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近來,迷你倉香港又再受H7N9禽流感威脅,內地供港雞場例牌成為嚴查對象。事實上,這些年來,什麼有毒蔬菜、孔雀石綠魚、蘇丹紅蛋等等,尤其是來自內地的供港食物,已一再衝擊港人對食品安全的信心。每次出現問題,港府都大為緊張地驗這驗那,這本應分,但港府可有想過開拓新的健康食品來源?可有想過利用食品安全為香港創富造福?這離不開四個字:本土農業。 本土農業大有可為 如果到過街市,都會看到有些菜檔大字標明「新界菜」。新界菜和其他地方的菜都是菜而已,有不同嗎?不同就在建基於對本地出產食品的信心。「新界菜」三個大字,說明700萬人口對本地農產品存在龐大的需求。其實,對香港食品的市場需求又何止於本地,香港無論如何邊緣化、經濟如何被其他城市超越,一談到食品的安全健康,環顧四周,鄰近地方完全「冇得比」,在可見的將來相信也不可能追得上香港,「搶奶粉」正是最好的證明。所有人每天都要進食,所有人都希望吃得安心,香港生產的食品市場潛力,根本大得難以想像(行銷全球的港製月餅就是顯例)。 隨�價值觀的進步,近年多了人,尤其是年輕人參與耕作,各種發展本地農業的論述也如雨後春筍。筆者亦認識一些關心本地農業的朋友,他們有些從事農業技術和農產品市場研究、有些參與有機耕種、有些經營無土種植,這批熟悉香港農業的人,都有一個共同的看法──香港本土農業不mini storage大有可為,而且對整個社會大大有利。 只欠政策東風 重振本地農業,對各級產業可發揮「一條龍」的好處:利用本地農業如種菜、養魚等生產食材,促進第一級生產;利用全由本地生產的食材來製作加工食品,可刺激屬於第二級生產的食品加工行業,憑�「百分百香港製造」這句耳熟能詳的口號,不怕沒有市場;將不同的本土生產食品投入餐飲服務及旅遊等第三級生產,可強化這類現有的支柱行業。在本土農業帶頭之下,這樣的「一條龍」定可以為香港的產業開創新天地、直接或間接提供更多就業機會、創造更多財富。大片土地變成菜田、魚塘,對環保也大有裨益。 香港有大片適合復耕的荒廢土地(多麼大的浪費)、有越來越多關注農業和從事農業的有心人、有龐大的市場,發展本土農業可謂萬事俱備,可惜卻只欠政府政策的東風。一談到土地,政府只會想到起樓。住屋是重要,但為香港開拓新的產業也絕不可忽略,一味金融地產,已證明不是出路。只要有適當的農業政策配合,讓投資者看到合理利潤和行業前景,資金和技術自可源源不絕,大規模復耕生產、利用本土農業支援本地第二和第三級產業,絕非難事。 過度依賴金融、地產、旅遊,引起的政經社問題已越來越多兼日見惡化,產業結構單調亦令香港的發展陷入樽頸,必須盡早尋求突破。香港的食安優勢、土地、市場、人心,都是發展農業的肥沃土壤。香港農業,理當振興!self storage

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Victim left with post-traumatic stress disorder after six years of threatsAFTER watching American opera singer Leandra Ramm perform on television in 2005, Colin Mak Yew Loong contacted the 20-year-old and promised to help further her music career.儲存When she stopped replying, the Singaporean responded by sending her threatening e-mail and voice messages for the next six years.These were often vulgar and included threats of violence using weapons such as an AK-47 rifle and a lead pipe. It left her facing a post-traumatic stress disorder and financial difficulties.Yesterday, the 38-year-old Mak was sentenced to three years in prison for "cyber-stalking" the 29-year-old Ms Ramm, whom he had never met, and two other victims. The 38-year-old jobless man was also fined $5,000 for three unrelated offences.District Judge Mathew Joseph called the matter an "abhorrent case of cross-border cyber-stalking", telling Mak: "The virtual Internet in your criminal hands became a lethal weapon. It was used as a weapon of massive personal destruction in the real world of your hapless victims."He said Mak's actions were a perverse form of "mental assault" and "emotional terrorism" as he repeatedly and aggressively intruded into the singer's personal and professional life.His virtual threats, noted the judge, were deliberate and involved "sinister sophistication".Mak, who ran a photography business, also sent threatening e-mail messages to German national Siegfried Geyer - the boyfriend of a Hungarian musician he became obsessed with after seeing her perform in Singapore - and local businesswoman Liew Hwei Ken, an employee of a firm he believed had stolen business from him.Judge Jose迷你倉h considered a medical report by the Institute of Mental Health which indicated that Mak probably had an anti-social personality disorder and "narcissistic personality traits".Yet, the man's threats against his victims were "vile and vicious" and revealed a "dark side" which was "repugnant and offensive", said the judge.Prosecutors had called for a stiff deterrent sentence for Mak, who pleaded guilty on Dec 4 to 14 charges of criminal intimidation and three of harassment, criminal trespass and theft in dwelling. Another 25 charges were taken into consideration.Noting that steps to bring culprits of online harassment and cyber-stalking to justice may be "too little too late", Judge Joseph also highlighted the need for better protection of potential victims. "This case is a timely reminder that harassment laws need to keep pace with changes in technology and the pervasive use of the Internet and social media," he said. "There is a clear need to have adequate and effective protection for victims who are vulnerable."The judge also cited a recent survey by government feedback arm Reach. This showed that more than 80 per cent of 1,000 Singaporean residents surveyed viewed online harassment as a serious issue, with a similar number indicating that they wanted tougher measures in place to deal with harassment, whether it takes place online or offline.Last month, Law Minister K. Shanmugam said his ministry is preparing legislation to better protect people against online harassment that will be tabled by early next year.The maximum penalty for criminal intimidation where the threat is to cause death or grievous hurt is a jail term of 10 years and a fine.pohian@sph.com.sg儲存倉

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The development will boost airport's capacity and cement its position as a leading air hubSingaporePROJECT Jewel, the mixed-use development aimed at adding some glitz to Changi Airport when it is launched by end-2018, will cost $1.迷你倉47 billion including land costs.Co-developers Changi Airport Group (CAG) and CapitaMallsAsia (CMA) said yesterday that they have struck a joint venture agreement via their respective wholly owned subsidiaries, Jewel Changi Airport Holding and CMA Singapore Investments (6), and will set up a private trust, a trustee-manager and a property manager as the JV entities.CAG will hold the majority stake of 51 per cent, while CMA will hold the balance 49 per cent that it will bankroll through internal funds and external borrowings, CMA said in a release to the Singapore Exchange.Project Jewel will be constructed on the existing 3.5-hectare carpark site in front of Terminal 1 and will include airport operations, retail and leisure offerings as well as hotel space. The site has a lease term of 60 years, expiring in 2073, with CAG as the lessor.The project, which CAG describes as game-changing, is part of efforts to cement Changi's status as the region's preferred air hub as other airports strive to carve out a bigger slice of the pie.CAG chief executive Lee Seow Hiang said: "In today's highly competitive landscape where airports around the world are actively competing for passengers' mindshare, we cannot stop innovating. Project Jewel will give us this additional edge."Construction on Project Jewel will kick-start in the second half of next year, with completion slated for 2018 - not long after the upcoming Terminal 4 is set to open its doors in 2017.A team of design consultants have been tasked with creating Changi Airport's latest landmark, which will be encased in a distinctive glass and steel dome. The consortium consists of Safdie Architects, which designed another local icon, the Marina Bay Sands integramini storageed resort, Benoy, as well as local architect RSP, which was behind ION Orchard.The multi-storey complex will span a total gross floor area of about 134,000 square metres, of which 17,000 sq m will go towards airport operations, 5,000 sq m towards hotel space, 90,000 sq m towards retail space as well as 22,000 sq m towards attractions such as a large indoor garden and 40-metre waterfall. However, the net lettable area of the retail space will total 53,500 sq m."The site presents an ideal opportunity for global and local retailers and F&B operators to create one-of-a-kind stores and dining concepts, to cater to a ready cosmopolitan catchment with more than 50 million passenger movements from 270 cities every year," said Lim Beng Chee, chief executive officer of CMA, which has interests in and manages 105 shopping malls across Asia. "This will provide an ideal platform both for American and European retailers to introduce and promote their offerings in Asia, as well as Asian retailers to do likewise with a global audience."From an operational standpoint, Project Jewel will add a passenger handling capacity of three million to Changi's current tally of 66 million per year, in addition to allowing T1 to expand to accommodate greater space for areas such as taxi bays and baggage claim.Aside from connecting passengers to the three existing terminals by foot, the development will also feature facilities dedicated to the fly-cruise and fly-coach passenger segments to make travel experiences smoother. Meanwhile, the basement carpark will nearly treble T1's existing parking facilities to 2,500 parking spots.But Changi's transformation will not stop with T4 and the upcoming mixed-use development. Earlier this year, plans for the mega Terminal 5 were unveiled, which will bump up Changi's handling capacity to a total of 135 million passengers per year in the mid-2020s.In the stock market yesterday, CMA shares closed at $1.905, up half a cent.self storage

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許青天 繪陝西北路一處老弄堂口的古銅色銘牌,自存倉吸引了兩名“背包客”的注意。年輕遊客正端著相機往里走,卻被一名居民喊住:“這裡不允許參觀,請你們到外面去。”“老街”保護與開放,究竟是“住戶優先”還是“遊覽優先”。這樣的矛盾,在上海其他保護街區也常常發生。■本報記者 欒吟之上海第三條“國家級老街”近千米長的陝西北路 (自新閘路至巨鹿路),雲集了名人舊居、革命遺跡等21處歷史文化景觀,今年6月8日成為上海的第三條“中國歷史文化名街”。靜安區文化局局長張愛華介紹,“名街”評選條件很嚴苛,“強調真正意義上的老街,而非‘新造的假古董’,也不能是純開發行為”。前幾屆評選中,上海只有多倫路和武康路2條“名街”入選。“老街保護重在‘平衡’,兼顧歷史、現在和未來。”上海同濟城市規劃設計研究院總規劃師張松在 “陝西北路中國歷史文化名街揭牌儀式暨保護利用研討會”上說。張松說,作為第三條“國家級老街”的陝西北路,有何東公館、宋家老宅、榮家老宅、馬勒別墅等獨立式花園住宅,又有華業公寓、太平花園等公寓建築群落,西摩會堂、懷恩堂等宗教建築等,展現了老上海公共租界拓界期間的社區原貌。“許多老建築尚未對外開放,建議政府部門牽頭,平衡居民居住品質和公共空間屬性,讓更多人瞭解這裡。”公�走進老建築談何容易然而,走進老建築談何容易。如今,靜安區有條件地開放部分陝西北路景觀供公�參觀。針對專家學者和遊客們“更加開放”的呼聲,靜安區有關部門負責人卻坦言:“能不能開放,關鍵取決于居民態度。”採訪中,一些居住在陝西北路的居民告訴記者,他們不希望生活被打擾。一名老人說,有時候晚上推開房門嚇一跳,看到有人蹲在自家門口,一問才知道對方在研究地上一塊青磚。還有的居民擔心安全問題,有時旅遊團組織遊客到附近遊玩,不僅很吵,還很迷你倉安全。保護建築中居民的反對,不是一個新問題。常德路195號的常德公寓6樓曾是張愛玲1942年到1948年的居所。這幾年,常常有遊客慕名到此,有些甚至直接推門入內、坐電梯到6樓一探究竟。居民們為了擋住好奇的遊客,集資安裝門禁,還在大門口貼上醒目的“私家住宅、不得進入”提示牌。一些保護建築和街區的開放,則得益于居民配合。位於南匯路的溫可錚舊居由溫老遺孀居住,靜安區在徵得家屬同意後實行“預約接待制度”,在“指定開放日”向團隊遊客開放參觀。蔡元培故居一樓由靜安區出資辟為故居陳列館,二樓、三樓則居住著蔡元培先生的子女,靜安區文史館有時會在此舉辦文化活動,但前提是不打擾住戶正常生活。歷史文脈和居民生活應結合如何才能把陝西北路做成歷史文脈保護的一個“最佳案例”?上海圖書館館長吳建中建議,應該喚起每一名地區居民的責任感,讓居民都樹立起保護意識,將歷史文脈和現代生活有機結合起來。上海規劃委員會專委會委員薛理勇說:“街區保護應留有餘地,不能過度商業開發,而要與改善居民生活相結合。”陝西北路曾是“內增高鞋”一條街,後來靜安區對此進行整治修繕,開展綠化佈置、防護欄整治、店招設計、圍牆整修等,既改善了當地居民的生活環境,也提升了“老街”品質。還有一些專家表示,陝西北路600號開設名人名街展示咨詢中心的做法也值得借鑒。這裡每天滾動播放《陝西北路名人名街》短片,用影像語言介紹21處建築形式多元、人文底蘊深厚的文化景觀點;常設“名人名街人文歷史展”,通過多媒體演繹、圖片介紹、剪紙與模型藝術結合的模擬人物場景等予以展示。專家建議,對於目前尚無條件開放的保護街區,可採取 “分步開放”方式,通過多媒體展示、或在建築物附近製作雕塑和銘牌等做法,增加相關信息,既讓居民住得舒心,也讓遊客對這裡的人文歷史有所瞭解。mini storage

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香港電訊(06823)動用近190億元收購CSL一事,mini storage除了令CSL大股東Telstra獲得巨額收益外,持有CSL之23.6%股權的新世界發展(00017)亦收穫甚豐,估計出售CSL股份可收取5.723億美元(約44.52億港元)代價,料完成交易後,新世界發展將錄約16.538億元的未經審計收益,並將有關款項用於一般營運資金。新世界發展董事會認為,全數出售手上之CSL股份,可為集團展提供一個實現其少數股東在非核心資產中股東價值的機會,並指擬議出售及股份購買協議的條款屬公平合理,且擬議出售符合迷你倉團及新世界發展股東作為一個整體的利益。同時,新世界發展已向香港電訊及CSL作出承諾,除特定例外以及任何其他基於個別情況且由各方同意的例外之外,在交易完成後的3年內,新世界發展及其附屬公司(只要其仍為新世界發展的附屬公司),將不會從事或以任何身份直接或間接參與香港移動無線通訊核心業務或某些WiFi業務,但其現存的WiFi業務不包括在內。同時,Telstra亦已向香港電訊信託及CSL作出類似承諾。資料顯示,截至2013年6月30日的經審計綜合財務報表,CSL集團之經審計合併淨資產總額約為63億元。文件倉

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Source: The Montana Standard, ButteDec.迷你倉 20--HELENA -- As the deadline approaches for consumers to get health coverage through the "Obamacare" online marketplace in Montana, insurers here say they're giving customers until mid-January to make their first payment."We're getting so many calls and so many people signing up at the last minute, that's the least we can do to accommodate those people," said Jerry Dworak, CEO of the Montana Health Co-op, one of three insurers selling polices on the marketplace.The deadline is Monday for consumers to buy policies for coverage that starts Jan. 1, and customers are expected to pay their first premium before they can be ensured of having coverage.Yet the Co-op and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana said this week they'll give people until Jan. 10 to pay their first premium, but still make the coverage retroactive to Jan. 1.PacificSource, the third company selling policies on the marketplace in Montana, will be giving customers until Jan. 15 to settle their first payment, said Todd Lovshin, Montana manager for the Oregon-based company."We're creating some flexibility in our processes so people can get on board, get their policy and give them some breathing room," he said.The extended payment deadlines come as thousands of Montanans attempt to use the federally run website .healthcare.gov to sign up for individual health insurance policies -- and as the website, while improved, continues to have technical problems.Insurers say they're not always getting complete data on customers who've signed up for coverage, and state officials and consumer counselors, or "navigators," say other problems persist.For example, some consumers who signed up for a marketplace account soon afself storageer it launched Oct. 1 may still be stuck in a technological "black hole" and need additional help to complete the process, said Adam Schafer, deputy insurance commissioner for Montana."We are hearing reports that the marketplace is getting better," he said. "But the big concern is that is becomes a functioning website that people have confidence in."Schafer said if consumers believe they've successfully signed up for a policy through the marketplace, but haven't received confirmation from the company within a few days, they should call the company to make sure their application is being processed.All of the insurers said if people have any doubts about a policy they bought on the marketplace, they should check directly with the company."We will do everything in our power to assist our (customers) through the transition," said John Doran, director of strategic marketing services for Blue Cross.Lovshin said data that PacificSource is getting from the marketplace are getting "better and better," and that the company is in constant communication with the federal government to reconcile the information. "We're finding very few discrepancies," he said.Still, Dworak said the Co-op is getting many calls from people who've said they signed up for a policy through the marketplace, but their records have not yet arrived via the marketplace. He counseled consumers to have patience with the system."It's exactly what we thought: Everyone waiting until the last minute (to sign up), which creates a bottleneck," he said. "Our job is to try to get them insured."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Montana Standard (Butte, Mont.) Visit The Montana Standard (Butte, Mont.) at .mtstandard.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉

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[記者鄭窈英╱台中報導]為配合102年12月31日(星期二)「102年度臺中商圈購物節系列活動:自由優活.豐跨年-跨年派對」活動實施交通管制案,迷你倉其管制路段、時段內禁止車輛通行、禁止停車,請用路人注意遵行。 敬請用路人注意相關公告事項:一、管制路段: (一)豐原區復興路(中正路129巷至中正路2self storage1巷)雙向車道。(二)豐原區信義街(中正路至府前街)雙向車道。二、管制時間及方式:(一)102年12月31日上午10時至下午15時,禁止車輛駐停與通行,警備車、消防車及救護車除外(機車可通行)。(二)102年12月31日下午15時至103年1月1日凌晨4時,禁止車輛駐停與通行,警備車、消防車及救護車除外。 迷利倉

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香港的電視市場或掀起一場新革命。較早前不獲政府發免費電視牌照的香港電視,self storage昨午突然召開記者會,主席王維基宣布購得有國企背景的中國移動香港旗下的子公司,並利用該公司本身持有的無線電頻譜,以及在網上播放電視節目,開台日定於明年7月1日。「國企背景」和「7月1日」兩個政治話題成為記者會焦點,全程談笑風生的王維基強調,「這是一個純商業的洽購和決定」,又謂開台日跟政治「完全沒有任何關係」,但直言「我相信現在香港需要一個自由自主的電視台,比一個免費電視台來得更加迫切」。 記者杜琪報道王維基繫上代表港視主色的綠色領帶,在台上首先宣布開台消息,「香港電視將會在明年的7月1日,正式啟播」。根據港視發表的公告全文,港視將收購中移動香港的子公司,購買價大約1.422億元。中移動香港的子公司持有頻譜、綜合傳送者牌照,頻譜的有效期至2025年8月30日。只花幾百元買接收器王維基表示,港視將透過兩個平台, 分別是互聯網平台「Over-The-Top」(OTT)和無線電頻譜直播港視頻道,即帶出「流動電視」概念。他表示,市民只要花100元至800元購買接收器,便可利用智能手機、手提電腦、電視等收看由無線電頻譜發送的直播頻道,市民亦可上網以直播或點播形式瀏覽節目。港視將推出三條至五條頻道直播節目,包括一條綜合廣東話頻道,以及一條24小時新聞頻道。港視絕大部分節目會免費提供,並且會恢復製作電視節目和繼續興建位於建將軍澳工業�的新多媒體製作及分銷中心。手機電腦電視可收看他透露,早於今年初開始洽購中移動香港的子公司,終在昨午4時成功收購,獲得該子公司在2010年投得的八兆赫無線電頻譜,用作播放迷利倉目之用。他形容,播放效果非常穩定,覆蓋本港95%地區,連「坪洲、長洲、南丫島的居民都收到」,而且流動電視的節目及廣告標準,都不受通訊事務管理局的電視業務守則規管,製作會更具彈性。不過,王維基坦言未知要花多少年才可收支平衡。購入具中資背景的公司,王維基被追問是否北京「開綠燈」同意他開台, 他強調「並無中方、或者內地,或者中聯辦、或香港政府官員和我們接觸,基本上這是一個純商業的洽購」。他又強調,開新聞台會堅持新聞自主,而選擇7月1日開台「跟政治完全無關」。不過,他亦表示「我很感謝各方朋友的安排,使到香港電視今日能夠有更好、更優越的電視服務」,但被追問「各方朋友」是何人時,他沒有回應。王維基又強調香港人的電視台,「我知道香港很需要一間Free TV,但是這個Free TV不單止是免費的意思,這個Free TV也是指自由的意思,我相信現在香港需要一個自由自主的電視台,比一個免費電視台來得更加迫切」,形容港視會成為真正香港人的電視台。一個純商業洽購決定王維基日前出席《成報》74周年報慶酒會時,遇上同場的商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑。當王維基昨被問及與政府是否關係緊張時,他回應稱「我記得前幾天在某個酒會上面,蘇局長笑得很開心走過來說要攬住和我合照」。w雖然有平台播放節目,但是王維基稱,未來會繼續爭取免費電視牌照,而且很快會就政府10月不發牌一事提出司法覆核。當局表示,留意到港視公布多媒體業務的最新發展情況,包括收購其他公司來提供廣播流動電視服務,稱今次交易涉及有關《電訊條例》(第106章)下的法規事宜,通訊局會根據法例和程序處理。行政會議成員李國章稱,歡迎港視新計劃。迷你倉

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Source: Chicago TribuneDec.self storage 19--Attention, last-minute insurance shoppers: There are only four days before P-Day, Dec. 23. That's the deadline for choosing a plan on an Obamacare insurance exchange to ensure that coverage begins on Jan. 1.If you're scrambling to make last-minute arrangements, or waiting to hear if your insurer has actually received and approved your application, we know this is not your fault. For weeks, the government's HealthCare.gov website repelled customers with the brutal efficiency of a nightclub bouncer. Even if you thought you completed the process, chances were good that your application information wasn't accurately sent to insurers.If you're among the millions who had their individual policies canceled because of Obamacare, you may still be confused about the conditions under which your insurer will extend those policies and at what cost.Last week, federal officials piled on more confusion when they urged insurers to relax coverage rules. The feds asked companies to cover people even if they miss the Jan. 1 deadline to pay their premium. On Wednesday, most insurers agreed to grant customers a grace period until Jan. 10 to pay premiums. The feds also pushed insurers to refill prescriptions in January, even if those pills aren't covered under the new plan. And they prodded insurers to treat out-of-network doctors as in-network under some emergency circumstances. Our analysis: Huh?You think the Obamacare run-up to Jan. 1 has been a train wreck? Now it gets worse.You'll soon be hearing more stories of people who thought they'd signed up for coverage, only to find that their paperwork was gobbled by computer gremlins. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services officials said they've whittled down the error rate in enrollment data sent to insurers from an astronomical 1 in 10 to "close to zero."But insurers say they are still finding errors and the government is overstating improvements to HealthCare.gov, The New York Times reported. In some cases, for instance, the home address for a new policy holder was outside the insurer's service area. Or a child was listed as the main subscriber -- the person on the hook for premiums -- with parents listed as dependents. Or people were listed two or three times on an迷你倉application, which could mean higher premium payments.Looming question: How many people have gained coverage versus those who have lost it? No one knows -- yet. HHS is fond of boasting of rising numbers of people who have signed up for coverage, but officials don't keep track of how many have paid premiums to start coverage.One thing is certain: Most states lag behind in their Obamacare sign-up goals. The National Review Online reported this week that 45 states haven't yet hit 10 percent -- 10! -- of their enrollment goals. In Illinois, a paltry 7,043 people have signed up, hardly a dent in the state's goal of 300,000 by the end of March.Just as important: Who's signing up? Insurers need droves of young healthy people to pay premiums that offset all the money pouring out to cover older, sicker people. The administration hopes that 4 in 10 new enrollees will be age 18 to 34. Preliminary numbers don't look promising. In some states, a paltry 1 out of 5 new enrollees fall in that age range.Many young, healthy people aren't buying the Obamacare pitch, according to a recent Harvard University Institute of Politics poll. Of respondents who were not insured, more than 1 in 4 said they would definitely or probably not enroll. About the same number said they would. The rest were on the fence.Ominous development for Obamacare's future: The survey found that only 18 percent of those young people polled believe their quality of health care will improve under Obamacare while 40 percent believe it will grow worse. Another body blow: By a ratio of 5 to 1, those polled believe their costs will increase.Many of those young people who don't enroll will pay mild penalties rather than steep premiums and deductibles. Perfectly legal. And perfectly lethal for Obamacare: Premiums rise, more people bail, subsidies soak taxpayers and the whole system tilts into insolvency.But that comes later. For now, "the big moment of truth is 12 a.m. Jan 1, when a mother is standing at a pharmacy with a baby in her arms trying to get a script filled," Aetna Inc. CEO Mark Bertolini told The Wall Street Journal.Happy New Year! We hope.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Chicago Tribune Visit the Chicago Tribune at .chicagotribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉樂器

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Source: The Eagle, Bryan, TexasDec.存倉 19--There are plenty of coaches in the Brazos Valley with state championship game experience, including Navasota's Lee Fedora, who won the 3A Division II title last season.Of course, Cameron's Rick Rhoades and Brenham's Glen West have coached state finalist teams, and Rhoades won the title last season in 2A Division I. Ross Rogers of Bryan can speak authoritatively about the experience you need to succeed at state, and you may look at the coaching staffs at Bremond and Lexington for state title game experience, too.There are others, but A&M Consolidated's David Raffield played the "pool reporter" coaching role this week. His Cypress Falls team played for the state championship in 2006, losing to Cedar Hill 51-17. His advice? Be prepared early."I was so exhausted those last two weeks of the season, I don't remember much of it," Raffield said. "I know this: If you are not incredibly organized and have everything done in advance, you can't survive the rigors of that week."It's a week of conflicting responsibilities, according to Raffield, who led Consol to the 5A Division II quarterfinals this year."There's so much emotion going into that week," Raffield said. "Trying to stay level and just keep doing what you're doing ... I think that's the hardest thing for coaches who have never been there before."Raffield is already preparing, should he get another chance."Since 2006, I do a summer folder of things that have to get done all the way up [to the state championship]. You don't want to be rushed around those last two weeks. You want to focus just on the job at hand, and so all of the media stuff and all of the travel arrangements, you can make those in the summer. Now that it's a central site and you know where it's at and the time frame, you can make all of those adjustments way in advance."Both Cameron and Brenham coaches asked that media interviews to be conducted early in the week, so the bulk of the week could be focused solely on the quest for a state championship.First impressions good onesWhen the preseason Associated Press high school football poll was released, Allen and Katy led the Class 5A rankings in that order. Both could walk away Saturday with championships.Allen will meet Pearland in 5A Division I's title game, and Katy plays Cedar Hill in the 5A Division II tilt.In 4A, preseason ranked teams still hanging around include top-ranked Denton Guyer, which plays San Antonio Northside Brennan in 4A Division I. Aledo was in the first poll and will meet Brenham in the 4A Division II game.As a side note, Brenham earned one vote in the preseason poll. It was mine, and I withdrew it after the Cubs' season-opening loss.In 3A, preseason No. 1 Argyle will meet then No. 5 Fairfield in the Division II title game. Fairfield earned one first-place vote in the preseason poll. It was mine, and I never saw much reason to change it.Also in 3A, Cathage began the year at No. 2 in the rankings, and the Bulldogs will play Kilgore in the Division I final. Kilgore held the No. 6 spot in that first poll.Cameron was ranked second and Wall eighth in the first 2A poll of the year, and you know their game is at 5 p.m. Thursday for the 2A Division I crown. Preseason No. 4 Refugio plays No. 10 Cisco for the 2A Division II crown.In Class A, then-No. 5 Stamford faces No. 7 Shiner for the Division I title. Wellingon, ranked sixth before儲存the first kickoff, meets Falls City for the Division II title. Falls City was two spots out of the top 10 to open the season.Rattler earns top awardThere is no state championship game this season for Navasota's Jacob Wells, but his dominating performance in the win over Gilmer last season undoubtedly did not hurt him on the all-state voting this season. He was named the 3A Defensive Player of the Year.Of course, if you saw him play or checked out his stats, you would have a pretty clear indication that it was not just a legacy award. The AP Sports Editors team is based solely on regular-season play. Wells had 131 tackles, including 37 for losses. He had nine sacks and three forced fumbles.Changing prospectsYou can't bet (legally) on high school football games, but if Las Vegas had a line at the beginning of the season, a bet on Fairfield would have padded your retirement portfolio.Fairfield plays Argyle in a matchup of unbeatens Friday in what you could argue is the most intriguing game of the extended weekend.The Eagles went 8-4 last season and Palestine was picked to win their district, 19-3A. The Eagles are now the highest-scoring 3A team in Texas history at 860 points. Since the opening week of the season, the Eagles' long-shot state title odds undoubtedly changed.Fairfield beat Diboll 70-13 and Brenham lost its opener to Richmond Foster 10-7. The Cubs were held to minus 16 yards rushing in that contest. If you placed your bet after that game, Brenham would be your golden ticket this week.Fox Sports to widen broadcastsFox Sports Southwest has found a suitable alternate to TV coverage with its webcast of many UIL sports, but this is football. The king of Texas sports will get its due.Every game at the UIL State Football Championships this week will be on one of Fox Sports Southwest's outlets.Brenham's game with Aledo at noon Saturday is set for the main channel. The Thursday game between Cameron and Wall will be broadcast on Fox Sports Southwest Plus.___Here is the complete FSSW schedule for state championship football:Thursday, Dec. 19Fox Sports Southwest10 a.m. -- Class A Division I: Stamford vs. Shiner1 p.m. -- Class A Division II: Wellington vs. Falls CityFox Sports Southwest Plus5 p.m. -- 2A Division I: Cameron vs. Wall8 p.m. -- 2A Division II: Cisco vs. RefugioFriday, Dec. 20Fox Sports SouthwestNoon -- 3A Division I: Kilgore vs. Carthage4:00 p.m. -- 3A Division II: Argyle vs. FairfieldFox Sports Southwest Plus8 p.m. -- 4A Div. I: Denton Guyer vs. San Antonio BrennanSaturday, Dec. 21Fox Sports SouthwestNoon -- 4A Division II: Brenham vs. Aledo4 p.m. -- 5A Division I: Allen vs. PearlandFox Sports Southwest Plus8 p.m. -- 5A Division II: Cedar Hill vs. Katy--Here are this week's state championship picks:Cameron vs. Wall -- After the last two weeks, you somehow feel that Cameron will find a way to get over, move around or knock down Wall to repeat as state champions.Cameron 38-27Brenham vs. Aledo -- The Cubs had the look of a champion with such a complete game win over Port Lavaca Calhoun, but this season, perhaps more than the Aledo teams that featured superstar Johnathan Gray, seems like one of destiny for the Bearcats.Aledo 35-28--Last week: 2-0 (1.000)Playoffs: 40-10 (.800)This season: 232-55 (.808)Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) Visit The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) at .theeagle.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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迷你倉 未能提供文字內容。.scmp.com/news/asia/article/1386331/thai-navy-files-defamation-charges-against-editor-over-rohingya-reportsself storage

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湖北日報訊 記者李墨 通訊員楊爍 彭斯夢 王少雨截至9月,文件倉東湖高新區已有移動互聯網企業100余家,產業總收入超過100億元。隨著聯想武漢移動互聯網基地的投產,光穀移動互聯產業迎來彎道超車的歷史性機遇。打通消費電子產業鏈去年,東湖高新區光電子產業總收入逼近2000億元大關,光纖光纜、光器件行銷全球,但消費類電子卻一直是塊短板。聯想的到來,令這一格局發生逆轉。東湖高新區投資促進局負責人介紹,光穀有全國最大的中小尺寸液晶面板生產企業天馬,及全國領先的電子存儲芯片研發生產企業武漢新芯,而富士康是全球最大的電子代工工廠。此前,這些企業只能為外地企業做配套。聯想進駐光穀,這些上下游產業鏈將全部打通。“聯想手機所用屏幕中,30%來自光穀的天馬”,聯想集團高級副總裁劉軍介紹,如今兩家企業成了鄰居,份額勢必進一步提升。除天馬外,聯想還在積極尋求與更多光穀企業的合作,對於芯片和傳感器的封裝採購,或將從台灣移師武漢,既節省採購成本,也帶動集群發展。上下游企業光穀集結“我們正在鼓勵更多上下游廠商來武漢投資”,劉軍表示,對聯想而言,此番入漢並非孤軍作戰,還帶來了一份32家核心供應商名單,他們將撐起武漢移動互聯產業的新脊樑。本月,奇宏科技在鳳凰山光電產業園開建奇宏電子(武漢)產業基地,計劃存倉資超50億元,主要經營觸控模塊、觸控面板、攝像模塊、轉軸及散熱模塊業務。東湖高新區介紹,聯想武漢基地補齊了光穀移動互聯產業短板,光穀將用5到10年時間完善全產業鏈布局。5年內,武漢聯想將向年營業額500億元發起衝擊,而圍繞巨頭的產業鏈產值有望達到1000億元,新的千億產業指日可待。武漢將成移動互聯競爭主戰場當前,以中興、華為、酷派、聯想為代表的移動終端企業,及以騰訊、盛大、網易、百度、奇虎360、91助手、阿里巴巴、京東為代表的移動服務企業,是我國移動互聯產業的核心力量。從2008年開始,我國移動互聯網產業進入迅速成長期。2012年,我國移動互聯網產業規模達8746.9億元,同比增長57.1%。預計未來3年,這一產業規模將保持年均45%的速度飛速增長,2015年產業規模將接近3萬億元。近年,光穀互聯網應用軟件企業如雨後春筍,優勢漸顯。如做移動瀏覽器的百納信息;移動地理位置服務的立得空間;移動企業信息化的天喻信息;移動遊戲運營平台超玩在線等,均已是細分領域的代表企業。專家指出,我國移動互聯網產業主要集中在珠三角、環渤海、長三角和以成都、西安、武漢為核心的中西部這四大區域,產業規模超過全國90%。聯想的到來,將為光穀企業提供國際舞台,力促武漢成為移動互聯競爭的主戰場。儲存

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  HUGO BOSS表示,文件倉中國市場有少許放緩,但認為是正常及自然過程,今年已在上海開兩間旗艦店,又新增內地網銷業務吸客。  HUGO BOSS在內地經營模式一半為合資經營,一半為自營。今年在上海連開兩間旗艦店,包括在環貿廣場(iAPM)及靜安嘉里中心商場,零售面積分別為480及660平方米。人流放緩正常 單價穩中有升  該品牌亞太區主席及行政總裁李修哲(Dr. Gerrit Rutzel)表示,內地門店人流減少與內地客外遊增加有關,例如在歐洲,內地人佔遊客比例最高,第存倉為俄國客。他亦指內地客消費宗數雖然減少,但每單銷售額與以往一樣高,有時甚至更高,彌補人流減少的損失。再者,其他亞太市場如日本及澳洲的市場表現佳,亦可填補中國的放緩。  李修哲表示內地客過去較保守,隨�經濟增長,對時裝的選擇亦較自信,愈來愈喜歡個人化的時裝,「這兩年他們變得更時尚。」內地市場客人較鍾情該品牌的運動及休閒系列,但西裝銷售亦有增長。  品牌今年2月新增內地網銷業務,為品牌亞太區首個設網店的地區,下一步會擴展至日本及澳洲。李表示,定位為提供與實體店同樣的正價商品。儲存

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  11月18日,mini storage杭州聯通樂語旗艦廳盛大開業。這家營業面積達3000平方米的營業廳是浙江最大的營業廳,也被人們稱為“中華第一廳”。經過現場探秘,筆者發現,中華第一廳提供的全球最先進的體驗技術,及其打造的無限互聯、高感知體驗、客戶關懷三維一體的購物模式才是最大亮點。  中華第一廳坐落在西子湖畔,杭州最繁華的地段延安路上。整個營業廳分為四層,一層通過三星體驗店、蘋果體驗店、潮品區、新品展示區及交互大屏互動、動線設置,引導顧客完美體驗不一樣的品牌及新品、潮品空間。  二樓是最專業的通信數碼體驗賣場。以終端銷售為核心,除配置手機、配件、美容、3C產品之外,還有樂語極客、樂語衛士、智能雲健康、視聽生活館等應用與服務體驗。  三層的“聯通之家”,則可為消費者提供聯通的全業務辦理。該層通過自然場景、商務場景、出行場景、家庭場景等一系列場景化體驗環境的模擬與還原,展示了聯通網絡的無處不在及其強大的業務優勢。  至於第四層是什麼,似乎與手機沒什麼關係,在此先賣個關子,稍後再介紹。下面,筆者就略過常規的品牌體驗區,為大家介紹一下中華第一廳里的特色專區吧。  新品區:新品區位於中華第一廳一層的入口處,這裡展示了最新潮、最前沿的通訊產品,最近發佈的iPhone5s、三星Note3在此區域均有真機展示。無論是慕名而來還是偶然路過,只需跨進營業廳的大門,就能與當前各種潮流新機來個近距離接觸。此外,該區域還有目前通訊行業唯一的交互大屏體驗機,可以更直觀的引導顧客進行體驗。  潮品區:新品區右側,一個橢圓型的展台便是潮品區了。除了具有代表性的新品手機外,這裡還展示著很多智能、新潮的手機配件及智能可穿戴設備:捷波朗(Jabra)耳麥、三星Galaxy Gear智能手錶、JBL藍牙音響、海聯達微型投影儀……如果你是一個科技、時尚先鋒,那麼一定不要錯過這裡,最流行的手機,配上時下最流行的周邊配件,保證讓你的手機不再孤單。  手機美容區:長時間使用一部手機是否會失去新鮮感?那麼為你的手機做儲存美容吧。中華第一廳二層電梯的左邊,粉色的手機美容區為整個手機賣場提色不少。帶有毛絨玩具及閃亮水鑽的手機外殼會讓你眼前一亮,粉色調的展架更是深受女生們的喜愛。  樂語衛士區:咦?重大發現,手機賣場怎麼會有微波爐呢?就在手機美容區旁邊的樂語衛士專區,兩台“微波爐”吸引了我們的注意。經過工作人員的介紹,我們恍然大悟,原來這兩台機器是為手機消毒的。比起用酒精消毒、用濕紙巾猛擦,這種機器顯然更加專業。據瞭解,樂語衛士是樂語兩大自主服務品牌之一,這種服務給消費者的手機帶來更多的關懷。  樂語極客區:在這個區域,樂語的工作人員可以幫助客戶下載各種必備的、流行的APP,通過各類手機軟件應用,協助用戶體驗無線互聯帶來的全新樂趣。作為樂語兩大自主服務品牌之一,樂語極客最大的好處就是讓消費者改變對手機傳統式的玩法,讓他們體驗原來手機還可以這樣玩。  視聽生活區:如果各式各樣的手機和配件讓你眼花繚亂,那你可以去生活視聽區,帶上耳機,透過一首舒緩的《小夜曲》或者優雅的《茉莉花》,享受喧鬧中的一絲寧靜。視聽生活區多元化的周邊產品,可以讓你的購機體驗集購、玩、樂於一體。  智能雲健康:智能雲健康專區可以算是中華第一廳里比較神秘的專區了。顧客通過一個便攜式的生命體徵感知終端(例如:體重、血氧、血壓監測器等),採集到人體健康的詳細數據,然後通過3G網絡傳輸到醫療機構的服務平台,從而隨時隨地監測自己的健康狀況。當然,這種技術也可以將測量數據通過設備傳輸給另一部手機,身在異鄉的子女可以為家中父母置辦這麼一套“智能新健康時代的體驗中心”,通過自己的手機隨時瞭解父母的身體情況。  最後,我們到中華第一廳的四層揭曉此前的答案。這是一家無線互聯產品交互體驗式咖啡店——通過無線互聯的手機終端,潛在咖啡建立一個接觸高科技、暢享互聯生活的全新的體驗式場所。在這裡可以進行手機點歌、手機同步會議等各種無線互聯產品交互體驗。讓顧客在輕鬆時尚的環境里對接未來、享受高科技帶來的便利和樂趣。中華第一廳果然名不虛傳!迷你倉

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BURLINGTON, Vt.mini storage, Dec. 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The Pediatric Practice Management Mediacast, (ppmmc.libsyn.com/), a podcast co-hosted by Chip Hart, director of Pediatric Solutions for Burlington, VT-based Physician's Computer Company, is now available to listeners for subscription in iTunes.The bi-weekly show also features Brandon Betancourt, a pediatric practice manager from Chicago, Ill and a PCC client. Hart and Betancourt focus on challenges faced by private pediatric practice and gear the show to active pediatricians and practice managers.The most recent episode featured a review of the American Academy of Pediatrics' 2013 National Conference and Exhibition (AAP NCE) in Orlando, Fla., and surpassed its 2000th listener."Brandon and I have complementary experi迷你倉nce, which makes it very easy for us to discuss practice management topics that are both dense with content and worth listening to," Hart said. "The discussion is no different from what I do every day by e-mail and phone with practices all over the country. Why not share the solutions we create?"Fans of the podcast can contact Chip and Brandon via chip@pcc.com or brandon.betancourt@gmail.com to provide feedback and ideas for the podcast, or join the Google+ page to leave a message (bit.ly/IblTrc).To listen to the podcast, visit ppmmc.libsyn.com/ or search iTunes for "Pediatric Management" (bit.ly/1ayVFFJ).You can also view the podcast on YouTube at:https://.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF5KtdWOxVyQ4KTWsFhpWnotJ-u-WgWONPhysician's Computer CompanyWeb site: .pcc.com/文件倉

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存倉 dz.jjckb.cn//pages/webpage2009/html/2013-12/20/content_84173.htm?div=-1...2013-12-20 來源:經濟參考報近日,國家正式頒發了第四代數字蜂窩移動通信業務T D -LT E的經營許可,這標誌著我國開始全面進入4G時代。 T D -LT E...儲存

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迷你倉 南都訊 記者王殿學 實習生閆坤 發自北京 日前,北京市公安局從印度尼西亞抓獲對大陸電信詐騙的犯罪嫌疑人112人(其中台灣地區犯罪嫌疑人79名,大陸地區犯罪嫌疑人33名)。據北京市警方介紹,今年8月以來,北京連續發生多起冒充“市公安局(經偵總隊)”、“某某公安分局”和“市人民檢察院第一分院”工作人員實施的電信詐騙案件。警方經過偵查發現,犯罪嫌疑人藏匿于印度尼西亞,詐騙作案數百起。僅北京就發案70余起,涉案金額達數千萬元。公安部提示,當接到冒充公安機關以辦案為名向您提供一個所謂的“安全賬戶”,要求轉賬匯款的,一定不要相信,避免上當受騙,要做到“不予理睬、直接掛斷”,並第一時間撥打110報警。mini storage

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PHILADELPHIA, Dec.self storage 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- AMI Entertainment Network is excited to release its annual list of the year's most popular jukebox music! Featuring classic artists like Van Morrison and Johnny Cash going head-to-head with new up-and-comers like Macklemore and Florida Georgia Line, 2013's list covers a rollicking field of hit songs, classic rock standards, and country anthems. As always, the data for the list was drawn from AMI's network of digital jukeboxes and vast library of millions of songs.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130618/PH32635LOGO-b )2013 was a year of nostalgia for the AMI audience, as the top five most-played songs of 2013 were all recorded before 1990. Claiming the top spot for 2013 was Van Morrison's soulful jam "Brown Eyed Girl," a legendary 1967 song that kicked off the singer's solo career and continues to make regular appearances on AMI's year-end charts. Guns N' Roses joined perennial favorites The Allman Brothers, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Janis Joplin to round out the top five. Meanwhile, the most popular song of 2012 -- Jason Aldean's "My Kinda Party" -- failed to crack the top 50, sinking all the way to #82.The top albums of 2013 were similarly old-fashioned, with greatest hits albums from Guns N' Roses and Lynyrd Skynyrd placing #1 and #2, respectively. Eric Church's hit 2011 album Chief remained on the charts for yet another year, falling only one spot from the 2012 list to come in at #3. Chief was followed on the charts by a string of greatest hits albums from classic artists like Janis Joplin, Johnny Cash, the Rolling Stones, and Bob Seger.Meanwhile, the list of the top new songs of 2013迷你倉granted a fascinating view into the latest artists captivating jukebox audiences. 2013 proved to be a banner year for country singer Blake Shelton, with his new releases "Boys 'Round Here" and "Sure Be Cool If You Did" topping the charts at #1 and #3, respectively. Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" came in at #2, while new tracks from Florida Georgia Line, Daft Punk, and Drake also placed in the Top 10. New Zealand's teenaged singer-songwriter Lorde also placed highly with her #1 hit song "Royals," which came in at #9.Every year, AMI's global network of digital jukeboxes connects millions of patrons with their favorite songs from thousands of artists across dozens of different genres. For more information on AMI's products and services, as well as the latest news and updates about the AMI jukebox network, please visit .amientertainment.com. You can also keep up-to-date on news and promotions by connecting with AMI on Facebook at .facebook.com/AMIJukeboxes.About AMI Entertainment Network: AMI Entertainment Network has been developing cutting-edge entertainment solutions for bars and restaurants for more than a century, from the dawn of the jukebox to the digital age. Featuring the latest in content and technology, AMI jukeboxes and Tap TV provide everything you need to connect with today's tech savvy patrons. From music to video to mobile, AMI provides 360 degrees of entertainment. For more information, please visit: .amientertainment.comFor more information, contact:Megan DePaul 215.695.3143mdepaul@amientertainment.comPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130618/PH32635LOGO-bAMI Entertainment NetworkWeb site: .amientertainment.com/迷你倉樂器

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