Rooms run $139 a night, double occupancy, and reservations are a must: 1-520-384-6474. There's also the Quality Inn, Days Inn Willcox, Super 8 Willcox and Holiday Inn Express Willcox -- all clustered near Interstate 10 -- offering rates from $55 to $81.Explore the grapes: Several wineries offer discounted tastings if you bring in your festival glass. There are several tasting rooms near the Railroad Park festival grounds including:* Keeling Schaefer Vineyards (keelingschaefervineyards.com), 154 N. Railroad Ave.* Carlson Creek (carlsoncreek.com), around the corner at 115 Railview Ave.* Coronado Vineyards (coronadovineyards.com), 2909 E. Country Club Drive.* Take a short drive along Kansas Settlement Road to Pillsbury (pillsburywine.com) at 6450 S. Bennett Place; or Zarpara (zarpara.com) at 677 S. Zarpara Lane.The Festival at the FarmWhen: 6-8 p.m. Nov. 15 and 1-5 p.m. Nov. 16.Where: The Farm at South Mountain, 6101 S. 32nd St., Phoenix. It's a 90-minute drive west of Tucson.Cost: $75 for the Nov. 15 Grand Tasting at Quiessence at The Farm at South Mountain, which includes food and wine samples; $65 in advance with discounts for the Nov. 16 festival, which includes wine tastings from more than 20 Arizona wineries, lunch and live entertainment.Details: azwinefestivalatthefarm.comHistory: The first festival was held five years ago as a way for Arizona Winegrowers Association to celebrate Arizona wineries and promote the wine to folks who might still be skeptical that Arizona can produce quality wine."Any time you can get a person to taste the wine, that changes people's minds," said Justin Ove, the sales manager and event coordinator for Cottonwood-based Arizona Stronghold, one of the state's biggest wine producers.Taste the wine: 32 vineyards including Sonoita's Callaghan Vineyards, Lawrence Dunham Vineyards from Fountain Hills, Juniper Well Ranch & Vineyards from Skull Valley outside Prescott and Elgin's Lightning Ridge Cellars will pour .Eat the food: Quiessence, the celebrated restaurant at The Farm At South Mountain, will host the Grand Wine Tasting, and food will be prepared by the Tempe-based Santa Barbara Catering Co., which dabbles in such delicacies as tableside torched beef tenderloin and a coffee and black pepper crusted strip loin steak on the grill. Quiessence is between chefs after Greg LaPrad took off to open a restaurant in Sonoita's wine country in June. His Overland Trout, 3266 Highway 82 in Sonoita, could open later this month.Stay the night: The Phoenix area is home to dozens of fine hotels and resorts. Closest to the festival is the Legacy Golf Resort Phoenix (shellhospitality.com), 6808 S. 32nd St. Rates start at $169 a night.Explore the grapes: The Phoenix area has a couple wineries worth the drive:* Studio Vino (studiovino.com) at 1825 E. Guadulupe in Tempe.* Su Vino Winery (suvinowineryaz.com), 7035 E. Main St., Scottsdale.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Arizona Daily Star (Tucson, Ariz.) Visit The Arizona Daily Star (Tucson, Ariz.) at .azstarnet.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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【陳瑩欣╱台北報導】台銀歷任董事長都愛用行動挺銀行,迷你倉金管會主委曾銘宗離開台灣金董事長職務前,已辦信用卡;華南金董事長劉燈城過去擔任台銀董事長任內,曾為了台銀發行的龍年生肖套幣站台,並高調說「我最少要買10枚」帶動買氣,台灣企業重建協會理事長張秀蓮到現在還在用台銀帳戶。 歷任董事長行動支持 曾銘宗今年7月以財政部政務次長身分暫代台灣金暨台銀董事長一職,雖僅1個月後就升任金管會主委,在台銀歡送會上,曾銘宗大方秀出自己申辦完成的台銀信用卡,向外表達「帶著台銀四處走」的決心。由於曾銘宗兼任台銀董事長一職時,儲存倉表達「不知是跑百米還是可以跑馬拉松」(指不知能當多久),台銀員工看到他即使離開台銀,還是帶著「台銀信用卡」四處刷,感動之餘,忍不住向曾大喊:「你跑太快了」。現任台灣金暨台銀董事長李紀珠上任超過1個月,雖然還沒有明顯的業務行銷動作,不過她以前曾幫金管會和郵局當代言人,市場關注她未來會不會成為台銀的活招牌,現身台銀各類廣告中。李紀珠表示,目前台銀各項業務都還在逐案報告了解當中,如果沒有仔細檢視,做好修正,她不會輕易站台或發表評論,不過一旦掌握台銀整體發展脈絡,確認台銀未來發展方向,未來一定有機會對外說明台銀的優勢。迷你倉

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Source: The Herald-Sun, Durham, N.迷你倉C.Sept. 19--DURHAM -- Harrington takes over from Williams at NorthwoodThe new basketball coach at Northwood, in Pittsboro, is following a guy with a pretty big name.Northwood athletics director Jason Amy has selected Brian Harrington to replace Donald Williams, the most outstanding player of the 1993 NCAA men's basketball tournament when North Carolina won the national championship.Williams, who guided the Chargers to a 17-11 run and the second round of the state playoffs in his lone season at Northwood, had been making a long commute to coach at the Chatham County school, Amy said.Amy said he and Williams agreed that it was best to let someone else coach the team."(He's) just a neat guy," Amy said about Williams.Harrington, the defensive coordinator for Northwood's football team, has coached basketball before at the school and is eager to get back on the bench, Amy said."He's hungry," Amy said.Reclassification has Northwood playing at the 3-A level this season. The Chargers are expected to return Ti Pinnix and Kadarus Rone, the starting quarterback and running back on the football team, respectively.Players such as Pinnix and Rone especially would benefit from having been around Harrington on the football field, Amy said.Harrington has 18 years of coaching experience at Northwood, some of that time with the track team, and he is a Northwood graduate who played football for N.C. A&T.Discipline and fundamentals will be Harrington's focus. He'll turn the Chargers into good basketball players and, more importantly, good citizens, Amy said.NINE FROM AREA NAMED TO STATE HIGH SCHOOL TOP 100As part of the celebration of its centennial, the N.C. High School Athletic Association has named its "100 To Remember: Male Athletes," highlighting the top 100 male athletes in state high school history.A panel of school administrators, coaches and sports media compiled the list, which includes five athletes from the former Durham High School, two from Hillside and one each from Northern and Roxboro.From Durham High, now Durham School of the Arts, are: Roger Craig, a former Major League Baseball pitcher and manager; Brad Evans, Duke basketball and football player; Bob Gantt, three-sport Duke star; Albert Long, four-sport North Carolina star; and Horace "Bones" McKinney, N.C. State and UNC basketball player and Wake Forest basketball coach.From Hillside are former NBA stars John Lucas, who played collegiately at Maryland, and Rodney Rogers, who played at Wake Forest.Also on the list are former N.C. State and NFL star defensive back A.J. Davis of Northern and Roxboro High and Major League Baseball star Enos Slaughter, who coached at Duke.Here's the complete list, beginning with athletes from The Herald-Sun readership area:Roger Craig (Durham) -- Enjoyed career as both player and manager in major league baseball...career as active player in majors went from 1955 through '66, as he pitched for five different teams...longest stint was seven years with Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers...was member of three World Series championship teams... taken by New York Mets in expansion draft and was member of original '62 Mets team, winning 10 of their 40 victories in the inaugural year...from 1986 through 1992 managed San Francisco Giants...also managed Padres and served as pitching coach in several organizations....joined NC Sports Hall of Fame in 1985.A.J. Davis (Northern) -- Earned the designation as NCHSAA Male Athlete of year for 2001-02 academic year...great football and track star at Northern Durham...was MVP at 2002 NCHSAA state indoor track championships and won numerous individual state titles, both indoor and outdoor...played college football at North Carolina State...drafted by Detroit Lions in NFL and has been member of several different organizations, including Browns, Chiefs, Colts and Texans.Brad Evans (Durham) -- Superlative multi-sport star at Durham High, a school that had great athletic tradition...was the Greensboro News and Record Athlete of the Year in both high school football and basketball during his senior year...great runner and passer in high school football...went on to play both sports at Duke...averaged 9.9 ppg during 1969-70 hoop season...caught a total of 29 passes during his Blue Devil football career and ranked in top 10 in ACC for yards per catch during the 1970 season.Bob Gantt (Durham) -- Was outstanding athlete in both football and basketball for powerhouse Durham High School teams in late 1930's...his Durham basketball team won 69 games in a row against top teams from all over the Southeast...went on to have an excellent athletic career at Duke, playing football, basketball and track for the Blue Devils...established several school kicking records during Duke football career...played a couple of years of professional basketball with the Washington Caps...joined North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1978.Albert Long (Durham) -- Great high school multi-sport athlete at Durham High who became the only four-sport letterman in University of North Carolina history...lettered in baseball (3 times), football, basketball and track...graduate of UNC and won Patterson Medal as university's top athlete in 1955...for many years has been active speaker at churches and schools...member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes Hall of Champions.John Lucas (Hillside) -- Fantastic athlete in both tennis and basketball at Hillside...won NCHSAA state 4-A singles tennis championship in 1970, '71 and '72...went on to play basketball at University of Maryland, where he was all-Atlantic Coast Conference three times and twice won ACC singles championship in tennis...then embarked on NBA career with six different teams and also served as head coach of both San Antonio Spurs and Philadelphia 76ers...spoke at some of NCHSAA Chemical Awareness Conferences when those were held.Horace "Bones" McKinney (Durham) -- Starred on Durham High School's powerhouse basketball teams, considered among best in state history, that won 69 consecutive games...entered N.C. State and led Southern Conference in scoring in 1942, then drafted into U.S. Army and returned after war to enroll at UNC...led team to runner-up finish in NCAA tournament...played with Washington Capitols for five years and then a year with Boston Celtics, averaging 9.4 ppg as pro player...long-time coach at Wake Forest and also coached Carolina Cougars in ABA...inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1970...died in 1997.Rodney Rogers (Hillside) -- Great basketball player at Hillside who went on to star at Wake Forest...averaged 28.3 ppg and 12.3 rebounds as senior for Hornets...was ACC Player of Year for Deacons in 1993 and posted career marks of 19.3 ppg and 7.9 rebounds...jersey number 54 retired at Wake Forest...drafted by Denver Nuggets and played for six other NBA teams during pro career, scoring total of 9,468 points (10.9 ppg)...NBA Sixth Man of Year in 2000...suffered tragic dirt back accident in 2008 and was paralyzed from shoulders down.Enos Slaughter (Roxboro) -- Had tremendous major league baseball career from 1938 through 1959 with St. Louis Cardinals and New York Yankees after high school in Roxboro...had .300 career batting average in 2,380 major league games...played on four World Series championship teams...had number 9 retired by St. Louis Cardinals in 1996...selected to major league All-Star Game on 10 different occasions...had National League leading 130 runs batted in for 1946 season...elected to baseball Hall of Fame in 1985...died in 2002.E.J. Abrams (Thomasville) -- Earned prestigious NCHSAA Male Athlete of Year in 2007-08 academic year as football, basketball and baseball player...played linebacker and QB for Bulldogs, rushing for 1,288 yards and throwing for more than 2,000 as senior as school won three straight NCHSAA titles...led Thomasville to regional basketball finals (20 ppg, 8 rpg) as senior...went to Tennessee to play football but wound up leaving school...is now on Winston-Salem State football roster.Ethan Albright (Grimsley) -- Was NCHSAA Male Athlete of Year in 1988-89, playing football, basketball and baseball at Grimsley...he was conference Player of the Year as a senior in basketball...outstanding football player at the University of North Carolina who went on to great 16-year career in the National Football League... spent the majority of his professional career with the Washington Redskins but also played for Miami, San Diego and Buffalo, primarily as a long snapper...has coached high school softball since his football playing days.Luke Appling (High Point) -- Had amazing 20-year career in major league baseball, spanning 1930 to 1950...grew up in High Point and then attended Oglethorpe College before embarking on baseball career...spent entire playing career with Chicago White Sox and had amazing career batting average of .310...had sizzling .388 mark in 1936 which led American League and also took AL batting crown in 1943...selected to baseball Hall of Fame in 1964...seven time All-Star...nicknamed "Old Aches and Pains"...died in 1991 at age of 83.Scott Bankhead (Reidsville) -- Played for University of North Carolina after outstanding high school career at Reidsville before heading into professional baseball...pitched for five different organizations during his MLB time, from 1986 through 1995...drafted in first round by Kansas City and debuted with the Royals...pitched five years with Seattle Mariners and won 14 games in 1989...played for team USA in 1984 Summer Olympics.Anthony Barbour (Garner) Had one of greatest seasons ever in NCHSAA high school football in 1987, leading Garner to NCHSAA state title and rushing for a then-NCHSAA single-season record of 3,125 yards...had 5,806 yards rushing for high school career...went on to N.C. State where he is school's fifth-leading rusherwith total of 2,575 yards (5.4 per carry) from 1988 to '92...has been high school head football coach at various stops including Smithfield-Selma, Middle Creek and Southern Durham.Bill Barnes (Landis) -- Was standout football and basketball player during collegiate days at Wake Forest...played third base on Wake's 1955 College World Series national championship team...was first ACC football player to rush for over 1,000 yards...went on to National Football League and played on Philadelphia Eagles 1961 NFL champions...also played for Washington and Minnesota in NFL and rushed for 3,421 yards in NFL career...inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1979.Jim Beatty (Myers Park) -- Native of Charlotte who became first man in history to run a four-minute mile indoors, going 3:58.9 in Los Angeles in 1962...outstanding athlete at University of North Carolina who became one of the world's top distance runners...once held world record in two-mile...winner of 1962 Sullivan Award which goes to the nation's top amateur athlete...member of USA National Track and Field Hall of Fame and inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1963.Bobby Bell (Shelby) -- Great quarterback at Cleveland High School in old North Carolina High School Athletic Conference...went to University of Minnesota, where he was moved to defense and became all-American tackle...won Outland Trophy as nation's top lineman in 1962 and amazingly was third in Heisman Trophy voting...signed with Dallas Texans of AFL, one of first big names to sign with new league, and was a tremendous pass rusher as linebacker...named to all-time AFL team...member Pro Football Hall of Fame and North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame.Jeff Bostic (Ben Smith) -- A graduate of Greensboro Smith who had great collegiate football career at Clemson...was not drafted but played 13 years in the National Football League for Washington Redskins, playing center almost that entire time...one of the famous "Hogs" in Washington lore...participated on three Super Bowl championship teams and chosen one of 70 greatest players in Redskin history...started 149 games for Washington...played in Pro Bowl in 1983...member Clemson Hall of Fame and South Carolina Athletic Hall of Fame.Ted Brown (T.W. Andrews) -- Great career at High Point Andrews followed by a tremendous stint at North Carolina State...rushed for a school and Atlantic Coast Conference record 4,602 yards from 1975 through '78...jersey retired at N.C. State and he was a first-round NFL draft choice of the Minnesota Vikings...played eight seasons with the Vikings, scoring 53 touchdowns and rushing for a total of 4,546 yards in the professional ranks...inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1995.Na Brown (Reidsville) -- Winner of the NCHSAA Male Athlete of the Year honor for 1994-95 academic year...played football, basketball and baseball at Reidsville, finishing grid career as second all-time leading receiver in state history in receptions and third all-time in yards...played on 1994 state basketball championship team...had 165 catches for 2,086 yards and 14 scores while playing for University of North Carolina...spent three years with Philadelphia Eagles of NFL, debuting in 1999, and has also played in Arena Football League.Kelvin Bryant (Tarboro) -- Great player at Tarboro who had three 1,000-yard rushing seasons for UNC and finished career with 3,267 yards on ground for Tar Heels...scored six TDs in memorable game against ECU...signed with Philadelphia Stars of United States Football League and wound up second-leading rusher all-time in USFL in its three years of existence...rushed for 1,440 yards in '83 and 1,406 in '84...Stars won USFL title in both '84 and '85...played four years for Washington Redskins from 1986 through '90, rushing for 1,186 yards in that time...named one of Top 50 ACC Players of all-time.)--Madison Bumgarner (South Caldwell) -- Was Most Valuable Player in 2007 NCHSAA state 4-A baseball championship series as South Caldwell won title...was Gatorade's North Carolina Player of Year as prep senior with .424 average, 11-2 pitching mark and 1.05 ERA...after great high school career has gone on great career in professional baseball, including MLB debut in 2009 and excellent years with San Francisco Giants...was 16-11 with 3.37 ERA during 2012 season, which ended with Giants winning World Series...selected to All-Star Game in 2013.Tom Burleson (Avery) -- Great basketball player at Avery County High School who went on to star at North Carolina State...earned all-American honors as center on N.C. State's NCAA championship team in 1974...averaged 19 points and 12.7 rebounds per game for his collegiate career and was twice MVP in the ACC Tournament...played on U.S. Olympic team in 1972...played seven years in the NBA for three different teams, averaging 9.4 ppg for pro career... inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1996.Kendric Burney (Southwest Onslow) -- Earned the NCHSAA Male Athlete of the Year honor for the 2005-06 academic year...football, basketball and baseball star for the Stallions, including MVP of 2004 NCHSAA state football championship game as QB and DB...four-year starter at the University of North Carolina in football, starting 44 games and recording 210 tackles and 11 interceptions...has been with both St. Louis Rams and Carolina Panthers in NFL.Dennis Byrd (Lincolnton) -- Tremendous athlete at Lincolnton who went on to stellar career at North Carolina State...was State's first consensus All-American in 1967 as member of famed "White Shoes Defense"...school retired his famous number 77 jersey in 2002...named to ACC's 50th Anniversary team...drafted in first round by Boston Patriots but was plagued by injuries and had eventually to get out of pro football after two seasons...taught and coached high school football for many years... inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 2007...died in 2010 at age of 63.Mike Caldwell (Tarboro) -- Had excellent major league career after setting some records in high school at Tarboro...once pitched 18 innings in a 1966 high school game against Washington and struck out 31...attended North Carolina State and then played major league baseball from 1971 through '84...the lefthanded hurler began career with San Diego and also pitched for Giants, Reds and Brewers, winning 137 games and posting career earned run average of 3.81...led American League with amazing 23 complete games in 1978 and posted 22-9 mark.M.L. Carr (Wallace-Rose Hill) -- Multi-sport star at Wallace-Rose Hill who became one of greatest players in Guilford College history...as senior for Quakers, led Guilford to NAIA national championship by scoring 19 points and grabbing 12.5 rebounds per contest...played one year of pro basketball overseas and then played in both the ABA and NBA, most notably several years with Boston Celtics during which they won two NBA titles...had two stints as Celtics head coach...member NAIA Hall of Fame, Guilford College Hall and joined North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 2012.Carlester Crumpler (Wilson Fike) -- One of state's top high school football players, leading Fike to three consecutive NCHSAA state 4-A football titles...had four TD's in second half of '67 championship...rushed for 4,089 yards in high school career and scored 40 touchdowns, including 2,083 yards as senior, and also won state titles in track...went on to East Carolina where he ran for 2,889 yards and 37 touchdowns as Pirates won a pair of Southern Conference crowns...played in Canadian Football League briefly...inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 2002.Alge Crumpler (New Hanover) -- Had terrific high school athletic career at New Hanover, including playing football and also earning state titles in discus and shot put, before going to the University of North Carolina...three-time all-ACC selection as tight end...played 10 years in National Football League for New England, Tennessee and Atlanta, with seven seasons with Falcons...caught 373 passes for 4,743 yards and 39 touchdowns...had 65 grabs for 877 yards in '05 season for Atlanta...selected for Pro Bowl four times.Brad Daugherty (Charles D. Owen) -- Outstanding high school basketball player who went on to star at the University of North Carolina...scored 1,912 points during Tar Heel career and two-time all-ACC first team selection...led conference in scoring and rebounding in 1986...number-one choice in NBA draft in '86 to Cleveland, where he played eight seasons...averaged 19 points per game in pro basketball and played in five NBA all-star games...number 43 retired by Cavaliers...has been both basketball and NASCAR analyst for ESPN...inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 2001.Walter Davis (South Mecklenburg) -- Helped lead South Mecklenburg to three NCHSAA state 4-A basketball championships...went on to great career at University of North Carolina...scored 1,863 points during Tar Heel career and helped lead Heels to runner-up spot in '77 NCAA tournament...member of 1976 U.S. Olympic team...enjoyed terrific 15-season NBA career with Phoenix, Portland and Denver and played in six NBA all-star games...scored 19,521 points in NBA, average of 18.9 ppg... inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1996.Lin Dawson (Kinston) -- Terrific high school career at Kinston who went on to star at North Carolina State University in football...drafted by New England Patriots of NFL in 1981 in eighth round but enjoyed 10-year career in professional football as tight end...selected as member of Patriots' "Team Of The Decade" for 1980's...charter member Kinston-Lenoir County Sports Hall of Fame...now runs Lin Dawson Organization, a comprehensive, organizational development-consulting firm.Manny DeShauteurs (Brevard) -- Was the winner of NCHSAA Male Athlete of year for 1999-2000 academic year...three-sport star at Brevard, rushing for 6,632 yards in career and had senior season with 2,983 yards rushing, which then was fourth-best all-time...ran for 393 yards in a single game...four-time all-conference in wrestling with career mat mark of 109-7...four-time regional champ and state titlist in 1989...played football at Western Carolina.Carl Eller (Winston-Salem Atkins) -- Led Atkins to North Carolina High School Athletic Conference football title in 1959...all-American defensive lineman at University of Minnesota...drafter in first round of both AFL and NFL drafts in 1964...spent 15 years in National Football League, 14 with Minnesota Vikings...named to Pro Bowl on six different occasions and was considered great pass rusher...played in four Super Bowls for Vikings...started 209 NFL games in career...inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1991...joined Pro Football Hall in 2004.Johnny Evans (High Point Andrews) -- Great football player at High Point Andrews, playing in the 1973 Shrine Bowl and the '74 East-West all-star game...played for Lou Holtz at North Carolina State from 1974 to '77, where he was a quarterback and a punter who still holds some State records...Peach Bowl MVP in 1977...played three years for the Cleveland Browns in the NFL and three years in the Canadian Football League...broadcaster on the N.C. State football network and director of Eastern North Carolina Fellowship of Christian Athletes.Eric "Sleepy" Floyd (Gastonia Hunter Huss) -- Great basketball player at Hunter Huss while James Worthy was at cross-town rival Ashbrook...went on to star at Georgetown, where he was consensus first-team all-American...drafted in first round of NBA draft by New Jersey Nets and wound up playing for four teams in excellent 13-year career, including five and a half seasons with Houston Rockets...retired with 12,260 career points (12.8 ppg) and 5,175 career assists...scored 29 points in one quarter of NBA playoff game in 1987 for Golden State against Lakers.Phil Ford (Rocky Mount) -- Star athlete at Rocky Mount who went on to great career at University of North Carolina...scored 2,290 points for Tar Heels (18.6 ppg for career)...ACC Player of Year in 1978 and three times all-ACC...ran the vaunted Four Corners offense for UNC...played for four NBA teams during professional career after earning NBA Rookie of the Year honors for Kansas City Kings in 1979...averaged 11.6 ppg, 6.4 assists in NBA...long-time assistant coach at UNC, also coached in NBA...inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1991.Roman Gabriel (New Hanover) -- Three-sport star who played for Leon Brogden at New Hanover High...went on to North Carolina State where he was twice Atlantic Coast Conference football Player of Year, in 1960 and '61...enjoyed 17-year career in National Football League, primarily with Los Angeles Rams but also played for Philadelphia...tossed 201 touchdown passes in the NFL and threw for 29,444 yards in his career...NFL's Most Valuable Player in 1969... inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1971.Tyrell Godwin (East Bladen) -- Named winner of NCHSAA Male Athlete of year for 1996-97 academic year...football, basketball and track standout who attended University of North Carolina on prestigious Morehead Scholarship...rushed for 2,060 yards and 34 TDs during senior season at East Bladen...played both football and baseball at Carolina, including batting .391 in 1999...went into professional baseball and was in Blue Jays organization for four years before making brief major league appearance with Washington.Tommy Greene (Whiteville) -- Had four home runs for Whiteville in a high school game in 1985 and also had amazing earned run average that season of 0.07...his 270 strikeouts that year is still an NCHSAA pitching record...made major league baseball debut in 1989 with Atlanta Braves...pitched eight seasons in the majors, five with Philadelphia Phillies...big 6-5 righthander went 16-4 with 3.42 earned run average in his best single season in 1993, when he worked 200 innings.Josh Hamilton (Athens Drive) -- A remarkable story in major league baseball which he has written about in his autobiography Beyond Belief...batted .636 and drove in 56 runs for Athens Drive in 1998, when he was one of the top baseball prospects in the nation...first pro season was '99 and played in Futures Game in 2000...after battling drug addiction and being out of baseball, outfielder made remarkable comeback to play in majors starting in 2007 for Cincinnati, then Texas and now the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim...had 43 homers and 128 RBI in 2012 season for Rangers.Leo Hart (Kinston) -- One of most decorated football players in Duke history after outstanding career at Kinston...posted what were at the time the top three single-season passing totals in Atlantic Coast Conference history...only player ever to lead ACC in total offense three times and earn three all-ACC selections at quarterback... threw for 6,116 yards in college career, including 2,236 as a senior... 2008 inductee into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame.Dickie Hemric (Jonesville) -- First Wake Forest all-American basketball player who was twice voted as the Player of the Year in the Atlantic Coast Conference...finished collegiate career with whopping 2,587 points and 1,802 rebounds, including grabbing 36 boards in '55 against Clemson, and twice led conference in rebounding...played two years for Boston Celtics in NBA... inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1972.Scott Hoch (Broughton) -- Led Broughton to 1973 NCHSAA state golf title and was medalist in that championship...outstanding collegiate golfer at Wake Forest...turned pro in 1979...22 professional tournament championships in career, including 11 on PGA Tour and three on Champions tour...won Vardon Trophy for lowest stroke average on tour in 1986...lost in playoff for Masters title in '89...played on U.S. Walker Cup team as well as Ryder Cup and President's Cup.Terry Holland (Clinton) -- Outstanding athlete at Clinton who went on to star in basketball at Davidson from 1960 through '63 when program surged to national scene...led NCAA in field goal percentage in '63 season...went into college basketball coaching and was very successful at Davidson, coaching Wildcats to four Southern Conference crowns, and then won 326 games as head coach at Virginia, with two trips to Final Four...has served as athletic director at Davidson, Virginia and East Carolina... inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 2002.Torry Holt (Eastern Guilford) -- Star football and basketball player at Eastern Guilford who caught 129 passes for 2,573 yards and 42 touchdowns during prep career...played for North Carolina State from 1995 to '98where he was ACC Football Player of the Year and wound up with State record 3,379 career receiving yards...first round draft pick of St. Louis Rams in NFL and led league in receiving in 2000...920 receptions for whopping 13,382 yards in pro career with 74 TDs...named to Pro Bowl seven times...member of St. Louis Sports Hall of Fame and Guilford County Sports Hall.Ethan Horton (Kannapolis A.L. Brown) -- Great career as quarterback for the Wonders at A.L. Brown High in Kannapolis before heading to University of North Carolina to play football...changed from his high school position but was Associated Press ACC Player of Year as senior running back at North Carolina, rushing for 1,247 yards in 1984 after going for 1,107 yards in '83 ...NFL career spanning nine years as tight end for Kansas City, Los Angeles Raiders and Washington Redskins...caught 212 passes in NFL...has done television broadcasting work since playing days have ended...in Cabarrus County Hall of Fame.Jim "Catfish" Hunter (Hertford) -- Had brilliant major league pitching career after a dominant run in high school in a couple of sports...helped Perquimans to NCHSAA state 2-A baseball crown in 1963...pitched primarily with Athletics and Yankees from 1965 through '79, winning 224 games and posting career earned run average of 3.26...eight-time All-Star and winner of Cy Young Award with Oakland in 1974, when he won 25 games...played on five World Series champions and pitched perfect game in 1968...tragically died of ALS at the age of 53 in 1999.David Inman (Terry Sanford) -- Earned the designation as NCHSAA Male Athlete of year for 1989-90 academic year as standout in three sports...played football, baseball and wrestled in high school, winning 1990 state 4-A heavyweight wrestling title with perfect 34-0 mark...outstanding pitcher in baseball 自存倉nd offensive lineman in football...went to North Carolina State on full football grant-in-aid and played three years there, primarily as long snapper.Antawn Jamison (Providence) -- Great high school basketball career at Charlotte Providence, followed by outstanding collegiate stint at the University of North Carolina...consensus collegiate national player of year in 1998, with 22.2 ppg and 10.5 rebounds...finished UNC career with 1,974 points and 1,027 rebounds...terrific NBA career with several teams, including Warriors, Mavericks, Wizards, Cavaliers and Lakers...has scored almost 20,000 points in NBA career (18.8 ppg).Haywood Jeffires (Page) -- Great football and basketball player at Page...MVP of 1983 NCHSAA state 4-A basketball championship game as Pirates were unbeaten under coach Mac Morris...also outstanding receiver and defensive back at Page who went on to star at North Carolina State...first receiver chosen in 1987 NFL draft and three-time Pro Bowl selection with Houston Oilers...caught 515 passes during NFL career for 6,334 yards in 10 seasons...member of Guilford County Sports Hall of Fame.Brad Johnson (Charles D. Owen) -- Great high school athlete in football and basketball at Owen who was also two-sport standout at Florida State...started as freshman in basketball for Seminoles and played QB for Bobby Bowden in football, starting several games as junior and senior and leading FSU to bowl victories...National Football League career spanned 16 years, including nine years with Vikings (two stints) and three with Tampa Bay...threw for 29,054 yards in NFL career and 166 touchdowns...threw for over 4,000 yards in 200 with Redskins...helped win a Super Bowl and twice a Pro Bowl selection.Bobby Jones (South Mecklenburg) -- Helped lead South Mecklenburg to NCHSAA state 4-A basketball championships before becoming a star at the University of North Carolina...averaged 13.7 ppg and 8.9 rebounds for college career and was second team Associated Press all-American in 1974...had excellent pro basketball career starting with Denver in ABA and then Philadelphia in NBA, spanning 1975 through '86...played in all-star games in both ABA and NBA...only player ever to lead both leagues in field-goal percentage and was first-team all-Defense from 1977 through '84... joined North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1989.Michael Jordan (Laney) -- Played basketball and baseball at Wilmington Laney and went on to star on basketball court for North Carolina...as freshman hit famous game-winning shot in 1982 NCAA championship game...twice first-team all-American who went on to storied career in NBA...five times Most Valuable Player in the NBA and led Chicago Bulls to six NBA championships...scored 32,292 points during amazing pro basketball career...inducted in Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame as well as North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame.Randy Jordan (Warren County) -- Tremendous football player and record-setting track star at Warren County, whose NCHSAA 2-A 200 meter dash mark has stood for over 25 years...held 100 meter mark for years and won six outdoor state titles...went on to play football at University of North Carolina and then enjoyed nine-year career in National Football League with Raiders and Jaguars...great special teams player...scored Jacksonville's first NFL TD ever in 1995...after retirement as active player went into coaching...has had college stints at Nebraska and Texas A&M and currently coaches running backs at his alma mater, UNC.Sonny Jurgensen (New Hanover) -- Three-sport athlete who starred at New Hanover and later was outstanding college football player at Duke, playing both quarterback and defensive back...led Blue Devils to two ACC championships and spot in 1954 Orange Bowl...had great career in National Football League with both Washington Redskins and Philadelphia Eagles...threw for 32,224 yards with 255 touchdown passes as an NFL quarterback... a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1971.Charlie Justice (Asheville Lee Edwards) -- Had phenomenal high school career at Lee Edwards, averaging 265 yards rushing per game in 1942 and averaging 18.6 yards per carry...went on to University of North Carolina where he led Tar Heels to two Sugar Bowls and one Cotton Bowl as single wing tailback...collegiate totals included 3,774 yards rushing and 2,362 yards passing and was twice runner-up for Heisman Trophy...went on to play four seasons with Washington Redskins in NFL...inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1963...died in 2003.Mike Kendall (Albemarle) -- Was named NCHSAA Male Athlete of year for 1990-91 academic year and was one of best high school wrestlers in North Carolina history...four-time NCHSAA state wrestling champion, from 1988 through '91, and posted perfect record for entire high school career at 153-0...wrestled at University of North Carolina from 1994 through '94 and was an ACC champion...wound up being excellent high school wrestling coach at several stops, including 10 years at Chapel Hill.Rusty LaRue (Northwest Guilford) -- Earned the designation as NCHSAA Male Athlete of year for 1991-92 academic year after great Northwest Guilford career...played football, basketball and baseball during his career at Wake Forest...broke eight NCAA records for passing as quarterback during senior year at Wake, including one game with 55 completions...finished hoops at Wake first in career three-point field goal percentage...played for Bulls, Jazz and Warriors in NBA as well as overseas in eight-year pro career...has coached at high school and college levels...member Wake Forest Sports Hall of Fame.Chris Leak (Charlotte Independence) -- Basically rewrote NCHSAA football record book with amazing passing stats...all-time leader in yards passing with 15,593 yards for his career 1999-2002...has only 5000-yard season in NCHSAA history at 5,193 and national mark for TD passes in career...Independence won four state titles during his career...went on to star at University of Florida and led Gators to 2007 BCS national championship, earning MVP honors in game...has played in Canadian Football League, winning Grey Cup with Montreal, and Arena LeagueMeadowlark Lemon (Williston) -- Was outstanding football and basketball player at Williston High in old North Carolina High School Athletic Conference...attended Florida A&M but is best known as the "Clown Prince of Basketball," playing in over 5,000 games for the Harlem Globetrotters all over the world...with Trotters from 1953 through '76 and again in '93...for a while had his own traveling basketball teams, known as Meadowlark Lemon's Bucketeers and also the Shooting Stars... 1975 induction into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame.Patrick Lennon (Whiteville) -- Winner of NCHSAA Male Athlete of the Year in 1985-86, the first year the award was given, after great multi-sport career at Whiteville...drafted in first round by Mariners in 1986 amateur baseball draft...long professional baseball career, including six years in majors with Mariners, Blue Jays, Royals and A's...had .265 career average in MLB and .295 in minors, including 12 years at AAA level...hit .293 for Oakland in 56 games in 1997.Buck Leonard (Rocky Mount) -- First North Carolinian to be inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame after great career in Negro Leagues...first baseman who played semi-pro ball in Rocky Mount before signing with Baltimore Stars...spent most of his baseball career with famous Homestead Grays, from 1936 through '50...helped Grays win nine league titles and played in 12 Negro League all-star games...great hitter and fielder...inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1973...died in 1997.Tommy Love (Sylva-Webster) -- Tremendous football player for strong Sylva-Webster teams who helped integrate that school...played both tailback and quarterback in high school, running for more than 1,800 yards and 32 TDs and throwing for more than 1,700 yards...one of first African-America football players in Shrine Bowl and ran for 147 yards in that game...recruited all over the country and signed with Michigan State, where he led Spartans in rushing as sophomore in 1968...tragically died of heart attack at age of 22...Tommy Love Award at Michigan State still honors Most Improved Player.Dwight Lowry (Pembroke) -- Born in Lumberton and wound up playing four years in major league baseball, primarily with the Detroit Tigers...career spanned 1984 through '87, with best year a .307 batting average in part-time action in 1986...attended the University of North Carolina before heading into professional baseball...after active playing days, managed in the Tigers minor league organization...died suddenly of a heart attack in 1997.Nick Maddox (Kannapolis A.L. Brown) -- Winner of NCHSAA Male Athlete of the Year in 1998-99 after starring at A.L. Brown...Three-sport star for Wonders, with 6,654 yards rushing in high school and whopping 650 points scored with 114 TDs...continued career at Florida State, where he played extensively at both receiver and running back...helped lead Seminoles to 1999 national championship...spent a couple of years in National Football League with Cleveland Browns and Carolina Panthers...Danny Manning (Greensboro Page) -- Great basketball player at high school, college and pro level...one of great players in University of Kansas history, who left school as all-time leading scorer and rebounder...college Player of Year in 1988 as Jayhawks won NCAA title...lengthy NBA career after being drafted by Clippers...longest stints with Clippers and Suns, scoring 12,367 points in NBA from 1998 through '2003, averaging 14.0 ppg...assistant coach at Kansas for several years and was part of a national title as an assistant, and then head coach at Tulsa after retiring as player.Pete Maravich (Raleigh Broughton) -- Born in Aliquippa, PA., and had memorable high school basketball season at Raleigh Broughton...played in North Carolina Coaches Association East-West game and was MVP in 1965...set incredible scoring marks at LSU, scoring 3,667 points in three-year career and averaging amazing 44.2 ppg in college...played for Jazz, Hawks and Celtics in 10-year NBA career and was five-time NBA All-Star...scored 15,948 points in NBA (24.2 ppg) and averaged 5.4 assists...on NBA's 50th anniversary team...member Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame.Kareem Martin (Roanoke Rapids) -- Winner of NCHSAA Male Athlete of the Year award in 2009-10 after great football, basketball and track career at Roanoke Rapids...was league defensive player of year as senior in football and also conference basketball player of year...went on to University of North Carolina and has been outstanding for Tar Heels in his first three seasons, starting throughout his time with UNC...eight sacks in first three years with Heels and preseason all-conference pick for 2013 season.Cedric Maxwell (Kinston) -- Kinston native who became a collegiate and professional basketball star...played at the University of North Carolina Charlotte from 1973 to '77, leading 49ers to amazing Final Four appearance in 1977...scored 1,824 points and hauled down 1,117 rebounds during UNCC career...first-round pick in NBA draft by Boston Celtics and played for Boston 1977-85...also played for Clippers and Rockets ...MVP of 1981 NBA Finals...scored 10,465 points in NBA career, averaging 12.5 ppg... inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1998.Bob McAdoo (Greensboro Ben Smith) -- Basketball star at Ben Smith before going to junior college and then playing one year at the University of North Carolina, leading Tar Heels to Final Four in 1972...second pick overall in NBA draft by Buffalo Braves, for whom he played from 1973 through '77...played for six other teams before retiring in 1986...was NBA Rookie of Year in '73 and league MVP two years later...led NBA in scoring three times, averaging more than 30 ppg each year, and had career average of 22.1 ppg...scored 18,787 points in NBA... inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1993.Mike McGee (Elizabeth City) -- Outstanding player and coach who was an all-American tackle at Duke (played both ways) and won 1959 Outland Trophy as nation's top lineman...1960 McKelvin Award winner as ACC's top athlete...drafted by St. Louis Cardinals in NFL but career was cut short in pro football by serious injury...went on to be head football coach at Duke and East Carolina and also served as director of athletics at Cincinnati, Southern California and South Carolina... inducted into North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1991 and also member of National Football Foundation Hall of Fame.Chester McGlockton (Whiteville) -- Winner of NCHSAA Male Athlete of the Year in 1987-88, the third year the award was given, after great multi-sport career at Whiteville, leading team to NCHSAA state 2-A football title in senior year...was standout collegiate player at Clemson...played 12 seasons as defensive tackle in National Football League, including six for Los Angele/Oakland Raiders, after being drafted in first round...four-time Pro Bowl selection...ended NFL career with 51 sacks...coached a year at Stanford after retiring as player...died suddenly in 2011 at age of 42.Paul Miller (Ayden) -- Great athlete at Ayden that led several high school teams to great success, leading teams to state titles in football, basketball and baseball during prep career...played football and baseball at University of North Carolina...was all-ACC as quarterback in 1971, throwing for 1,041 yards, as well as making ACC all-academic team...first recipient of ACC's Brian Piccolo Award to league's "most courageous player"...has gone on to be very successful in business.Jackie Murdock (Raleigh) -- Helped lead Raleigh (Hugh Morson High) to 1953 NCHSAA state basketball championship and then was MVP in '53 East-West North Carolina Coaches Association all-star game...standout in basketball at Wake Forest 1954-57 and also played baseball two years...averaged 14.9 ppg for career and was first-team all-ACC and Converse All-American in 1957...spent one year as Wake Forest basketball coach in 1966...was also standout fast-pitch softball player for many years after college...member of North Carolina Softball Hall of Fame and joined North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 1990.Freddie "Curly" Neal (Greensboro Dudley) -- Played on Dudley team that won 1961 North Carolina High School Athletic Conference championship and went on to great career at Johnson C. Smith, averaging 23 points per game in college...joined Harlem Globetrotters in 1963 and became known worldwide for his dribbling prowess...played in more than 6,000 games in 97 different countries and the Trotters retired his number 22...member of 2008 class of North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame and 2006 class of Guilford County Sports Hall of Fame.Hakeem Nicks (Charlotte Independence) -- One of greatest receivers in NCHSAA football history who has also achieved greatness in both the collegiate and professional ranks...had 1,815 yards receiving for Independence in 2005, at the time second-best prep mark in state history, and was MVP of 4-AA championship...star receiver at North Carolina with several school records, catching 181 passes for 2,840 yards and 21 TDs...in first four years with New York Giants in NFL, grabbed 255 passes for 3,726 yards and 27 TDs, and was key player in Giant Super Bowl championship win over Patriots.Trot Nixon (New Hanover) -- Had lengthy major league baseball career after outstanding high school seasons at New Hanover...batted .519 and drove home 56 runs in senior season in high school in 1993...made debut in majors in September of 1996 and played until 2008, primarily with Boston Red Sox....274 career batting average in 1,092 games and had career high 28 home runs in 2003 season...was Red Sox Rookie of Year in 1999 and was on Boston World Series winner in 2004Otis Nixon (West Columbus) -- Born in Columbus County and went on to lengthy major league baseball career...played for a number of teams, with multi-year stints with Indians, Expos, and Braves, among others...made major league debut in 1983...speedy switch-hitting outfielder had career batting average in MLB of .270 in career of over 1,700 games...stole 72 bases for Atlanta in 1991 season and had over 600 steals for career.Chris Paul (West Forsyth) -- Tremendous basketball player at West Forsyth, averaging better than 30 ppg and 9.5 assists as senior and scored 61 points in a game as tribute to grandfather, who was killed at age of 61...went on to star at nearby Wake Forest for two years, where he was consensus All-American and had his number retired there...has won two Olympic gold medals as member of USA team...has been star in NBA for New Orleans Hornets and then Los Angeles Clippers...MVP of NBA all-star game in 2013...has averaged 18.8 ppg and 9.5 assists for first eight years of pro career.Julius Peppers (Southern Nash) -- Three-sport star in football, basketball and track and Southern Nash and was NCHSAA Male Athlete of the Year in 1998, including rushing for 3,501 yards in prep career and league player of the year in basketball...football and basketball standout at University of North Carolina...has played for Carolina Panthers and Chicago Bears in NFL, with eight Pro Bowl selections in 11 years...111.5 sacks during that time.Gaylord Perry (Williamston) -- Helped lead Williamston to 1955 NCHSAA Class A baseball championship...made major league debut in April of 1962 and pitched in big leagues for 21 years...first 10 years with San Francisco Giants but also played for Indians, Rangers, Padres, Braves, and Mariners in addition to stints with Royals and Yankees...won 314 games and pitched over 5,000 MLB innings...earned Cy Young Award twice and was first person to win it once in each league (Giants in 1972, Padres in 1978)...elected to baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown in 1991...attended Campbell University.Jim Perry (Williamston) -- Helped lead Williamston to 1955 NCHSAA Class A baseball championship...pitched in major leagues from 1959 to 1975, primarily with Minnesota Twins...also pitched for Indians and Tigers...won 215 games during major league career, including 24 in 1970 for Twins, the year he won the Cy Young Award...recorded 1,576 strikeouts in career and had ERA of 3.45...three times in MLB All-Star Game...attended Campbell University and baseball stadium there is named in his honor...member of Minnesota Twins Hall of Fame.)--Carl Pickens (Murphy) -- One of great receivers in NCHSAA history, with 1,536 yards in senior season in 1987 and over 3,000 for prep career...led Murphy to back-to-back NCHSAA state 1-A football titles and unbeaten seasons...went on to University of Tennessee where he played three years, 1989-91, and caught 109 passes for 1,875 yards and 13 TDs...was NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year in 1992 with Cincinnati Bengals and caught 100 passes during '96 season...540 receptions for 7,129 yards and 63 scores during nine-year NFL career.Jethro Pugh (Windsor) -- After great career at Bertie, went to Elizabeth City State University, where he was two-time all-CIAA and eventually had his jersey retired there...went on to National Football League at only 20 years of age and played for Dallas Cowboys for entire career of 14 seasons...helped Cowboys two five NFC titles and two Super Bowls...sacks not an official stat during Pugh's career but great pass rusher averaged 12.5 sacks for period of 1968 through '72...member of CIAA Hall of Fame (1979) and North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame (1980).Heath Shuler (Swain County) -- Outstanding athlete who quarterbacked Swain County to 1990 NCHSAA state 1-A title (Maroon Devils' third straight) and was MVP of championship game...had stellar career at University of Tennessee and was second in voting for Heisman Trophy in 1993...held most UT passing records before Peyton Manning played for Volunteers...drafted in first round of NFL draft by Redskins and also played for New Orleans Saints...threw for 3,691 yards as pro quarterback...served six years in U.S. House of Representatives.Robert Siler (Jordan-Matthews) -- Earned the designation as NCHSAA Male Athlete of year for 1986-87 academic year, the second year the award was presented...scored 37 TDs in senior football season, scored 19 ppg and grabbed seven rebounds as senior, and also set school's triple jump record...played 94 basketball games at Wake Forest and averaged 9.4 ppg for his career, 10.7 ppg as senior, despite injuries...briefly played professional basketball overseas.Webb Simpson (Raleigh Broughton) -- Outstanding high school golfer at Broughton who went on to star as collegiate player at Wake Forest...led Broughton to NCHSAA state title and was individual champ in 2004 tournament at Pinehurst...three-time all-American and ACC Player of Year in 2008...turned professional in 2008, playing on Nationwide Tour and then PGA Tour...biggest win of career was victory at 2012 U.S. Open at Olympic Club in San Francisco...2012 Ryder Cup team...currently resides in Charlotte.Enos Slaughter (Roxboro) -- Had tremendous major league baseball career from 1938 through 1959 with St. Louis Cardinals and New York Yankees after high school in Roxboro...had .300 career batting average in 2,380 major league games...played on four World Series championship teams...had number 9 retired by St. Louis Cardinals in 1996...selected to major league All-Star Game on 10 different occasions...had National League leading 130 runs batted in for 1946 season...elected to baseball Hall of Fame in 1985...died in 2002.Vic Sorrell (Cary, Clayton) -- Was great high school pitcher at both Cary and Clayton, helping Clayton to 1926 NCHSAA championship...played baseball at Wake Forest, winning his last eight games his junior season...signed with Detroit Tigers and played for Tigers from 1928 to '37, winning 92 games and playing on couple of pennant-winning clubs and a World Series champion in 1935 when Detroit beat Cubs in six games...managed briefly in minor leagues and then was head baseball coach at N.C. State for 21 years...member North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame, joining in 1999.Jerry Stackhouse (Kinston) -- Great basketball player at Kinston before going to Oak Hill Academy and then starring in both collegiate ranks and NBA...had 20 points and 12 boards in 1992 NCHSAA 4-A final but Kinston fell to West Charlotte...two-time Parade All-American in high school...first pick by Sixers in NBA draft after earning national Player of Year honors as North Carolina Tar Heel...has played for eight different teams in lengthy pro hoop career, with longest stint with Mavericks...almost 1,000 NBA games and a total of 16,409 points (16.9 ppg).Steve Streater (Sylva-Webster) -- Great athlete at Sylva-Webster who holds some NCHSAA pitching records that will never be broken... won 23 games in a single season as S-W won NCHSAA state title and 61 during his career...had 12 shutouts one season...played football at University of North Carolina and earned all-ACC honor as both punter and defensive back...averaged 43 yards per punt as senior...signed with Washington Redskins but was paralyzed in automobile accident in 1981...died in 2009 at age of 50.Danny Talbott (Rocky Mount) -- One of greatest all-around athletes in NCHSAA history, leading Rocky Mount to state championships in football, basketball and baseball in same academic year...played football and baseball at University of North Carolina and was ACC Football Player of Year in '65 (as QB and DB) and winner of McKelvin Award as conference's top athlete in 1966...helped UNC to College World Series and had .357 career average for Heels...drafted by 49ers in NFL draft and also played minor league baseball...joined North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 2003.David Thompson (Crest) -- Superlative player at Crest who went on to All-American status at North Carolina State...scored 29.9 ppg as senior with Wolfpack and led NCSU to NCAA national title in 1974...three-time ACC Player of Year...known as "Skywalker"...first pick in overall by Hawks in 1975 NBA draft but signed with Denver Nuggets of ABA...scored 13,422 points in pro career and tallied amazing 73 points in one game...averaged 22.1 ppg for career with single season high of 27.2...1996 inductee into Naismith Basketball Hall of FameCharles Waddell (Pinecrest) -- Superlative multi-sport athlete at Pinecrest who is the last three-sport letterman at the University of North Carolina, earning letters in football, track and basketball...all-ACC in football and was Sporting News All-American with 41 catches for 571 yards...won prestigious Patterson Medal at UNC in 1975, highest athletic award school offers...played in NFL for Bucs, Seahawks and Chargers but was injured...worked with Richardson Sports for 10 years, working on advertising and sponsorships for Carolina Panthers...joined South Carolina staff as associate athletic director in 2006.Tyrone Westmoreland (South Iredell) -- Earned the designation as NCHSAA Male Athlete of year for 1992-93 academic year...finished his prep football career with 6,602 yards rushing, which was second all-time at that juncture...four-time all-conference in football and scored a whopping 92 career TDs...great wrestler who earned state title in that sport and finished second in state three times, with career mark of 124-3...also ran track successfully...member of South Iredell High School Hall of Fame.Hoyt Wilhelm (Huntersville) -- Joined major league baseball Hall of Fame in 1985 after great career as relief pitcher...born in Huntersville, attended high school in Cornelius and didn't make majors until age 29...pitched for nine different organizations and pitched until the age of 50 in 1972...longest stints with teams included Giants, Orioles and White Sox...appeared in 1,070 games and had 227 saves in career with career ERA of 2.52...no hit the Yankees in 1958...died in 2002...served in World War II.Dominique Wilkins (Washington) -- Born in Paris, when father was stationed overseas, and later family settled in "the original" Washington...Helped lead Pam Pack to back-to-back NCHSAA state 3-A men's basketball state crowns in 1978 and '79 and was two-time championship MVP...starred at University of Georgia with 21.6 ppg for his three years with Bulldogs...enjoyed great NBA career with four different teams, with Atlanta Hawks retiring his jersey number 21...nine-time NBA all-star and winner of two NBA dunk contests... 26,668 points and 7,169 rebounds in pro career...known as "Human Highlight Film."Tim Wilkison (Shelby) -- Was the number-one ranked junior tennis player in the United States and went on to play professional tennis for over 25 years...the lefthanded star won six singles crowns and nine doubles championships during his pro career...earned nickname "Dr. Dirt" for his diving volleys at Wimbledon, where he advanced to doubles semifinals in 1979...career high singles ranking of 23rd in the world in 1986...also played Davis Cup for United States team.Buck Williams (Rocky Mount) -- Led Rocky Mount to NCHSAA state 4-A basketball crown in 1978...went to Maryland, where he led ACC in rebounding twice...named to 1980 U.S. Olympic team...lengthy career in NBA, playing a whopping 18 seasons and 1,307 games...1982 NBA Rookie of Year toiled for Portland, New Jersey and New York...averaged 13 points and 10 rebounds a game during career and played in three NBA all-star games...named to North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame in 2003.James Worthy (Gastonia Ashbrook) -- Great basketball player at Ashbrook who went on to stellar career at University of North Carolina, leading Tar Heels to 1982 NCAA national championship...Most Valuable Player in '82 ACC tournament, Eastern Regional and Final Four...1982 McKelvin Award winner as ACC's top athlete...played 12 seasons for Los Angeles Lakers in NBA, including seven all-star game appearances...Lakers won three NBA championships during his tenure and he was named one of top 50 players of NBA's first half century...scored 16,320 points in NBA...joined N.C. Sports Hall of Fame in 1997.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Herald-Sun (Durham, N.C.) Visit The Herald-Sun (Durham, N.C.) at .heraldsun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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  上海自由貿易區的設立,迷你倉最平真的不會對香港構成影響?近日多位中央高官,包括中央政治局常委、全國政協主席俞正聲和國務院港澳辦主任王光亞等,似乎都對此定調,紛紛向香港派定心丸。  按照內地的逆向思維文化,實情恐怕並非如此。僅從上海自貿區還未掛牌,無論是中資銀行還是外資銀行,近日都摩拳擦掌,意圖爭取入主自貿區的首批入場券,並藉此強攻人民幣離岸業務,就知香港備受壓力了!本地薑辣 浦發行欲飲頭啖湯  上海浦東發展銀行前天召開董事會,表決通過關於設立「上海浦東發展銀行股份有限公司中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區分行」的議案,並於當晚發布公告,指稱報監管部門批准後實施。  據熟悉情況人士表示,浦發銀行將外高橋、南�和空港3家支行,升格為一級分行,以把握自貿區帶來的機遇,並體現其作為上海本地法人銀行的領跑趨勢。  除浦發行外,大型國有商業銀行對上海自貿區亦虎視眈眈。據悉,中國銀行已向上海銀監局提交申請,希望在自貿區內設立分行。上海銀監局在初審之後,將上報中國銀監會。此外,建設銀行等大行也有意在上海自貿區內設立分行。  中行如此一馬當先,急於表態,主要是該銀行現有的離岸金融業務基礎和優勢,對其未來進行自貿區相關金融服務至關重要。上海自貿區金融創新主要方向,中央高層已鎖定在離岸金融領域,爭取自貿區成為全球人民幣的創新、交易、定價和清算中心。推金融創新 外資銀行具經驗  既然上海自貿區在金融創新方面,主攻方向是離岸人民幣業務,外資行豈能不蠢蠢迷你倉動。  上海方面近日曾對當地外資銀行進行非正式調查,上海自貿區掛牌在即,盡管相關細則方案還未公布,但不少外資銀行已經開始積極準備,摩拳擦掌欲搶得首批入場券。正如�豐銀行接受調查時表示,計劃中的上海自貿試驗區將有助於進一步推動中國內地的金融改革,�豐對此表示歡迎,並有興趣參與上海自貿區的發展。滬人幣在岸離岸齊攻 港受壓  鑑於上海自貿區在金融業務發展方面,定位為金融創新,這對外資銀行尤其具吸引力。知情人士指出,金融創新必定由個別金融產品做起,而在自貿區取得經驗後,試點成功最終可複製到全中國,而外資銀行在金融創新,尤其涉及資本項目開放的離岸人民幣金融產品,則具較大優勢,原因是銀行不可能憑空設計一個金融產品,肯定是國際上或者是發達經濟體當中比較流行,並行之有效,而且是比較容易監管的產品,而外資銀行掌握相關經驗。  中央加強挺港政策,這是毋庸置疑的,但市場是現實的,既然離岸金融業務是上海自貿區的重要組成部分,而在人民幣在岸業務方面,上海向來都是全國一哥,銀行考慮到上海作為國際金融中心的發展前景,尤其是人民幣在岸和離岸業務一手抓,投放資源自然有所增加。盡管因為上海自貿區的加入,離岸人民幣業務這個餅必定做大,但香港業務流失不可避免。  按照全國人大常委會通過相關文件,涉及上海自貿區的法規將於10月1日起陸續生效,意味�自貿區最快可於下月初掛牌,上海自貿區的威脅迫在眉睫,香港準備好應對嗎?  有意見可電郵yumu@hket.com儲存

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Source: AME Info, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesSept.self storage 19--AUC, CIB TO PROMOTE BANKING KNOWLEDGE: The American University in Cairo (AUC) and the Commercial International Bank (CIB) Egypt have agreed to establish the CIB Endowed Professorship in Banking to promote knowledge of banking through teaching, research and service, Daily News Egypt has reported. "The research that will be done by the holder of this c迷你倉air, and by his or her students, will serve not only to enhance our understanding of the world of finance but will have tangible and practical effects on the well being of millions of Egyptians.," said AUC President, Lisa Anderson.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 AME Info (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) Visit AME Info (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) at .ameinfo.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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昨天晚上“月圓中秋,儲存濃情西城”群�游園賞月活動在月壇公園舉行。晨報記者 王穎/攝 晨報訊(首席記者 崔紅 通訊員 張海濤)盛裝的“皇帝”三叩九拜,“皇家祭月大典”中秋夜在月壇舉行。在兔爺送出的“福”字中,百姓們享受著天涯共此時的團聚情懷。月壇歷史上為明清兩代皇帝祭月之所。西城區昨天在此舉行祭月大典和百姓賞月活動。舞獅、昆曲、猜燈謎……千余市民昨天齊聚月壇歡慶中秋。久違了的兔爺重出江湖,嚇得孩子直問奶奶:“這是什麼呀?”“兔爺!拜月!”老太太脆生生回答,然後自語道:“好家伙,夠年頭不見這場景了。”來自西城區文委的專家告訴記者,兔兒爺是老北京的吉祥物。在民間百姓有“男不祭月,女不祭灶”的俗約,因此祭月多由婦女承擔,跟在母親身邊的孩童就會模仿大人的行為,久而久之,就有了專供兒童祭月的造像——兔兒爺。晚上8時,隆重的皇家祭月大典舉行,場面堪稱震撼。讀祝官大聲宣讀祝文“福我兆民”,借此祈求平安祥和。近些年,西城區在月壇恢複了帝王拜月和民間祭月習俗。■中秋·親情大牆內親人團聚晨報訊(記者 顏斐)日前,24名家屬走進北京市第三看守所分所的“希望家園”,與服刑的親人共度中秋節。7個家庭分別圍坐在一起分食月餅、吃親情餐,互相送上祝福的話語,濃濃的親情流淌在大牆內。據介紹,三看分所關押的都是余刑在一年以內的輕刑犯,9大隊又被稱為希望家園,也被稱為所管人員回歸社會的“緩衝帶”。希望家園的所管人員都是由矯治效果良好、改好意願強烈的臨近釋放人員組成。截至目前,這裡走出的300多名所管人員出獄後無一重新犯罪。■中秋·文化博物館里過中秋晨報訊(記者 王歧豐)吃月餅、看展覽、聽民俗講座。這個中秋節,本市博物館為市民準備了豐富的文化活動。據市文物局介紹,中秋節前後,北京石刻藝術博物館、北京文博交流館、北京民俗博物館等地,都將舉辦中秋主題的民俗展覽展示、親子互動、電影放映等活動。據市文物局介紹,中秋節期間,北京石刻藝術博物館推出了“氣貫日月,萬古凜然”——《正氣歌》法帖展。北京文博交流館舉辦了第四屆智化寺音樂文化節。■中秋·旅遊各大景區旅遊舒適晨報訊(記者 吳婷婷)小長假首日,涼爽的天氣,並不擁擠的人群,給遊客們的出行帶來清爽和舒適。市旅遊委統計信息顯示,昨天,全市重點監測的26個景區共計接迷你倉遊客約45萬人次,豐台園博園的開放為北京旅遊帶來新的增長點。昨天,市旅遊局繼續發佈京城各大景區舒適度指數,總體上看,小長假第一天全市大部分景區都屬於“舒適”或者“較為舒適”級別。不過頤和園、恭王府、什剎海、北海公園的遊客人數依然比較多,舒適度指數僅為“一般”。■中秋·交通網絡售票運行平穩晨報訊(記者 吳婷婷 陳琳 ) 昨天是中秋小長假首日,三大火車站當日火車票均于前一日售罄。記者從北京鐵路局獲悉,昨天旅客客流主要集中在哈爾濱、長春、西安、蘭州等方向,以及管內北戴河、唐山、衡水、石家莊等地區,為方便廣大旅客出行,北京地區加開了臨客12列。目前12306網絡售票系統運行平穩,旅客通過正常購票流程即可購買到車票;鐵路電話訂票和.12306.cn網絡購票的預售期為20天,車站窗口、代售點和自動售票機的預售期為18天,請旅客提前做好行程安排。昨天,首都機場用“中國結”造型為往來旅客送上節日祝福。預計今年“中秋”小長假期間,首都機場預計進出港旅客量約為66.4萬人次,日均22.2萬人次,預計航班架次約為4806架次,日均1602架次。■中秋·科普今年中秋月最圓 錯過要再等8年新華社天津9月19日電(記者周潤健)繼前年、去年“十五的月亮十五圓”之後,今年的“中秋月”依然是“十五圓”。天文專家表示,在往後的幾年中,中秋最圓月都不會出現在農曆八月十五了,下次滿月中秋節要到2021年。“月亮圓缺變化一周為一個‘朔望月’,周期是29.5天,這個周期中月亮最圓的那天稱‘望日’,也叫‘滿月’。”我國天文教育專家趙之珩介紹說,只有當月亮與太陽的經度相差180度時,從地球上看,月亮與太陽處在正好相對位置的時刻,才能看到圓月。但是,月亮圍繞地球運行的軌道是一個橢圓,時近時遠,根據萬有引力定律,近時走得快一些,遠時走得慢一些。“由於月亮轉動的‘步伐’有快有慢,因此每個月的‘望日’時間也有差異,農曆十四、十五、十六或十七都有可能,其中,以農曆十五、十六居多,而兩者中又以農曆十六為最多。”趙之珩說,月亮是不是最圓,這對公�賞月並沒有太大影響。農曆十五和十六,人們都可以欣賞到明亮的中秋月,如果人們用肉眼細觀月亮,可以看到月亮表面有些地方較明亮,有些地方較暗淡。這明暗交錯的圖案,給人以豐富的想象空間。mini storage

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Source: The Times, Munster, Ind.儲存Sept. 19--INDIANAPOLIS -- A group of congressional Republicans, led in part by U.S. Rep. Todd Rokita, R-Indianapolis, proposed an alternative to the Affordable Care Act Wednesday that goes beyond just repealing Obamacare.The American Health Care Reform Act would change how most Americans obtain health insurance by discouraging employer-subsidized coverage and instead providing a federal income and payroll tax deduction totaling $7,500 for individuals and $20,000 for families that could be used to buy insurance on the open market -- or for any other purpose."We haven't been allowed as consumers to apply the skill-set we innately have as Americans. This bill does that," said Rokita, a Munster native. "It kick-starts what we hope to be a cascading, or domino, effect in price transparency."Unlike the Affordable Care Act, which requires all health plans provide a minimum level of coverage for pregnancy, preventative care and other common health issues, Rokita's proposal lets health insurance companies decide what their policies should cover and permits Americans to buy insurance across state lines.The GOP measure also fully repeals the Affordable Care Act, which means insurance companies again would be permitted to deny coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions, could kick college students off their parents' policies and mask their prices, likely making it more difficult for consumers to compare polici迷你倉s.Under the plan, Medicare price data would be made public, but expanded Medicaid coverage for low-income and elderly Americans as well as the requirement that all Americans buy health insurance would be scrapped.In their place, the federal government would provide states $2.5 billion a year to fund high-risk insurance pools to help citizens with pre-existing conditions buy insurance, most medical error lawsuit payments would be capped and practically all insurance coverage for abortion prohibited."(This) is a market-based, commonsense alternative to Obamacare," said U.S. Rep. Phil Roe, R-Tenn. "Our bill will not increase taxes, does not rely on mandates, expands coverage and lowers costs."Republicans unsuccessfully offered similar proposals during 2009-10 Congressional debates over the Affordable Care Act. A cost estimate of this measure was not provided.The new plan -- crafted by the Republican Study Committee -- gives the GOP, at the least, something to say they support as the House Republican majority approaches its 50th certain-to-fail vote to repeal Obamacare.But the proposal will not become law any time soon. The Senate and White House are both controlled by Democrats, and they are looking forward to the Oct. 1 start date for the main health coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Times (Munster, Ind.) Visit The Times (Munster, Ind.) at .nwitimes.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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