【本報訊】澳大橫琴校區於上月20日正式交特區政府接管,self storage消防局及治安警昨早在橫琴澳大校區河底隧道舉行交通意外火警拯救演習,整個演習歷時半小時結束,過程大致順利。消防局表示,現時澳大橫琴校區的消防行動站仍處於施工狀態,局方現共有8輛緊急車輛,以及約40名人員臨時進駐校區,以便校區和河隧一旦發生事故,能夠做到1分鐘出車,6分鐘到達。演習昨早11時進行,演習模擬河底隧道澳門往橫琴方向行車道中段處發生兩車相撞交通意外,引致車輛冒煙起火,並造成3人受傷,且有多名人士因吸入濃煙感到不適。事故發生後,河底隧道管理單位馬上派員到現場了解,即時通知消防局及治安警察局,並開啟隧道內的抽氣扇排走濃煙,同時作出疏散廣播。多輛消防車和救援車輛於數分鐘後趕到現場,由於現場仍有大量濃煙,消防出動大型抽風車抽走隧道內的濃煙,消防員和警員疏散被困隧道內的市民後,消防員隨即對模擬起火的車禍開喉灌救,火勢控制後再拯救被困車內的傷者,整個演習歷時約半小時。是次演習消防局分別於澳大橫琴新校區的行動站、�仔及路環行動站派迷你倉了水泵車、搶救車、排煙車、救護車、藥物支援車和救護巴士等合共13輛消防救援車輛和44名消防人員,治安警察局亦派出多名交通警員協助指揮交通,共約100人員參與演習。消防局一等消防區長林俊生總結指出:是次演習旨在測試澳大橫琴校區發生事故時的協調及溝通機制,在各部門配合下,演習過程大致順利,達到預期效果。演習結束後,消防局將進行詳細檢討,並將結果知會有關部門跟進改善,以便日後一旦事故發生時消防局能更有效快速地展開救援工作。8輛緊急車輛40人輪流駐校林俊生又表示,現時澳大橫琴校區的消防行動站仍處於施工狀態,局方於早前開始臨時進駐校區,以滿足消防局承諾要求,即1分鐘出車,6分鐘到達現場的目標。現時消防局共有8輛緊急車輛,以及約40名人員輪流進駐校區,待局方稍後正式接管澳大橫琴行動站後,會重新進行部署。他說,日後若澳大橫琴校區河底隧道發生事故,消防接報後會由調配中心協調各行動站救援及處理,而根據是次演習,從橫琴行動站出車並到達現場約3分鐘,未來一旦真正發生意外,會做到1分鐘出車,6分鐘到達。文件倉

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SINGAPORE and Hong Kong have acted out the tale of two cities for quite some time. But the more the tale goes on, the more unpalatable it is to Hongkongers, who since their city's handover to China have been relentlessly outstripped by Singaporeans. What is most frustrating, however, is that there seems to be no way for Hong Kong to free itself from the political mire it is stuck in and to once again forge ahead.Therefore, the new ideas and mindset outlined for his government by Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien-loong at the National Day rally give Hongkongers much food for thought.Lee's new governmental policy ranges from hardware construction (including the expansion of Changi Airport and the relocation of the port) to strategic adjustments in matters related to people's livelihood (including medical care, housing, and education). This latest development in the tale of the two cities shows Singapore travelling full steam ahead, while Hong Kong keeps going backwards.And what particularly pulls at Hongkongers'heartstrings is probably Singapore's housing scheme.While more than 80 percent of Singaporeans are already housed in Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats, Lee has pledged to see to it that even low-income families can buy HDB homes, declaring that a family earning S $1,000 (about HK $6,000) a month will be able to afford a two-room flat; a family earning S $2,000 (about HK $12,000), a three-room flat; and a family earning S$4,000 (about HK$24,000),a four-room flat. In solving the housing problem,Singapore has for long been far ahead of Hong Kong. Now the Singaporean government is taking yet another step ahead to make sure that every working family can afford an HDB flat. The living conditions of Singaporeans are now more than ever the envy of Hongkongers.In the parliamentary general election Singapore held two years ago, while the People's Action Party still won a dominant 81 percent of the seats, it lost about 6 percent of the voter support it had previously enjoyed. In reviewing the election results, Lee described the election as a "watershed" for Singapore. The new policy changes he announced at the public rally on Singapore's 48th National Day are generally regarded as a response to the "setback" his party suffered in the election.After Hong Kong's handover to China, Hong Kong has been going backwards all the time whereas Singapore has continued to press forward. This can only be attributed to the two cities' different political systems. The People's Action Party is the only major political party in Singapore, which in effect means a one-party dictatorship. However, as the ruling party it enjoys the governmental legitimacy conferred by elections, so its policies can be effectively introduced and implemented. Hong Kong's Chief Executive, on the other hand, does not have the legitimacy required, and the government does not command a steady majority in the Legislative Council. This,essentially, is why the Hong Kong SAR government is severely handicapped in its administration. It istrue that the election of the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council by universal and equal suffrage cannot solve every problem, but their election by a small circle of privileged people means no problem can be solved, as the past 16 years have fully testified.We are convinced that, if Hong Kong is given the chance politically and if the "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" principle is faithfully implemented, Hong Kong will not lose to Singapore.Otherwise, this tale of two cities will probably soon come to an end. For Hong Kong will no longer count.英語社評聲檔english.mingpao.com/critic.htm明報社評2013.08.20新加坡這面鏡子港人照得很不自在星港這齣「雙城記」並非新鮮事物,迷你倉出租只是愈演下去,港人愈感覺不是味兒。回歸以來,港人不但因為星洲超前領先而惆悵,最主要是看不到香港如何走出政治泥淖,重新奮起。因此,新加坡總理李顯龍在國慶群�大會上宣示的治國新理念、新思路,使人感慨不已。李顯龍展示的治國新方略,從硬體建設(擴建樟宜機場、搬遷港口等),到關乎民生的醫療、住屋、教育的戰略調整兼備。「雙城記」最新景�,使人看到新加坡向前奔跑,香港則在往後踏步。其中最能觸動港人情緒的,相信是星洲的房屋政策。李顯龍在逾80%新加坡人已經居住在組屋的基礎上,提出確保低收入家庭都可以買到組屋,包括月入1000 元(坡元,下同,伸約6000 港元)的家庭,負擔得起2 房式組屋;月入2000 元(約1.2 萬港元)家庭,買得起3 房式組屋;月入4000 元(約2.4 萬港元)家庭,供得起4 房式組屋。新加坡於解決國民居住問題,本已大幅領先本港,現在還要確保每個有工作的新加坡家庭都負擔得起一間組屋,相信港人要在更高層次羡慕新加坡人的居住環境了。兩年前新加坡的選舉,人民行動黨雖然在國會仍佔壓倒性的81%議席,但是流失了約6 個百分點選票,當時,李顯龍就選舉結果,形容是新加坡的「分水嶺」,他趁48 年國慶群�大會宣示的新治國方略,被認為是對這次選舉「失利」的回應。回歸之後,香港和新加坡的此消彼長,政治體制是關鍵。新加坡人民行動黨一黨獨大,變相一黨專政,不過,這是透過選舉機制而得出的權力結構,確保了執政黨的政策得以推行和落實。香港的特首欠缺足夠認受性、政府在立法會得不到穩定支持,這是特區政府施政寸步難行的根本原因。以普及而平等辦法選出的特首和立法會,並不能解決全部問題,但是靠特權和小圈子選舉產生的特首和立法會,則根本什麼問題都解決不了。這是過去16 年已經充分驗證的情�。我們堅信:在政治上給香港機會,確切落實港人治港,不相信香港會輸給新加坡。若非如此,則這齣「雙城記」大概演不下去了,因為香港將出局。Glossaryunpalatable /?n'pal ?t ?bl/unpleasant and not easy to acceptoutstrip /a �t'str �p/be faster, better or more successful than somebody you are competing againstwatershed /'w �:t ?�ed/an event or a period of time that marks an important change

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南方日報訊 (記者/周人果)暢游意大利可以選擇搭乘快車的方式,迷你倉沙田既舒適又可以盡情享受路途風景。記者最近獲悉,在技術上頗為領先的意塔羅快車,目前已在9個意大利城市停靠,在兩條線路上擁有12個火車站,方便遊客暢游意大利。其中,羅馬擁有意塔羅火車的兩個終點站:羅馬蒂波蒂納,即意大利首都新的大型高鐵火車站;羅馬奧斯蒂亞,它與羅馬蒂波蒂納火車站形成互補,為城市的南部和西南地區提供服務。據悉,這種快車的車廂分為意塔羅頭等車廂、公務車廂、經濟車廂,公務休閒車廂和智能影院五種級別。

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  中新網8月21日電 據澳洲新快網援引澳大利亞《每日電訊報》報道稱,儲存澳大利亞依靠中國中產階級振興旅遊業的能力,由於聯邦政府沒能允許更多航班來澳而面臨威脅。  一個主要國際機場負責人當時曾經警告過時任總理的吉拉德(Julia Gillard)和交通部長艾本理(Anthony Albanese)。4個月前,這位負責人稱澳境內的機場需要為中國遊客增加班次數和座位數。  墨爾本機場總裁伍德拉夫(Chris Woodruff)說:“現實是,機場遇到了嚴格的限制。澳大利亞和主要亞洲市場之間的航班服務發展未來,被嚴格的限制了,除非政府趕緊採取措施進行協商,建立新的雙邊協議。”  根據目前和中國政府的協議,每周外國飛機從中國到澳大利亞提供總共2.25萬個座位。墨爾本機場公司事務經歷弗朗西斯(Matt Fra新蒲崗迷你倉cis)說,座位的限制需要取消,每周應該提供至少3.1萬個座位,才能滿足發展需求。  中國來澳遊客數量增長速度很快,7月份墨爾本和悉尼機場的中國遊客數量比去年增加了20%。中國中產階級對於澳大利亞來說是個利潤豐厚的市場,每架國際A380航班一年會為澳經濟注入3.88億元,創造5000個全職工作。不過,自從2012年2月以來,中國航線的運載能力沒有被提高。  弗蘭西斯說,政府在等待“中國政府安排下一個回合的談判。然而,我們認為這一事務非常緊迫,我們應該掌握先機。”  政府此前成功地和馬來西亞簽訂了新的航空服務協議,增加大馬來澳運載能力40%。今年末以前,低成本航空公司AirAsia X將成為澳大利亞第四大外國航空公司,每周的航班數從35架增加至54架。標簽:中國 澳大利亞 吉拉德 伍德拉夫 墨爾本mini storage

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Curbs set to stay in place until prices fallIncreased supply and rising interest rates could see prices fall by 20 per cent, but until this happens the cooling measures will likely stay in placePleas by real estate agents for the Hong Kong government to relax its measures aimed at cooling down the property market are likely to fall on deaf ears until prices have fallen further, say analysts.mini storage“We are only likely to see some relaxation in the measures once home prices have fallen by 15 to 20 per cent – and even then the administration will be careful about which measures it will relax,” said Andrew Lawrence, managing director of equities research for real estate at Malaysia-based investment bank CIMB Securities.Echoing these views, Bocom International property analyst Alfred Lau said increased housing supply and rising interest rates could combine to bring house prices down by as much 20 per cent over the next three or four years, and until this happened the cooling measures were likely to remain in place.Interest rates were likely to begin rising next year and new supply would come on stream in 2016 and 2017, said Lau. Every one percentage point rise in mortgage rates could translate into a fall in home prices of up to 6 per cent, he added, and mortgage rates could more than double from their present 2.2 per cent to 5 per cent.“The government will not lift the measures until this correction gets under way,” said Lau.Chief executive Leung Chun-ying said on Sunday he understood the curbs had affected the business of property agents and other home services, but defended the measures because, he said, they had been effective in cooling down the red-hot market.On August 5, Leung wrote in his blog that the government would neither relax nor withdraw its property-cooling measures as hot cash remained abundant in the global market.Lawrence, one of the most bearish property analysts in the city, said limited first-time bself storageyer demand, increasing supply, and the potential rise in interest rates could see home prices fall by 10 to 15 per cent next year, and a further 15 to 20 per cent in 2015, and the government would not withdraw its measures until this correction got under way.Property agents took to the streets in protest on July 7 to urge the government to ease the cooling measures, complaining that their business was suffering from huge drops in commission incomes.They threatened “more radical moves”, including camping outside government headquarters in Admiralty if the government maintained its doubling of stamp duty, which agents say is to blame for a massive decrease in sales.Home sales are running at 43 per cent below the level in February before the government announced it would double stamp duty on purchases of all properties valued at more than HK$2 million.But prices have so far barely budged despite the sharp fall in sales, and the benchmark Centa-City Leading Index stood at 119.3 for the week ended August 11, versus a mid-March peak of 123.66 – a fall of 3.5 per cent versus the 20 per cent fall in sales transactions over the same period.The resilience of prices would ensure that the government’s measures remained in place for the time being, said CIMB’s Lawrence. When the government did act its first step would likely be a relaxation of loan ceilings rather than a cut in stamp duties.The Legislative Council, now in its summer recess, has yet to pass two bills to impose three new property taxes: a 15 per cent “buyer’s stamp duty” levied on foreign and corporate buyers of residential flats; a “special stamp duty” on the resale of flats within three years, up from two years and levied at higher rates; and a doubling of stamp duty for all buyers of all types of property except Hong Kong permanent residents who don’t already own a flat.Though yet to be given the formal nod by Legco, the measures are already being applied.迷你倉

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If you don't already have a favourite salt cod dish, here's your chance to create a perfect palate-pleaser.迷你倉價錢I'm not going to get into an argument about which country makes the best salt cod dishes. Everyone claims that their mother's version is the best anyway. But since my mother didn't ever cook with salt cod (although haam yu is another story), I'm more open-minded. You can use these recipes as a guideline and adapt them to your own tastes.It's hard to find salt cod in Hong Kong, so buy it on your next visit to Macau.Salt cod mixed with shoestring potatoes and scrambled eggs (pictured)I've eaten many versions of this dish and my favourite is when the fried potatoes are mixed at the very last minute with the cod and eggs, so they stay crunchy.350 grams dried salt cod fillet (use a larger piece if it has bones)3 large potatoes1 medium-sized onion8 eggs60ml milk (optional)Oil, for fryingFine sea salt and freshly ground pepperTo serve:Cherry tomatoes, black olives, fresh parsley sprigsRinse the salt cod under cold running water, to wash away all the salt on the exterior. Put the fish in a bowl and add enough water to cover it by about 2cm. Refrigerate the fish for about eight hours, draining it and adding fresh water as needed, as the excess salt is leeched out. Taste a small piece of the fish - it shouldn't taste salty; if it does, continue to soak it. When the fish is ready, drain off the water. With your fingers, break the fish into ragged scraps and remove and discard the skin and bones. Bring a saucepan of water to a simmer, add the fish and boil for about five minutes, then drain thoroughly.Peel the potatoes and cut them into long, slender matchsticks. Put the potato pieces in a colander and rinse thoroughly under running water, then drain well. Spread the pieces on a clean, dry kitchen cloth and blot up the excess moisture with another cloth, then leave to air-dry for about 30 minutes. Heat oil to a depth of about 2cm in a skillet. When the oil is at 170 degrees Celsius, fry the potatoes in batches until cooked through, then drain them. After cooking all the potatoes, heat the oil to 180 degrees and fry them in batches a second time, to brown and crisp them. Drain them on paper towels and sprinkle lightly with salt while they're still hot.Whisk the eggs in a bowl and season them with salt and pepper. If you like moist eggs, add the milk. Quarter the onion lengthwise then cut into thin slices. Heat 30ml of oil in a large skillet and set it over a low-medium flame. Cook the onion until soft, then add the cod pieces and a light sprinkling of salt. Increase the heat and cook, stirri迷你倉庫g often, to slightly dry out the cod. Reduce the heat and stir in the eggs. Cook the ingredients, stirring often, until the eggs are softly set (or longer if you prefer eggs scrambled "dry"). Remove from the flame, stir in the fried potatoes and transfer to a platter. Garnish with parsley sprigs and serve immediately with olives and halved cherry tomatoes.AccrasI first tasted these salt cod fritters at the home of a Trinidadian friend in New York. I tasted them again more recently when I was wandering through the Bastille street market in Paris. The home-cooked ones were much better because they had a lot more salt cod.Accras usually pack quite a bit of heat, but this version is only moderately spicy. Feel free to increase the amount of fresh chillies and cayenne pepper or chilli powder. They're usually served with a tart, spicy sauce made with incendiary Scotch bonnet chillies, but I cheat and use mayonnaise (Hellmann's please!) mixed with sriracha sauce.250 grams dried salt cod fillet (or use a larger piece if it has bones)2 red bird's-eye chillies, or more to taste80 grams onion, roughly chopped1-2 garlic cloves, chopped2 spring onions, cut into 1cm piecesA small handful of fresh coriander leaves1 tsp cayenne pepper or chilli powder, or more to taste1 tsp fine sea salt, or more to taste1/2 tsp baking soda, sieved through a small strainer70 grams plain (all-purpose) flour1 large egg120ml whole milkOil, for fryingAbout 150 grams mayonnaiseSriracha sauceFresh lime juiceDesalinate, prepare and boil the fish as in the first recipe. Slit the chillies lengthwise and use a small spoon to scrape out the seeds and membrane. Roughly chop the chillies and put them into a food processor with the salt cod, onion, garlic and spring onion. Pulse to chop the ingredients, then add the fresh coriander, cayenne pepper or chilli powder and salt. Pulse until the ingredients are finely chopped. Taste a small amount of the mixture and add more salt and spice if needed. Mix in the baking soda and flour, then, with the motor running, add the egg and milk. Transfer the ingredients to a bowl and mix with a spatula.Pour oil to a depth of 2cm in a skillet and heat to 180 degrees. Use two teaspoons to shape the mixture into rough balls, flatten them slightly then slide them into the hot oil. Stir the mixture occasionally and cook it in batches. Cook the balls until medium brown, then turn them over and fry the other side. Drain on paper towels. When they're all cooked, pile them onto a serving plate. Mix the mayonnaise with sriracha sauce and lime juice to taste, then serve with the accras.Styling Nellie Ming Lee儲存

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Source: Tampa Tribune, Fla.迷你倉價錢Aug. 19--TAMPA -- HART released details Monday of two options for transportation equipment and service through 2023, the bolder "vision" adding 175 buses, 31 routes and enhancing 50 others, but at a cost of $1.5 billion that is $667 million short of funds the transit company envisions as readily available.A so-called "status-quo" option would focus on preserving current levels of service enhanced by additional non-peak hour service at a 10-year operational and capital improvements cost of about $814 million, $65 million short of known funding sources.Neither plan includes light-rail, a short-run demonstration rail system, or enhancements that could increase ridership on the streetcar HART does not own but operates between downtown Tampa and Ybor City."The Transit Development Plan update does not preclude other modes including rail from being implemented in the future if sufficient transit traffic is built up using buses," Hillsborough Area Regional Transit authority executive director Philip Hale said. "You can do a lot of things with a plan, but you have to pay for them."The state requires HART produce a transit development business plan, known as the TDP. HART's board approved the current plan in 2011 without a rail option in the wake of the failed 2010 sales-tax referendum that would have funded light-rail and other transportation improvements.HART Chief Financial Officer Jeff Seward presented plentiful detail and context Monday to the HART finance, governance and administration committee. The HART board is scheduled to review the plan Sept. 9 before approving it Sept. 23 and then submitting it to the Florida Department of Transportation.HART would not necessarily pursue every option in the "vision" plan."This shows, if you had $200 million, what would you do with it," Seward said.The TDP with its annual outlook up to 10 years does not conflict with longer range plans by the Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Authority or the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization, both of which include rail concepts.Nor does it conflict with current Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority plans, or that county's 2014 referendum to 迷你倉庫und a light rail line between Clearwater, the Carillon area and St. Petersburg. That concept envisions a subsequent rail connection across the Howard Frankland Bridge and Tampa, but that leg is not covered in the 2014 vote.However, if the Pinellas light-rail initiative passes, it's likely the Hillsborough rail debate would take on a new focus as Pinellas County could gain competitive momentum in economic development opportunities and influence over the location of a new Tampa Bay Rays ballpark."HART doesn't need to run a rail system," said Kevin Thurman, executive director of the Connect Tampa Bay transportation advocacy group. "Some other organization could do that. My worry is that they could leave federal and state matching dollars on the table and put local taxpayers at a significant higher burden than in other areas."The six new MetroRapid routes in HART's "vision" plan beyond the current northeast Tampa-downtown route are: Tampa International Airport and Temple Terrace, which could be completed in September 2016; New Tampa and downtown by September 2018; Tampa International Airport and downtown via Kennedy Boulevard by September 2019; Brandon and downtown by September 2019; Lutz and MacDill Air Force Base via Dale Mabry Highway by September 2021; and the Northwest Transfer Center near Citrus Park and the netp@rk Transfer Center in Temple Terrace by September 2022.The HART committee Monday also reviewed a proposed operating and capital budget for fiscal 2014 of $85.5 million, not including about $896 million recommended in a collective bargaining agreement with bus and van operators and mechanics from Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1593. The board is expected to approve that contract next month that will increase entry level bus drive pay from $11.91 an hour to $12.21.HART loses about 40 percent of its drivers in their first year because it cannot compete with other job offers, said Michael Stephens, director of human resources, risk and legal services.tjackovics@tampatrib.com(813) 259-7817Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Fla.) Visit the Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Fla.) at .tampatrib.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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