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Investors told to tread carefully before pouring money into the mainland’s special economic areas because of a lack of clarity over detailsThe mainland has been gripped by a development frenzy unlike any seen before, with a new free-trade zone in Shanghai and special economic zones in the Pearl River Delta attracting enormous amounts of investment as they are positioned as the primary drivers of economic reform.迷你倉價錢But lawyers and analysts warn that a lack of clarity about how such reforms will be implemented and potential policy risks should be taken into account by developers and investors before they put down big stakes.“The macro concept of the free-trade zone is very attractive. But the details of the implementation are still unclear,” said Michael Tam, a partner at law firm Berwin Leighton Paisner, who specialises in corporate finance and real estate. “What will happen if there are conflicts between national legislation and legislation in the zone or in the city?”The central government plans to elevate Shanghai’s role in economic reform by loosening controls on capital flows and expanding foreign investment in its free-trade zone, which will be officially opened on September 27.Reflecting market optimism about Shanghai free-trade zone, shares in Shanghai Shipping Container Lines and Cosco Shipping rose by the 10 per cent daily limit on Friday. Shanghai International Port also saw shares up by the daily limit. The firm’s shares have more than doubled over the past two weeks.In the south, Qianhai in western Shenzhen, previously billed as the Manhattan of southern China, and two other pilot spec迷你倉al economic zones in the Pearl River Delta – Hengqin in Zhuhai and Guangzhou’s Nansha – have lured hundreds of billions of yuan worth of development plans. Home prices have been rising even though many parts of the zones have yet to be built.China Resources Land, the property flagship of state-owned China Resources (Holdings), paid 10.9 billion yuan (HK$13.8 billion) for the third commercial site in Qianhai last month.“Qianhai will mainly focus on financial reforms and developing the financial sector,” Li Qiang, the zone’s deputy director general, said in Hong Kong on Friday.Companies registered in Qianhai had applied for cross-border loans totalling 7 billion yuan as of last month, an official said, adding that they involved more than 10 banks.“The long-term prospects for Qianhai are good. But home prices there are already 30,000 yuan to 40,000 yuan per square metre, even though the zone has not been built, “ said David Hong, the head of research for China Real Estate Information. “The price is not cheap at the moment.”Analysts said central government backing made Shanghai and the Pearl River Delta zones safe bets, but other cities also wanted special economic zones and investors should be wary of politicians’ pet projects.Many developers paid high prices and rushed to buy land in Tianjin, the hometown of former premier Wen Jiabao, about three years ago after he urged the city’s Binhai New Area to take the lead in the country’s development.“For whatever reasons, such as slower-than-expected economic development, home demand in [Tianjin] is not as strong as expected,” said an analyst.Analysis B6儲存

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儲存 郭富城(Aaron)初入行時,是舞蹈員出身,經多年努力,才成為天王級歌星。前晚,Aaron到戲院欣賞電影《狂舞派》。看完這電影之後,他表示深受戲中主角的演出感動。Aaron表示:“我初入行時,都是從舞蹈員開始,戲中演員所講的話,我好有共鳴,感動到有點想哭。我真想在新一集的《狂舞派》中客串一角,可以不計片酬。(發哥早前也表示好支持《狂舞派》?)發哥比我早看嘛。這部戲傳達出一個正面的訊息,十分之好。所以我已經報名了,希望支持年輕的導演及演員。看完這電影後,我感到熱血沸騰,已訂下新的目標,就是挑戰當導演。”新蒲崗迷你倉

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  台灣當局法務部門前負責人曾勇夫涉嫌接受關說介入弊案審理的丑聞掀起政壇風暴,迷你倉繼曾請辭後,關注焦點指向進行關說的台立法機構負責人王金平。8日下午,台當局領導人馬英九親自召開記者會,宣讀了措詞強硬的聲明稿,並沉痛呼籲人在馬來西亞的王金平儘快回台說明。  本月6日,台檢方特偵組召開記者會指稱,民進黨籍“立委”柯建銘因涉入某背信弊案,通過王金平向曾勇夫及台“高檢署”檢察長陳守煌關說,請二人指示檢察官不要對柯案一審作出的無罪判決再提上訴。檢方因此向台監察機構提出調查、議處曾勇夫所涉違法責自存倉。當日,曾勇夫召開記者會堅稱清白,其後提出請辭獲准。  馬英九8日表示,立法機構負責人為最大“在野黨”在立法機構的總召所涉弊案向法務部門負責人和“高檢署”檢察長進行關說,這是“台灣政治和法治發展“最恥辱的一天”。  他說,“如果說這個做法談不上關說,我們每個人都可以問自己,那什麼是關說?”“如果有權勢的人都可以用關說影響司法,那麼一般平民要如何期待司法保障公平正義?”  國民黨籍的王金平是台灣政壇的重要人物,1976年起連任12屆“立委”,並連任5屆台立法機構負責人至今。 據新華社迷你倉新蒲崗

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迷你倉價錢 【本報消息】協同特殊教育學校日前舉行開學禮,全體學生、教職人員、神職人員聚首一堂,各人在喜悅和期待中迎來了新學年。開學典禮上,神職人員以“陶造生命”作主題信息分享,勉勵大家要做合用的器皿。校長林劍如除歡迎大家回到校園,更銳意宣導“以德為先”的理念,勸勉同學要接受個人的特質,喜歡自己、愛自己之餘,更要顧及別人的感受,在團體生活中要多為別人著想,以尊重為出發點,用讚美代替批評,學校殷切期望能與教職人員、學生、家長共同努力,學習“愛的鼓勵”。迷你倉

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Two wild piglets enjoyed an adventurous day out in Ocean Park yesterday before one of them was captured by agricultural officers.迷你倉價錢The two were spotted on a shrub-covered hill next to the rotating Ocean Park Tower observation deck shortly after the park opened at 11am.Police responding to the park’s calls for assistance quickly cordoned off the area, keeping the piglets under observation, while calling for back-up from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department.One of the boars was netted after a brief stand-off, but its partner broke through the cordon and fled from under the nose of its would-be captors. Agricultural officers called off their search after being satisfied that the runaway boar had left the park area.An Ocean Park spokeswoman said the incident did not affect the theme park’s operations and all attractions stayed open throughout the day.“The incident took place not long after the park opened and there were not many迷你倉visitors at the time,” she said.A spokeswoman for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said: “The wild pig that we caught is a male. It was uninjured and our officers later released it into the wild in Tai Lam Country Park.”Wild pigs are common in rural areas. Omnivorous, they eat roots, bulbs, insects, small animals, and any form of carrion. An adult wild pig can grow to about two metres long and weigh up to 200kg.In general, wild pigs live in small family groups. They are shy and wary of human contact. But, if provoked, they can become aggressive.In April 2011, three wild pigs were spotted near the Ocean Park administration building. Vets used tranquiliser guns to capture two of them while the remaining one escaped.Last Friday morning, a wild piglet was spotted at a construction site in Quarry Bay. Agricultural officers were called in to catch it.In January, a 2kg wild pig was caught in Sha Tin after it fell into a nullah.儲存

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迷你倉 未能提供文字內容。.scmp.com/news/china/article/1306557/italian-documentary-taiwan-director-honoured-venice儲存倉

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Police have cracked down 11 fraudulent websites and arrested 16 people accused of blackmailing companies by pretending to be Party and government officials or reporters and threatening to post damaging information about them online.mini storageThe suspects were involved in more than 120 cases and extorted a total of more than 3 million yuan (US$490,000), the Ministry of Public Security said.One main suspect had help from a local official in the eastern province of Jiangsu who tipped him off when violations by companies were found by regulators, Xinhua news agency reported yesterday, citing an announcement by the ministry.“I just wanted to make some money through reporting stories with negative issues and attracting online visitors,” the suspect. Zhong Wei, 45, was quoted as telling police.Zhong used fake business cards and documents to masquerade as a Party discipline official, Xinhua said.Some companies paid hush money even though they knew the reports about them were false due to a fear of gaining a bad reputation, Xinhua said.“We’ve been working so hard to establish a good image for our enterprise, so we’d rather spend money on ‘peace’ even though their stories were purely fabricated,” one real estate company manager told Xinhua.Other suspects included a schoolteacher who wrote phony news items and an engineer who managed the websites.Police said Dou Yugang, 48, who had worked in a government publicity office, used his position to blackmail companies with the help of Zhong, who registered and operated six counterfeit news websites since 2010. Police  said Zhong hired Huang Tao in 2011 to manage the websites.In April, Zhong sent a fax to a real estate company in the eastern city of Xuzhou in the name of one of his websites. He claimed they were about to expose one of the company’s projects that had violated regulations. Several days later, police said Zhong visited the company’s director in Beijing pretending to be a reporter. self storagee demanded 200,000 yuan or he would publish an article about the company’s “corrupt business practices,” police said.The company approached Dou, who had a reputation for “settling such problems,” and paid the 200,000 yuan, which was split between Zhong and Dou.In a similar case last November, Dou is said to have disclosed a rumor that a foreign investment company in Xuzhou received a plot of land for free. Zhong filed a “report” and approached the company pretending to be a reporter. He successfully extorted 260,000 yuan, police said, with Zhong taking 147,000 yuan and Dou the remainder.Zhong also worked with other suspects to extort companies, individuals and even government officials in Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Hebei, Guizhou and Shanxi provinces, police said, gaining more than 2 million yuan from 60 cases since 2010.Xuzhou police uncovered three other groups led by Fan Yuxiao, a Nanjing native who claimed to be responsible for a national news website, and Ju Jun, also from Nanjing, who claimed to work for a TV station.The groups shared information with each other, establishing a crime chain committing extortion mainly through threatening to spread fake news online.They would delete “news” from the websites once they received money, and even provide positive publicity services afterward, police said.Their websites usually described themselves as “valuable and influential Internet platforms,” claiming to be established or supported by the National People’s Congress or departments such as the Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.Experts said the case exposed loopholes in Internet supervision, and called for legislation and harsher punishments. “Shutdown is not the end, and more management methods should be explored to ensure regular, systematic and lawful supervision of websites,” Chen Weidong, a professor with the law school of the Renmin University of China, told Xinhua. 迷你倉

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  開欄語  他們中有危急時刻將乘客安全放在第一位的最美司機吳斌,迷你倉也有勇救同村村民的臨海青年羅傑;他們中有替犧牲戰友盡孝27載的溫州民警周躍南,也有拄著拐杖辦案的普陀法官周崢俜......  他們是道德高地上的最美鮮花,凡人善舉,感動著浙江大地。  向上向善的最美人物,詮釋著當代道德模範的內在本質。即日起,本報開設“最美浙江人·道德模範”專欄,陸續報道20位第三屆浙江省道德模範的先進事跡。他們的“最美”與“大愛”,浩瀚如時代的正能量,將激勵我們不斷前行。  用掉塗料1噸,清除非法小廣告13余萬張  79歲紹興老人10年“惡鬥”城市“牛皮癬”  本報今起開設“最美浙江人·道德模範”專欄  □本報記者 黃軼涵  早報訊 十年如一日,他堅持義務清除城市“牛皮癬”,以自己的模範行動為社會文明進步增光添彩。他說,自己最大的快樂就是清除城市非法小廣告。  10年裡,  他清除13余萬張非法小廣告  2002年,何亮(生于1934年,紹興人)偶爾從報紙上瞭解到非法小廣告的危害,不由自主地來到大街上,發現街上貼著很多非法小廣告。他非常擔心群�上當受騙、影響城市優美環境,於是他一路走,一路撕,直撕得手臂酸痛,指甲磨損。他一路走一路停,雙目炯炯,一個個路牌、一根根電杆、一塊塊牆壁,都留下了何亮深深淺淺的指甲印;寬闊的大街、幽深的小巷、狹窄的弄堂,都留下了何亮的足跡。  何亮心裡只有一個念頭:不能讓這些非法小廣告留在街上,要還古城紹興一個潔淨的環境。10年間他竟用壞儲存20多把美工刀,用掉了1000余公斤塗料,清除各種非法小廣告13余萬張。  何亮過慣了簡樸生活。夫妻倆至今都住在那套冬天曬不到太陽的不到60平方米的舊房里。一件舊大衣,何亮已經穿了40年;一隻鍋子,家里已經用了50年。但他卻在2010年將2009年獲得的5萬元“市長獎”獎金無私地捐獻給了社區和生活困難的居民。  他是貼心的何爺爺、何老師  何亮是個助人為樂的人,能為素不相識的人著想。他患有多年的胃病和關節炎,特別是困擾他五十多年的游走性關節炎,常常讓他苦不堪言。所幸的是,多年前他得到了一種療效顯著的風濕藥,減輕了不少痛苦。為了讓更多的病人也能用上這種藥,何亮向江蘇南通生產廠家要求批購。隨後他又找來報社記者向公�公佈了這個消息,一旦有患者與他聯繫,他就免費將藥寄給他們。原本並不接受個人批購,但何亮的善舉讓藥廠經理也深受感動,破例把藥批給他。  平時何亮也總是懷著慈善之心給予他人幫助。他會在公交車上勇敢站出來抓小偷;他會為餓了幾天的外地打工者買盒飯;他會為乞討的外地人送上回家的路費;他會為各種捐款、捐物活動獻出一份又一份愛心。汶川大地震發生後,他們兩老第一時間跑到社區,捐出500元錢給災區。  何亮是全國社區義工先進個人。對社區內的居民來說,何亮不光是他們推選出來的人大代表,更是他們親切、貼心的何爺爺、何老師。社區里寫個橫幅、出個黑板報,找何亮,准樂意;假期中要給孩子辦個公益講座,找何亮,准答應。  他凡人善舉,感動了古城紹興,彰顯了愛和文明的力量。新蒲崗迷你倉

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迷你倉價錢 bjrb.bjd.com.cn/html/2013-09/09/content_107175.htm...書林折枝 對打造高素質執政隊伍的思考 如何建設一支高素質黨員幹部隊伍,夯實群�基礎,這是新時期執政黨建設中的一個重大課題。路...迷你倉

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Source: Cape Cod Times, Hyannis, Mass.迷你倉Sept. 08--SANDWICH -- It is 9 p.m. and silent.Near a crackling fire, a group links hands as they toss flickering pieces of paper into the flames.Tears fall, but here there is no reason to pretend they are from the smoke."When it's this quiet, I can listen to everything," Todd Rinehart, a volunteer from Jamaica Plain, says to the nearly 200 people, many of them children, seated in an amphitheater rising from the edge of a moon-touched pond. "And when I'm quiet, I can listen to my own heart."Now, it is hushed. But just five minutes before, sticky hands shoved s'mores into smiling mouths and the sound of hundreds of happy voices sang time-tested, nonsensical summer camp songs.It's hard to find a connection between the frenzied camp moments and the deeper, therapy-driven bonfire that ends the long day.But here at Comfort Zone Camp, a three-day sleep-away camp for children who have lost a parent, guardian or sibling, the activities combine to create a respite and a way to teach them to handle their grief."It's a weekend that will help kids learn how to evolve and how to work through different emotions," national program director and interim CEO Pete Shrock said.Cape Cod Times video: Comfort Zone Camp'The magic of the matching'On Friday night, as the camp begins, parents lead their children through a registration process that includes a visit with a nurse and the choice of a colorful handmade blanket.One young boy, a highlighter-yellow cap on his buzz cut, looks in awe through the dozens of throws, while two other little girls, one a redhead and one with ruby streaks in her dark hair, whisper together in a nearby corner. They are shy, unsure of whom to look for or where to go.Kaylee Pierce, 11, of Sandwich, a usually outspoken camper who has attended Comfort Zone four times, has already unpacked her gear and is standing with her mother, Michelle Pierce-McCarthy, uncharacteristically quiet.But just as quickly, a group of purple-shirted adults and teens begin circulating through the room, and laughter and hugs begin to erupt.The Big Buddies have arrived.For each of the 62 campers at the Sandwich camp, there is a volunteer -- a big buddy -- who is with them every step of the way. The duos share bunk beds and meals and -- within a remarkably short period of time -- the loss that has brought them to Comfort Zone."They're just really there for you. It's a safe space where you can relate, and you really share something," Cameron Kubera, 15, of Milton says of his "Bigs."Kubera, whose father died when he was entering the sixth grade, attended camp for two years and is now a junior counselor, hoping to one day become a Big himself.As the campers and their Bigs pair off, connections are already being made. Near the steps of the lodge, one young boy discusses his favorite video game with his partner, who also plays the game.Nearby, an energetic girl dressed in hot pink throws a ball to her Big, who catches it and whips it back."You're the best Big Buddy ever!" she screams.Noticing the commotion, Kaylee glances at the younger girl but quickly goes back to speaking quietly to her Big while the two sit cross-legged in the grass.Periodically, the girls giggle, but it's clear Kaylee and her Big are making a deeper connection.Kaylee, whose father died when she was 8, is, in her words, "loud, outgoing, bubbly." But it's still nerve-racking meeting her new Big, she says, and she could see it being even tougher for the shy members of the group.Now, though, she still talks to most of her Bigs, who are now her inspiration for becoming one herself someday."My Bigs have helped me so much that I want to return the favor," she says.These kind of connections aren't random, and they aren't seldom."We don't match on the basis of availability," Shrock says. "Everyone was an individual prior to their loss. And they're still an individual after."To that end, there's a rigorous process to match campers with their Bigs. First, a camper's application includes a request for information on everything from favorite foods to strengths and weaknesses to energy level.Then there's an interview between the parent or guardian and a camp staffer and, finally, a conversation with the Big.It all adds up to connections that last years."We call it the 'magic of the matching,'" said Rachel Gregory of Mashpee, who has attended six camps as a Big Buddy.Gregory, who lost her firefighter father when she was 5, found Co儲存fort Zone on a philanthropy website, attended a one-day training in West Barnstable and never looked back."It was obviously something I could relate to, and use my grief as something they could relate to," said Gregory, a family and probate attorney.She's still in touch with all of her "Littles," and this year was paired with a girl she'd mentored two years ago.It's those connections and the "feeling that they're truly adding value to someone's life" that brings back volunteers year after year, Shrock said.Many take family vacations or time off from work to attend Comfort Zone camps every year, sometimes several times a year. "It's like a drug," said Renisha Silva of South Boston, who has served as a Big Buddy and this year as a healing circle assistant. She's volunteered at 18 camps.Organized chaosThe morning after that campers and their Bigs match up, they've only spent a couple hours together.But the shrieking laughter, inside jokes and dance-offs make it seem like they've been friends forever.Together, Bigs and Littles scrunch their noses and wiggle their behinds in a made-up dance called the "brown squirrel."And soon, adults and campers alike are laughing so hard they can barely follow the butt-wiggling choreography and blur of lyrics.It's chaos, but it's organized."Everything that happens at camp is very intentional," Shrock says.Screaming and dancing at breakfast lets the campers release their tension, while a challenge course later that morning can show children traits they never knew they had."It's literally to put kids through an activity that will push their limits ... and you relate that activity to what's going on in their lives," he says. "It's showing them that they do have the strength, and how to apply it."On the course, Kaylee stands on a small wooden platform, looking toward the sod below. A few other children near her age stand on nearby platforms, also contemplating the ground."Wait. If they touch the peanut butter they're stuck?" one boy asks of the 2-by-4s the kids are using to jump from platform to platform.The game -- involving a pretend sea turned into peanut butter and islands where you can only say the words "water bottle" -- is nonsensical.But without their Bigs, the campers must figure out things for themselves. Here, some children seek attention to deal with their grief. Others, such as a tiny girl perched at the back of a platform, seek anonymity.Kaylee, stuck on the island where she can only say "water bottle," struggles to allow someone else to make suggestions and take the reigns."I learned I can step back and let other people lead for once. That was kind of hard for me," she said.Shrock likes to use an analogy to describe how camp, even the summer-fun activities it includes, can help children work through their grief more naturally than a therapy couch or doing nothing at all.Give a sick child some cough syrup, he says, and they'll gag on the medicinal taste. But add flavoring or turn it into a gummy bear and that child is happy to go down the path to getting better.And it seems to be appropriate."I've learned that not all of this is bad. There are good things that come out of everything," Kaylee says. "Now, I believe everything happens for a reason."On Saturday, after a 14-hour day that included two healing circles and a raucous dance party, campers attend a bonfire to contemplate their losses.The next day there will be a memorial service, where families will watch as their children pay homage to the siblings and parents they came to grieve for. They will step-dance, turn cartwheels, perform skits and listen to songs played at their families' funerals.A volunteer master of ceremonies will promise parents they'll see a transformation, one that Pierce-McCarthy, Kaylee's mom, says is evident in her bright daughter whose light had dimmed until camp came along.But Saturday night at the bonfire, before the quiet has been replaced again by the familiar roar of dozens of campers playing and laughing, they will gather to look to their hearts and grieve individually.Though the hurt is still palpable, campers have come to the bonfire with burdens much lighter than when they arrived at camp just a day ago."See the stars?" one boy says to another. "Those are all our loved ones. They'll always be there."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Mass.) Visit the Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Mass.) at .capecodonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉

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Native ad spending hit US$1.儲存倉6b in 2012 and is seen rising to US$2.8b by 2014SOON, effective advertising will start to be opted in - that's right, consumers will ask to be advertised to, say academics at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.Catharine Findiesen Hays, executive director of the Wharton future of advertising programme at the school, told BizIT the world of advertising is splitting into traditional content marketing and what is known as "native advertising".Content marketing typically involves sponsored content such as articles, white papers and instructional videos, paid for by advertisers in order to reach out to audiences.According to Ms Hays, this form of advertising, including traditional TV and poster ads, will make way for native advertising, which aims to sit more comfortably within the online medium and will persuade readers to actively absorb its content.The potential for native advertising remains to be seen, although industry watchers are optimistic about its growth in the near term. eMarketer estimates that native ad spending in 2012 hit US$1.63 billion and will increase to US$2.85 billion by 2014.One flagbearer for native advertising is BuzzFeed.com. The site is populated by articles written by staff, but it also has some written by brands in the typical BuzzFeed style."You know it's sponsored, but you aren't turned off. You still willingly click on it, and we think this is going to be very powerful," said Ms Hays.This positive association between content and a brand marks a complete reversal in audience attitudes towards being sold a product, she added. "Because you know it's from a brand, we define native advertising as a format where it must be absolutely clear that it's sponsored, as well."But native ads can go wrong too.David Bell, professor of marketing at the Wharton School, pointed to the failed Scientology ad that ran on The Atlantic at the start of this year. The ad drew widespread flak from readers, and the publication's president had to apologise, acknowledging that the article was jarring against The Atlantic's identity.Mr Bell said that the labelling for the article wasn't clear enough, violating one of native advertising's core tenets. And because it didn't feel like one of The Atlantic's typical stories, it wasn't natural on that platform, he said."Native advertising is about getting the right person the right content at the right time," he said.Ms Hays said: "Let's say you trust Nikon. If they co迷你倉價錢e up with an article that fits you, and fits the way you feel about the brand, you aren't jarred. And over time, you'll welcome articles from the brand."She said brands have to consider their ads more holistically, and include the right channels, how users are consuming those ads, and continually refine what's working. "People come to an advertising agency and say, I want a viral ad, but they don't consider whether that sort of ad fits the brand in the first place."The Wharton School has announced that it is collaborating with Yahoo Asia-Pacific to develop an industry framework for native advertising. Their collaboration will include tapping ad executives and social scientists for ideas, through online and roundtable discussions.Yahoo's push to exploring new ad media comes at a time when new CEO Marissa Mayer is watching over slowing revenues from its core business of digital display ads. Ms Mayer has, over the past year, moved to revitalise some of Yahoo's other content products such as the photo-sharing site Flickr, and recently acquired microblogging site Tumblr for US$1.1 billion.Yvonne Chang, managing director for India and South-east Asia at Yahoo, said advertisers in the region are fast warming to the newer forms of content-based marketing.Where traditional advertising formats confined advertisers to a 15 or 30-second TV commercial, the broader canvas of the Internet allows publishers to put a little more thought into generating a quality five-minute programme that could serve as a commercial too, she noted. In India, for example, where online penetration is just 10 per cent, big brands are still reaching mass audiences via TV, she said.But those which want to target the growing online audience are putting serious dollars into mobile and online ads.Over in Singapore, however, businesses don't seem to be using digital advertising to its full potential, she said."Singapore is a mature market, with 60 per cent online penetration, and where 80 per cent of people access the Internet every single day. And yet digital advertising is just 10 per cent of ad buying dollars - that's an emerging-market number," she noted.The typical worldwide average proportion is twice that, at about 20 per cent. Hong Kong advertisers spend three times on Yahoo ads than counterparts in Singapore, she added.In its latest quarter, Procter & Gamble revealed that it spends a considerably massive 35 per cent of its US$2.9 billion marketing budget for the US on digital media.迷你倉

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Are the needs of Singapore's older generation being sufficiently addressed in policy and practice? What more needs to be done?Teo Lay LimSenior Managing DirectorAccenture Singapore & ASEANSingapore's population is ageing, and an increasing proportion of elderly will challenge the government to continue to keep a tight cap on healthcare and other social services costs.迷你倉 Singapore also has among the highest life expectancies in the world. Examining current Singapore trends to 2025, a massive expenditure gap on public services is opening up between the current trajectory of public sector spending and the demand-driven estimates. According to an Accenture report, Singapore will need to spend an additional $13 billion, or 2.3 percent of GDP to close this gap. All these findings drive home the need for a ''whole of government'' strategy that embraces major structural shifts:From standardised services to personalised servicesFrom reactive to insight-driven deliveryFrom public management to public entrepreneurshipFrom budget cuts to mission productivityThis comprehensive commitment by the government has not been fully achieved yet, but it is the way forward.Lance TayChief Executive OfficerTokio Marine Life Insurance SingaporeONE of the challenges that will become more startling in a rapidly ageing society like Singapore is whether this segment of the population is adequately prepared to handle their silver years from a financial perspective. Numerous public and private studies point to a growing number having inadequate finances to handle their day-to-day financial needs as well as cater for unexpected medical bills.Pockets of people in this segment of society may have passed the point of undertaking proper financial planning to protect themselves in a crisis and/or? provide for their dependents.?Financial institutions like Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore offer an array of plans which enable younger people to purchase such plans to cater to their needs when they get older. For younger Singaporeans who can afford to pay for some of these plans, I strongly urge that you take a longer term view to cover your financial needs for your later years.For those Singaporeans who have missed this opportunity and are now faced with the stark realities of the environment, I believe that some level of government intervention, especially in health care, would be appropriate.John KeungCEOBuilding and Construction AuthorityOVER the years, the government has been stepping up efforts in building a more inclusive society. As we spend most of our time in buildings and public spaces, there is a need to make these spaces accessible to people with diverse needs and mobility, including the elderly. With a growing ageing population, we want to encourage active ageing-in-place by providing an elderly-friendly built environment. The Building and Construction Authority's Code on Accessibility for the Built Environment supports this by setting out the mandatory design requirements, as well as guidelines for good practices, for building owners and professionals.Recently, the Accessibility Code was revised to include more mandatory features for the elderly such as having wider corridors, more toilet compartments with grab bars, as well as resting areas with seats along long paths of travel. This will guide the design of the built environment to enable everyone, including the young, the elderly, families and persons with special needs, to enjoy an active and independent lifestyle where possible.Tan Tiong ChengExecutive ChairmanKnight Frank Pte LtdTHE government has recently placed efforts to help citizens buy an affordable HDB flat by providing additional housing options and grants to different groups, in particular for families and singles. However, there is a dichotomy of support currently given for singles as compared to senior citizens. Under the Joint Singles Scheme, singles with household income up to $1,500 can obtain housing grants as high as $60,000 for the purchase of two-room Built-To-Order (BTO) flat. For example, a 37 sq m 99-year leasehold two-room BTO flat priced at $76,000 in Sengkang, eligible singles would only have to pay $16,000 with the maximum grant. In contrast, senior citizens who purchase a HDB studio apartment are not entitled to any housing grant and can only use their CPF savings after setting aside at least full cash component of the minimum sum. For a 30-year leasehold premium studio apartment of the same size in Sengkang at slightly better location, the lowest price is $88,000.Many senior citizens may not have sufficient cash on hand for a new flat even after selling their previous home, as they could have given the house ownership or cash proceeds from the house sale to their children. Existing policy on housing grants should be reviewed to cater to the needs of our senior citizens.More support should therefore be given to needy senior citizens in their search for an affordable retirement home, so that they can have sufficient cash savings for any contingency needs. Providing housing grants to families, singles and senior citizens who purchase their respective Build-To-Order (BTO) flats/studio apartments within close proximity in a non-mature estate would encourage more families to live near their elderly parents and build closer ties.In addition, bringing back dual-key unit concepts (such as a two-room HDB flat with a studio apartment), and offering housing grants to both singles and their elderly parents would help them to live closer together while retaining some privacy at the same time.Ultimately, any support given to help Singaporeans to own an affordable home should be crafted in more practical ways to foster senior citizens, singles and families to live nearer to one another and thereby building closer kinship ties. That is the essence of nurturing a more inclusive and cohesive society.Chia Wee BoonChief Executive OfficerNCSTECHNOLOGY can be more effectively used to boost the elderly population's quality of life, and facilitate access to healthcare information and services. Policymakers and healthcare providers can do more to enhance their inclusion into society.In health care, hospitals can leverage on technologies such as telecare and centralised patient monitoring systems to communicate with homebound elderly patients and follow up on their healthcare needs. Provision of patient-oriented medical records can enable patients to track and manage their personal health, which can be complemented by mobile applications for medicine refill and appointment reminders. Analytics can be employed to mine electronic medical records systems to identify possible health risk areas for preventive health management of our elderly population.Christophe DuchatellierCEOAdecco AsiaTHE government has certainly addressed some of the issues such as removing the age limit for Medishield Life among other things. However, we need to also look into providing alternative solutions given that Singapore is an ageing society. While medical and healthcare options are a top priority, more can be done with regards to providing elderly-friendly spaces - these include lifts and access for main public spaces.Perhaps the government can look into providing alternative elder-care or providing retirement villages, similar to what is done in other developed countries. Retirement villages can benefit the elderly by providing a supportive social community. As more and more elderly Singaporeans are increasingly affluent, these social communities can add value to their lives, providing them with a platform to retire gracefully.V HariharanCEOSingapore Mercantile ExchangeSINGAPORE'S healthcare policy emphasises health promotion and disease prevention, promotes personal responsibility, and encourages seniors to remain healthy and active in the community for as long as possible. The government has also aggressively promoted healthy lifestyles and regular health screenings for early detection to lessen the risk of major illnesses. It has also developed a strong network of community-based, step-down care services to support the family in its care-giving role.The success of this policy is evident from the numerous service providers offering a variety of residential, centre-based and home-based care services for seniors today. The policy is proper and proactive which clearly foresees the challenges that an eventually ageing population will be faced with. In practice, apart from continuing with the excellent system-wide initiatives already in place, the social responsibility aspect, especially that of family based care for seniors, has to be continually re-emphasised in order to ensure this policy's continuing success.Tan Hak LehChief Executive OfficerAIA SingaporeRISING costs, including higher costs of living and medical costs, compounded with higher life expectancy, highlight the need to take care of the older generation with affordable health care and adequate health coverage. We laud efforts taken by the government to lead this with the recent MediShield revisions.There should be more focus on preventive care, which had been proven to be effective in reducing healthcare costs and ensuring Singaporeans lead longer, healthier lives. This requires us to take a collective approach towards the needs of Singapore's older generation with a longer-term perspective. Clearly, this is not just the responsibility of the government, but also of companies, families and individuals. That is why we pioneered AIA Vitality, a science-backed wellness programme which combines financial incentives and principles of behavioural economics to get people to live healthier. It has been scientifically proven that Vitality members have significantly lower healthcare costs with evidence of lower mortality rates and death and critical illness claims compared to those who are not engaged in Vitality.AIA Singapore continues to invest in Singapore's health to affect real change and for Singaporeans to enjoy healthier and fuller lives with their families.Sam YapGroup Executive Chairman and Co-FounderHTwo Investment Holdings Pte LtdIN my view, the policies set by the government to take care of its population, specifically for the elderly, are all well intended. There are many schemes and services to provide for the poor elderly. The Central Provident Fund (CPF) is one good example. It was originally set up to encourage people to save while they work and build up their savings for retirement. However, over time, the CPF system was used for other needs such as housing, health care and education. This resulted in the CPF savings being depleted and becoming inadequate especially for the poor elderly and the single elderly for their retirement. Relying on family members for support may not be easy for many of them as families are getting smaller and are having problems of their own to cope with rising costs of living.I think that there is a case for the government to review the CPF system with a view to seeing how the elderly can benefit from the scheme in such a way that they could live decently in their old age with the rapid changes in world development. A special government subsidy for health care is an area that should be looked into for this group of people. A more coordinated and integrated approach in helping the poor elderly by various bodies could also be explored to ensure that no one falls out of the safety net.Ronnie TanGroup EVP, Asia-Pacific and Global Talent ManagementRight ManagementPOLICIES can provide an environment to succeed but for it to blossom in an ageing workforce, businesses need to change their mindset from ''I can't'' to ''How can I do it?'' and restructure jobs that match the motivation of people who are re-entering the workforce. Organisations should promote greater and bi-directional collaboration among the different generations within a company.Additionally, instead of believing stereotypes that senior workers are less capable physically, more expensive and resistant to change, employers should play their part in promoting and engaging the workforce to keep their workers sharp and alert, both young and old.R DhinakaranManaging DirectorJay Gee Enterprises Pte LtdTHE government has made substantial policy changes in recent years to not only prepare for an ageing society in Singapore, but also to cater to the needs of our older Singaporeans. Over the last couple of years, the Budget has addressed these issues with some targeted initiatives, including for example the Enhancement for Active Seniors (Ease) housing scheme.However, as the needs of an ageing Singapore society increase, we cannot expect the state to bear the burden of it all. Therefore, as a society, it is important that each family unit helps with providing as much assistance and support for their elderly parents and grandparents as possible. And I do not just mean financially, but also emotionally and in providing them with outlets and opportunities to contribute. I believe that if older Singaporeans still feel that they play an important role in their family units, then it will also help them cope better with the ageing process.In this regard, older Singaporeans can continue to play an important role in the economy even after their official retirement years. The government has helped facilitate and promote some of this culture through the re-employment legislations but it needs a corresponding mindset change and willingness on the part of employers. In fact, companies should look at older Singaporeans as an asset and not a liability because in today's 文件倉ightened labour climate, they provide a much-needed additional source of manpower. Arguably, the maturity in thought that they may bring to a company may often be stabilising.At Jay Gee, we have incorporated this as we reach out to older Singaporeans through our Golden Girls pilot programme where we have hired older Singaporeans as sales staff at the outlets of some of the brands we carry. If older Singaporeans can be financially independent and continue to be active, it will be a huge boost for an ageing society.Dora HoanCo-Chairman/Group CEOBest World International LtdWITH the impending policy change, the needs of the elderly are going to be sufficiently met. In this case, the government may wish to consider the destitute elderly. As they are among the minority, the government will be able to reach out to them too.Perhaps the government can further subsidise homes for the elderly so as to allow more to receive help. There are some who do their best to make a living; however, there is a limit to what they can do due to their diminishing physical strength. They may not be able to find better-paying jobs due to their age or physical conditions. Hence, the homes play an important role.Lim Soon HockManaging DirectorPlan-B ICAG Pte LtdMY wife and I are caregivers to my father (92 years old), mother (82 years old) as well as mother-in-law (82 years old). We can relate to the needs of Singapore's older generation. I am 63 years old now, and can anticipate my needs when I grow older. What matters to our older generation is the feeling of security that all their needs can be taken care of, whatever the circumstances. It starts with us giving our love, care and concern to them freely.Health care is one of the more urgent needs. It is heartening that government has introduced universal healthcare insurance with Medishield Life. More caregivers will also have to be trained, so more will need to be done in this area. Public places will also have to made elderly-friendly. The government can build on what it has done before to ensure that all public places are so designed. If there is one area where our government has done well in catering to the needs of our aged, it is in our green areas and parks. Perhaps more can be built closer to the seniors' homes for them to visit, to relax and to socialise.It may be timely that government consider building retirement villages in our heartlands. These can be a few blocks in a precinct that is close to the town centre. The first two floors can be allocated for such purposes. Such a retirement village comes complete with cleaning and catering services, as an option for our retirees, as well as a nursing station. Our senior citizens need emotional support more than anything else. Locating a retirement village in our heartlands will provide them with the opportunity to be connected to the community.Singapore has the fastest growing ageing population in the world. This implies that not only do we have to take a more holistic approach to addressing all their needs, but also to address these in policy and practice in double quick time.Ronald LeeManaging DirectorPrimeStaff Management Services Pte LtdI WAS happy to hear Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong assure the public that the older generation which has contributed significantly to Singapore's nation-building will be taken care of. This is especially critical if these mature-age individuals are retired and do not have large savings or assets to provide a safety net, nor children to take care of them. THE proposed changes to be included in the revamped MediShield Life scheme is certainly a good start; extending the medical coverage of Singaporeans for life, removing the opt-out option, and including the elderly and those with pre-existing illnesses. It was also stated that the government will subsidise the higher premiums for those who cannot afford them. The overarching direction seems to be a comprehensive and holistic approach.My only concern is how the subsidy scheme will be effected in terms of the qualifying criteria and the application process for these subsidies, which, understandably, have not been ironed out yet. How will this information be disseminated to the elderly who may not have easy access to such information? I am referring to individuals who may not have family members or relatives who can see to their needs and apply for these schemes on their behalf, or those who may not be physically capable of accessing mass media via computers, television or even newspapers.This may seem a very mundane factor but the best social welfare and healthcare policies will be of no use if these individuals fall through the cracks. So the authorities need to devise a system that goes beyond working only when individuals come forward to seek help - we need to ensure that no one gets left behind.David LowCEOFuturistic Store Fixtures Pte LtdGREYING needs are constantly changing and likewise, policies will have to be monitored and calibrated periodically to adjust suitably to changes. Medishield Life is a good enhancement to current health policies where private insurance policies with age caps may not adequately cover the older generation. The motion should start from minimising needs rather than addressing them, by way of encouraging personal health ownership and management.Senior citizens, especially those who were former civil servants, would have retired at a relatively young age in accordance with previous retirement policies, and they form a good pool of resources with their wealth of knowledge and experience to contribute to the younger generations. We should engage them actively in consultative roles to keep them mentally and physically challenged. By being gainfully employed, we keep the older generation socially mindful and at the same time, allow new generations to benefit from their sharing. Creating employment opportunities to welcome the older generation helps to provide them with a stable stream of income and at the same time, makes them feel useful and wanted.In addition to government policies, we do see more corporations and individuals adopting charitable activities involving the seniors and this is certainly a healthy trend in sharing the good and lessening social burdens.Hugues DelcourtCountry Executive, ABN AMRO Bank NV Singapore andChief Executive Officer of ABN AMRO Private Banking Asia & Middle EastPROVIDING proper care and social support for Singapore's pioneer generation as they reach their twilight years is absolutely the right thing to do, and the changes to MediShield are a good start. We look forward to more initiatives from the government to help the elderly overcome issues that they may face, particularly in health care and housing.The social support framework and safety net should rightly be established at government level. Beyond that, care for the elderly is an important component part of an all-embracing, national-level social consciousness. The rapid changes in Singapore's economy have inevitably led to an erosion of the traditional ''kampong spirit''; efforts to restore this culture of helping one another are admirable but it is likely that the task will have to be taken on by the volunteer welfare sector and by actions at corporate level by entities such as ourselves. This approach should also be inculcated at every stage of life from young to adulthood.On our part, ABN AMRO staff actively organise corporate social responsibility activities that reach out to senior citizens. We do this because we strongly believe that sustainable growth can only come from balancing the needs of the organisation, people and society. As a bank, together with our employees, we make a conscious effort to embed this into the bank's core values and we encourage and support it with actionable practice via our local community outreach activities.Eric HohVice-President, Asia South RegionSymantecEDUCATION continues to be a core pillar and central theme across many of our policies. Adding to that complexity is Singapore's high Internet penetration rate, which calls for a growing need to address the topic of online education, in particular senior citizens. With close to 20 per cent of our population aged 65 years and above by 2030, the significance of online literacy for seniors cannot be ignored. As the silver population gets more Internet-savvy and connected, using smartphones and joining social media platforms, they too are at risk of being victims of online scams and malicious malware.Symantec's Internet Security Threat Report Volume 18 revealed that mobile malware increased by 58 per cent last year, and 32 per cent of all mobile threats attempted to steal sensitive personal information. There is certainly room for us to do more to educate our silver surfers on the cybersecurity threats that they may face, starting with public-private partnerships to educate them on security best practices and the use of personal security software to safeguard their social security and well-being.Joshua YimCEOAchieve GroupBESIDES basic medical care, the standard of living in Singapore is getting higher, and this is a concern as some of the older generation may not have a sufficient nest-egg to cater to the rising cost of living. Apart from basic material needs, we need to also consider the psychological needs of these older folk. There are cases of elderly people who are unmarried and childless or have been deserted by their children. Living alone in one-bedroom HDB flats, they pass away without anybody knowing. More funding could be provided to build a stronger ecological system of social welfare groups and volunteer organisations that can reach out and act as caregivers to these old folks who have nobody.Through these volunteer groups, social activities such as cooking classes and tours can be organised to keep the elderly engaged so as to delay their mental decline. Perhaps this concept can be extended further and more holistically in the creation of retirement villages for these old folk to live in where they can keep each other company, bond together and take care of each other rather than live alone in isolation.In addition to this, I think it would be good to include financial education in these outreach programmes to help the elderly better plan their finances especially their CPF monies. This is a very real concern as not everyone is financially-savvy, and there is the unfortunate phenomenon of old folk spending the bulk of their CPF money upon receiving it and then falling on hard times in their later years. With some financial education, they will hopefully be wiser and better able to stretch out their savings to last them throughout their golden years.Zaheer K MerchantRegional Director (Singapore and Europe)Qi Group of CompaniesTHE policies unveiled are an excellent step forward for the elderly. But more will inevitably need to be done overall and for all. The cost of rising health care remains a major concern at 4 per cent of our gross domestic product. We need to address rising manpower costs, supplies and even as health care improves with medical advances leading to better survival rates/longevity, the cost of treatment incrementally increases.The older generation would welcome effective faster responses at polyclinics, initial outpatient care, revisions to the ''means test'' without the level of extensions they are at, more affordable long-term care costs including diagnostic and on-going medication costs and drug prescriptions. We cannot underscore proper patient counselling, since there are schemes which patients may not be aware of. If brought to their attention, this will help not only outreach but also better understanding.Additionally, enhanced insurance schemes and more generous Medishield/Medifund provisos would assist deeply. No one will advocate complete socialism. But greater welfare would be a definite plus.Thirumalai ChandrooChairman/CEOModern Montessori International GroupWith one of the fastest ageing populations in Asia, Singapore faces the challenge of developing and implementing policies that can fit this age composition. Since the 1980s, the government has improved CPF, housing and healthcare policies to help our ageing population prepare for their later years. Whilst we reap the fruits of labour that our older generation has created for us, it is important to recognise and care for the generation that helped build this nation.Current policies such as removing the age limit on Medishield Life are a beginning of a long road of foreseeable changes. I THINK the most challenging measure yet is to work towards a mindset change amongst young Singaporeans, who often view the elderly as a burden and as individuals who are incapable of contributing to society. Most of our older generation is abandoned to fend for themselves and this in turn becomes the duty of the state. Old age is not a solitary issue; it involves the family members and the community to provide support, care and companionship.Workplace attitudes towards the elderly also become a bone of contention among the younger populace. They count on the knowledge and experience of the older generation as archaic and are not accepting of them in workplaces. Policies must advocate the older generation as productive individuals who desire to continue to live their lives as fully as possible and carry on their contribution to society.We have to move towards flexible models of retirement and encourage lifelong learning. This will enable the older generation to feel valued and understood, allowing them to seamlessly retire.存倉

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自存倉Number of directly elected seats: 14Number of candidate lists for direct seats: 20Voting method: modified d’Hondt method of proportional representation; the number of votes taken by each candidate list will be divided by 1, 2, 4 and 8, which makes it almost impossible for any group to win more than two seats in each listNumber of indirect seats: 1迷你倉新蒲崗1 seat for social services and educational sector (split from social services, cultural, educational and sport sector)2 seats for cultural and sport sector2 seats for labour sector4 seats for industrial, commercial and financial sector3 seats for professional sector (one more seat added to this category)Appointed seats: 7Election date: September 15迷你倉出租

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迷你倉 美國科技龍頭國際商業機器(IBM,圖)這類規模宏大的企業,對日益上漲的員工醫療保障負擔,也開始吃不消。  《華爾街日報》報道,IBM計畫改變該公司約11萬退休職工的醫療保障安排,由原來IBM直接資助醫保,轉為向退休職工支付現金,讓他們自行購買「醫保交易市場」(Health-Insurance Exchange)的一系列醫療保障計畫。  據悉,IBM近期已通知退休員工,他們明年開始需要選擇由紐約Towers Watson & Co.旗下大型醫保交易市場Extend Health所提供的一系列醫療保障計畫,以便日後繼續取得醫療保障。自存倉

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本報訊(記者岳源)按規定,迷你倉一個液化煤氣罐使用年限為15年,但家住彭劉楊路的樊先生昨日換液化氣卻發現,煤氣罐金屬環上刻著“1997年至2002年”,已經使用至少16年。這個“古董”罐嚇了他一跳:“萬一爆炸怎麼辦?” 昨日下午4時,記者在樊先生家中見到這個“古董”煤氣罐,罐面油漆已有多處脫落,閥門的金屬環上刻著“2002年”字樣,意味該罐檢測只到2002年。廚房里另一個鋼瓶更離譜,連金屬環都已經丟失。樊先生說,4年前搬到這裡,一直在位於大膠巷內的燃氣供應站購買液化氣。他提供的照片顯示,今年1月送來的一個煤氣罐金屬環上,日期為“2007年至2011年”,也早已過期。記者在售出“古董”罐的武昌順達公司大成路供氣點看到,約10多平方米的房里堆放著約30個煤氣罐,牆上沒有任何許可證件。其中有些煤氣罐沒有金屬環,有金屬環的大部分標明2008年、2011年,已過了最後的使用期限。為何仍在使用2002年就過期的煤氣罐?供氣點負責人拒絕正面回答,只是說:“這些過期鋼瓶將上交公司,然後給用戶更換新的鋼瓶。”武昌區黃鶴樓街城管一陳姓工作人員告訴記者:“該供氣點是正規供氣點。我們在日常巡查中並未發現其使用過期鋼瓶。明日將派人前去查看,若情況屬實將予以處罰。”(樊先生獲線索費50元)“螺栓瓶”早該強制報廢昨日發現,樊先生使用的煤氣罐屬於老式“螺栓瓶”,因其護罩與瓶體用螺栓連接而得名,該加氣點里也大多為“螺栓瓶”。市燃氣辦新聞發言人陳玲告訴記者,市質量技術監督局早在200自存倉年就發出通知,強制報廢製造年限超過15年的液化氣鋼瓶,並于2011年9月30日之前強制報廢所有“螺栓瓶”。“‘螺栓瓶’在2011年9月30日之後就不能再充氣使用了,一些加氣點仍然使用並提供給消費者,是違法行為”。她表示,樊先生的煤氣罐既沒有每隔4年定期檢測,又已經過了15年的強制報廢期限,安全隱患巨大。據瞭解,《湖北省燃氣管理條例》明確規定,對超過檢驗期限、檢驗不合格或者報廢、改裝的鋼瓶進行灌裝的,由燃氣主管部門給予警告,責令停止違法行為或者責令限期改正,沒收違法所得;情節較輕的,可處500元以上5000元以下罰款;情節嚴重的,處5000元以上10萬元以下罰款,並可依法吊銷燃氣經營許可證。(記者岳源)“古董”煤氣罐恐成“不定時炸彈”市燃氣辦新聞發言人陳玲介紹,液化氣鋼瓶屬於壓力容器,使用年限過長而疏于檢測,可能變成“不定時炸彈”。她說,液化氣具有輕微腐蝕性,鋼瓶使用年限過長,閥門接口處墊圈可能被腐蝕而造成漏氣,還會出現鏽蝕穿孔和裂紋,稍遇高溫、擠壓或碰撞就容易發生爆炸。投訴人樊先生說,最擔心安全問題,“看著這鏽跡斑斑的過期鋼瓶,每天進了廚房就心驚膽戰”。(記者岳源)換新瓶注意有沒有螺栓昨日記者走訪武昌幾家燃氣供應點得知,老鋼瓶已經只進不出,持有超期鋼瓶的用戶需要更換新瓶。新瓶與舊瓶最大的區別是:護罩與瓶體連接處沒有螺栓,瓶體乾淨無鏽。市燃氣辦人士提醒消費者,為了安全,如果遇見供氣站將“螺栓瓶”換給自己,可拒絕接受,並向燃氣管理部門舉報。(記者岳源)迷你倉新蒲崗

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【中央社華盛頓六日法新電】美國俄亥俄州二十二歲男子柯德爾(Matth ewCordle)在線上影片戲劇性地聲明自己酒駕撞死人,迷你倉會扛起應負的責任,呼籲大家不要重蹈他的覆轍。這段影片今天引起廣大迴響。柯德爾在網站Becau-seISaidIWould•com一段看來非常專業的影片中表示:「我的名字是馬修•柯德爾,二○一三年六月二十二日那天,我開車撞死文森•卡薩尼(Vin-centCanzani),這段影片是我的自白。」這段三分半鐘的自白以憂傷樂曲作為開場白,柯德爾在黑暗的房間中描述,他灌了一整晚的酒之後,開車時眼前一片黑,在州際公路上逆向撞上另一輛車。他說:「等我被起訴,我將坦承有罪、承擔我對被害人以及被害人家屬所做的一切。」他說,某些「大律師」告訴他,如果願意說謊,他們可以替他爭取到減刑或甚至儲存罪。他說:「可是我不會以撒謊的方式侮辱被害人。」影片尾聲,柯德爾直視鏡頭,告訴觀眾:「我懇求各位千萬不要酒駕。我無法讓卡薩尼先生起死回生…不過你們仍有救,你們的受害者仍有得救。」BecauseISaidIWould•com是一個透過捐款經營的網站,民眾可以公開做出承諾。網站創辦人希恩(AlexSheen)說,柯德爾上個月透過臉書跟他聯絡。希恩告訴美國有線電視新聞網(CNN):「除了這件事,我對他一無所知。」截至今天中午,這則影音在網站YouTube的點閱已破十三萬七千次。「哥倫布郵訊報」(ColumbusDispatch)今天報導,負責此案的檢察官歐布萊恩(RonO'Brien)說,昨天取得完整警方調查報告,九日將要求大陪審團依車禍致死罪起訴柯德爾。如果裁定有罪,柯德爾可面臨最高八年有期徒刑。新蒲崗迷你倉

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Source: The Miami HeraldSept.自存倉 07--It started with a campus party at the University of Miami. From there, the night moved to Monty's Raw Bar, an institution of inebriation in Coconut Grove. But the night was young and South Beach beckoned.Joe Altieri told himself before it all started that it wasn't going to come to that. He told himself he probably needed a break between parties before he and his friends started tailgating at 6 a.m. at Sun Life Stadium for the Canes-Gators game. Instead, Altieri made the wise decision and went to Buck 15 on Lincoln Road."I'm on vacation, so what the hell," said Altieri, who answered questions in between tosses of beer pong played with cheap champagne and even cheaper beer. It was 8:30 a.m. on Saturday and Altieri, who traveled from New York for the Florida vs. Miami game, had been partying all night and all morning. Amazingly, he could still speak in complete sentences.In other words, the dude probably needed to step up his game.Altieri's friend, on the other hand, was an early favorite for tailgate MVP. While Altieri was busy dominating beer pong like he invented the game, Henderson and his friends were polishing off their eighth bottle of champagne."It's early in the morning, so you've got to be fancy about it," said Henderson, a Canes grad from Boston who had a half bottle of Cook's in his left hand.Cook's retails for about $8.99.Like many of the fans who arrived at Sun Life Stadium before the sun on Saturday morning, Altieri and Henderson pulled the ultimate college football all-nighters -- campus keg party, South Beach, Sun Life Stadium -- for what could be the final regular-season game between instate rivals Miami and Florida. The noon kickoff on Saturday offered a unique challenge for those crazy enough to try it. Some people camped out in their cars to enter the stadium's parking lot the second it opened. Hundreds arrived before dawn.It was an all-night vigil for one last victory; a wake of sorts for yet another piece of this religion we call college football that is dying.All over the country some of college football's best rivalries are going away due to conference realignment. Michigan and Notre Dame ended their rivalry Saturday. Texas A&M no longer plays Texas. Nebraska and Oklahoma have called it quits. Miami and Florida stopped playing annually years ago, which is a shame because the scene on Saturday morning at Sun Life Stadium should happen every other year.For example, not far from Altieri and Henderson's tailgate, a drinking game involving tubes, valves, a three-gallon jug and hunch punch was working overtime before 9 a.m. This p迷你倉新蒲崗rticular hunch punch consisted of vodka and fruit punch. Some folks, particularly those in the Deep South, make the stuff with pure-grain alcohol, but I wouldn't know anything about that.The hunch-punch crew reminded me of one important thing on Saturday morning. College kids don't need a rivalry game to binge drink, and I guess that's the real reason a bigger fuss hasn't been made about schools canceling rivalries for cash. For most, it's not really about the football.But for the people who arrived at 4:30 a.m. in order to enter the stadium's parking lot at the very moment security opened the gates, Saturday was more than just another excuse to party. They were all drinking, too, of course, but the early birds were the people who wanted to celebrate every moment of the experience. Some diehards were waiting before 3 a.m., according to stadium personnel. Going to have to take their words for it.I was lazy and showed up at 6:15.Ray Muniz, Billy Kolonias and two other friends arrived much earlier. Fans located in one particular lot at Sun Life Stadium (the blue lot) were allowed to begin setting up at 5 a.m. Muniz and Kolonias were playing dominoes between sips of Miller Lite around 6:30.South Beach isn't exactly their speed, but they did their duty all the same. Muniz fished on a canal all night before arriving at the stadium around 4:30."We originally wanted to catch some gators and bring them to the stadium, but we couldn't find any," Muniz said.That's probably for the best. Instead, the fishermen settled on alligator gar. As proof, Muniz pulled out his iPhone and showed off a picture. Nasty fish, the alligator gar.A fan of the Canes since the early 1980s, Dave Rodriguez went to bed around 9:30 p.m. on Friday to start his Saturday tailgating around 5:30 a.m. He grew up in Hialeah and now lives near Sarasota. Rodriguez's partying days are over but that didn't stop him from starting Saturday morning off with a bloody Mary. He sauteed onions and hash browns in a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet while speaking of joy and lament. He was hopefully for a successful season, but, like most longtime Canes fans, he expressed bitterness about the end of a rivalry."It's terrible but it really ended way back when Florida had their excuse to quit playing," said Rodriguez, who cooked in a green and orange apron decorated with Hurricanes logos. "All the good rivalries seem to be going away."When is it socially acceptable to drink before dawn? At parties and funerals.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Miami Herald Visit The Miami Herald at .miamiherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租

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Source: Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Calif.新蒲崗迷你倉Sept. 07--CHINO HILLS -- When the state Public Utilities Commission president saw what 198-foot utility poles looked like, towering over homes in Chino Hills, he knew a decision he once made to permit the massive structures was wrong.Standing in front of the first installed so-called "monster" electrical towers at Coral Ridge Park, PUC's President Michael Peevey on Friday spoke candidly about his decision and perception of the towers, which ultimately led to undergrounding."Frankly, people said to me, 'Mike why do we care about Chino Hills?' And I said, I went there and I saw this and I felt it was wrong, that's really all there was to it. I just felt it was wrong," said Peevey."It was not proportional, and it did something that just wasn't right in this community and it moved me."In July, the PUC voted 3-2 to underground the power lines through 3.5 miles of the city. The commission found that the design of the above-ground line effectively ignored community values and placed an unfair and unreasonable burden on residents, according to a PUC news release.The decision reversed one the PUC made in 2009 to permit above-ground lines and towers through 5 miles of Chino Hills.Nineteen towers have already been installed, and by the end of this month Edison will begin removal of the towers.To commemorate the undergrounding of a portion of Southern California Edison's Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project, Peevey was joined at the park by Chino Hills residents, city officials, and Rep. Ed Royce.Also in attendance was Edison's President Ronald Litzinger who said his utility will expeditiously begin working on the new project, and the demolition associated with it, but warned the project will be a challenge.Once complete, "this is the first 500,000-volt underground transmission line buimini storaget in the United States," he said."The only previous ones are in Tokyo, Shanghai, and Moscow. And in Tokyo and Shanghai they used existing abandoned subway tunnels."The $2.1 billion Tehachapi project aims to bring wind-produced electricity from Kern County to the Los Angeles Basin, over a 225-mile stretch. It is part of a state mandate to generate more sustainable energy by 2015.Edison officials have been against putting the high-voltage power lines underground in Chino Hills, saying it would be too expensive, made the system less reliable and that its 12 million ratepayers would have to pay for the construction.The residents group Hope for the Hills and the city advocated the lines should go underground because the above-ground lines would be too close to homes and that proximity would lead to health and safety risks while reducing homeowners' property values.The city has spent $4.7 million in legal fees battling Edison over the issue.With the lines being approved to go underground, Edison will have to build two transition stations, each about 3 acres, enclosed by an 8-foot perimeter wall with equipment that is 133-feet high.According to Edison's letter, the anticipated construction period will continue through 2016, beginning southwest of the western end of Eucalyptus Avenue and proceeding northeast to Peyton Drive, then east to the 71 Freeway."Today shows once and for all that SCE, the PUC and the city are all on the same page," said Hope for the Hills President Bob Goodwin. "It's good to hear them say they're going to begin (construction) this month and those towers will come down and then reality will start to set in."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) Visit the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) at .dailybulletin.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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Source: Houston ChronicleSept.mini storage 07--Come February, Houston artist Trenton Doyle Hancock -- who already is an international art star -- will have loads of new fans.Trainloads, actually, as riders of Hermann Park's popular kiddie train journey through a fantastical multimedia installation Hancock is creating for the track's now-featureless tunnel near the Houston Zoo.Visitors also will want to explore North Carolina artist Patrick Dougherty's monumental structures made of bent twigs, coming in January near the southwest end of the park's reflection pool.In March, "Boys Cry Too," a ground-hugging sculpture of brightly painted nautical rope by emerging New York artist Orly Genger, will occupy a football-field-size spot on the park's east side.These are the sure things on a wish list of substantial commissions and loans compiled for Art in the Park, an element of Hermann Park's 2014 centennial celebrations. If they all can be realized, they have the potential to give the city a major destination for public art -- if only for a year.It's not just decoration.Judy Nyquist, who is co-chairing the Art in the Park fundraising campaign with Cece Fowler, sees it as art education.About 6 million people visit the park annually, many of whom may never have set foot in a museum or gallery, she said. "It's accessible. It's in a space they're comfortable in. It's introducing them to something they otherwise may never have connected with."The Hermann Park Conservancy board also is building Centennial Gardens and a grand gateway to mark the park's 100-year anniversary next year. Executive director Doreen Stoller said they want all the projects to consider the park's 100-year history, its legacy of intelligent design, the diversity of those who use it and the traditions Houston families have built there."But then we added a special adjective just for the art: delight," Stoller said. "It is a celebration, and we wanted to make sure people who may not have much experience viewing art would be delighted when they see it in the park. There are a lot of talented artists whose work maybe doesn't go that direction."The conservancy hired Weingarten Art Group to coordinate Art in the Park, also drafting Menil Collection curator Toby Kamps, Blaffer Art Museum director Claudia Schmuckli, curator Lynn Herbert and art dealer Fredericka Hunter to help define the mission, hone the list of candidates and help prioritize projects based on a proposself storaged budget just shy of $1 million."It seems like a lot but a massive part of this is the transportation, installation and insurance," Nyquist said. "The artists, who could all demand very big fees, have been generous. But to insure works of art in a public space is monumental kind of coverage, and very necessary."After months of research and deliberation, they culled the list to nine projects, with five commissions (one co-presented by Central Houston) and four loans (one co-presented by University of Houston).To date, they've raised more than half of the funds to bring it all to fruition.The tunnel mural, which is being rendered in vinyl, has the biggest ticket, consultant Lea Weingarten said. "After that chunk it gets a lot easier."Very soon, a micropavilion from University of Houston's Design/Build Studio will show up near Tiffany Bridge, on loan for a year. Made of recycled office-cubicle materials, it eventually will contain an installation that compresses data from weather phenomena into sounds.Stoller said Rice University's architecture department also plans to participate.Weingarten's team is helping to plan events to encourage interaction with all the sculptures.Nyquist hopes Art in the Park will be the seed of an ongoing public art program, maybe even the first step toward establishing an art corridor between Hermann Park and the nearby Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.While Hancock's train tunnel is the only permanent installation, Dougherty's twig sculptures could last three or four years. (He will enlist the community to help build them, using wood gathered from land that's being cleared for a development outside Beltway 8.) Genger's rope construction and other works will be on view for a year.At the least, the confirmed projects will get people walking."We hope people will be encouraged to visit parts of the park that maybe they don't already go to," Stoller said.Nyquist is realistic but hopeful, remembering the lively action last year around Houston Arts Alliance's temporary installation of Ai Weiwei's "Circle of Animals: Zodiac Heads" at the park's McGovern Pond."Quinceanera girls were looking for the sculpture that had their zodiac sign to have their pictures taken there. It was an amazing experience. Obviously there is a hunger for this kind of thing," she said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Houston Chronicle Visit the Houston Chronicle at .chron.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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