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日前出爐的內地製造業數據令市場大跌眼鏡,加上聯儲局預料繼續收水,觸發新興市場貨幣拋售潮,在悲觀氛圍籠罩下,美股周五仍未止瀉,周四低收逾百點的道指早段進一步下挫137點,報16,060點;納指下跌42點,報4,175點。歐洲股市同步向下,英、法、德國股市尾段下跌介乎1.self storage1至1.6%,個別歐股跌勢尤急,西班牙、土耳其及希臘股市一度銳挫3.4%、3.3%及2.9%。日本股市亦受拖累,日經指數昨日收市下挫1.9%至15,391點,創去年十二月十七日以來最低。銷售破頂 微軟逆漲受惠視像遊戲機Xbox及雲端業務,加上平板電腦Surface銷情改善,微軟上季銷售額破頂,達245億美元,按年升14%,純利升2.8%至65.6億美元,勝市場預期。遊戲機迷你倉雲端業務表現理想抵銷微軟傳統業務頹勢,去年全年個人電腦付運創歷來最大跌幅。業績亮麗帶動微軟股價早段逆市上升4.1%。避險情緒升溫,現貨金周四急漲逾2%後,周五表現繼續強勢,最多升0.68%,每安士高見1,272.73美元,創兩個月高位。GFMS報告表示,去年金價暴挫,加上中國對金飾、金幣、金條需求強勁,中國超越印度成為全球最大黃金消費國,需求高達1,189.8噸,按年飆32%,更較○三年大增五倍。惟報告傾向看淡金市,預期今年現貨金平均價為1,225美元,第二至第三季或跌至1,180美元,不排除下試1,000美元關。另資金湧入避險資產,美國十年期國債孳息率繼周四急跌8.84點子後,周五曾跌7.31點子至2.7041厘,創去年十一月底來新低。迷你倉將軍澳

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self storage 【陳瑩欣╱台北報導】律師林永頌昨與數十名卡債族昨日至新北市板橋金管會抗議銀行信用卡利率過高,欺壓卡債族。揹負卡債逾300萬元本金的李老師表示,她因為銀行高循環利率,6年還了銀行400萬元,至今卻還背負近千萬元的卡債,苦不堪言。 揹35%利息 日前有立委提出《民法》第205條修正討論,希望將信用卡利率上限從20%下調到16%,不過金管會、銀行公會等單位都積極協調,最後法案修正並未獲得共識。卡債受害人自救會昨日發文直批:「銀行業獲利屢創新高,卻不調降利息,金管會是銀行的門神。」林永頌表示,低利時代,銀行1年期存款利率只有1.5%,然而卡債族卻要揹負高達35%的循環利息、手續費、違約金等巧立名目的收費項目,讓債務人「還愈多、欠愈多」,卡債族背負著龐大的還債壓力,存款利率和借款利息實在懸殊甚大,對民眾來說十分不公平。金管會副主委黃天牧表示,銀行在信用卡利率政策上有多方考量,將會有調整措施。他指出,信用卡發卡銀行的利率政策,除一般存款牌告利率以外,包括資產營運、預期違約風險等,因此會比牌告利率高。金管會主委曾銘宗也表示,若調降利率,銀行在資金成本考量下可能不會願意承做信貸,部分的民眾將可能流入地下錢莊,因此,必須審慎考慮修正《民法》的問題。迷利倉

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儲存(吉隆坡23日訊)一名退休地產經紀被冒充國家銀行職員的詐騙集團覬覦,在一天內就損失多年辛苦儲蓄的5萬令吉血汗錢。這名受害者傅先生(56歲,來自蕉賴)於週四中午,在馬華公共服務及投訴部主任拿督斯里張天賜陪同下召開記者會,並講述被騙經過,同時也警惕其他人不要再上當。“去年12月24日我接到一名自稱為李傑森,來自某銀行代表,他劈頭第一句就以華語說我有一張於2013年9月5日註冊的信用卡,屬於白金卡,欠下8070令吉的卡債,過後還告知我可以聯絡一名林姓女子,對方是調查部門。”他繼說,在不久後,林姓女子就撥電來聲稱他曾在谷中城商場買了一個價值3273令吉的LV手提袋以及在萬達鎮購物廣場買下價值4797令吉的珠寶。“當時林姓女子還警告我若不盡快處理,我將會被列入黑名單,之後她說另外一名同事將會聯絡我。”要求將存款轉入另一戶頭傅先生指出,在10分鐘後一名自稱為葉先生的男子就打來,聲稱他有一個外資銀行戶頭,里頭有23萬6000令吉,可是卻支出3萬9000令吉,因此國家銀行將會調查此事,並可能會凍結戶頭,或援引洗黑錢法令調查。“當時我就說沒有外資銀行戶頭,只有一個本地銀行戶頭,存款只有5萬令吉,對方就要求我把存款轉入一個名為陳姓醫生的戶頭內,並說在2小時後存款即可轉回我的戶頭,我擔心被凍結戶頭,就按照對方所言把存款轉賬。”沒想到在當天晚上9時,當傅先生前往查看戶頭時,卻沒有發現存款有轉回來,才驚覺被騙。“我過後嘗試聯絡對方,可是卻一直無法聯絡上,電話另一端更說沒有葉先生等人,於是我於上月26日前往蕉賴警局報案,並告知警方有關號碼。”另外,張天賜指出,他已聯絡警方,目前此案由蕉賴商業罪案調查組調查,而馬華公共服務及投訴部法律顧問梁柏耀也會協助受害者。(TSI)(吉隆坡訊)一名退休地產經紀被冒充國家銀行職員的詐騙集團覬覦,在一天內就損失多年辛苦儲蓄的5萬令吉血汗錢。這名受害者傅先生(56歲,來自蕉賴)於週四中午,在馬華公共服務及投訴部主任拿督斯里張天賜陪同下召開記者會,並講述被騙經過,同時也警惕其他人不要再上當。“去年12月24日我接到一名自稱為李傑森,來自某銀行代表,他劈頭第一句就以華語說我有一張於2013年9月5日註冊的信用卡,屬於白金卡,欠下8070迷你倉吉的卡債,過後還告知我可以聯絡一名林姓女子,對方是調查部門。”他繼說,在不久後,林姓女子就撥電來聲稱他曾在谷中城商場買了一個價值3273令吉的LV手提袋以及在萬達鎮購物廣場買下價值4797令吉的珠寶。“當時林姓女子還警告我若不盡快處理,我將會被列入黑名單,之後她說另外一名同事將會聯絡我。”要求將存款轉入另一戶頭傅先生指出,在10分鐘後一名自稱為葉先生的男子就打來,聲稱他有一個外資銀行戶頭,里頭有23萬6000令吉,可是卻支出3萬9000令吉,因此國家銀行將會調查此事,並可能會凍結戶頭,或援引洗黑錢法令調查。“當時我就說沒有外資銀行戶頭,只有一個本地銀行戶頭,存款只有5萬令吉,對方就要求我把存款轉入一個名為陳姓醫生的戶頭內,並說在2小時後存款即可轉回我的戶頭,我擔心被凍結戶頭,就按照對方所言把存款轉賬。”沒想到在當天晚上9時,當傅先生前往查看戶頭時,卻沒有發現存款有轉回來,才驚覺被騙。“我過後嘗試聯絡對方,可是卻一直無法聯絡上,電話另一端更說沒有葉先生等人,於是我於上月26日前往蕉賴警局報案,並告知警方有關號碼。”另外,張天賜指出,他已聯絡警方,目前此案由蕉賴商業罪案調查組調查,而馬華公共服務及投訴部法律顧問梁柏耀也會協助受害者。(TSI)接12投報損失55萬根據資料顯示,從2011年至今,馬華公共服務及投訴部已接獲12宗冒充國家銀行或武吉阿曼警察總部的詐騙受害者投報,損失數額高達55萬7600令吉,而受害者以及詐騙集團分子不曾見過面。張天賜指出,在2011年共有5宗投報,2012年有4宗,2013年有1宗,可是2014年首月就有2宗,而且他相信這只是冰山一角的案例。“過去我至少已召開5次以上的記者會,並讓受害者講述被騙經過,可是叫人費解的是,為何還是有受害者上當呢?詐騙集團的手法如出一轍,幾乎完全相同,即冒充官員或警察嚇唬受害者。”他說,如果是國家銀行官員或武吉阿曼警方來電,絕不會口操華語,可是根據受害者指出,對方的來電都是說華語,包括外國口音的華語等。“其實除了平民百姓上當,就連一些受高等教育的知識分子也被騙,因為詐騙集團通過高科技改變電話號碼,叫人誤以為是警方或官員打來;因此最好的方法就是直接打去國家銀行或武吉阿曼警察總部查問。”;self storage

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鍾意影相的發燒友愈來愈多,相機的拍攝像素亦不斷提升,普通的 A4 照片打印,或已無法滿足用戶的需要。不過,Canon 新推出多款 A3+ 的照片級打印機,便將大尺寸的照片打印,進一步普及化。Wi-Fi 對應Wi-Fi 連�在 A4 打印機已非常普及,但於 A3+ 市場上仍較少選擇。今次定價 $2,488 的 PIXMA iP8770,除具備 802.迷你倉11n Wi-Fi 支援之外,還對應 PictBridge (Wireless LAN) 制式,讓提供相應功能的新款相機連接,直接打印照片。雖然不少高階用戶,也喜歡自己執相,但入門用戶未必太熟悉。用戶只要在 PC 上安裝《My Image Garden》軟件,便可透過其場景偵測功能,因應照片分類為人像、風景、夜景、場景快拍、夜景快拍等 5 種模式,為用戶自動修正曝光、偏色、白平衡錯誤等影像問題,再進行打印。$2,488?Canon?2170 2828 打印規格◎打印技術:6 色噴墨◎彩色打印速度:A3+(約 120 秒)、8 吋 x 10 吋(約 70 秒)◎解像度:9,600 x 2,400 dpi◎雙面打印:不支援◎連接介面:USB 2.0 x 1◎無�連接:802.11b / g /n Wi-Fi ◎其他:PictBridge (Wireless LAN)◎體積:590mm x 331mm x 159mm簡單易用1 Wi-Fi 設定法此機不設顯示屏幕,但要以 Wi-Fi 連�,設定亦非常簡單。只要按下打印機的 Wi-Fi 按鈕,便可讓筆電、平板機以 Wi-Fi 連接。然後,只要打開《PIXMA Printing Solutions》app,便可快速設定打印機連接的 Wi-Fi 熱點 ﹔或進入網絡設定頁面,自行作 Wi-Fi 詳self storage設定,包括:自定 IP 位址等等。除了供 app 連接外,亦可使用 AirPrint、Google Cloud Print 方式打印。超清靚相2 照片打印評鑒為提高照片的打印質素,此機提供 6 色打印技術,增加的是灰色和照片黑墨水,令打印品的色彩層次更出色。打印解像度方面,還高達 9,600 x 2,400 dpi,並支援 1 微微升墨滴技術。記者以 iPad Air 的 Wi-Fi 連接打印機,把 1 張由 Olympus E-M1 拍攝的 3,456 x 4,608 pixels 照片,打印到 Canon Semi-Glossy Photo Paper A3+ 相紙上,考驗其印相質素。結果發現,此機在「最佳」模式下,打印時間為 3 分 23 秒。色彩方面,跟原相色彩一樣鮮豔,但膚色會紅潤一點,人物立體感亦強。由於照片的解像度高,即使打印在 A3+ 相紙上,墨點亦不明顯。此外,細緻度十分出眾,無論人臉輪廓、衣物紋理,均可看到極細緻的效果。全面監控3 程式功能全覽跟主流系列使用的《Canon Easy-PhotoPrint》app 不同,此機配以《PIXMA Printing Solutions》app,以提供無�打印功能。除了設定輸出尺寸、相紙種類,還可以監控打印機狀態,例如:查看墨水容量、清潔墨頭等等,全部可在 app 內直接執行,毋須再於 PC 安裝工具程式。e評語提供高質的打印效果,並於 A3+ 的打印機中,提供全面的無�打印方案,讓用戶輕易印出高質照片。此外,其售價只需 $2,488,相比以往的同類產品,價錢可說便宜不少,令一般家庭用戶也可負擔。8 外形6 功能8 質素8 速度8 操作38 ScoreTEXT&PHOTO Sammy∣EDIT Steven∣ART fan迷利倉

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【廣編特輯】馬年到,民眾期待新生活新氣象,許多人選擇將家中陳舊的寢具、擺設、過季衣著,趁著過年假期大換新。時尚居家網購大站『生活市集』趁勢推出一系列小資除舊佈新企劃商品,搖粒絨床包被套組、3M技術吸濕排汗發熱被等都下殺至2.儲存9折起,象印保溫杯組更來到網購史上最低組合價795元起,讓民眾無論寢具、廚具、家具、3C新玩具等各種新年願望,都能用超低價入手。 多款床包被七百有找 舊換新好時機 生活市集陳副理:「今年冬天氣溫不低,但非常潮濕,有經驗的家庭主婦都選購具吸濕排汗和發熱性質的床包組,讓家中薄被在冬天也達到很好的保暖效果。」台灣製造寢具網購品牌就有這款【Pure One 搖粒絨雙人床包被套組】(goo.gl/mkbfmS),發熱效果一流,款式花色多樣,還可機洗,目前已在生活市集賣破千組。 保暖發熱材質還有這款帶有3M 技術的【CERES吸濕排汗遠紅外線發熱被】(goo.gl/mPHTCe)不僅輕薄保暖,還具有防潮、易清潔的特性,MIT精品在生活市集只需850元起,2.9折的價位,幫全家人選購也輕鬆無負擔。【Pure One 100%超保暖搖粒絨雙人床包被套組】每入$999起 4.8折禦寒首選goo.gl/mkbfmS【CERES 3M吸濕排汗透氣暖呼呼遠紅外線發熱被】每入$799起 3M科技加持goo.gl/mPHTCe 象印保溫杯 假兩件針織衫 3折特價 陰冷天氣,出門除了穿得有型,也要注意保暖。【假兩件設計針織衫】()為型男本季最夯單品,剪裁顯瘦,可立領穿搭,生活市集締造三千份銷售的超值價每件475元起,讓服飾店業者大嘆無法抗衡。寒冷街頭,手中必備的就是握一杯熱呼呼的飲品,一口飲下讓身體由內暖到外,是最快速、最經濟的保暖良方。生活市集特別引進日系一級品牌【象印保溫杯】(goo.gl/cmnNFZ)套組,最新款彈蓋式設計,便於單手操作,更有快拆洗機制,讓自帶飲料不再是件麻煩事,現在每個更只要795元起,網購最低價已造成本季保溫杯產品的行情破壞,卻是消費者的一大福音。【SM-KA48+SM-KA36象印保溫杯】每入$795起 破千搶訂goo.gl/cmnNFZ【2013最新男士假兩件設計針織衫】每件$475起 5.9折goo.gl/HBpMG0 360度感應燈 萬用伸縮置物架 2.8折起打造愜意居家 年節氣氛濃,民眾除了四處拜訪之外,更在意自己家中環境能否煥然一新。各種改善生活的便利小物,在年前也身價暴漲,成為量販店新寵兒。然而生活市集逆向操作,推出多款破盤優惠,將人潮、錢潮帶進網購市場,此波熱潮已將廠商備貨一掃而空。熱銷商品如【360度LED旋轉感應燈】(goo.gl/1iFUUX)小功耗讓電池更長效,走廊、櫃內的陰暗死角全都原形畢露迷你倉【萬用伸縮置物架】(goo.gl/SI27Tn)讓零碎空間的使用率加倍,一次購買四組的陳小姐:「非常節省空間,鍋碗瓢盆奇蹟似地全都放進櫥櫃了!」各式百貨公司、電視購物商品達到的效果、達不到的價位,生活市集全都在網購平台上實現。生活市集陳副理:「因為我們以量制價,用最大誠意跟品質優良的店家談價格,各種超低優惠都是特別爭取來回饋會員的。」【360度旋轉調整感應燈】每個$187起 3000網友熱購goo.gl/1iFUUX【萬用伸縮置物架】每組$475起 超低2.8折goo.gl/SI27Tn 黑師傅捲心酥 聯發科平板電腦 大小願望一次滿足 新年除了紅包、烏魚子,最好的孝親伴手禮莫過於3C商品,讓長輩也輕鬆利用科技提升生活品質。採用與蘋果同級的友達面板打造的【七吋雙核心平板電腦】 (goo.gl/0U8KhB)輕薄好拿,操作順暢,適合全年齡層的消費者使用;【後視鏡行車記錄器】(goo.gl/yzc740)完全整合車中後視鏡,全方位紀錄行車資訊,上路更有保障。放假待在家中,口味豐富的零嘴小食也省不了。紅遍全台,口味、品質再進化的【黑師傅捲心酥】(goo.gl/jBnb1k)在生活市集達到7.1折的優惠,每罐99元,搶佔過年零嘴市場的大餅。親子同樂時,【兒童益智磁鐵拼圖黑白板】(goo.gl/5X7IDs)的活潑配色,增進家中寶貝的感官敏銳,現正特價一組只要242元起。【七吋雙核心平板電腦】每台$3680 5.3折抗漲首選goo.gl/0U8KhB【三款後視鏡行車記錄器】每入$1250起 3.1折新款搶市價goo.gl/yzc740【黑師傅捲心酥】每罐$99起 前所未有7.1折goo.gl/jBnb1k【兒童益智磁鐵拼圖黑白板】每組$242起 3000家庭享用中goo.gl/5X7IDs 消費再抽大禮 純金金條、$8888現金紅包吸客 除了各項優惠,生活市集也推出歲末抽獎,讓所有1/17至2/28上門消費的顧客,不論訂單金額,都有機會拿個開春大紅包。抽獎獎項眾多,但最吸睛的還是8888元的現金大紅包和純金金條。網友打趣:「接下來一個月我不洗手每天上生活市集!」 『生活市集』小檔案 上線時間:2013年5月商品內容:以販售日常生活用品和個人用品為主,包含居家生活、流行時尚、3C家電、廚房衛浴、親子家庭等分類為主網址:goo.gl/L5I9Id特色:每天凌晨零時更新優惠,平均每天有500件促銷商品。參與方式:1.不需註冊,直接按「我要買」下單訂購即成會員。2.以量制價,嚴選時尚好物,低價優勢凌駕實體量販店與各大網購通路。3.商品為市價和實體通路的一至七折優惠價,但採用限時促銷,部分商品限量,民眾不一定能搶得到,上線至今已逾50萬人次購買。資料來源:生活市集儲存倉

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Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelJan.迷你倉 22--MADISON -- With unanimous or near-unanimous votes, state senators sent Gov. Scott Walker a dozen bills investing new resources in treating mental illness.The Senate also gave final approval to a bill that would ban snooping in the Facebook and other social media accounts of job seekers. That measure passed the Assembly on Tuesday and now goes to Walker.The mental health measures would spend about $4 million over two years in treatment, create a child psychiatry hotline for doctors and make it easier for health care providers to share information.Ten of the bills passed without dissent. Sen. Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend), who voted against two of the measures, has expressed reservations in the past about psychiatrists overprescribing drugs, particularly to children.The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has written extensively about the deadly problems with the Milwaukee County mental health system through its "Chronic Crisis" investigation.The bills now go to Walker, who has signaled he will sign them into law. They would:--Provide $250,000 in grants every two years for mental health crisis intervention teams for law enforcement and correctional officers.--Create a child psychiatry consultation program that would include a hotline doctors could use to assist with the treatment of children and teenagers with mental health issues. Advocates say that is important because of a lack of child psychiatrists in many counties, particularly in the North Woods and other rural areas.--Make it easier for health plans and health care providers to share records about patients' mental health treatment.--Provide grants totaling $1.5 million for up to 12 new physicians and up to 12 new psychiatrists to practice in underserved areas.Practitioners could receive up to $60,000 -- $20,000 a year -- if they participated in the program for a maximum of three years.--Provide $250,000 in grants for peer-run respite centers. Those facilities are for people in a mental health or substance abuse crisis and are meant to reduce hospitalizations.--Require the state Department of Health Services to report by Jan. 1, 2015, on what mental health services every county is providing patients.The report would be due every two years after that and is aimed at helping lawmakers refine programs to get the best results.--Allow children with severe emotional disabilities to get in-home treatment through taxpayer-funded Medicaid programs without first requiring them to fail in outpatient treatment, as currently required.The bill would also allow certain children to get in-home treatment under Medicaid even if they are enrolled in a day treatment program.--Provide $970,000 over two years to expand to more parts of the state a program that helps find jobs for people with serious mental illnesses.--Give $250,000 a year to rural counties to pay for mobile intervention teams to help people in a mental health crisis.--Give Milwaukee County officials more time in some cases to determine whether someone should be detained. They now must make that determination within 24 hours.Milwaukee County psychiatrists report that dozens of petitions to detain the sickest patients fail each year because the patients are unconmini storagecious -- recovering from suicide attempts, gunshot wounds, overdoses -- and cannot be examined for their state of mind.Under the proposal, the 24-hour period would not include any time needed to address non-psychiatric medical conditions.--Clarify the law to say that children 14 years or older can be held for emergency mental health care against their wishes with the consent of parents or guardians if the treatment director agrees treatment is needed.The Joint Legislative Council found that in some cases, the lack of awareness resulted in necessary treatment not being provided that could have prevented harm to a minor.--Allow people to get their petition to involuntarily commit someone before a judge even when a county corporation counsel does not support the effort. Currently, those petitions can't advance if the corporation counsel does not believe it is in the best interest of the public to commit the person.The bill would allow a judge to review such a petition, with the corporation counsel providing the affidavit to commit the person along with the corporation counsel's reasoning for rejecting the petition. Rep. John Jagler (R-Watertown), the bill's sponsor, said it would give families confidence that their request was getting thorough consideration.In August, the Journal Sentinel told of the frustrations of Debbie Sweeney, a Franklin woman who tried to get her son, Rob, 26, committed for mental health care. Lawyers for the county refused to accept a petition filed by Rob's doctor, saying it was too vague.The doctor refused to resubmit the petition. A second effort failed when police failed to show at his commitment hearing.Social media protections. On the social media bill, the Senate last year unanimously approved the measure to prohibit employers, landlords and colleges from pressuring job seekers, tenants or aspiring college athletes to turn over the passwords to their private social media or email accounts.The Assembly passed it Tuesday on a voice vote, but amended it to ensure that employers could still "friend" their employees on sites such as Facebook.The Senate agreed to that change Wednesday and forwarded the bill to Walker.Job creation. The Senate also unanimously signed off on a bill to allow companies receiving state tax credits for job creation to transfer them to another company if the award recipient doesn't owe enough taxes to use the credit.The program would be capped at $15 million over three years and could be renewed for another three years and $15 million if approved by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp., the state's jobs agency.To be able to transfer its credits, a company either would have to: be headquartered in Wisconsin and have at least half its employees here; intend to move its headquarters and workforce to Wisconsin; intend to expand its state workforce by at least 10%; or intend to make a significant investment in equipment, a plant or other building in Wisconsin.The bill now goes to the Assembly.Patrick Marley and Jason Stein reported for this story from Madison and Meg Kissinger from Milwaukee.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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10年就像一個輪回,2004年聯想17.迷你倉5億美元接盤IBM PC業務,2014年他們又走到了一起。昨天聯想集團宣佈,已與IBM簽訂協議,以23億美元的價格收購IBM X86服務器硬件及相關服務維護業務。X86服務器也即俗稱的低端服務器。交易價不足X86服務器年營收一半23億美元收購價中包含20.7億美元現金和向IBM定向發行1.82億股聯想集團股票。IBM將有7500名員工加入聯想集團。聯想集團CEO楊元慶預計,收購後,公司每年將增加50億美元營收。IDC中國區總裁霍錦潔認為,聯想以不足收購目標年營收一半的價格完成這項收購,非常劃算。IDC數據顯示,2012年第四季度到2013年第三季度,IBM X86的銷售額為55.12億美元,占全球13.9%的市場份額,排名第三。“即使以利潤率5%-10%計算,該業務每年給聯想帶來3億-5億美元利潤,5年時間,聯想就能收回成本。”霍錦潔稱。根據IDC數據,收購完成後,聯想將佔有全球14%以上的PC服務器市場份額,成全球第三大服務器廠商,僅次于惠普和戴爾。在服務器領域,聯想再次和這兩家巨頭公司站在一個梯隊。將改善聯想利潤聯想集團目前已是全球最大的PC廠商,但全球PC業務已連續7個季度下滑,聯想要實現PC業務淨利大增並不現實。智能手機和平板業務則處於投入階段迷你倉將軍澳摩根大通認為,收購IBM低端服務器業務,有望改善聯想利潤,可能推動2016財年盈利增長18%。楊元慶昨日也表示,IBM X86的毛利率在20%以上,比PC要高。“我們絕對有信心,買了以後能夠讓它賺錢,我們覺得比PC盈利要好。這個領域的競爭不如PC那麼激烈。主要的玩家就這麼幾個:惠普、戴爾、聯想,還有思科。”新京報記者 林其玲■ 分析“私心”致IBM選擇聯想早在去年春天,IBM就和聯想關於出售低端服務器業務展開初步談判。由於未能就價格達成一致,談判破裂。在出售計劃擱淺後,IBM在去年8月宣佈將對X86服務器投入10億美元的創新和研發經費。這一計劃曾被外界看做是IBM將不再出售該業務的一個信號。為何IBM最終還是同意將X86業務“低價”賣給聯想?IDC中國區總裁霍錦潔認為,23億美元的價格,誰都願意接手,包括惠普和戴爾。但在給出的收購價格相差不懸殊的前提下,聯想一直是IBM最如意的選擇對象。從IBM的角度來看,IBM希望向雲計算業務轉型,甩掉低端硬件業務。但惠普和戴爾近年來一直緊追IBM步伐,公司發展方向也和IBM更加接近,是IBM更大的競爭對手。而聯想和IBM正在朝兩個方向轉型,因此IBM更願意成就聯想。(林其玲)1月23日,楊元慶在聯想年會上宣佈23億美元收購IBM服務器。 新京報記者 秦斌 攝

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儲存倉 我姪兒最近升上了中學一年級,叫嚷著要父親買智能手機給他,因為同學間都用WhatsApp群組來討論功課(及玩耍)。我這兩個月去了十多間中學演講,也發現同學們很多都有新型號的智能手機。的確,根據政府統計處最近的調查,380萬香港人都擁有智能電話,佔人口比例61%,其中25至34歲的人士擁有智能電話的比例更高達92%。另一個群組是10至14歲的初中生,擁有比例也高達48%。和研究機構Strategy Analytics公布的最新數據一樣,三星和蘋果仍舊雄霸香港市場,兩巨頭第三季在全球智能手機市場的佔有率為48.6%,其中三星微升,蘋果微跌。兩大巨頭以外,已經為一眾內地品牌佔據,華為、聯想的智能手機已在第三季全球市場佔有率超越韓國LG電子,分別位居第3及第4。還有酷派、ZTE的市佔率也迅速上升,分別位居第7及第9。雖說還沒到巨無霸的水平,這些華為、聯想、酷派、ZTE及小米等中國廠商,在全球市佔率加起來接近20%,已經可以和兩大巨頭平分秋色。螞蟻踩死象,就是這個道理。十年前,誰會想到一個來自亞洲的手機品牌會全球獨領風騷?十年之後, 如果小米在美國日本賣斷貨,也不足為奇。迷你倉最平

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金紅煒現為中國美術家協會會員、遼寧師範大學客座教授、吉林省工商聯同明書畫院副院長。一個有著強烈的社會責任感的畫家,他的藝術創作必然注重現實社會生活的感受,關注和表達群�的心聲。早在上世紀80年代,金紅煒構思創作了一幅批評官僚主義等不正之風的油畫作品《等》,在第二屆全國青年美展展評獎過程中,引起當時中國美術家協會一些專家們的重視,此畫在北京參展時與羅中立那幅成名之作《父親》及其它獲獎作品並列在中國美術館圓廳展出時,曾引起許多觀�的留言好評。10年前,他的中國畫現代水墨作品就入選文化部高級人才中國畫成果展,作品曾多次與諸多名家同在中“生活的意義是創造生活,藝術家的責任就在於不斷創造新的藝術內涵和新的藝術形式,推動和鼓舞人們去創造新的生活”國美術館展出。繪畫創作的同時,他積極從事藝術活動的組織和策劃,多次受邀擔任北京圖書國際博覽會(BIBF)藝術展區和國際書展中的中國主賓國藝術名家作品展策展人。他與時俱進,善於運用互聯網思維,帶領工作團隊于本世紀初就創辦了國內第一家城市網上美術館公益性服務網站,同期策劃創辦的《中國城市網上美術館中英文1.self storage0版》軟件出版後,曾獲2001遼寧省優秀軟件產品和中國國際軟件博覽會金獎。多方面的藝術成就,使他在大連理工大學等部門舉辦的藝術人生講座上被譽為“成功的復合型藝術家”。身為畫家的金紅煒,更多的還是通過繪畫創作來抒發自己的情懷、傳遞思想的正能量,例如他迷利倉近期水墨寫意畫與畫家其它創作形式立意相同、但表現形式各有所取、各具特色。在中國畫創作中,他主張不因襲照抄前人和傳統的筆墨程式,強調吸收現代抽象繪畫的形式元素與中國傳統筆墨精神的有機結合,他的水墨作品注重追求形式和語言上的獨立變化,寫意不拘一格,寫實超越自然表象,大膽探索對傳統筆墨有所取捨的手法和構圖的獨立樣式,其水墨畫章法布局簡練大氣,十分注重意境和內涵的表述,抽象的筆墨點染中多有具象的描寫抒情和對色彩的刻意渲染,近年來,他對樹木萌發態勢及春意一類寫意題材情有獨鐘,揮灑之間既有抽象的韻律,亦伴有寫生般的勾勒,墨韻濃淡之間亦有點、線、面的協奏融匯,水墨團塊的構成與色彩點染之間的氣韻處理、畫面中的意象詳略呼應,洋洋灑灑的隨意中繪就出中國畫的筆墨韻律與現代抽象油畫風格的自然結合,使他的水墨畫作洋溢著時代的新鮮氣息和執意求異的繪畫追求。作為一個成熟的復合型畫家,金紅煒的各類作品都凝聚著他對藝術內涵服務社會效益的深入思考,社會責任感在他的作品中始終散發著積極向上的能量,多元的藝術創作追求已經完全融入到藝術人生過程之中,在藝術創作的實踐過程中,他對於生活目的和藝術創作本質的體會日趨深化,正如畫家本人所說:“生活的意義是創造生活,藝術家的責任就在於不斷創造新的藝術內涵和新的藝術形式,推動和鼓舞人們去創造新的生活。”這或許就是人們在觀看金紅煒繪畫作品時總能夠感受到一種積極向上的精神力量之緣故吧。迷你倉

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mini storage【本報訊】內地互聯網金融規模急速壯大,觸發電訊巨頭欲分一杯羹。《北京商報》引述消息人士指,中移動(941)或將牽手匯添富基金,中電信(728)則和嘉實基金和廣發基金合作,推出與阿里巴巴旗下「餘額寶」類似的金融產品。中移動正考慮將手機合約中的預付款項,投資貨幣基金。研預付款項買基金報道另引述一家大型基金公司電商部人士確認,正與一間電訊營運商討論合作,但目前仍未有結果,合作方式有考慮市場所流傳的版本,即針對電訊營運商所推的手機合約,中移動或將客戶預先支付手機合約的款項用作購買貨幣型基金,至到期後連本帶利歸還,但最終方案存變self storage。另一方消息亦指,多家基金公司確實正與電訊營運商討論合作事宜。餘額寶以遠高於普通銀行存款的收益率吸納資金,目前規模已迅速暴脹至超過2,500億元人民幣,而騰訊旗下的「理財通」前日亦已上線吸納資金。有統計指,多間互聯網及傳統金融機構,至今已相繼推出超過20隻相似的金融產品。市場分析指,餘額寶與理財通等金融工具主要針對互聯網用戶,而電訊營運商的相關產品則將可能主攻政府及企業用戶,以及三線城市以下市場。而中移動、中聯通(762)和中電信的子公司在2011年12月底,均獲得第三方支付牌照,未來很有可能將其餘額寶產品連接支付系統。迷你倉

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By Gao Yuan gaoyuan@chinadaily.mini storagecom.cn Lenovo Group Ltd, the world’s biggest personal computer maker, will buy IBM Corp’s x86 server unit for $2.3 billion, Lenovo said on Thursday. The deal — the largest tech acquisition ever by a Chinese company — will help Lenovo add $5 billion in operating revenue annually and have a bigger say in the global IT hardware space, said Yang Yuanqing, chairman and chief executive officer of the Beijing-based company. “We’re satisfied with the price of the deal, because we believe the company has acquired a very good-quality asset,” Yang said. The Chinese company will take in about 7,500 former IBM employees. “The acquisition was a huge bargain for Lenovo, which is eyeing a bigger presence in the information and communication technology market,” said Antonio Wang, associate director and project leader for IDC China’s client system research department. According to estimates by industry insiders, IBM’s server unit was thought to be worth as much as $5 billion. Lenovo will become the third-largest x86 server maker globally and the biggest in China after the deal is closed, IDC said. The company was the seventh largest as of the third quarter of 2013, with 2.6 percent of the global market share. Texas-based manufacturer Dell Inc was the top server provider in China as of the third quarter of 2013. Dell held more than 20 percent of the nation’s x86 server market at that point, data from IDC showed. “Lenovo will recover its investment in about five years as the unit is able to generate $300 million to $500 million in annual profit,” Wang added. Yang was more conservative about the unit’s profitability, saying the business barely earned profits for IB儲存 over the past quarters, but he added the company is confident about the unit’s long-term earning potential. “We’ll enjoy a sharper growth curve in the server sector than in the PC market, because Lenovo has become a global company and is more experienced now,” Yang added. Lenovo took about five years to bring its PC sector back on track after it acquired IBM’s PC unit in 2005 for $1.25 billion. Gene Cao, senior analyst at Forrester Research Inc, warned that Lenovo should learn some lessons from the previous buyout of IBM’s PC business. “The company should find ways to keep the R&D team at the unit and better integrate sales channels,” said Cao. Yang said that integrating new units of this size will not be a problem for Lenovo, because the company is strong and flexible enough to quickly merge new units into its global structure. The deal is expected to be completed in the next few months after passing a regulatory review process in the United States. “This new IBM-Lenovo deal may potentially receive more attention from US authorities than the PC business acquisition years ago,” said Cao. Many x86 servers are used in key areas in the US, including government, telecommunications and financial system offices. The US government is known to be sensitive when it comes to Chinese M&A deals in the IT sector. In 2011, Chinese company Huawei Technologies Co Ltd’s attempt to acquire US-based 3Leaf Systems Inc was blocked by the US government, which cited security concerns. Lenovo will fully cooperate with the US government’s review process, Yang said. Lenovo is vigorously exploring both the consumer electronics and enterprise equipment markets amid the slump in the global PC market. 迷你倉

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迷利倉 epaper.ynet.com/html/2014-01/24/content_37693.htm?div=-1...新華社電(記者 譚暢)通過在異地補辦他人手機卡登錄手機銀行轉賬,四川一盜竊團伙在1個月內盜轉他人資金1600余萬元,118名受害者遍及...迷你倉

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迷你倉最平 已把手機業務拆售予微軟的諾基亞仍未脫險,受累網絡設備業績倒退,去年第四季虧損2,500萬歐元(約2.64億港元),按年扭盈為虧,期內銷售額按年大跌21%至34.8億歐元。特步(01368)昨於收市後公布,今年第三季度訂貨會按批發價計的訂單額按年錄得低單位數跌幅,有關銷售訂單跌幅已連續第四季收窄。金輪天地(01232)公布,旗下全資附屬已在公開招標中成功投得位於中國江蘇省無錫市、總佔地面積約31,981平方米的一幅優質地塊的土地使用權,總代價約為2.16億元人民幣。迷你倉

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迷你倉出租株洲方特夢幻王國。據湖南華強科技有限公司總經理任海平介紹,株洲方特夢幻王國今年即可開業,並為等待已久的遊客帶來“決戰金山寺”“魔法學校”“秦陵歷險”等項目。方特夢幻王國以中國元素為主,主要通過高科技展現中國傳統文化,包含主題項目、游樂項目、休閒及景觀項目200余項,與方特歡樂世界有著顯著差別,為您帶來不一樣的體驗。除夢幻王國外,斥資達5個億的株洲方特水上樂園也正在建設中,明年可望竣工開業。2013年,株洲方特接待遊客1迷你倉9萬人次,成功舉辦了濃情中國年、方特狂歡會、方特魔法節、方特魔幻音樂季偶像演唱會等大型活動,並開全國方特公園先河,開放了夏季夜場。為迎接即將到來的農曆新年,株洲方特在大年初三至初七為遊客們準備了豐富多彩的開春大戲,包括首屆“南北獅王”爭霸賽、“未來大信箱”、“馬到成功”等,還給遊客們準備了新年紅包禮物。其中首屆“南北獅王”邀請到了來自湖南和廣州的兩支舞獅隊伍,屆時將為您獻上農曆新年的第一場精彩大戲,還有豐富多彩的遊藝活動。mini storage

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迷利倉爆竹聲聲辭舊歲,紅梅朵朵迎新春。馬年新春將至,春節喜慶的氣氛漸濃。工貿家電自打年貨節開幕以來得到江城消費者的熱烈追捧,針對廣大消費者打家電年貨需求量猛增的現狀,工貿家電夜市每晚等您到八點。新春服務貼心又省心,即買即送即安裝隨著春節的臨近,大量務工人員返鄉,許多快遞公司又進入“用工荒”,大部分網上商城也陸續進入放假階段。由於春節的特殊性,為了避免包裹延誤,部分快遞公司要求1月20日之前發貨,而超過20日以後的快件,預計要到2月中旬左右才能正常配送。快遞公司派件時效不能保障及電商春節配送延遲,對消費者購買造成不便。工貿家電春節期間“不打烊”!工貿家電對傳統大家電推出即買即送即安裝的服務,將充分依托自有物流優勢,完成春節期間的快遞正常配送,讓消費者切實享受一站式服務帶來的便捷,確保消費者在最短的時間內享受到購買的商品。與此同時,彩電也大打服務牌——即買即提即安裝,市民朋友選到滿意彩電後能即刻把彩電搬回家,享受身臨其境的視聽盛宴!家電年貨熱鬧新春夜市春節前是手機發燒友、白領及學生添置和更換手機、平板電腦等產品的旺季,這些受歡迎的“新裝備”已被納入了春節禮單範疇。自1月18日手機節開幕以來,手機銷售走勢呈陽線上升,活動將一直持續到1月27日。目前,工貿家電公開版迷你倉Phone 5S土豪金現貨發售,公開版iPhone 5S完美支持移動4G、3G、2G和聯通3G、2G網絡,可謂是果粉們的福音!據工貿家電相關負責人介紹,小米3也受到熱捧,剛上櫃300台被一搶而空。目前工貿家電已緊急組織追加貨源,雖然現貨緊俏,但工貿家電會最大限度滿足消費者的需求。據悉,現在到工貿家電憑學生證購筆記本電腦加送50元至200元寒假補貼,購電腦攝照任一款買就送USB電暖手套或蒙思暖手袋。依型號送原裝包鼠標、貼膜、排插、散熱底座、8G或4G內存卡、三腳架等。同時,聯通版iPhone 5S預存4999元話費可得5499元話費+iPhone 5S。手機滿千返80,以此類推。為讓前來購手機的消費者沾到新年的喜慶,本次手機節工貿家電特別準備了100萬元新年紅包,將在活動期間內全部送出,歡迎消費者前來領取。據悉,第十六屆彩音節銷售情況火爆,活動延續一周。新春讓利幅度空前,購指定50吋以上4K大平板送網絡盒子。智能電視100%中獎,iPhone 4S、取暖器、電水壺……好禮等你來抽取。工貿家電攜手海信冰洗新春答謝會火爆�動中,1200轉超薄智能滾筒洗衣機僅售2999元,風冷變頻電腦三門冰箱僅售4299元。這個春節,工貿家電陪您紅紅火火打年貨,歡歡喜喜過大年!自存倉

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[Secretary for Development Paul] Chan called for a thorough review of the development of the tourism industry.mini storage “Where should it stand among other industries?”SCMP, January 19Demoted from its official status as a supposed “pillar” industry, that’s where it should stand. How good to see the first glimmers of common sense emerge at last in official thinking about this tsunami of tourism from which we suffer at present.The boosters say, of course, that tourism is very important to us because tourists spend HK$750 billion a year here, which is equivalent to 12.5 per cent of gross domestic product. We cannot just dismiss it out of hand.Not out of hand, perhaps, but we can indeed dismiss by far the largest part of it. The figures are inflated. Tourism is nowhere near as important to our economy.We start with the fact that two-thirds of the average tourist dollar is spent on shopping. Find me the made-in-Hong Kong products that tourists buy. There are none.All the goods are imported, which means we have to deduct the import cost when calculating how big an impact this spending has on GDP.You may say, of course, that this still leaves the profits that the shop owners earned on the sales of these goods plus the rent that they paid their landlords and the wages they paid their sales clerks.But it still works out to less than it seems. A good number of the shop owners are foreigners or working under foreign franchise agreements, which means the profits just go back abroad.And where the owners are not foreign, they tend, like the landlords, to be existing rich local tycoons so that we just get more disparity in where the money goes.As to wages, tourism is a low-pay industry for menial labour, perfect for poor startup economies with little education and high jobless rates. Hong Kong, in contrast, is one of the world’s wealthier cities and has a full-employment economy with more than a quarter of the workforce holding university degrees. It’s a bad fit.Much the same goes for other industries where t迷你倉e tourist dollar is spent. Most of the money for air fares never comes here at all or goes abroad again immediately while hotels, like shops, purchase most of their goods abroad, are narrowly owned by foreigners or by existing tycoons and pay menial wages.It is noteworthy that the Retail Management Association does not even talk of having jobs for local jobseekers. It wants to bring in a flood of foreign labour to serve the foreign visitors, which means just more tourist dollars going straight back abroad.I have not seen any detailed studies of how important tourism really is to the Hong Kong economy but, on a net basis, I would think it contributes little more than 2.5 per cent of GDP, rather than 12.5 per cent, and that this 2.5 is easily made up elsewhere if the resources are freed from tourism.All of this, moreover, takes no account of the land-hungry nature of tourism or of shopping districts now denied to local residents because of a focus on tourists alone. Residents of Sheung Shui, for instance, have practically no normal community facilities left.It gets even worse. Not only does very little of the tourist dollar remain in Hong Kong but we have allocated hundreds of billions of dollars of public money to infrastructure projects primarily for tourism.If it were not for the tourist invasion, we could easily put off the HK$130 billion expenditure on a third runway or that HK$65 billion and counting for a bridge to Macau, which Macau does not want and which will never be needed by our port when it is finished. Let’s face it. We are probably net losers on tourism.My one suggestion is that we give visitors free tickets to the new high-speed railway to the border. We can then send them back to Shenzhen every night and save the cost of building yet more hotels on prime land that could be used for housing.Yes, Mr Chan, let’s start that rethink now on where tourism should stand among other industries. It’s a pillar that rests on our shoulders rather than we on it.jake.vanderkamp@scmp.com文件倉

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Source: Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UtahJan.迷你倉 22--FARMINGTON -- Davis County Sheriff Todd Richardson is not surprised in this hurry-to-get-somewhere society that nearly half of Utah's road traffic fatalities in 2013 involved people not wearing their seat belt.Richardson shared as an example the little girl who was killed in a Clinton vehicle accident in December as a result of the child seat not being properly connected.Utah transportation officials say they counted 219 traffic deaths in Utah in 2013, and almost half of the car crash victims who died hadn't been wearing seat belts.The Utah Department of Transportation statistics released Tuesday show two more deaths last year than in 2012. That year brought the lowest number of fatalities since 1959.Officials say that when motorcyclist, bicyclist and pedestrian deaths are taken out, nearly 47 percent of the people who died on Utah roads last year weren't buckled up.Richardson, a longtime paramedic with the Davis County Sheriff's Office prior to becoming sheriff, is not surprised by the increase, or the number of victims found not wearing seat belts."There is a certain amount of safety factors that you have to take into consideration when operating a vehicle," Richardson said.And although law enforcement agencies across the state do all they can in enforcing seat belt laws, Richardson said, what it comes down to based on his experience is educating the motorist in taking the extra 20 seconds needed in making certain everyone in the vehicle is buckled up."It shouldn't come from the law. It should come from the mind," Richardson said.But in 迷你倉將軍澳 matter-of-fact tone, Richardson said, "Some motorists get educated the hard way."Being a paramedic, Richardson said, every accident is different. But the way vehicles are now engineered, motorists and their passengers have the greatest amount of probability of surviving a crash if they are able to remain in the vehicle -- and the way to do that is by wearing the seat belt.Medical professionals agree."If you can keep people in the vehicle it reduces the chance of blunt force trauma and head injuries," said Dr. Heather Heileson, emergency room physician at McKay Dee Hospital in Ogden."It should be a simple step to click you seat belt," Heileson said. "It should simply be a reflex. Make sure other people (in the vehicle) are wearing their seat belt too."One thing motorist and passengers may not realize, Richardson said, that if not properly restraint, injuries can occur as a result of their bodies striking one another from the impact of the crash."It is just that rush we are in as a society," Richardson said.In the meantime, law enforcement agencies will continue to educate motorists on seat belt safety through its community outreach programs.State officials are working toward a goal of zero fatalities, and remind people to buckle up, put down cellphones and other distractions, and never drive drowsy or impaired.Contact reporter Bryon Saxton at 801-625-4244 or bsaxton@standard.net, or follow him on Twitter at @BryonSaxton.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) Visit the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) at .standard.net Distributed by MCT Information Services

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迷你倉 【綜合外電報道】日本男遊客松本廣樹上月到曼谷度假遺失一部iPhone。他回國後買下一部iPhone 5c,登入雲端帳戶時發現多張可愛泰妹自拍照。他懷疑她拾獲iPhone後上載照片至雲端帳戶。單身的松本一見傾心,在twitter稱:「她太可愛了,我很想跟她說:『只要我們能做朋友,那部iPhone便由你保管。』」他把訊息翻譯成泰文,並傳到泰妹的手機,可惜換來一幅幅她與男友的照片,並回贈一句:「很高興認識你。」傷心欲絕的松本最終決定關掉iPhone帳戶。mini storage

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  • Jan 23 Thu 2014 09:48
  • 臺灣

迷你倉南韓三星電子主管透露,將在2月的全球行動通訊大會(MWC)舉辦開發商論壇,力推內建Tizen作業系統的智慧手機,和Google形成亦敵亦友的關係,可能威脅Google開發的Android系統地位。韓國時報和國際商業時報報導,三星可能在西班牙巴塞隆納MWC登場的前一天、也就是2月23日舉辦論壇,發表Galaxy S5智慧手機、Tizen作業系統,及搭載Tizen軟體的智慧手機,將邀集媒體、合作夥伴和內容開發商,了解Tizen軟體的下一步策略。三星主管說,三星正與歐洲主要行動電訊商和配銷通路合作,推廣使用內建Tizen的行動裝置。三星雖靠大舉押注Android軟體的策略成為全球頂尖手機製造商,卻仍渴望創造新的行動生態系,蛻變為市場創造者,不只是追隨者。首爾內容開發商執行長韓正宇說,三星努力擴大Tizen聯盟,將讓Googself storagee感到不安。三星已是全球最大Android手機製造商,對智慧手機裝置和零組件市場的主宰能力也無庸置疑。三星的全球手機市占率已超越30%。南韓科學與資訊科技未來規劃部官員說,三星手機事業達成規模經濟後,也想對Android系統避險。三星的分散風險策略也反映在微軟據傳今年將推出「超級三星-微軟手機」。分析師指出,其他智慧手機製造商採用FireFox和Jolla等不同作業系統後,使三星面臨壓力,決定展示Tizen的優勢。Tizen是從Bada作業系統進化而來,是三星用來對抗Android等作業系統的祕密武器。Tizen是以Linux為基礎的軟體,不僅能用於智慧手機和平板電腦,還能用於智慧電視、家電、甚至汽車。Tizne能完全整合進三星整個產品生態系,若這款作業系統成功,將成為三星多數家庭娛樂、行動、運算等產品的單一核心軟體。迷利倉

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