□相關部門曾經發出拆除通知,self storage但最後不了了之 □類似違建還有多處,有違建兩層多達300平米“深圳疑現最牛屋頂違建”新聞追蹤?南方日報昨日報道了深圳市南山區美加花園屋頂疑建一座“空中廟宇”,廟宇主人在裡面經常燒香拜佛。昨日,記者通過遙控飛機視頻拍攝和現場觀察,“空中廟宇”其實為一座私家小佛堂。美加花園小區管理處稱頂層屬相關業主所有,管理處亦無法進入。執法者則依然聲稱門難進、人難找,工作僵局繼續持續。但有市級現場執法者昨日將懷疑重點投向E座2103,記者撥打這名業主及同樓其他三名業主電話,均無法接通。報道至今,疑問越來越多,記者瞭解到,有媒體曾于8年前即對此涉嫌違建進行報道,為何相關部門一直坐視不管?小佛堂主人有何背景,讓執法人員頻吃“閉門羹”?●撰文:南方日報記者 李榮華 攝影:南方日報記者 魯力■小飛機航拍■小飛機航拍集裝箱大小私家小佛堂雄踞樓頂 為了一窺這座“空中廟宇”的廬山真面目,記者找到了一架遙控無線飛機,通過在附近天台遙控操作,無線飛機起飛,環繞“空中廟宇”轉了數圈,飛機攜帶的高清視頻拍攝的圖像清晰顯示,這座建築位於美加廣場五棟樓房的D棟樓頂,四周環綠,頗似懸崖上一小寺廟。記者昨日中午從D棟天台走近了這座“廟宇狀建築”。這是一座有集裝箱大小的私家小佛堂,座東向西,四周植竹,地上擺放多盆草木。小佛堂前有小蓮池,荷葉正綠。佛堂與蓮池之間的小空地上,放著一把舊式躺椅。空地的地板用鵝卵石鋪就,中央是一副黑白蓮花版刻。佛堂後面,有兩個燒香紙的鐵桶。佛堂屋頂呈金黃色,飛簷四展。佛堂前,上有一幅藏文字符,下掛門匾,上書“萬德莊嚴”,四字鎏金,意為修行功德圓滿。四扇鎏金木門緊閉,四門兩邊各有一木板對聯,右為九品蓮花獅吼象鳴登法座,左為三尊金相龍吟虎嘯出天台。兩副對聯外與四門上皆有鎏金吉祥圖。該建築外觀為中國傳統廟宇風格,但記者通過門窗玻璃內視,內部佛像及供品擺設,則為藏傳佛教風格。佛堂內依稀可見有3尊佛像,另設一尊彌勒佛,沒有見到功德箱。供桌上有藏傳八供養、八吉祥、小鑼、如意、孔雀尾、陀羅尼經塔等。小佛堂主人到底是誰?焦點1小佛堂主人到底是誰?目前,找不到人,進不了門,是轄區執法隊的兩個說法。據在E棟21樓駐守的執法人員介紹,這兩天,只有一名女子從E座2101房走出來,但拒絕接受工作人員的詢問。記者看到,在現場,深圳市、區兩級規劃土地監察部門也已介入此事,並向E棟E座2102、E座2104兩戶補充貼出了協助調查通知書。沙河執法隊之前曾稱,經從相鄰樓頂觀察,涉嫌加建的“廟宇”可能屬於E座2103或D座1904。日前已向這兩家貼出協助調查通知書,但迄今沒有回應。“我們現在不敢排除D座1904與該建築無關,但他們家沒有通往空中廟宇的通道。”市規劃土地監察支隊一名工作人員昨日現場表示,從最新的調查結果顯示,D座1904的嫌疑可能性不大。根據業主登記材料以及上海證券報報道,E座2101業主溫某樹也是E座2103業主吳某瓊配偶的表弟。E座2103業主疑為一家公司股東,其配偶為一名省政協委員。深圳市、區兩級規劃土地監察部門稱,E座2104業主昨日已前往沙河街道執法隊協助調查,但沙河街道執法隊副隊長劉某對此予以否認。執法隊員能否去現場?焦點2執法隊員能否去現場?樓頂消防樓梯的門被鎖死,一直是街道執法隊及轄區消防民警認為無法實地調查的理由,但記者昨日在現場發現,D棟一個消防梯的門豁然大開,要過去“空中廟宇”實地調查,其實只需翻過一個水池和護欄。沙河執法隊劉副隊長稱,他們目前的顧慮,是如果未徵得業主同意擅自闖入民宅,可能會構成侵權。但廣東瑞霆律師事務所律師溫海寬認為,樓頂天台屬於樓層業主公共所有,而勘查是否違建手段也形式多樣,執法隊的說法似乎有推諉之嫌。“其實拿出圖則來到對面樓頂比照一下,就能知道是否違建,通過其他途徑進去檢查也是沒問題的。檢查權是行政機關在行政執法中可以行使的一個權力。”溫海寬稱。聽了律師的解釋,劉副隊長表示,目前該執法隊只查看到幾個業主的產權資料,正在調看整個E棟竣工圖和外觀圖,研究小佛堂是否違建。但劉副隊長對於找不到業主頗感為難,“你現在不知道廟是誰的,你開處罰單給誰?難道開給某某迷你倉嗎?還是要找到業主才行。”8年前報道迄今無回應?焦點38年前報道迄今無回應?2005年7月13日,南方都市報曾以《歐式樓頂建了個廟》為題,報道了這座“空中廟宇”。據當時報道,該“廟宇”是2003年所建,據說是21樓業主建造的,該業主每天都會拜神,但報道沒有指名業主身份。報道稱,2003年該業主建“廟”時管理處就阻止過,但該業主認為自己花了錢買下了頂層,擁有了使用權,如何處理這片空間是私人行為,最後廟宇還是建成了。當時物業管理處蔣主任表示,如果沒有業主投訴,管理處就不作處理,但如果執法部門對廟宇進行處理,管理處會配合。時任沙河街道辦分管城管工作黨委委員張海亮表示,只要沒有向規劃部門和國土部門報批,就是違法建築。不知為何,這件事後來不了了之。沙河街道執法隊成立于2011年11月,執法隊副隊長劉某之前向南方日報稱,該隊自成立至媒體曝光該“廟”前,一直沒有收到關於D棟樓頂空中廟宇的投訴。那麼,相關職能部門在8年時間里,為什麼一直沒有覺察此事?美加廣場業委會主任陳先生稱,據其所知,轄區沙河街道之前曾發過相關拆除通知。對此,沙河街道沒有正式回應。小佛堂僅是“冰山一角”?焦點4小佛堂僅是“冰山一角”?據美加廣場小區業委會主任陳先生介紹,小佛堂只是美加廣場違建“冰山一角”,“美加廣場多棟高樓樓頂有違建,違建背後與物業腐敗相關”。陳先生透露,小佛堂擁有業主建高速公路賺了錢後建設了這座佛堂。涉嫌加建的業主不僅佔用了D棟的消防平台,還在E棟的頂樓私自加建了兩層。記者通過遙控無線直升機所拍視頻及現場觀察,發現僅憑目測,兩層加建的樓宇將近300平方米。陳先生稱,加建的廟宇和樓層已經建了將近10年,是當年的物管處給業主大開綠燈。美加廣場物業公司負責人自稱才入職工作幾個月,對之前事宜不知悉。陳先生的話到目前為止無法核實。部門說法深圳市宗教局:該涉嫌違建“跟宗教扯不上關係”據悉,建廟宇需要向市宗教委員會報批,而廟宇的拆除也需要尊重宗教信仰,那麼,對於這個樓頂小佛堂,宗教管理部門如何看?深圳市宗教局宗教科黃致誠科長介紹,南方日報報道此事之後,深圳市宗教局高度重視,找南山區宗教部門咨詢,他們目前還不徹底瞭解此事。根據其掌握的相關情況及記者昨日的介紹,黃致誠認為,這個私人小佛堂根本不是宗教活動場,“跟宗教扯不上關係”,是一個涉嫌違法的建築。如果按照宗教事務條例和《宗教活動場所設立審批和登記辦法》,目前,我國的社會組織和個人不能設立宗教場所,只有宗教團體申請獲批後才可。比如,建設佛教寺廟,要佛教協會提出,經過區、市、省各級相關部門把關通過後才能開始投建。審批環節要經過規劃、國土、消防、安監、文物等部門許可。除了法律文書,居民區設置還要徵詢當地的街道辦和社區居民意見,“這是基本流程”。市規土監察支隊:一經確認違建業主立即依法查處市規劃土地監察支隊稱,本周,南方日報等媒體報道了南山區沙河街道美加花園D棟樓頂存在疑似廟宇的情況,市、區、街道三級查違機構非常重視,8月21日上午聯合派出執法人員赴現場進行了調查,有關情況如下:美加花園D棟與E棟為連體高層住宅,其中D棟高19層,E棟高21層。媒體報道疑似廟宇建築位於D棟樓頂。經現場查看,D、E棟通往樓頂的消防門均已上鎖(記者現場看到D座消防門已打開),其中E棟消防門還安裝了指紋密碼鎖。美加花園小區管理處稱頂層屬相關業主所有,管理處亦無法進入。沙河街道執法隊稱,其執法人員至今未能進入現場查勘。根據查違職責分工,該案件查處工作主要由南山區規劃土地監察大隊承擔。為儘快確定涉嫌違建業主,沙河街道執法隊目前已向部分業主發出了《協助調查通知書》,要求配合調查,並從20日晚開始,派出工作人員專門駐守E棟21層,未發現住戶人員出入。該執法隊已向產權登記部門調閱相關業主資料聯繫業主。市規劃土地監察支隊要求沙河街道執法隊:一是一經確認違建業主,立即依法立案查處;二是儘快聯繫規劃審批部門,核查D、E棟的竣工驗收情況;三是及時主動向媒體通報工作進展情況。圖片說明:深圳南山樓頂涉嫌違建小佛堂航拍視頻截圖。; ?小佛堂後擺放著兩個焚燒爐。; ▲小佛堂內供奉著幾尊佛像。; 小佛堂前有一座小橋通向樓頂另一建築。文件倉

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本報訊(記者 黃清輝 實習生 張璿)湖南中鐵國旅組織的“天山夢·湘吐情”湖南萬人游吐魯番首趟專列20日平安回到長沙,餘興未減的遊客笑稱:“玩得很開心、很滿意”。據悉,儲存倉該專列載著湖南湖北的500名遊客8月6日從長沙出發。500名專列遊客遊覽了交河故城、葡萄溝、坎兒井、柏孜克里克千佛洞和火焰山等大西北特色景區,迷你倉沙田略到吐魯番的神奇和魅力。這次活動第一次運用了旅遊和農產品採摘相結合的方式。在吐魯番市亞爾鄉的麥西萊甫葡萄園里,遊客們走進葡萄架下體驗葡萄採摘的樂趣。來自湖南衡陽的遊客易衡高興地說:“體驗民俗風情非常開心,特別適合我們這種帶著孩子旅遊的。”湖南中鐵國旅有關負責人告訴記者,湖南萬人游吐魯番第二趟專列將于9月�程。迷你倉價錢

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儘管缺乏物業發展銷售入賬,新蒲崗迷你倉惟得到物業投資及運輸業務的強勁增長抵銷,信德(242)中期核心盈利按年增長69%,至1.64 億元;不派息。董事總經理何超瓊表示,集團於上半年收購的北京通州和東直門項目,預料未來可為集團帶來經常性投資回報。北京項目料帶來回報截至6 月底止,集團地產、運輸及投資業務均表現理想,分別錄得3416 萬元、4803 萬元及1 億元盈利,按年分別上升309%、2123%及129%;不過,酒店及消閒部分盈利則下跌4%,至3479萬元。期內,位於澳門的壹號廣場已交付服務式住宅和住宅單位共7 個;濠庭都會第四期項目的地基工程經已完成,而上層建築工程亦已展開,預期明年第四季竣工。截至6 月底止,620 個住宅單位中的344個已經售出。於2011 年開放的永念庭先人紀念堂,上半年售出mini storage100 個龕位,累積售出龕位數目超過3900 個;而殯儀服務品牌永念禮儀亦於今年首季在香港推出,集團指出,該服務需求一直穩步增長。至於香港的昇御門,項目334個住宅單位中的237個已經售出,預料購物中心將於今年第四季開幕。至於發展中項目,位於澳門的濠庭都會第五期及南灣海岸,兩者均正在規劃;前者預料將於今年第三季展開地基工程;後者則正等待澳門特區政府評估有關規劃方案。香港方面,計劃於春坎角發展的洋房項目,上層建築工程正在進行,預期項目可於今年第四季竣工;而北京通州項目第一期及第二期則正在規劃當中;東直門項目上層建築工程及大部分外牆已完成,預期將於明年7 月交付。上半年,運輸業務錄得強勁增長,何超瓊表示,主要受惠3 月的票價調整及區域旅遊需求增長,所有港澳航線的總客量與去年同期相比上升4.7%。self storage

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Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelAug.迷你倉庫 21--The college football season is upon us, the blot-out-the-sun monstrosity that is the NFL regular season is just around the corner and the pennant races in baseball are ready to turn September serious.Amid all that excitement, the PGA Tour will fight for a toehold of TV viewership with its FedEx Cup playoffs.The four-tournament playoff series, in its seventh year, begins Thursday with the first round of The Barclays at Liberty National in New Jersey and concludes Sept. 22 with the final round of the Tour Championship at East Lake in Atlanta.The third playoff event, the BMW Championship, will be held Sept. 12-15 at Conway Farms in Lake Forest, Ill., just a one-hour drive from downtown Milwaukee.Mark Wilson, a Menomonee Falls native and current resident of Elmhurst, Ill., expects to see a lot of familiar faces in the gallery at Conway Farms."Oh, yeah, there will probably be a few cheeseheads out," he said. "That was one of the first things I thought of when they moved it up here (from Cog Hill in southwest suburban Chicago). Cog Hill, being way south, people in Milwaukee aren't even thinking that's on the radar."But now that it's at Conway Farms and it's just over the border, no question about it, they're going to come out."You can make the short drive to Conway Farms or settle into your easy chair and give your remote a workout. Either way, here's a FedEx Cup playoff primer:Who plays: The top 125 on the final points list following the Wyndham Championship qualified.After The Barclays, the top 100 move on to the Deutsche Bank Championship. The field then is cut to the top 70 for the BMW Championship. Only the top 30 advance to the Tour Championship.Who's No. 1? It's probably of small consolation to Tiger Woods, who failed to win a major championship for the fifth consecutive year, but he topped the season point standings.Woods also entered the playoffs ranked No. 1 in 2007, 2009 and 2012. He went on to win the FedEx Cup the first two times and finished third last year behind Brandt Snedeker and Rory McIlroy.Woods is the only player to have won the FedEx Cup more than once and has a 68.04 scoring average in the playoffs. He's already won five times this year; no one else on Tour has won more than twice.The contenders: Matt Kuchar, who won The Barclays in 2010, enters the playoffs at No. 2 in the point standings. Since 2009, he has 41 top-10 finishes and five of his six career victories.Snedeker is ranked No. 3 in the points and has a chance to become the first FedEx Cup champion to defend his title. He was the only rookie to reach the Tour Championship in 2007, the inaugural year of the playoffs.It's hard to tell how jacked up Phil Mickelson gets about the FedEx Cup, but the British Open champion goes in No. 4 in the points. He is one of only three players who have reached the Tour Championship in all six years of the playoffs. Steve Stricker of Madison and Hunter Mahan are the others.Speaking of Stricker: He has elected to skip The Barclays and will play in only two of the four playoff events: the Deutsche Bank and the BMW Championship.In order, Stricker has finished second, 14th, third, seventh, 18th and 20th in the FedEx Cup. He starts the playoffs No. 20 in the points despite making only 10 starts this year.Stricker is tied with Jim Furyk and Camilo Villegas for most top-10s in playoff events with 10. Next on the list are Mickelson and Woods with nine top-10s, followed by Dustin Johnson and Luke Donald with eight each.Stricker is going to have to play well at the Deutsche Bank if he is to make the U.S. Presidents Cup team. He slipped from ninth to 11th in the point standings last week. The rankings deadline is Sept. 2.Young guns: Jordan Spieth, who lost on the second hole of sudden death to Patrick Reed at the Wyndham Championship, starts the playoffs in the No. 8 position.The 20-year-old Spieth won the John Deere Classic last month and is trying to become the youngest two-time winner in PGA Tour history. He is one of nine rookies to make The Barclays field.The red-hot Reed finished among the top 10 in each of his last three starts, including his victory at the Wyndham, to move from 130th to 22nd in the point standings.He is the first player to win with his wife (Justine) as his caddie since Stricker won the 1996 Western Open with his wife, Nicki, on the bag.Only six rookies, one per season, have made it to the Tour Championship in the playoffs. All went on to win rookie of the year honors.Send email to gdamato@journalsentinel.comThe college football season is upon us, the blot-out-the-sun monstrosity that is the NFL regular season is just around the corner and the pennant races in baseball are ready to turn September serious.Amid all that excitement, the PGA Tour will fight for a toehold of TV viewership with its FedEx Cup playoffs.The four-tournament playoff series, in its seventh year, begins Thursday with the first round of The Barclays at Liberty National in New Jersey and concludes Sept. 22 with the final round of the Tour Championship at East Lake in Atlanta.The third playoff event, the BMW Championship, will be held Sept. 12-15 at Conway Farms in Lake Forest, Ill., just a one-hour drive from downtown Milwaukee.Mark Wilson, a Menomonee Falls native and current resident of Elmhurst, Ill., expects to see a lot of familiar faces in the gallery at Conway Farms."Oh, yeah, there will probably be a few cheeseheads out," he said. "That was one of the first things I thought of when they moved it up here (from Cog Hill in southwest suburban Chicago). Cog Hill, being way south, people in Milwaukee aren't even thinking that's on the radar."But now that it's at Conway Farms and it's just over the border, no question about it, they're going to come out."You can make the short drive to Conway Farms or settle into your easy chair and give your remote a workout. Either way, here's a FedEx Cup playoff primer:Who plays: The top 125 on the final points list following the Wyndham Championship qualified.After The Barclays, the top 100 move on to the Deutsche Bank Championship. The field then is cut to the top 70 for the BMW Championship. Only the top 30 advance to the Tour Championship.Who's No. 1? It's probably of small consolation to Tiger Woods, who failed to win a major championship for the fifth consecutive year, but he topped the season point standings.Woods also entered the playoffs ranked No. 1 in 2007, 2009 and 2012. He went on to win the FedEx Cup the first two times and finished third last year behind Brandt Snedeker and Rory McIlroy.Woods is the only player to have won the FedEx Cup more than once and has a 68.04 scoring average in the playoffs. He's already won five times this year; no one else on Tour has won more than twice.The contenders: Matt Kuchar, who won The Barclays in 2010, enters the playof儲存s at No. 2 in the point standings. Since 2009, he has 41 top-10 finishes and five of his six career victories.Snedeker is ranked No. 3 in the points and has a chance to become the first FedEx Cup champion to defend his title. He was the only rookie to reach the Tour Championship in 2007, the inaugural year of the playoffs.It's hard to tell how jacked up Phil Mickelson gets about the FedEx Cup, but the British Open champion goes in No. 4 in the points. He is one of only three players who have reached the Tour Championship in all six years of the playoffs. Steve Stricker of Madison and Hunter Mahan are the others.Speaking of Stricker: He has elected to skip The Barclays and will play in only two of the four playoff events: the Deutsche Bank and the BMW Championship.In order, Stricker has finished second, 14th, third, seventh, 18th and 20th in the FedEx Cup. He starts the playoffs No. 20 in the points despite making only 10 starts this year.Stricker is tied with Jim Furyk and Camilo Villegas for most top-10s in playoff events with 10. Next on the list are Mickelson and Woods with nine top-10s, followed by Dustin Johnson and Luke Donald with eight each.Stricker is going to have to play well at the Deutsche Bank if he is to make the U.S. Presidents Cup team. He slipped from ninth to 11th in the point standings last week. The rankings deadline is Sept. 2.Young guns: Jordan Spieth, who lost on the second hole of sudden death to Patrick Reed at the Wyndham Championship, starts the playoffs in the No. 8 position.The 20-year-old Spieth won the John Deere Classic last month and is trying to become the youngest two-time winner in PGA Tour history. He is one of nine rookies to make The Barclays field.The red-hot Reed finished among the top 10 in each of his last three starts, including his victory at the Wyndham, to move from 130th to 22nd in the point standings.He is the first player to win with his wife (Justine) as his caddie since Stricker won the 1996 Western Open with his wife, Nicki, on the bag.Only six rookies, one per season, have made it to the Tour Championship in the playoffs. All went on to win rookie of the year honors.Send email to gdamato@journalsentinel.comThe college football season is upon us, the blot-out-the-sun monstrosity that is the NFL regular season is just around the corner and the pennant races in baseball are ready to turn September serious.Amid all that excitement, the PGA Tour will fight for a toehold of TV viewership with its FedEx Cup playoffs.The four-tournament playoff series, in its seventh year, begins Thursday with the first round of The Barclays at Liberty National in New Jersey and concludes Sept. 22 with the final round of the Tour Championship at East Lake in Atlanta.The third playoff event, the BMW Championship, will be held Sept. 12-15 at Conway Farms in Lake Forest, Ill., just a one-hour drive from downtown Milwaukee.Mark Wilson, a Menomonee Falls native and current resident of Elmhurst, Ill., expects to see a lot of familiar faces in the gallery at Conway Farms."Oh, yeah, there will probably be a few cheeseheads out," he said. "That was one of the first things I thought of when they moved it up here (from Cog Hill in southwest suburban Chicago). Cog Hill, being way south, people in Milwaukee aren't even thinking that's on the radar."But now that it's at Conway Farms and it's just over the border, no question about it, they're going to come out."You can make the short drive to Conway Farms or settle into your easy chair and give your remote a workout. Either way, here's a FedEx Cup playoff primer:Who plays: The top 125 on the final points list following the Wyndham Championship qualified.After The Barclays, the top 100 move on to the Deutsche Bank Championship. The field then is cut to the top 70 for the BMW Championship. Only the top 30 advance to the Tour Championship.Who's No. 1? It's probably of small consolation to Tiger Woods, who failed to win a major championship for the fifth consecutive year, but he topped the season point standings.Woods also entered the playoffs ranked No. 1 in 2007, 2009 and 2012. He went on to win the FedEx Cup the first two times and finished third last year behind Brandt Snedeker and Rory McIlroy.Woods is the only player to have won the FedEx Cup more than once and has a 68.04 scoring average in the playoffs. He's already won five times this year; no one else on Tour has won more than twice.The contenders: Matt Kuchar, who won The Barclays in 2010, enters the playoffs at No. 2 in the point standings. Since 2009, he has 41 top-10 finishes and five of his six career victories.Snedeker is ranked No. 3 in the points and has a chance to become the first FedEx Cup champion to defend his title. He was the only rookie to reach the Tour Championship in 2007, the inaugural year of the playoffs.It's hard to tell how jacked up Phil Mickelson gets about the FedEx Cup, but the British Open champion goes in No. 4 in the points. He is one of only three players who have reached the Tour Championship in all six years of the playoffs. Steve Stricker of Madison and Hunter Mahan are the others.Speaking of Stricker: He has elected to skip The Barclays and will play in only two of the four playoff events: the Deutsche Bank and the BMW Championship.In order, Stricker has finished second, 14th, third, seventh, 18th and 20th in the FedEx Cup. He starts the playoffs No. 20 in the points despite making only 10 starts this year.Stricker is tied with Jim Furyk and Camilo Villegas for most top-10s in playoff events with 10. Next on the list are Mickelson and Woods with nine top-10s, followed by Dustin Johnson and Luke Donald with eight each.Stricker is going to have to play well at the Deutsche Bank if he is to make the U.S. Presidents Cup team. He slipped from ninth to 11th in the point standings last week. The rankings deadline is Sept. 2.Young guns: Jordan Spieth, who lost on the second hole of sudden death to Patrick Reed at the Wyndham Championship, starts the playoffs in the No. 8 position.The 20-year-old Spieth won the John Deere Classic last month and is trying to become the youngest two-time winner in PGA Tour history. He is one of nine rookies to make The Barclays field.The red-hot Reed finished among the top 10 in each of his last three starts, including his victory at the Wyndham, to move from 130th to 22nd in the point standings.He is the first player to win with his wife (Justine) as his caddie since Stricker won the 1996 Western Open with his wife, Nicki, on the bag.Only six rookies, one per season, have made it to the Tour Championship in the playoffs. All went on to win rookie of the year honors.Send email to gdamato@journalsentinel.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉

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NEW YORK, August 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --CertusBank has successfully launched their new online banking experience, based on Backbase technology.迷你倉出租Backbase, the Bank 2.0 Portal specialist, announced today that their client CertusBank has successfully launched a new online banking experience based on innovative Backbase technology. The new website, which took just three months to rollout from concept to execution, is a total transformation for the bank and delivers an enhanced experience to all of CertusBank's customers.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121002/567102 )(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130821/635531 )CertusBank, who wanted to completely transform their digital channels and create a customer-centric online experience, chose Backbase to be their new Bank 2.0 technology provider in December 2012. The project began in early 2013 and within three months CertusBank was able to roll out their new website, which was seamlessly integrated with their online and mobile banking experiences. The short timeline was made possible because Backbase technology is deployed on top of CertusBank's existing core banking systems, creating a rich customer experience layer to build upon, which meant the bank did not have to invest time in replacing their existing costly IT investments.The largest concern CertusBank had about its previous website and internet banking platform was the customer experience offered. Backbase experts worked closely with the CertusBank team to create a new customer-centric experience. They ensured that the navigation was intuitive and would make it easy for customers to find what they were looking for. It was also important that the design was clean and seamlessly blended the public marketing site with the internet banking pages."Backbase has been a great partner; they've really gone above and beyond to help us create an unparalleled experience and launch within our limited time frame," said Doug Meagher, SVP eCommerce & Mobile Banking at CertusBank. "Backbase Portal with Launchpad, which is an out-of-the-box ready solution, is a perfect fit for a financial institution like CertusBank. With Backbase Portal Manager's ability to empower our marketing team to manage the digital platform, and run cross- and up-sell campaigns, we have exactly what we needed to give our customers the experience they deserve.""We are delighted to see that CertusBank has successfully rolled out Backbase 儲存倉ank 2.0 Portal. From our initial conversations, to the launch of the new website, it was very clear that the bank has a strong digital vision and is focused on consistently improving their online customer experience. It's great to see how they have transformed their vision into reality and I'm very proud that Backbase was part of it," said Herber de Ruijter, Backbase's General Manager for North America.About CertusBankCertusBank, N.A., a subsidiary of CertusHoldings, Inc. (formerly Blue Ridge Holdings, Inc.), is a full-service financial institution headquartered in Greenville, SC. The bank operates in eleven states and has branches across the Carolinas, Florida and Georgia. The nearly $2 billion institution is committed to providing innovative financial solutions and delivering an unparalleled experience. For more information, visit CertusBank.com.About BackbaseBackbase delivers Bank 2.0 Portal software that provides a new, user experience layer on top of underlying infrastructure and IT systems. It gives financials the opportunity to create interactions that link customers to relevant information and applications to fit their needs and preferences. With its modern, widget-based architecture Backbase Bank 2.0 Portal provides the flexibility and speed to create modern portals that truly empower the customer.Unlike most traditional IT portal vendors, Backbase has created a contemporary, business-driven portal solution that makes portal management easy for e-business professionals. This means faster time to market and more flexibility to optimize online channels with less IT support.The unique Backbase approach enables financials to drive self-service, fuel online revenues and turn their online banking channel into a true Customer Engagement Platform. Global financials such as ABN AMRO, AIG, Al Rajhi Bank, Bank of America, Barclays, ING, UBS and Visa have improved their online customer interactions and maximized online customer experience, retention and conversion, by leveraging Backbase's Bank 2.0 technology.Backbase was founded in 2003 and is privately funded with operations in New York and Amsterdam.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121002/567102photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130821/635531Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130821/635531photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121002/567102BackbaseCONTACT: Press contact: Jelmer de Jong, Global Head of Marketing,Backbase: jelmer@backbase.com, +31-6-230-260-12迷你倉沙田

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Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelAug.迷你倉價錢 21--The cost of driving a car in Wisconsin is 13% lower than the national average, and eighth lowest in the country, a survey released Wednesday says.The personal-finance firm Bankrate.com tallied up the costs of operating a motor vehicle -- gasoline, insurance, repairs, taxes and fees -- in each state and found drivers in Wisconsin typically spend $2,779 per year. The compares with the national average $3,201.The cost breakdown in Wisconsin: repairs, $329; taxes-fees, $796; gasoline, $1,063; and insurance, $591.The highest-cost state for drivers is Georgia at $4,233. Bankrate noted that Georgians spend a lot of time in their cars, in part becasue of Atlanta's sprawling communities and a lack of public transportation -- factors that lead to long commutes with above-average gasoline costs and 迷你倉庫nsurance rates. Georgia also has the highest state automobile tax and fees, Bankrate said.The survey found Oregon had the lowest car-operating costs at $2,204. Oregon doesn't have a state sales tax. In addition, insurance costs are relatively low and the typical resident drives 16% fewer miles than the national average, Bankrate said.Bankrate determined the cost of car ownership for each state by using median insurance premiums from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, average repair costs from CarMD.com and average automobile taxes and fees from Kelley Blue Book. Bankrate said it estimated average gasoline spending using average pump prices from GasBuddy.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Source: The Miami HeraldAug.迷你倉庫 21--The Miami Herald continues to unveil its first official South Florida Top 20 poll of the season.We continue the countdown with the most decorated program in Broward County:3. St. Thomas Aquinas (13-2)Outlook: The drive for state championship No. 8 is well underway at Aquinas.Aquinas opens its schedule with a long-anticipated showdown with Miami Northwestern August 31 at Sun Life Stadium.After a bye week, the Raiders head to New Orleans to take on defending national champion John Curtis Christian (La.) at the Superdome. Aquinas then returns home to face much-improved Miramar, a team it has lost to each of the past two seasons.If things go really well, and other South Florida powerhouses don't fare as well against their out-of-state competition, the Raiders will have set themselves up for a potential run at national title No. 3.Coach Rocco Casullo's team will undoubtedly keep its focus on repeating as Class 7A state champions.The Raiders have another talent-rich squad that is led on defense by senior tackle Anthony Moten and senior defensive back Al Harris. Sophomore defensive lineman Nick Bosa is one of the best儲存nationally at his position and another emerging leader.On offense is where Aquinas is counting on senior quarterback Wade Freebeck, a transfer from Western to take command. Freebeck has several talented receivers including senior Corey Holmes and junior Devante Peete.Aquinas should be able to run the football successfully again with talented backs Mardre London and Deltron Sands running behind a stacked line that features seniors Nick Linder, Ryan Crozier, Tyler Deever and Kai Absheer.The road through Broward County is pretty much the same with Plantation likely the biggest obstacle in District 15-7A in addition to games against Cypress Bay and Deerfield Beach. Boyd Anderson and Palm Beach Gardens Dwyer might be waiting in the playoffs.The Raiders appear to have all the pieces in place to make it another championship ending in the Citrus Bowl.Key games: Aug. 31, Northwestern (Sun Life); Sept. 13, John Curtis (Superdome); Sept. 20, Miramar; Oct. 18, Cypress Bay; Nov. 1, Plantation (PAL); Nov. 8, at Deerfield Beach.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Miami Herald Visit The Miami Herald at .miamiherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉

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By Fan FeifeiMonkeys at Lushan Mountain in Jiangxi province, one of the China’s top scenic spots, have been put on contraceptives to curtail their breeding.迷你倉價錢Specialists warn that this cannot control the number of monkeys as tourists are making the monkeys lazy by feeding them. With their food supply guaranteed, monkeys do not need to forage for food and have more time for breeding.A park official said 50 monkeys were introduced to the scenic spot at the end of 2005, according to a China News Service report on Saturday. That number has more than doubled.A staff member of the management office ofShimenjian scenic area on Lushan Mountain told China Daily that they have been feeding contraceptive pills to the primates for four or five years.The monkeys are at three key locations on Lushan Mountain: Xianrendong, Datianchi and Sanbaoshu.While the monkeys are a major attraction, they can be a nuisance and sometimes attack visitors. “These monkeys are wild and can scratch, attack and injure tourists,” the staff member said.Because they do not fear humans, they often try to grab snacks tourists mi迷你倉庫ht be eating or, worse, tourists will throw food at them.Warning signs have been posted around the mountain alerting tourists. However, tourists routinely ignore the signs and continue to give monkeys food. This emboldens the monkeys and makes them more confident.The pills are given to the monkeys in March and September each year, their mating season.Sun Quanhui, an adviser to the World Society for the Protection of Animals, said this is “understandable and acceptable”.Hua Ning, a campaign manager for the International Fund for Animal Welfare, said that contraceptive pills were not the only answer.A fixed “meeting point” where humans can observe the monkeys safely should be set up, reducing any contact that allows food to be taken or given.The news also triggered discussions on the Internet. A netizen named “Shida” commented on Sina Weibo that there are also other ways to control the number of the monkeys, such as introducing natural enemies and reducing the number of tourists. Another netizen whose username is “Maltose” deemed it is the human beings’ behavior that interrupts the monkeys.儲存

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今年上半年,新蒲崗迷你倉東莞新註冊登記汽車76229輛,目前東莞汽車保有量已經達到129萬輛左右,東莞平均每百戶城市居民家庭擁有汽車數量也早已超過上海、廣州等城市。如今,汽車已經成為東莞市民的家庭必備品,而自駕游也成為了東莞市民比較喜歡的出游方式。自駕游的目的地很多,更多的人會選擇到省內的景點,但如今景點濃厚的商業氣息使得不少市民嚮往原生態、相對“無汙染”的旅遊地點。在東莞厚街一家大型港資企業工作的讀者劉先生告訴記者,他的家鄉桐樹坪村就是一個原生態的山村,距離東莞300多公里,非常適合東莞市民前往休閒放鬆。記者跟隨劉先生自駕前往這個位於揭西的山村,感受原生態的鄉村之美。頗具挑戰性的山路劉先生在東莞打拼多年,如今在厚街鎮的一家大型港資企業擔任中層管理人員。他的收入已經可以讓他過上比較好的物質生活,但讓這個在揭西桐樹坪村走出來的新莞人無比懷念寧靜的家鄉。所以,每年總有那麼一兩次,他會約上東莞這邊的朋友,遠離城市的喧囂,自駕車到家鄉的山村中享受寧靜的周末。周六一大早,記者隨同劉先生從東莞出發,踏上原生態山村自駕之旅的路途。從東莞到揭西縣,距離是300多公里。從南城出發的話,從鴻福路開至八一路,根據指引進入珠三角環線高速公路,在到達惠東後,沿匝道轉至廣惠高速公路,然後在凌坑互通入口處進入沈海高速公路,駛至陸豐市霞湖站就可以下高速了。從陸豐下高速後,記者一行沿S240和S335省道向北前行,穿越陸河縣內的大安、河口、東坑、水唇、五雲等鎮,終於抵達揭西縣城河婆鎮,稍作休整,便沿著X098縣道向良田鄉和西田鄉進發了。雖然在陸河縣境內已經走過一些蜿蜒曲折的上坡路,但X098縣道的彎道之多、轉彎之急還是令人出乎意料。因為這條縣道是依山而建,所以經常會出現“幾”字形的彎道,而且這些彎道不時還是首尾相接,急彎緊接著急彎,一些比較平緩的大彎道在這裡可以視同直路了。劉先生說,如今這段路已經比以前好走多了,起碼不再是黃泥路了。這樣的道路頗具挑戰性,喜歡駕駛的人會從中感受到樂趣,適合技術純熟的司機。在這段山路間行走,不時會被頻繁轉變的離心力晃得左搖右擺,而且由於海拔在不斷升高,有時候還會出現耳鳴的狀況。記者後來翻看了行車記錄儀,其拍攝的視頻仿如賽車電影裡面的第一人稱視覺鏡頭,驚險刺激。大山里寧靜的鄉村車越走地勢越高,原本對面山似乎並不遙遠的村落,在不知不覺間已經變得遙不可及。記者一行所走的山路位於蓮花山脈,這位於廣東東北部的山脈有多座超過1000米的山峰,在前往桐樹坪村的路上所能看到的最高峰便是位於該村西面與五華縣交界的李望嶂山。山峰高聳入雲,海拔達1222米,仿似一個巨人坐著,俯視著其腳下的一切。在山間行走,可以讓城市人重拾對大自然的敬畏。從河婆鎮出發接近一個小時,穿過了良田鄉,最後終於來到了位於西田鄉的桐樹坪村。這是一座不為人知的客家小山村,由於地處偏僻,經濟發展非常滯後。“西田鄉是揭西縣最邊遠、條件最艱苦的一個鄉,有1600多人的桐樹坪村坐落在海拔600多米的一個盆地里,四周是層巒疊嶂的大山……”這是2002年《人民日報》對桐樹坪村的描寫,這也是這個小山村少有的一次在主流媒體上露臉。在桐樹坪村環顧四周,會發現自己正mini storage處群山的包圍之中,四周的山峰起伏有致,而獨獨留出了中間的這一片平地,村民的樓房就在這片相對平整的土地上高低錯落地築就,而在村屋之間就是被分割開的小片田地。8月,正是水稻茂盛生長之時,田地上一片綠油油。在村內的細溪背寨有一片面積較大的稻田,就位於村內蜿蜒的小溪旁邊,在陽光之下就連深綠色也顯得格外亮眼。當風吹過的時候,田地邊上的水稻先是伏下了身子,然後又猛地立起來,依次傳遞,仿如稻田上泛起了波浪。桐樹坪的生活節奏是非常悠閑的。每天除了農忙之外,村民們或是在家門口乘涼,或是互相走訪,一邊談天說地,一邊細品茗茶。而在村屋之外,雞犬相聞,隨處可見放養的家雞和互相嬉鬧的土狗,尤其在村內的老寨,幾乎是每家都養了一隻狗看家。在山村之中,除了悠閑和寧靜之外,令人印象最深刻的就是宜人的氣候。就在記者前往桐樹坪的那天,東莞的溫度超過30度,而山村因為海拔高再加上群上環繞,氣溫只有25度左右,加上山間吹來的微風,清涼得像是開了空調一般。劉先生說,每次他帶東莞的朋友過來他們都不願意下山,因為覺得山中清涼的氣候和無汙染的空氣對人體有益。消逝中的鄉村建築平時在東莞的鄉村中行走,村中的建築都是大體相似,就像一個挨一個的方形盒子,只是大小高矮顏色有些微差別。在省內的其他鄉村行走的時候感覺也是如此,過分單調的建築和粗糙的建築工藝所帶來的就是“千村一面”的景觀,叫人索然無味。在桐樹坪,一些新修建的村屋建築風格也和我們常見的“盒子”差不多,但由於山村比較封閉落後,因此有部分古舊的建築得以保存,讓人可以一窺當年的鄉村風貌,以及歷史車輪的痕跡。劉先生帶記者來到了細溪背寨的一個小山坡前,那裡有一座古舊的祠堂,祠堂周圍還有幾間村屋,再加上小山坡下的村屋,形成了一個磚瓦結構的小建築群。村中人皆姓劉,這座祠堂便是劉氏祖祠。沿著長滿野草的石階拾級而上,稍作打量,不難發現祠堂雖然主體結構仍在,但荒廢已久:推開大門,園內雜草叢生,屋頂的瓦片也掉落了許多,被粉刷成白色的內壁上還有“為祖國而學習”之類的大紅字標語。劉先生介紹,祠堂在上世紀五六十年代被生產隊徵用,變成了“桐樹坪學習大隊”的根據地,牆上的字跡便是當年留下的。而祠堂旁邊的房子“積善居”也已荒廢,據原本住在屋子老人介紹,上世紀六七十年代,村里掀起“除四舊”的運動,門上的石刻門匾“積善居”被造反派用白漆潑得面目全非。如今,歷經幾十年風雨後,屋簷殘破,正好在門匾正中破了個洞,經雨水沖刷後,中間的白漆被洗掉,只有“善”字清晰可見。不過,要說到建築,保存得比較好的還是良田鄉嶺下村客家大院,這座大院建在相對平坦的區域,採用的是客家傳統的“九廳十八井”結構,和“土樓”、“圍龍屋”並稱客家三大典型建築結構。每個朝外的大門都有不同的門匾,如“允藏樓”、“彭城門第”、“慶雲門”、“祿閣家風”等。資料顯示,“九廳十八井”是客家人結合北方庭院建築,適應南方多雨潮濕氣候及自然地理特點,採用中軸線對稱布局,廳與庭院相結合而構建的大型民居建築。據當地老人介紹,這座大院由他們祖先所建,至今已有數百年曆史,如今極少有人居住。可惜的是,大院由於缺乏資金支持長年無人修葺,如今已經越發的破舊,令人嗟歎。南方日報記者 龔名揚self storage

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