Source: The Daily News, Jacksonville, N.迷你倉價錢C.Aug. 19--MOREHEAD CITY -- An informational meeting will be held this month on a permit application that has citizens concerned about the use of a hazardous air pollutant in a proposed fumigation facility at the state port in Morehead City.The town announced it will hold a community meeting from 4 to 6 p.m. Aug. 28 at the Crystal Coast Civic Center. The community meeting is not a public hearing, however.The meeting is designed to inform the public and local officials about the application by Royal Pest Solutions for an air quality permit for fumigation operations at the port.Representatives of Royal Pest Solutions will present information about the proposal and N.C. Division of Air Quality members will discuss the permit application process and ways the public can be engaged throughout the review.There will be an opportunity for citizens to ask questions of Royal Pest Solutions and Air Quality staff.Concerns about the fumigation plans were raised last month at a joint meeting of the Morehead City Town Council and Carteret County Board of Commissioners to hear an update on port projects.While the presentation focused a planned wood-pellet facili迷你倉庫y, questions came up about the fumigation operations being explored for the port.Royal Pest Solutions has applied for an air quality permit to operate a fumigation facility for logs destined for export from the port. The process as proposed would use methyl bromide gas to treat logs covered by tarps to contain the gases.Residents have expressed concern about the use of methyl bromide, which is classified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a hazardous air pollutant (HAP).According to Air Quality, facilities that could emit 10 tons per year of any HAP, or 25 tons per year of any combinations of HAPs, must receive a federal Title V air permit to operate. As proposed, the fumigation facility could emit up to 140 tons of methyl bromide per year.Air Quality announced it will host a hearing for public comment in Morehead City, but the agency has not confirmed where or when that hearing would be held.Contact Daily News reporter Jannette Pippin at 910-382-2557 or Visit to comment.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Daily News (Jacksonville, N.C.) Visit The Daily News (Jacksonville, N.C.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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WASHINGTON, Aug.存倉 19, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- National Guard officers have a new firm selling advertising in their monthly magazine, weekly electronic newsletter and website.The James G. Elliott Company Inc. began this week as the exclusive representative for advertising sales in the official NGAUS publication, National Guard; the association's weekly e-newsletter, Washington Report; and at"We are excited to have the Elliott Company as our new sales team," said retired Maj. Gen. Gus L. Hargett Jr., the NGAUS president. "Elliott's broad presence and experience, both in print and digital media, will help us connect with new markets while continuing to serve our traditional defense industry partners.""We are honored and thrilled to be chosen to work with NGAUS," said Jim Elliott, the CEO of the Elliott Company. "NGAUS is a wonderful organization which both represents the interests of and creates a vibrant community for our citizen-soldiers, who are playing an increasing critical role in the defense of this nation."National Guard is the only independent, monthly, national publication dedicated to covering the issues important to the Army and Air Guard officers. It has a circulation of about 45,000, including many members of Congress and their staffs, Pentagon officials and sta自存倉e governors.The Elliott Company will function as the full-service advertising sales arm for NGAUS, providing sales management, research services and marketing support.About NGAUS ( The association includes nearly 45,000 current or former Guard officers. It was created in 1878 to provide unified National Guard representation in Washington. In their first productive meeting after Reconstruction, militia officers from the North and South formed the association with the goal of obtaining better equipment and training by petitioning Congress for more resources. Today, 135 years later, NGAUS has the same mission. National Guard, which has been in print since 1947, is the association's official publication.About the James G. Elliott Company Inc. ( The Elliott Company has professional management and a robust infrastructure in the major advertising centers across the United States (New York, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and San Francisco), so it is uniquely positioned to handle all aspects of advertising for publishers, including print and digital sales, research and marketing. The company has generated approximately $600 million of net advertising revenues for more than 200 clients since its founding in 1984.National Guard Association of the U.S.Web site:迷你倉新蒲崗

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US investigation into bank hiring children of senior Chinese officials baffles executivesThe investigation launched by US regulators into JPMorgan’s hiring of well-connected Chinese staff in Hong Kong could be politically motivated, say analysts struggling to understand the timing and aims of the probe.迷你倉價錢The US Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC)decision to investigate whether the bank hired children of senior Chinese officials in Hong Kong to help it win business is baffling to many executives in a variety of industries given the long-standing global practice of hiring former top officials or civil servants into executive positions to leverage their connections.“It is hard to imagine that US companies will stop hiring people with connections in China, the US or any other jurisdiction. Rather, there will be a screening process [by companies] to moderate their regulatory risk,” Gene Buttrill, a partner at US law firm Jones Day, told the South China Morning Post.“The SEC is under pressure from politicians and the public to demonstrate it is doing whatever it can to combat Chinese corporates and the Chinese government 迷你倉庫busing US markets.“We can see a trend of increasingly poor relations between China and US regulators. China increasingly is seen as a problem rather than an opportunity by US politicians and the US business elite. There has been a palpable change in sentiment since 2010,” Buttrill said.China has launched a slew of its own investigations in recent weeks to examine everything from price fixing to corruption in a number of industriesEarlier this month, Mead Johnson Nutrition, a US children’s food company, was fined 203.8 million yuan (HK$256.2 million) by Chinese authorities for monopoly behaviour, while Danone of France and other food companies were also fined.Critics believe the move is designed to scare off overseas firms and protect Chinese companies in the industries in which they find it hardest to compete with foreign intellectual property, quality and safety standards.That makes some commentators believe that the SEC’s investigation may be designed to embarrass Beijing by highlighting just how many well-connected people were involved in one major transaction.JPMorgan declined to comment on the issue.Anti-graft law B3儲存

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數據積積埋埋就見效。早兩日美國公布的7月零售數據是去年12月以來最好,迷你倉出租當時十年期美國債息由2.66厘升上2.71厘,股市就無乜反應。上周四,美國再公布首次申領失業救濟人數只有32萬,好過預期,並為5年最低,令10年期債息急抽到2.82厘的高位,美股就開始頂唔順,杜指大插225點,跌幅1.5%。其實個邏輯係咁,經濟數據好,聯儲局9月收水的機會就上升,收水代表減少每月買債850億美元的數量,債價下挫,債息就上升。早前債息向上,股市跌的同時,美元亦跌,商品則炒上,黃金升至1360.9美元,升了2%以上;白銀升到近23美元,大升5%;銅則升了0.5%。原油亦衝上高位,紐約期油升到107美元,這也和埃及鎮壓示威後局勢惡劣有關。數據理想 股市回吐油金股匯債齊齊郁,雖有個別因素,但也和資金流轉有關,美股見高回吐,資金流入黃金那些跌得多的商品避險,按理聯儲局收水應該利好美元和利淡黃金這些商品,但佢�短期卻走了反方向,相信是資金流入觸發淡倉大量平倉所致。美股繼續被聯儲局收水的消息玩轉。繼阿特蘭大儲銀行長洛夏講出不確定會否9月收水的言論,市場無乜反應;跟手聖路易斯儲銀行長畢勒又講類似的說話,指聯儲局要睇多點下半年的數據,才能決定收水,萬一它收水時通脹太低,恐怕一收水就惹來通縮。收水陰霾 息率成謎美國剛公布7月未計能源和食品的生產價格指數只是微升0.1%,加入能源和食品後指數也是持平,顯示美國無通脹壓力。聖路易斯儲銀行長總裁畢勒話:「通脹非常低,我對此有點擔心。目前無�象顯示,通脹有向上走的趨勢。」畢勒的講法增加市場對聯儲局何時收水的揣測,或許投資者害怕不確定的東西,杜指即時下跌。美股交易員留意到美市上高位之後有兩個問題,第1,在可能收水的前提下,市場不太儲存倉定那個水平是「合適的利率」,在6月傳出收水消息引發震盪後,美股跌後早已回升,但美息卻並未回落,美國10年期債息在2.7厘樓上的近期高位徘徊,市場仍在摸索合適的息價,估計要到第一波收水後,美息升多一下,才會回吐。第2,美股創高後資金畏高,在8月有少少外流到歐洲和新興市場。8月至今巴西股市升6.1%;中國股市升5.3%;墨西哥股市升4%;德國都升1.9%,只是美股持平。預計美股未來都係漂浮居多,直至9月係唔係收水有眉目。香港和內地跟新興市場,再玩�反彈。正如我所講,美股畏高,投資者一直捉摸聯儲局收水後合適的債息水平,但債市投資者無股票投資者咁睇好或咁猶豫,一直掟債券唔手軟,搞到債息係咁升,終於令股市都有反應。企業盈利 另一隱憂除了收水和債息的問題外,企業盈利係另一個憂慮,市場關心第三季盈利會否無以為繼。思科、沃爾瑪、美思的業績展望都唔好,已經有啟示。第二季美股上升,是基於溫和但仍顯著的盈利增長,市場原本預期第三季盈利增長較快,但最近已從7月初估計第三季公司盈利增加6%,減到4%。  特別是零售股已進入危險類別。點解沃爾瑪、美思等零售商生意不前?唔係美國人無買�,而係佢�轉向更便宜的網上商品買�,所以亞馬遜這類公司會受惠。但一家公司得,可能要殺幾家公司。  另外,好多企業都在謀殺職位以保持盈利增長,思科系統計畫裁減4000個職位,但今次唔係聽到裁員就升,股價反而急挫7%,市場開始怕這種做法無以為繼。總而言之,全世界都要開始適應利息上升的年代。簡介財經專欄名家陸羽仁,貴為企業CEO,周一至五在《頭條日報》開筆談股論市,深受讀者歡迎,更在頭條網開BLOG,分享投資心得,累積點擊率已突破一億。迷你倉沙田

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The Chinese banking sector will remember the summer of 2013 as the beginning of a series of painful reforms that heralded a concerted government effort to correct its past mistakes.迷你倉新蒲崗 But in time it might come to collectively acknowledge that the introduction of stricter government policies paved the way to a more sustainable future. In early June China’s banks suffered their worst liquidity crisis in more than a decade. China Everbright Bank was unable to pay back a 6 billion yuan ($979 millions) loan it owed to the Industrial Bank, sparking liquidity concerns across 20 Chinese banks. This pushed the interbank lending rate past the 10 percent mark, far higher than the generally accepted level of 2.5 percent. The subsequent turmoil in the money market spread to the capital market, causing the yield on a one-year government bill to exceed the yield on the 10-year government bond. In the face of chaos, the People’s Bank of China held firm. The common strategy of China’s central bank in such a scenario is to inject additional liquidity to rescue the market. The banking sector, analysts, academics and journalists expected more of the same this time also. However, the PBOC confounded all expectations. It issued another 2 billion yuan 91-day government note, which withdrew additional capital from the system. The surprise move panicked the markets and the Shanghai stock index plunged 5.4 percent on June 24. It was a risky test of the resilience of the markets — could they recover without government intervention? The eventual restoration of order proved they could, marking a successful experiment that, crucially, will give the government the confidence to repeat the dose. Although we have the benefit of hindsight, playing tough was the right call. China’s liquidity wobbles stem from the 2008 stimulus plan when the government pumped 4 trillion yuan into the economy to soften the fallout from the global financial crisis. Local governments poured the money into unprofitable infrastructure projects and created an unsustainable property bubble. Projects were postponed and housing prices stalled. Bank loans could not be paid back. Most of the banks believed the PBOC would soon relax its monetary policy stance in the knowledge that the central bank had always moved to plug any liquidity gaps. So to pursue higher profits they expanded their loan book aggressively. During the first 10 days in June, total loan growth in China reached 1 trillion yuan. Some banks even lent their full quota for the month in just 10 days, directly contravening the government’s efforts to stabilize the money market and bring it in line with long-term aims to rebalance the economy. By refusing to bail out China Everbright Bank, the PBOC sent a forceful signal to the market that banks should start managing risk carefully and accept responsibility for their own liquidity positions. If they fall in trouble, the PBOC has made it clear that it is no longer willing to act as their last resort through unconditional bailouts. Instead, the government will rely on the invisible hand of the market and allow the system to gradually restore equilibrium. Anecdotal evidence suggests banks are responding by implementing their own reforms to rein in irresponsible lending, in some cases even taking extreme action. An employee at one of China’s Big Four banks told me they are under great pressure to reject unsuitable loan applications, with the bank in some cases forcing employees to accept personal liability — for example through their pension pots — for loans that turn bad. The second major summer reform came on July 20 when the PBOC announced that China’s banking industry was bein迷你倉出租 given the freedom to set their own lending rates. Symbolically, it was a highly significant move. It increases competition among China’s banks, removing the protective barrier that has long circled China’s biggest four State-owned banks and allowing smaller commercial banks to compete on a more level playing field. It was another firm indication of the government’s ambitions to further liberalize the Chinese economy and force the Big Four to innovate in the face of stiffer competition. It marks the start of a gradual process that will be accelerated by the next big reform on the horizon: the liberalization of deposit rates, which will help smaller banks attract more customers. We can expect this policy change to be introduced in about six months to a year, after the government has reviewed the country’s overall economic development. And we can also expect that the Chinese government will lift a ban on initial public offerings currently preventing smaller Chinese banks from listing on the stock exchange to raise more funds. The author is a lecturer in business and finance at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, the University of Nottingham. The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily. outlined a realistic development path. Much concern surrounds the growth of China’s shadow banking system, a complex web of off-the-balance-sheet, high-interest loans that evade the scrutiny of bank regulators. All the banks are doing it – from the Big Four to the country’s smallest – and a large proportion of the money is going to property developers and local government financing arms. Although precarious, the situation is under control. When Wen Jiabao was Chinese premier, he tried to tame this shadow-banking sector. He recognized the severity of the problem but noted that it was mainly confined to China’s eastern coastal areas, where economic development is faster and the real estate market is more prosperous. Since Wen’s retirement, the government has been relatively quiet on the issue, recognizing that its hands are tied. Small and medium-sized companies rely on shadow lending to grow due to a lack of access to regular bank loans, largely due to the government’s own lending restrictions. To address this issue, on August 12 China’s cabinet unveiled plans to set up more private banks and open up more financing channels to provide additional support for cash-starved SMEs. The other issue cited as a major worry is the proliferation of wealth management products, which banks are using to finance lending to high-risk borrowers through the shadow banking system. Banks try to persuade their customers to withdraw money from their regular savings account and purchase a WMP, which pays a higher rate of interest due to the fact the money is being lent at a higher rate to risky borrowers. But for now banks are struggling to make these WMPs attractive to members of the public, whose confidence is low following collapses in both the stock and housing markets. Increasingly skeptical investors prefer government bonds that offer a stable level of return not much lower than the rates offered through WMPs – a three-year bond is typically within the 3.5 percent-5 percent range while WMP returns average around 5-6 percent. Many banks will be forced to undergo painful adjustments in the short term as competition across the sector intensifies but they are likely to emerge stronger in the long run. They may just recall the summer of 2013 as the turning point. The author is a lecturer in business and finance at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, the University of Nottingham. The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily. 儲存倉

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阿里巴巴是否來港上市,迷你倉消息眾說紛紜,但據悉公司方面仍為最後的上市方案努力中。阿里巴巴自宣布有意再度掛牌上市,進程及細節一直保持神秘。能夠於未委任保薦人、卻不動聲色地推進上市計劃,全因阿里巴巴於今年較早時間,已聘請一班來自投資銀行界的「猛人」加盟,成立內部的機構融資部門。該部門主管來頭不少,乃「金家駙馬」姚允仁(Michael Yao),即第一任特區首長董建華家族的姻親。 姚允仁是董建華妹妹董建平的女婿,即董建平小女兒金昌玲的丈夫,是董建華的外甥婿。根據社交網站顯示,姚允仁曾先後於高盛、ARX Advisors Limited、星展亞洲融資,以及洛希爾(香港)從事投資銀行業務。姚允仁於去年才離開投資銀行洛希爾(Rothschild),並於今年首季正式加入阿里巴巴的團隊,掌管公司整個機構融資部,現時職位為阿里巴巴高級副總裁兼機構融資部主管。 阿里巴巴與洛希爾一直甚有淵源,皆因早在2007年,阿里巴巴將其B2B業務來港上市時,已聘請洛希爾作為其財務顧問。而姚允仁也適逢於2006至2012年間,在洛希爾擔任董事總經理兼投資銀行業務聯席主管,故不排除當年已與阿里巴巴主席馬雲相識。 姚允仁在投資銀行界中已打滾23年,早已對投資銀行業務相當熟悉。因此,據市場人士指出,阿文件倉巴巴縱然遲遲未有正式委任上市保薦人,但仍能夠不動聲色地繼續推進上市計劃,全因獲此猛人加盟坐鎮,設有該公司自家的機構融資部。據了解,該公司的上市文件及準備工作已一切就緒,只待其主席馬雲,選定上市地,一聲令下即可全面啟動,而直至截稿前,該公司對上市進度一事仍未有回覆。 未來續有長線融資大計 因此,面對這家上市後市值可逾千億美元的阿里巴巴,一直擔任上市新股左右手的各大投資銀行也束手無策,一直處於被動狀態,只能默默靜候阿里巴巴最終的聘書。 此外,有關是次上市地點一事,姚允仁也擔當其幕後軍師。消息指出,有鑑於阿里巴巴一直希望以本港為落戶地,但就擔心上市後控股權將被削弱,一度希望能以A、B股(即同股不同權)的制度在港上市,惟本港重開A、B股制度機會近乎零,故該部門最新便向本港有關監管當局提議可行方案,即既不用港交所重推A、B股,又可解決阿里巴巴控股權問題的兩全其美方案。可惜方案尚未被有關當局批准,且整個計劃也非常保密,故細節未詳。 但有一點值得留意的是,阿里巴巴既然特意成立一個機構融資部門,同時也聘請這位猛人坐鎮,大費周章,正好反映該公司其實除是次上市計劃外,未來也會有長線的融資大計。而早前市傳阿里巴巴是次上市擬集資約200美元(即約1560億港元。)採訪、撰文:陳潔瑜存倉

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By Han Tianyang ( China Daily) Dealers, paint producers diversify to tap new markets White is likely to surpass silver and black as Chinese car buyers' top choice of color this year and even in the coming years, according to industry insiders and companies specializing in auto paint.迷你倉庫They also pointed out that carmakers are introducing more choices in China to appeal to the younger generation. Female buyers care more about colors of cars than males, according to research."If I have to name just one color that will see increasing popularity in the coming years, it's white," said Cindy Li, color styling manager of PPG China.A leading manufacturer of transportation coatings, PPG Industries releases annual data on trends in consumer preferences for car color.The company's 2012 report showed that white was the most popular car color globally last year, taking a 22 percent market share. The rest in the top five were silver, black, gray and red. And in the Asia-Pacific region, silver and white tied for most popular, each with a 23 percent market share.Li said that white will continue on an upward trend in the future because of the increasing sales of sporty models and SUVs as well as the preferences of young buyers born in the 1980s and female customers.Meanwhile, the market share of black will be slightly reduced in the future, she said."Black used to be the most used on cars of medium and large size, but with an increasingly rich choices of colors, part of the customers will choose gold beige and gray instead." Li also noted that silver, a prominent car color for years, will see declining market share as well because customers are gradually getting tired of it."The genuine silver color will be partly replaced by beige, white beige, champagne gold and rosy gold," she said."Additionally, natural color, gold and orange will all become more popular." More details and analysis of the trends in auto colors this year will be available in PPG industry's annual report, which will be released this October.Xing Yanzhe, a Toyota sales consultant in Beijing, also confirmed that white is very popular this year.Mainstream color "It's the mainstream color and is a common choice for family cars," Xing said, adding that silver and gray also sell well in his showroom."Customers usually won't choose a black car for family use. It's too business style," Xing said."And some believe that conspicuous colors like white and silver are safer on the roads." At a Ford dealership in Beijing, white has also been a hit this year.Liu Jing, assistant general manager at the dealership, said that they now offer ordinary white and pearly white for most models, and customer demand is high for both.The size preference of Chinese customers also plays a role in these choices. Liu said some buyers think white cars look bigger compared to darker ones.The situation has changed considerably compared to a few years earlier, research shows.A Sinotrust survey in 2010 showed that black was the dominant color in the market then and white only rank儲存d the fifth.DuPont Performance Coatings found black took the lead in China last year, with a 24 percent share in popularity, according to its 2012 Global Automotive Color Report.The report said sliver came in close second, with a 20 percent share. Gray held the third position, with 17 percent; white placed fourth, with less than 17 percent, and red placed fifth, with 9 percent.The report showed white was the world's most popular car color in the world last year.More colors "Generally speaking, the color of cars in the market will surely become more abundant and diverse in the future," said Zhao Xia, director of the trend research center at China Fashion and Color Association. "Advances in paint technologies and new materials will expand the color spectrum," Zhao said, adding that color designers are the trendsetter in the area with their innovative explorations."Last but not least, market demand is another driving factor for more colors," she said. "The increasing number of female customers and young buyers will influence the popularity of car colors. Women are more sensitive to colors and the youth usually have individualized needs." Zhou Rongbo, an Internet product manager in Hangzhou, recently bought a white Malibu."The color looks as good as in the TV commercial, and it is less easy for it to look dusty," Zhou said. "I had considered buying a blue one, but my girlfriend opposed the idea."And black doesn't go with my age or the car's sporty feature," said the 25-year-old.To cater to more demanding and diverse tastes of consumers, carmakers now usually offer more than six colors for one model and have been constantly introducing new colors to the market.Liu from the Ford dealership said that the brand now offers 12 colors for the Fiesta, 10 colors for the Focus and six for the Kuga SUV."Usually the best-selling color is what the carmaker promotes in commercials and marketing events, which gives customers a good first impression," he said.Xing from the Toyota dealership said that a brown version of the RAV4 arrived at the showroom last year, and it sold quite well.Later this month, Toyota will launch the next generation of its RAV4 in China. This time, the carmaker will offer a new color for the SUV - orange. Xing said he had seen the orange RAV4 when it debuted in the Shanghai Auto Show in April and commented that it "looks nice". "I believe it will be attractive to some customers," he said. Toyota also plans to introduce a pink Crown sedan in November, according to recent foreign media reports. The special color is designed to highlight the new, bold grille, and it is the latest signal that the company is moving away from conservative styling to more fashionable designs.Li from PPG China said that the company has been working on new colors."Specifically, we are developing new colors for some consumer groups," she said. "For example, we are working on pink and purple for women, and for the young people, we are considering colors that are bright and personalized."新蒲崗迷你倉

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出台措施調控文藝晚會和節慶演出新華社北京8月18日電 日前,存倉中宣部、財政部、文化部、審計署、國家新聞出版廣電總局聯合發出通知,要求制止豪華鋪張、提倡節儉辦晚會。通知發出後,各地各部門積極響應,緊急叫停、調整了一批文藝晚會及文藝活動,並紛紛出台管理措施,嚴格控制文藝演出的數量和規模,不拼明星,不比闊氣,努力為百姓搭建各類自我展示的平台。各部門加強清理自查,對各類文藝晚會和節慶演出從嚴把關文化部認真做好“十藝節”籌備工作,堅持節儉惠民理念。開幕式將不再搞體育場館大製作大演出,代之以在劇院演出一台藝術節重點劇目,簡約而不簡單,節儉不失精彩。參加“十藝節”的百余部藝術精品普遍回歸藝術本體,力求與文化惠民統一起來,將十藝節辦成人民群�歡樂喜慶的節日。同時,作為節慶活動領導小組辦公室,文化部加強對全國節慶活動管理,對各地提出舉辦節慶活動申請從嚴把關,減少了節慶活動數量,還將按照通知精神,對各類節慶活動的文藝演出嚴格審批。中國文聯黨組高度重視,通知下發當天,即召開黨組會進行傳達學習,就如何貫徹落實通知精神,做好文聯系統節儉辦晚會等工作進行了研究部署。文聯系統各單位按照通知要求,加強對節儉辦文藝晚會工作的清理排查,採取具體措施,規範文藝晚會。第九屆中國國際民間藝術節、第十三屆中國戲劇節,根據通知節儉辦晚會的要求,通過調整演出地點、簡化舞美設置、適當控制規模等方式,及時進行了調整壓縮。對今後擬舉辦的文藝晚會,將按照勤儉節約、力戒奢華的原則進行嚴格審批。各地緊急叫停、調整一批文藝晚會和節慶演出北京電視台取消了2013年重陽節晚會的錄製計劃,同時調整中秋節晚會方案,將錄製地點由室外調整為台內演播室,力求以“節儉、實效”的原則辦好中秋節晚會。天津對第六屆東亞運動會開幕式作出調整,文體表演全部由天津市藝術院團的演職員和高校師生參演,主題歌也由天津市青年演員演唱,並以分段和分頭排練為主,儘量少佔用場地和演職人員時間。遼寧改變慣例,將第十二屆全運會開幕式調整為白天舉辦;取消大型文藝演出,改為規模適當的全民健身展示;不燃放大型焰火,不請明星大腕。閉幕式縮短時間,不做複雜舞美工程;不搞文藝演出,改為體育項目展示。開閉幕式總預算為900萬元,僅為原預算的十分之一。出台各種管理措施,力求形成節儉辦晚會的長效機制節儉辦自存倉會絕不是一陣風,各地在調整當下文藝晚會、節慶演出的同時,也紛紛出台或正在研究出台妥善管理文藝晚會、節慶演出的各種措施,力求形成節儉辦晚會的長效機制。北京市建立了全市文藝晚會、節慶演出報批制度,進一步規範文藝演出活動,堅決把好文藝晚會和節慶演出的立項關、內容關、監管關,堅持少而精的原則,控制文藝晚會數量,提高質量。天津市結合實際,正在研究建立由宣傳、財政、文化、審計、廣電等多部門聯動的審核、審批、審計機制,力求做到分工明確、各負其責,對各類晚會進行全程監管,努力實現從晚會、演出開始立項到結束審計全過程都有人管、不留空白。同時,加強對相關方面的監督管理,努力做到各區縣、各部門、各國有企事業單位全覆蓋、不留死角。重慶嚴格控制大型活動數量和一般性�動儀式,除重大節慶節點以及中央和市委、市政府安排外,原則上不舉辦全市性大型文藝演出。四川省規範演出市場,全省轉制改企和保留事業編制的文藝院團、電視台,不得直接或變相參與各種奢侈性晚會,堅決按照省委提出的打造精品力作的要求,面向基層、面向市場,變一次性演出為長期演出。截至目前,已把各級政府計劃資助的25個舞台演出節目全部交由市場化運作,通過與旅遊、文化結合,打造成長期性駐場演出。廣東省則要求在資金使用績效上形成制度,前期加強資金管理,控制活動經費預算,壓縮不必要的開支;中後期密切跟蹤和認真評估,確保資金使用效果。為普通百姓搭建各類便於參與的平台“制止豪華鋪張,節儉辦晚會”的各項舉措,一方面讓以往講排場、比奢華的晚會回歸了藝術本身,另一方面也確保了更多資金可以用在惠及民生、貼近群�的節慶活動上。各地紛紛表示,將為普通百姓搭建更多自我展示的平台,並努力增加深入基層的慰問演出,使更多群�感受到文化惠民的陽光。天津市表示,將結合黨的群�路線教育實踐活動,在文藝界繼續深入開展“走基層、轉作風、改文風”活動,廣泛組織開展“海河情”藝術團深入基層慰問演出活動,組織全市文藝工作者在節慶日、紀念日深入生產建設一線,充分開展形式多樣、內容豐富的公益性慰問演出,不斷滿足人民群�的精神文化生活。重慶市削減了第四屆中國重慶文化藝術節主題演出、高峰論壇等原計劃邀請明星大腕出場的活動,增設了文化惠民活動環節。河北轉變來年春晚籌辦思路,由“邀請明星出場”轉向“邀請群�廣泛參與”。迷你倉新蒲崗

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停運車次 8月19日停運:T16、T100、T180、T256、K202、K408、K952、K9202、K9260、T8312、K225、K511、K9083、K9207、K9091次 8月20日停運:K192、K356、K512、K528、K407、K1167、K2019次 8月21日停運:T38、K1168次 8月22日停運:T38、K408次 南都訊 經過連續20小時搶修,儲存倉昨日下午4時36分京廣鐵路廣東段已恢複通車運行。今日廣州火車站逐步恢複列車開行。但鐵路部門表示,近日線路還可能晚點或停運,建議乘客最好更換出行方式或改期出行。 今早6時03分,廣州站開出首趟前往深圳站的動車組,上午9時15分開出首趟長途列車廣州至泰州的K 222次。今日起,廣深線動車組恢複在廣州站的始發和到達,預計有16對長途列車將可在廣州站始發,不到平日1/3。 這次中斷導致廣州火車站所有北上京廣鐵路的列車停止發車,受影響旅客達8萬人。 因粵北地區仍然是大雨天氣,水害地段地質地貌較複雜,廣鐵認為,線路狀況還存在反複性的可能,通過該區段列車將限速運行。今日至22日也有多趟列車需要停運。 為緩解退票壓力,廣州站將進站口改為退票口,行包房安裝設備組織退票,退票窗口達68個。 京廣線3日內中斷5次 8月16日 下午3時10分,羅家渡—土嶺間上下行線路因暴雨封鎖,4時解除。晚7時29分許,張灘至土嶺間上行山體石塊滾落砸破K642列車玻璃,4名乘客受傷。夜11時36分,廣鐵集團官微發佈已恢複通行。 8月17日 凌晨0時48分,羅家渡—土嶺間上下行線路因雨量超標封鎖。1時20分恢複通行。凌晨4時許,張灘至土嶺間大水沖上鐵路道床中斷行車,早晨5時59分恢複。晚7時58分許,張灘至土嶺區間再次發生邊坡溜坍、山體垮塌和泥石流影響,上下行線中斷行車,廣州站所有列車停運。 8月18日 下午4時36分已搶通,恢複運行。但受當地暴雨、線路多處限速和部分客車車輛需調運等影響,當晚廣州火車站北上京廣鐵路列車仍停運。 出行 信息 高鐵 出行未受影響 今天北上車票已售空 南都記者獲悉,昨日京廣高鐵北上車票一早就已售罄,今日的高鐵票到昨日中午也已售空,一等座、商務座、特等座也不例外。目前,包括武廣高鐵在內的京廣高鐵全線未受此次災害影響。大批無法通過京廣線出行的乘客,改在廣州南站乘高鐵出行。為快速疏運旅客,鐵路部門已從武漢等地緊急調集4列動車組馳援廣州,加開了18趟高鐵列車,各高鐵車站均無滯留旅客。 公路 今天北上大巴已無票 省、市汽車客運站昨日、今日的北上大巴車票也在昨中午前便賣完,多名工作人員在車站舉牌告知前來購票的乘客。省交通運輸廳介紹,省交通運輸廳已與湖南省交通運輸廳進行了緊急協商,目前除了在天河客運站等汽運站增加發往湖南方向的省際班車外,還將做好湖南郴州發往廣東應急運輸車輛進站卸客和回程配客工作。 航班 今日多條航線機票告罄 白雲機場稱近日廣州出發往京廣線沿線城市的機票緊俏。昨日廣州至長沙、武漢機票告罄,北京多數航班無票;今日廣州至長沙、武漢、鄭州、西安、宜昌、襄陽、南陽、南昌、南寧、重慶等航線機票已告罄,至北京、石家莊、成都、沈陽、長春、運城僅剩頭等艙。白雲機場稱,近兩日臨時到白雲機場購票“即走”的旅客比平日多了將近一倍。空港快線1號線(火車站至機場)客流量猛增,由原來的10分鐘一班,改為“滾動發車、客滿即走”。 地鐵 一、二、五號線延長1個半小時 由於地鐵廣州火車站積聚的旅客較多,廣州地鐵昨日對行經多個火車站的一、二、五號線延長運營服務時間1.5小時,以加大客流疏導力量。 乘客 質疑 突然停運措手不及 乘客稱信息發佈不及時 “已經檢票了突然告訴我說停運了,搞得我措手不及。為什麼不能早一點通知?”購買了昨日T 96車次的乘客胡先生抱怨。 昨日不少乘客抱怨鐵路部門對突發情況處理不恰當,尤其在京廣線雙向中斷後,許多在火車站和即將趕赴火車站的旅客,根本沒有收到停運通知,使人群依舊向迷你倉沙田車站聚集。 多名乘客在17日下午或傍晚即登上了始發列車,但有些在半夜收到通知說車走不了,有些直到次日早上7點左右才被告知停運。 還有許多來趕火車的乘客稱根本沒有接到火車停駛的通知。乘客陳女士說,昨日一早就從江門坐車來到廣州東站,路上根本沒有收到任何火車停開的通知,到了站廳聽到廣播才知道。還有乘客說,我們都是網上訂票的,留有電話,為什麼不能電話通知呢? 8月16日京廣鐵路南段間歇中斷,廣州鐵路官方微博在此後的時間內,連續發佈車輛晚點信息,但並未對乘客是否前往廣州火車站候車予以指導性提示。 8月17日19時58分許,京廣線張灘至土嶺區間發生邊坡溜坍,影響京廣線上下行線列車通行。此時京廣線已雙向完全中斷,但官方信息依然沒有對即將前往廣州火車站候車的旅客進行警示。 直到18日凌晨1時33分,廣州鐵路官方微博才發出第一條勸阻乘客不要盲目前往廣州火車站及周邊地區通告。而此時已是凌晨,由於時間關係和傳播渠道的問題,這條消息很難及時傳遞到相關乘客。 有些市民手機訂閱了天氣預報短信,則在18日凌晨才收到了相關通知,部分聯通用戶昨晚9點左右,才收到市應急辦、市交委、廣鐵集團的溫馨提示。 滯留途中 火車一路走走停停40多小時又返回廣州站 昨日上午,乘客劉先生站在韶關樂昌火車站的月台上有點沮喪。他乘坐的這趟從廣州發往濟南的T 180次特快列車趴在樂昌火車站已近24小時。這趟火車原本前晚7點就該抵達劉先生的家鄉。 車上熱水食品耗盡 乘客砸窗跳車 “16日晚就走走停停。”劉先生說,這趟車發車時就晚了1小時,之後在路上走走停停,到17日凌晨已停著不動了。列車員稱,因為前方出現塌方。不過隨即塌方被修復,列車恢複通行,但到了17日上午,火車又停在了樂昌火車站。不少乘客紛紛圍住列車員,詢問列車何時開動,均未得到準確答複。到了17日晚上,列車上的熱水和食品都消耗殆盡,空調也關了,不少乘客的情緒開始失控。此時,列車的出發時間仍然遙遙無期。 “一大早就聽到響聲,有人砸了車窗。”劉先生說,有乘客砸破了車窗,跳下了車,直接離開了車站。聞訊而至的列車員急忙安撫乘客。不久之後,有工作人員打開車門,乘客得以下車買些食物和水,車站工作人員也給老人和小孩發了一些食物和泡面,並提供了開水。許多乘客利用車站的插座給手機充了電。“能跟家里聯繫上,好歹心裡塌實一點。”劉先生說。 由於樂昌周邊的多條公路也出現水浸、塌方等情況,難以通行,大多數乘客還是留在樂昌車站。直到昨晚9時左右,這趟列車終於返回廣州。他準備轉乘飛機回家。 3萬旅客滯留在韶關兩站 據介紹,共有20趟列車30000名旅客滯留在韶關東、羅家渡火車站。昨日9點半,韶關市公安局通報,因長時間滯留,部分旅客情緒激動,火車站秩序極度混亂,並向廣東武警總隊韶關支隊求援。 昨日10時15分,臨時停靠在大瑤山北端羅家渡車站的兩列火車上約2000名旅客部分開始跳下車窗到火車道上行走、坐臥,情緒激動。韶關支隊14中隊立即跑步到車站,並讓中隊送來礦泉水、麵包、餅乾等食品,分發給旅客。 據韶關樂昌市政府通報,樂昌境內共有12趟列車,10000余名乘客滯留。�多困在半路上的列車,“前不著村後不著店”,車上的飲用水和食品供應都較有限。許多乘客情緒激動,在廣州開往湖南益陽的K 9078次列車困在了接近張灘車站的路段近20小時,部分乘客也砸碎車窗離開。 除了困在韶關的列車之外,由於京廣線韶關段雙向均無法通行,一些從北往南的列車也被困住了。針對K 9078次列車的特殊情況,樂昌公安歷時3個多小時,在昨日凌晨4時許終於將救援物資送到K 9078次列車附近,從在鐵道旁柵欄處剪開的應急通道將物資搬運到列車旁。 除了在韶關境內,遠在湖南一帶也有多趟列車滯留。 統籌:南都記者 熊薇 採寫:南都記者 張俊傑 熊薇 連凱 李能忠 龍瀚 徐豔 鄭煥堅 陳竹沁 溫平平 實習生 黃培 郭翔宇 荀常 通訊員 謝湘豔 羅志娟 費玲玲 葉子川 尤新星 藍嵐 何麗平 潘桂添 粵交綜 廣州地區讀者詳見AⅡ疊讀本迷你倉價錢

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五泉山公園 每日甘肅網資料圖商報訊(記者 徐靜雯)今年,迷你倉價錢蘭州市�動了五泉山白塔山公園建築群維修及歷史文化恢複工程,建設年限為今年至2014年底。除了要恢複百余位歷史名人館外,還要維修太昊宮、千佛閣、子午亭、漪瀾亭等古建築。發揮兩園(五泉山、白塔山)古建築及文化資源優勢,挖掘文化內涵,延續歷史文脈,把兩園塑造成建築風格獨特,歷史文化悠久的城市風景區。維修之後蘭州兩園提升文化內涵作為我省華夏文明傳承創新示範區建設項目的一個重要組成部分,蘭州五泉山、白塔山兩大名園擬塑造全省一流景區,恢複古建原貌,挖掘歷史文化。據悉,目前蘭州市已�動五泉山白塔山公園建築群維修及歷史文化恢複工程。 五泉山公園建築群維修及歷史文化恢複工程分為四部分。古建築群維修,分別為太昊宮、千佛閣、子午亭、漪瀾亭、三教洞、文昌宮、清虛府、山門、酒仙祠、蝴蝶亭、中山紀念堂、青雲梯。歷史名人文化恢複工程,共11組建築,囊括112位名人。主要以塑像、人物小傳、典型事跡及故事、壁畫為主,全面恢複歷史遺存內容,包括木刻、名人題詠等。宗教文化恢複工程主要為地藏寺和大悲殿。五泉文化恢複工程,主要是挖掘和傳承蒙泉、摸子泉、掬月泉、甘露泉、惠泉五個泉文化,提升五泉的活力、靈氣。白塔山公園建築群維修及歷史文化恢複工程由三部分組成。古建築群維修,分別為雲月寺、望河亭、金山大廳、迎旭亭的維修。歷史文化恢複,迷你倉庫別為白塔“鎮山三寶”、白塔基座維修及碑刻恢複、《三月三上北山》文化浮雕牆建設、塔院前樓文化恢複。宗教文化恢複分別為準提菩薩殿、地藏殿、玉皇殿及三官殿文化恢複。五泉山將建歷史名人館據統計,五泉山的太昊宮、萬源閣、秦公祠、皋蘭鄉賢祠等多個古建築結構完整,基礎穩定,保存良好。這些古建築都有明確的紀念對象,所奉歷史名人分類:中國傳統歷史文化名人,甘肅歷史名人、蘭州歷史名人。先前的五泉山名人祠,陳列著伏羲、周文王、周公、孔子、朱熹、周敦頤、邵雍等中國歷史文化名人;還陳列著霍去病、趙允國、皇甫謐、李暠、左宗棠等歷史名人;還有曲允、彭澤、鄒應龍、岳升龍等古代大皋蘭歷史名人。恢複歷史名人館,有利於激勵後人見賢思齊,繼承先賢精神。文化名人館的恢複,對於傳承、弘揚甘肅和蘭州的歷史文化,提升五泉山景區的旅遊文化價值,都具有重要意義。據悉,此次計劃恢複的歷史名人將超過百余位。五泉山是具有兩千多年曆史的旅遊勝地。從2010年開始,蘭州兩園(五泉山、白塔山)維修整治工程大規模展開,截至去年年底,五泉山共完成3處古建築維修,改造了4眼泉環境,新建了4處微景區。白塔山公園完成9處古建維修和地藏殿主體工程,建成文化浮雕牆。今年將實施五泉山公園和白塔山公園古建築歷史文化恢複項目,恢複古建築原貌,展現歷史風貌,挖掘歷史文化,這也是我省華夏文明傳承創新示範區建設項目的一個重要組成部分。儲存

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