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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/江門古寨鳥瞰效果圖。江門古寨西寨門效果圖。江門古寨內的“餐飲三合院”效果圖。江門古寨吊腳樓效果圖。江門古寨的標誌性建築??旋轉餐廳效果圖。江門古寨步行街效果圖。  項目介紹  江門古寨項目,mini storage選址于瀘州市敘永縣江門鎮老街區西南側,距老街約1.5公里,東西向布局。東接納黔高速江門收費出口,西接江興路,是周邊場鎮及宜賓市興文縣出入納黔高速的必經通道。  江門古寨以傳承葷豆花美食文化和相關產業為出發點,進而引出古寨的文、商二脈。文脈指立足于葷豆花美食文化,融匯江門古寨歷史源流、峽江文化、宗教文化等,構建江門古寨的文化脈絡和核心精神;商脈指在商業街,步行街區內充分展示地方特色美食、土特產品、綠色產品、手工藝品等,形成具有競爭力的特色商業主題。功能分區  根據地形地貌及設計理念,江門古寨的規劃布局結構為“一核,兩軸、三街、六區”。  一核:以規劃區中心山頭自然切出高台,修築世界最大的石磨形景觀建self storage,旋轉部分為旋轉餐廳。體現本項目的核心餐飲文化??葷豆花及其傳統制作工具。  兩軸:以巨型石磨建築為中心分別連接南北入口和東西入口,形成兩條軸線。  三街:圍繞中心石磨,結合三角形的地形特徵,分佈三條動感十足,趣味、景觀各不相同的步行街。  六區:特色文化街區、商住區,住宅區,會議度假區,休閒娛樂區和其他設施區。  特色文化街區:以川南民居建築特色為主,融合地方特色餐飲、民俗等歷史文化的特色文化街區。  商住區:以前店後宅和下店上宅的形式,主要分佈飲食購物、工藝品展賣和觀光體驗,集中展示旅遊特色產品。  住宅區:安排若干獨棟別墅式、院落式建築,為園區商戶提供配套居住服務和外來高端客戶居住。  會議度假區:為獨立產權式溫泉度假酒店區,滿足商務會議、旅遊度假、康體休閒等功能。  休閒娛樂區:以休閒娛樂、運動、親水項目等為功能主體。  其他設施區:包括入口接待,停車場,加油站等配套服務設施。  華西城市讀本記者 曾業(圖片由瀘州匯祥房地產有限公司、江門鎮政府提供)迷你倉

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Source: Kuwait TimesAug.迷你倉庫 15--A machine or an apparatus for testing a horse's tendons and ligaments was discovered by a Kuwaiti air-force pilot. The apparatus discovered in 2009 by Lt Col Ahmad A Abul includes a base plate and a rotatable plate with a guide member for receiving and positioning the horse's hooves. The invention is an apparatus for testing the soundness of a horse's tendons and ligaments by flexing its lower leg. This method is said to be proved viable and can be mass-produced to help horsemen around the world.During the olden days, horses were mainly used for public transportation. They were the buses, trains, helicopters and airplanes during that time. In this modern era however, horses are used in various competitive sports like endurance-riding, show-jumping, tent-pegging, vaulting, polo, horse-racing and rodeo. Horses need to be in a nurturing environment to perform well. They should be fed nutritiously and not just given some grass. They should also be kept in clean stables with enough space for them to move around freely. When they are treated well, horses can perform many jobs really well.According to Lt Col Ahmad Abul, the inventor, most of the horse's problem was undetected tendons and ligament cramps which usually leads to more serious troubles. "Horses do not necessarily complain unless they are physically ill or badly injured. So, early detection of the ligaments and tendons problem can lead to better results, especially when they are about to race," he said.With his experience, he was able to invent the much-needed machine to detect horse's medical problems. The machine can analyze pressure in the body by measuring the reaction time. This method was disclosed in Pratt's US patent. The system can be used to measure physiological force associated with motion such as the gait of humans or animals. The machine enables relatively unskilled individuals to test the soundness of his horse without the assistance of a vet. The tester is portable and convenient. The machine can quickly determine whether the tendons and ligaments are sound enough to compete, walk or run. The machine can detect if the horse suffered any previous injuries in the lower leg, a part badly needed by a horse.The machine is durable and relatively expensive but adaptable to different horses. Abul said he created his invention in 2003 but he finally got patent approval only in 2010. "So had to wait almost a decade before I was able to get the patent. Horses are very close to my heart. I always wanted to be a horseman whe儲存 I was a kid. It is a dream come true. Now, I want to do something and help this animal. I have been reading up on horses and when I found no inventions like this, I thought of creating one," said Abul pointing to his invention.Abul started his experiment in the US. He started the experiment with wood, but then started using metal. "But it was too heavy so now, so now we have evolved to stainless steel," he added. The invention is not available in the market but will be displayed very soon. "I got the certificate from the US Patent and Trademark Office in 2010. It is indeed a very significant discovery and invention of our time, and I am proud that my country has been honored because of this invention. I am ecstatic and greatly humbled," he said.A Kuwaiti air-force instructor and maintenance test pilot, Abul is also known to be an equine instructor. "I love this work that I am doing. I love horses so, it is in my genes to discover something for the greater benefit of the sector I like most. I'm a pilot by profession but my passion is horses and their welfare," he added. His invention will soon be added to a list of his achievements. He studied in America to be an air-force pilot, and Abul admits that he struggled for recognition."Imagine the process. It was certified and patented by the US Patent and Trademark Office only in 2010. A company in Germany had already offered a big amount to buy my invention, but I didn't give it, because I want my country to be recognized," he beamed. "Now I think Kuwait is ready to produce and sell this product to other countries. The good thing is that a Kuwaiti is associated with this invention and I am glad that I am being recognized now," he added.METHOD:The method to test the soundness of a horse's tendons and ligaments by flexing a horse's lower leg, includes:a.) Providing an apparatus with a base plate and a rotatable plate adapted to be rotated with respect to the base plate through an angle of 55?;b.) Positioning a horse's hoof on the rotatable plate with the horse standing in a balanced position on four legs;c.) Elevating the hoof by rotating the rotatable base;d.) Monitoring the angle between the base plate and the rotatable plate;e.) Determining that the horse's tendons and ligaments in its lower leg are sound when an angle of 55? is obtained without the horse taking its weight off of the rotatable plate.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Kuwait Times (Safat, Kuwait) Visit the Kuwait Times (Safat, Kuwait) at .kuwaittimes.net/ Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/蜀南竹海長寧縣白鷺天堂桃坪高縣七仙湖濕地公園宜賓造紙生產車間高縣林茶基地珙縣龍茶花海A竹的海洋“精深化”發展 六大產業並舉竹子,迷你倉價錢在宜賓連綿成海。竹產業,已成為宜賓林業產業的標簽,被列為該市區域經濟發展的三大支柱產業(酒、茶、竹)之一。而如今,對竹林的開發利用,宜賓正向著“精深化”發展。8月12日,走進南溪區宜賓金誼紙製品有限公司的會議廳,就能看見桌上擺放著比利時國旗。“上個月,才有比利時客戶來談判,簽了50萬美元合同。”企業總經理助理曹俊笑言,自己抽屜里放著超過30個國家的國旗,以備不時之需。這家企業不算大,卻有著十足的“國際範兒”:除五糧液外,企業所有客戶均來自歐盟及日、韓等發達國家。去年11月投產,企業目前年產能達3000萬元,創彙250萬美金以上,依舊供不應求。曹俊說:“2年內,企業年產能將擴大到2億元。”快速發展的秘訣,來自于產品??利用造紙竹漿,製造環保餐具。和主流材質PET塑料相比,竹製品更為綠色、安全:可降解、耐130攝氏度高溫,且不含有害物質。而價格,與前者相差無幾,市場潛力巨大。“借助技術,竹子完全可替代生活中的塑料和泡沫製品!”曹俊介紹,二期廠房將在年內�動。完成後,竹漿製品將延伸至食品、醫藥品包裝,甚至裝飾牆紙等諸多領域。不唯金誼,深挖竹林價值、追尋產業高端,在宜賓已成為共識。年產10萬噸竹漿粕、生產被譽為“竹漿中的皇冠”??竹纖維的四川天竹竹資源開發公司,年產600萬套竹家具的省級龍頭企業興文縣石海竹木製品公司,在建15萬噸的竹漿生產項目、全省唯一一家造紙企業上市公司宜賓紙業……目前,宜賓市竹加工企業目前已超過200家,涵蓋竹漿造紙、竹纖維、竹家具、竹建材、竹工藝、竹食品等各個領域,竹漿造紙位列全省第一、竹筍加工規模西南最大。作為資源支撐,宜賓已建成328萬畝、全省規模最大的竹林基地。以此為基礎,還發展出國家級重點風景名勝區蜀南竹海、省級風景區興文縣 k王山、江安縣仁和百竹海等得天獨厚的竹林景觀。三產聯動,創造出巨大財富。2012年,宜賓竹產業實現產值54億元,占據林業“半壁江山”。現代林業產業發展,需要多點多極支撐。除竹產業一馬當先,宜賓按照產業布局區域化原則,還著力培育出以權林木業等為龍頭的木材加工,以四川富正源等為龍頭的特色經濟林,以蜀南竹海為龍頭、森林人家為補充的生態旅遊,以卉豐園林等為龍頭的苗木花卉,以橫豎公司等為龍頭的野生動物繁育等,6大產業,多極並舉,共同撐起2012年產值107億元、同比增長16.9%的“大林業”。B林的收穫村民錢包鼓了“小心,不要踩到起!”王興金大聲提醒竹林中的遊人,避開林地里散佈的竹蓀蛋。雖然高峰已過,這位長寧縣寶聯村村民每天還是愛到自家50畝楠竹林里逛逛,採摘“漏網”的竹蓀。採摘高峰是在每年3到5月。王興金說:“今年收成一般,一畝收100斤竹蓀、10余斤菌帽。扣去成本,僅林下種竹蓀每畝收入也有1.2萬元。”在寶聯村,“竹林+竹蓀”已成為致富的標準模式。通過林地的立體開發致富,筠連縣春風村“更勝一籌”。村民劉國彬家里有些奇怪:客廳旁有兩個廁所,分別貼著“男廁”、“女廁”標簽。為何如此?“修新房時,村里就特意提醒,要為搞旅遊做準備。”劉國彬笑言,花30萬元新修兩層洋樓,僅客房就有10間,還有50平方米的巨大廚房,“足夠同時給20桌人開飯”。去年,劉國彬家里16畝李子賣了10萬元,搞農家樂也有3萬元。旅遊的發展,源於林木景觀。村里有2000余畝李子樹,3月份開花,漫山遍野的雪白。而林下種茶、種花,在供遊客觀賞的同時,還能帶來採摘的樂趣。因果木、林下作物的規模化種植而致富的春風村,正開始新的轉型??開展生態旅遊。村支書王家元介紹,如今村里已和陝西瀚陽國際旅行社簽訂協議,進行二期生態旅遊開發。2012年,村民通過林業種植和旅遊,實現人均收入12600元,這一數字是2004年的7倍。寶聯村與春風村致富,得益于宜賓“萬畝林億元錢”高效立體林地綜合利用示範區的建設。根據自然資源條件,宜賓確立了林下種植、林下養殖、林下產品採集加工和森林景觀利用四大類林業高效立體經濟。翠屏區林下養雞、珙縣林下種植天麻、高縣林茶立體開發模式、宜賓縣萬畝花卉苗木、屏山縣林下種植白迷你倉庫芋等林下立體開發項目在全力推進中。預計年內,示範區面積將達10萬畝,實現林地經濟綜合產值逾20億元,林地綜合效益高出同類林地10倍以上。自2008年以來,全市農民林業收入年均增幅保持在20%以上。借助“萬畝林億元錢”的示範作用,讓農民錢包鼓起來,宜賓林業已提出了更高的目標:2012年全市農民林業人均收入958元,到2017年,這個數字要變為1920元。荒山變綠了宜賓是長江上游生態屏障的重要組成部分,同時也面臨石漠化等生態難題。而林業產業,為這裡的生態環境建設提供了最重要的動力支持。8月12日,在長寧縣張福界山,只有漫山遍野的綠色。一陣風吹過,層層竹林如同波浪,向眼前湧來。就在幾年前,這裡還是有名的“石頭山”??由於過去村民砍伐林木作燃料,土壤流失嚴重,山間到處裸露著石頭。“只能種玉米,但最多2年也就耗盡肥力,沒收成了。”長寧縣美川林業專業合作社理事長吳文祥說。吳文祥和他的合作社,是讓石頭山變綠的建設者。之所以成功,秘訣只有一個??通過林業產業發展,讓老百姓從生態建設中獲益。成立于2009年的合作社,通過“土地流轉”方式,將周邊幾個村鎮的撂荒土地、坡耕地集中實行產業化經營,規模化種植竹林,發展魔芋、土雞等林下產業。合作社與村民簽訂協議,土地收益五五分成,在林中務工給予工資。原本在外務工的村民,紛紛回到家鄉。如今,合作社社員已超過3100人,竹木基地面積在3萬畝以上。曾經光禿禿的張福界山,重染上綠色。而像這樣的林業專合組織已達282家,家庭林場也有8家。截至2012年底,宜賓市森林面積757萬畝,其中725萬畝為林業基地。而根據規劃,2013至2017年,每年將新增現代林業基地20萬畝。發展林業產業,已成為宜賓生態建設的中流砥柱。C質的飛躍創新促進產業升級轉型伴隨集體林權制度改革,我省已基本實現確權到戶。然而,分散在各林農手中的小塊林地,如何實現規模化發展?在宜賓市筠連縣,陝西瀚陽國際旅行社總經理王堅松碰到了這樣的問題:企業想承包750畝林地,用于開發清溪溝生態旅遊,而這意味著要與幾十戶林農分別簽約。手續繁瑣不說,承包的土地能否確保長期、穩定,還是個問號。問題的解決,依賴于機制創新。今年5月,筠連縣政府出資200萬元,在塘壩鄉建立土地信托公司,在各地建立鎮、村、組三級林地信托流轉信息網絡,正式開展林地信托流轉試點工作。政府支持的信托公司,成為了農戶與開發業主間最好的“中介”:接受林農委托,將其手中的零散林地、低產低效林、宜林荒山荒地集中起來,打包供給業主。對林農而言,通過信托流轉方式提高了林地利用效益,增加了收入:林地流轉每畝可獲得400元租金;可就近打工獲取工資收入;信托公司收益除維持運作外,80%將返還給林農。對開發業主來說,則改善了投資環境:從信托公司處,業主可直接獲得成片成型的林地。而與公司簽訂承租合同,可獲得長期穩定的土地使用權,解除了業主投資水、電、路等基礎設施建設的“後顧之憂”。筠連縣林業局局長饒永介紹,公司2個月流轉到2100畝相對連片的林地,目前已承租1600畝,占總數的76.2%。筠連縣的創舉,與宜賓在林業產業中的創新理念一脈相承。宜賓市按照“抓二產促一產帶三產”的思路,以“一個主體取向,三大文明提升”和“到2017年,現代林業基地新增100萬畝、林業總產值新增100億元、規範化專合組織新增100家、農民從林業中獲得人均收入每年新增100元”四個翻番作為總目標,以“退耕還林和生態脆弱區、城鄉綠化一體化、天然林保護和生物多樣性、林地綜合利用”四大工程和“萬畝林億元錢”為抓手,深入推進林權改革,推進林權流轉進程,大力發展“家庭林場”,抓好“新品種、新技術、新模式、新機具、新機制”,進一步規範林業專業合作組織,加大林權抵押貸款力度,激發出金融資本、民間資本參與林業產業的熱情。點評在我省川南竹產業集群乃至中國西部竹產業中,宜賓都可擔當“排頭兵”的角色。這不僅是因為其具有發展竹產業的傳統優勢,更是因為在向產業高端進發的征程中,宜賓走在了前列:傳統竹漿造紙提檔升級,推動竹纖維項目,發展高端竹工藝品、竹旅遊,開展 “萬畝林億元錢”林地立體利用……每一步,都朝著高技術含量、高附加值的方向邁進。通過轉型升級,實現林業產業效益提升,宜賓是一個範例。□熊筱偉 圖片由宜賓市林業局提供儲存

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Source: Chicago TribuneAug.迷你倉 15--A Chicago man who objects to having to submit to drug testing as a condition of living in an apartment that he rents from the Chicago Housing Authority filed a lawsuit Thursday challenging the policy in federal court.Joseph Peery, 58, has lived in the Parkside of Old Town mixed-income housing development on the Near North Side since 2010. Drug tests are required of all renters before they move into the complex and every year on renewal of a rental agreement, Peery said."It's humiliating, embarrassing, stigmatizing, and it's unfair," Peery said in an interview. "I think it needs to end."The American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois took up Peery's case and filed a class action lawsuit against the CHA.The suit alleges that the drug testing, which is required at a number of the CHA's mixed-income developments, violates tenants' protections from unreasonable searches, seizures and invasions of privacy under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and under the Illinois Constitution.Mixed-income developments are privately owned and operated housing complexes in which public housing tenants live alongside tenants who pay affordable rates and those who pay market rates. The CHA owns the land and provides subsidies to the developments' public housing units, CHA spokesman Matt Aguilar said in a statement.The agency also reviews the management company's tenant selection criteria "and ensures that all rules for CHA residents are the same as those for market rate renters," he said.The CHA defends the Parkside policy, saying that it is applied equally to all renters at the complex, including those whose rent is not subsidized."One of the requirements of renters is that they follow property rules. And if those rules happen to include drug testing, then public housing families -- like their market-rate and affordable renter neighbors -- must adhere to those rules," Aguilar said.The CHA in 2011 considered requiring drug tests of all CHA tenants, but the board of directors killed the proposal. Then-board chairman James Reynolds said at the time that the board thought the proposal was "kind of close to violating on civil rights."Adam Schwartz, a senior lawyer at the ACLU of Illinois, said the Parkside policy and those at other mixed-income developments are clearly aimed at CH文件倉 renters."The reason they're doing this is because of the stigma of the CHA renters," he said. "If they weren't trying to get the CHA renters, they wouldn't be doing it to any renters."Schwartz said that CHA acts as the "ultimate decider" on policies imposed by the housing manager."If the CHA does not want a criteria, the criteria doesn't go in," he said. "It takes CHA action to impose this policy."Peery's rental agreement is with the CHA, not the private management company, according to Ed Yohnka, a spokesman for the ACLU of Illinois.Brian Gilmore, a clinical associate professor and director of the housing clinic at Michigan State University College of Law, said he researched drug testing policies throughout the country in 2011 and was unable to find any other housing authority in the U.S. that allows the drug testing requirement."It looks like Chicago has probably gone the furthest of anyone," Gilmore said.Peery said he does not do drugs. He spent more than a decade working on projects aimed at helping people stay away from drugs, he said. He now works in the kitchen at Mount Sinai Hospital.Peery described feeling humiliated by the testing process, which takes place at the office of the management company that oversees his apartment building."There's secretaries there and people walking in and paying rent, and I'm handed a cup," Peery said.After producing the urine sample, "you're literally sitting there with this cup on your lap with people walking in like why is this guy sitting there with a cup of urine on his lap?" Peery said. "I haven't done a crime. Why am I made to feel like this?"About a year after Peery moved into his one-bedroom apartment at Parkside, he heard that the CHA was considering appliying the drug test policy to all CHA tenants. He attended a town hall meeting where he said hundreds of people turned out to object to the idea."What really touched me was to watch a little old lady get up out of a wheelchair, right, to come to the mic to be able to speak, right, and shaking with -- I mean, very vehement -- 'Why am I being forced to drug test and urinate into a cup?'" Peery recalled. "Why would you do that to a grandma?"kgeiger@tribune.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Chicago Tribune Visit the Chicago Tribune at .chicagotribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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優惠時間:9月1日5月27日、10月8日至31日,自存倉座票一等和二等價差僅5.5元 羊城晚報訊 記者黃宙輝報道:廣深港高鐵13趟列車部分車票再次實行打折優惠。15日,記者從廣鐵集團獲悉,自9月1日至9月27日、10月8月至10月31日期間,廣深港高鐵部分動車組列車的商務、特等和一等座按不同時段實行優惠,最低8折。優惠後,廣深港高鐵一、二等座的票價僅差5.5元。 據廣鐵介紹,本次票價優惠方案根據乘車日期(星期一至星期日)和預售期確定。凡乘車日期有優惠且在1∼5天內預售的實行8.5折優惠,凡乘車日期有優惠且在6∼20天內預售的實行8折優惠。周—至周日實行票價優惠的車次包括:廣州南—迷你倉新蒲崗圳北G620l、G6205、G6207、G6209、G6211、G6215、G6217次;深圳北—廣州南G6234、G6236、G6238、G6242、G6244、G6246次。而早在今年7月10日至8月31日, 京廣高鐵、廣深港高鐵部分動車組列車的商務、特等和一等座已按不同時段實行了上述優惠。 15日晚,記者登錄中國鐵路客戶服務中心查詢到,如廣州南至深圳北G6201次列車,商務座原價為199.5元,優惠後為160元(8折),一等座原價為99.5元,優惠後為80元(8折),相比二等座的74.5元僅多5.5元。據瞭解,目前旅客已可在12306網站及車站、代售點購買廣深港高鐵優惠車票。迷你倉出租

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/成都商報訊(記者 曾靈)昨日,迷你倉沙田記者獲悉,四川省優秀旅遊演出評選及展演活動從即日起至10月31日舉行。共有《川劇秀·傳奇變臉》、《金沙》等21台劇目參與評選,此次評選分為專家評選和大�評選兩種方式,今日起至9月25日,大家可通過四川文化信息網等進行投票參與大�評選,今日起至9月22日每天9:00~17:00時,觀�可向四川省演出展覽公司預約3天後演出企業提供的免費觀摩票。

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據銀監會最新數據,self storage中國銀行業不良貸款餘額連續第七個季度上升,今年次季環比增加130億元(人民幣,下同),至5395億元,創自二○○九年二季度以來17個季度新高。根據各地銀監局的數據,整體不良貸款呈地域和行業集中勢頭,蘇、浙、魯三省上半年新增不良貸款佔全國六成以上,光伏、鋼貿、船舶等行業不良貸款現象突出。數據顯示,六月末的不良貸款率為0.96%,與一季度持平。包括大型商業銀行、城商行在內的所有類別銀行不良貸款均出現上升。但上季度不良貸款增幅為去年首季以來最小,今年第一季度新增336億元。根據各省份銀監局數據,今年上半年,浙江、江蘇、山東三省的不良貸款餘額達2471億元,佔全國不良貸款總量的45%左右。三省上半年新增不良貸款310億元,佔全國新增總量的六成以上。蘇浙魯新增壞帳佔全國60%江蘇和山東省過去並非不良貸款高發地帶,中國人民大學財政金融學院副院長趙錫軍表示,這幾個省都是經濟相對發達、對出口依存度較高的省份,更易受到國際經濟影響,同時並首先面臨經濟轉型的考驗,在國家壓縮高耗能、低效率產業,調整結構及盤活存量的當下,這些省份的信貸調整及承受壓力相對較大。同時,光伏、鋼貿、船舶等不良貸款高發行業,都是當地最重要的產業。有股份制商業銀行的人員表示,鑒於當前的經濟環境,銀行資產質量不容樂觀迷你倉大和證券分析師Grace Wu預計,至二○一五年底,中資銀行不良貸款可能較二○一二年底的4929億元擴大約2.25倍。趙錫軍並提到,目前宏觀經濟下行及流動性偏緊都給銀行業放貸帶來風險,同時銀行業自身也面臨挑戰,尤其隨�利率市場化的加速,銀行間對銀行業以外融資渠道的競爭加劇。但他表示,目前中國銀行業總體不良貸款率仍相對較低,在全球範圍看,資產質量仍屬不錯。銀行半年盈利7531億增14%上半年,商業銀行淨利潤為7531億元,同比增長13.83%。二季度末,商業銀行淨息差為2.59%,較一季度末增長0.02個百分點。央行上月取消金融機構貸款利率下限,以使銀行有更大程度上的自主定價權。昨日公布的數據還顯示,截至六月末,銀行業金融機構資產總額達到144.2 萬億元, 同比增長13.78%,負債總額為134.8萬億元,同比增長13.46%。同期,商業銀行核心一級資本充足率與一級資本充足率為9.85% , 資本充足率為12.24%。累計外匯敞口頭寸比例為4.24%。伴隨中國經濟增長放緩和監管收緊,銀行業的盈利能力正面臨考驗,中國銀行業協會上月底發布報告預測,商業銀行今年的淨利潤增長率或將降至個位數,由去年的18.9%降至8%左右。中小銀行的利潤空間將進一步受到擠壓,商行「躺�賺錢」的時代或將成為過去。文件倉

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 【本報記者黃偉全台北報導】台灣金控暨台銀董事長,迷你倉出租將由中華郵政董事長李紀珠接任,她將成為八大公股行庫中唯一的女董座,已以書面向交通部部長請辭中華郵政董座,昨日下午並在中華郵政舉行董事長舉行交接儀式。 李紀珠過去曾經擔任過金管會副主委,今年2月才到中華郵政,8月9號將正式接掌台灣金控和台灣銀行董事長,對於新職務,她坦承很突然,不過,因還沒到任新職,所以相當低調且未提及對台銀的未來新政策。

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EDMONTON, Aug.儲存 14, 2013 /CNW/ - The Cash Store Financial Services Inc. ("Cash Store Financial" or the "Company") today announced several changes to the Company's Board of Directors.Mr. Albert Mondor and Mr. Robert Gibson have retired from the Board, effective immediately. "We thank Al and Bob for their valuable contribution to the Company over the last several years and wish them the best in their future endeavours," said Eugene I. Davis, Chairman of the Board of Directors.Mr. Davis also welcomed three new directors to the Cash Store Financial Board.Timothy J. Bernlohr Mr. Timothy J. Bernlohr is the Managing Director of TJB Management Consulting, LLC, a firm specializing in project-specific consulting services to businesses in transformation, including strategic planning, restructuring and interim executive management. He is the former President and Chief Executive Officer of RBX Industries, Inc. Prior to joining RBX in 1997, Mr. Bernlohr spent 16 years with the International and Industry Products division of Armstrong World Industries, where he served in a variety of management positions. Mr. Bernlohr, age 54, serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Champion Home Builders, Inc. and The Manischewitz Co. and is a director of Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings , Chemtura Corp. and Rock-Tenn Company . Mr. Bernlohr is a graduate of Penn State University.Thomas L. Fairfield Mr. Thomas L. Fairfield is Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Counsel and a director of Capmark Financial Group Inc. Capmark is an international financial services company focused on the commercial real estate industry. Prior to joining Capmark in 2006, Mr. Fairfield, age 55, practiced corporate and securities law for more than 20 years. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University Law Center and a B.S.F.S. from Georgetown University. He is admitted to the bar of the states of Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New York and the District of Columbia, and is a member of the American Bar Association and the National Association of Stock Plan Professionals.Donald C. Campion Mr. Donald Campion is a senior executive with broad corporate experience with strategic acquisitions, divestitures, integration activities and international operations. Mr. Campion, age 64, currently serves as a director of Haynes International, Inc. , where he serves as the Chair of the Audit Committee, and is an independent director and Chair of the Audit Committee for three privately held companies. Mr. Campion had been a senior-level financial executive with a number of public and private companies. He spent 27 years with General Motors Corporation where he held various positions including CFO of several operating divisions, and he was the CFO of four privately held companies. Mr. Campion holds an MBA and a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Michigan."We are delighted to welcome these three experienced business leaders to the Board and look forward to their contributions," Mr. Davis said.About Cash Store FinancialCash Store Financial is the only lender and broker of short?term advances and provider of other financial services in Canada that is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange . Cash Store Financial also trades on the New York Stock Exchange . Cash Store Financial operates 510 branches across Canada under the banners "Cash Store Financial" and "Instaloans".? Cash Store Financial also operates 27 branches in the United Kingdom.Cash Store Financial and Instaloans primarily act as lenders and brokers to facilitate short-term advances and provide other financial services to income-earning consumers who may not be able to obtain them from traditional banks. Cash Store Financial also provides a private-label debit card (the "Freedom" card) and a prepaid credit card (the "Freedom MasterCard") as well as other financial services, including bank accounts.Cash Store Financial employs approximately 1,900 associates and is headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta.Cash Store Financial is a Canadian corporation that is not affiliated with Cottonwood Financial Ltd. or the outlets 新蒲崗迷你倉ottonwood Financial Ltd.?operates in the United States under the name "Cash Store."? Cash Store Financial does not do business under the name "Cash Store" in the United States and does not?own or provide any consumer lending services in the United States.Forward-Looking InformationThis news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of United States federal securities legislation, which we refer to herein, collectively, as "forward-looking information". Forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to, information with respect to our objectives, strategies, operations and financial results, competition, as well as initiatives to grow revenue or reduce retention payments. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "estimates", "plans", "expects", or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "does not anticipate", or "believes" or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might", or "will be taken", "occur", or "be achieved". In particular, this news release contains forward-looking information with respect to our goals and strategic priorities, introduction of products, share repurchase initiatives, branch openings and competition, as well as initiatives to grow revenue or reduce retention payments.? Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Cash Store Financial, to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including, but not limited to, changes in economic and political conditions, legislative or regulatory developments, technological developments, third-party arrangements, competition, litigation, risks associated with but not limited to, market conditions, and other factors described under the heading "Risk Factors" in our Annual MD&A, which is on file with Canadian provincial securities regulatory authorities, and in our Annual Report on Form 20-F/A filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.? All material assumptions used in providing forward-looking information are based on management's knowledge of current business conditions and expectations of future business conditions and trends, including our knowledge of the current credit, interest rate and liquidity conditions affecting us and the general economic conditions in Canada, the United Kingdom and elsewhere.? Although we believe the assumptions used to make such statements are reasonable at this time and have attempted to identify in our continuous disclosure documents important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended.? Certain material factors or assumptions are applied by us in making forward-looking information, including without limitation, factors and assumptions regarding our continued ability to fund our payday loan business, rates of customer defaults, relationships with, and payments to, third party lenders, demand for our products, as well as our operating cost structure and current consumer protection regulations. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. We do not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.The Cash Store Financial Services Inc.CONTACT: For further information, please contact:Gordon Reykdal, Chief Executive Officer, at 780-408-5118, orPeter Block, NATIONAL Public Relations, at 416-848-1431mini storage

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Source: Erie Times-News, Pa.迷你倉價錢Aug. 14--An Erie man has been indicted by a federal grand jury on felony charges of bank fraud and tax evasion.The two-count indictment filed in U.S. District Court in Erie on Tuesday charges that between January and November of 2007 while Brian M. Quimby, 46, worked as chief financial officer of Thayer Power and Communications in Fairview, Quimby funneled company money from company accounts at Key Bank through his own Key Bank account and then back into company accounts, eventually skimming off and pocketing a total of $278,789.25.It says that once the bank discovered the scheme, Quimby迷你倉庫tried to replace $830,000 in one Thayer account with a worthless check from his own account, which wound up costing the bank $830,000.Quimby is further accused of failing to pay income taxes on his fraudulently obtained income in 2007.The charges carry a maximum possible sentence of 35 years in prison and a fine of $1.25 million.The Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation, and the FBI conducted the investigation leading to the indictment in this case.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) Visit the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) at .GoErie.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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dz.jjckb.cn//pages/webpage2009/html/2013-08/15/content_78403.htm?div=-1...2013-08-15 □記者 王龍雲 實習生 劉芳晴 綜合報道 來源:經濟參考報據外媒13日報道,文件倉因同意與美國司法部合作,在摩根大通金融衍生品交易巨...

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Bus hijack survivors press for actionDemocratic Party lawmaker James To Kun-sun and the survivors and victims’ families of the Manila bus hostage drama in 2010 met the security chief Lai Tung-kwok yesterday.儲存 They want the government to pressure the Philippine government to respond to their demands for an apology, offer compensation, hold the involved officials accountable, as well as improve safety measures for tourists. Eight Hongkongers died in the tour bus which was hijacked in Manila three years ago by a rogue Manila policeman. The tourists were executed or died in the gunbattle between the police officer, Rolando Mendoza, and security forces.Suspicious mum calls police to arrest sonPolice used pepper spray in the arrest of a suspected drug abuser after he put up a struggle and injured two officers in Sau Mau Ping yesterday. Officers went to his home in Po Tat Estate about 12.30am after his mother called them when she suspected that her son had taken drugs. Police found a small amount o新蒲崗迷你倉 illegal drugs in the home and tried to arrest him but he put up a fight. The suspect, 23, and the two officers were slightly injured and were treated at United Christian Hospital.Body found floatingin sea off Hung HomA man was found dead in the sea off Hung Hom ferry pier yesterday. The man was about 40 years old, about 1.7 metres tall, and wore yellow shorts. He had tattoos on his forearms as well as on his chest. There were no identification documents but an initial investigation did not reveal any foul play.Suspect in HKMEx case is released on bailThe eighth person arrested in the investigation over the failed Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange was released on bail yesterday and will need to report back to police in November. The 27-year-old man had been detained overnight.Cat found dead with stomach woundsThe body of a cat was found outside an electrical substation on Shing Mun Road in Tsuen Wan yesterday afternoon with stomach injuries. The case has been listed as violence against an animal.mini storage

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Source: The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.文件倉Aug. 14--WILKES-BARRE -- A proposed ordinance to "get tough" on crime by targeting problem rental properties passed the first reading by City Council on Tuesday night, and drew a mixed response from residents and landlords.The amendment that sets a "one-strike" limit for landlords or tenants who know of gun and drug crimes committed on the property still needs a second reading at council's Sept. 12 meeting before it can be enacted 10 days later.But landlord Chris Puma of Ashley cautioned against proceeding with the amendment and suggested that instead of "punishing the landlord" the city hire more police and code enforcement officers.He presented a scenario in which the six-month shutdown of a property as stated in the amendment cuts off the revenue for a landlord who has no knowledge of his tenant's criminal activity. From there, the landlord conceivably can't pay the taxes, the property ends up at a sheriff's sale and the city loses tax revenue."You shut down the property and take away the income, it's not going to work," said Puma. "I think it's going to create more problems."Assistant City Attorney Bill Vinsko responded that the amendment is not meant to hurt good landlords. "Our goal is to fight crime, and this is another tool that we can use to fight crime," Vinsko said.Councilman Tony George, a former city police chief, proposed changing the amendment to let the property stay open on the first offense, but impose the six-month shutdown after the second time."I don't want to live next to a drug house. Nobody wants to live next to a drug house," he said. "We're at war. We're losing. We're out-manned. We're outgunned. But they don't have to follow any rules. So we have to have the tools to combat it. If it's inflicting on your rights a little bit, so be it; but the people next door to you, the people behind you, the people in front of you, they don't want to live in that condition, and that's what we're concerned about."Resident Besty Summers worries about potential selective enforcement once the amendment is passed and pointed to herself as an example, sayin存倉 she was fined $1,000 by the city in 2011 for not having a license for her rental property and not having a property manager."I don't think another ordinance that's not enforced will solve the problem" she said.She said the shut-down properties will be targeted by thieves for the copper wiring and pipes.Council Chairman Bill Barrett urged Summers and other residents who know of rental properties that are not registered or inspected to contact city officials.But Summers refused to comply. "I would never turn somebody in, because I think your ordinance is garbage, " she said.Landlord Bob Kadluboski asked for the "exact guidelines" of the amendment so he can understand it.He also asked why Sherman Hills apartment complex, the scene of multiple shootings and drug arrests, has been allowed to remain open under the city's existing rental ordinances. Barrett responded the amendment will apply to Sherman Hills.The poor turnout for the meeting alarmed Tony Mannino, who owns rental units in the city. The code enforcement and health inspectors are doing their jobs, he said. The city could use more of them and police officers, too."There's nobody to blame here. I blame the people of Wilkes-Barre. There's 35 people in this room," he said.The condition of her neighborhood on South Meade Street made Carolyn Brennan ashamed. "I am no longer proud to say I live in the Heights," Brennan said, adding something has to be done about the crime.She asked for increased police patrols in the area, saying six of the seven homicides in the city this year have been in the Heights.Mayor Tom Leighton said the expansion of the tactical unit to six officers from two since July has been working and it's sending a strong message with the more than two dozen arrests in high-crime areas. "The word we're getting is that they're hearing the message," he said.Brennan said she is not out all the time to see the police patrols. "I just want to rest my head at night," she said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) Visit The Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) at .timesleader.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

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Source: The Sun, Yuma, Ariz.文件倉Aug. 14--The defense attorney for the man accused of stealing a jeep and crashing it while being chased by San Luis police officers was granted a two-week continuance Tuesday after informing the court that he had just recently been hired in the case.In providing the court with an update on the status of the case, attorney Richard Edgar, who is now representing 20-year-old Jorge "Pelon" Rios, explained that he had not received the all the disclosure from the attorney who previously had the case, but expected to have it very soon."When I receive that information, we will be in a lot better shape with regards to what else I need," Edgar said.Edgar also informed the court that the case will probably be proceeding to trial and that he is currently going through the disclosure he has already received to better familiarize himself with the case.Yuma County Superior Court Judge Maria Elena Cruz, who is presiding over the case, granted Edgar's request for a continuance, scheduling Rio's next court date for 9:30 am on Aug. 27.Rios has been charged with theft of means of transportation, unlawful flight from pursuing law enforcement and burglary. Although he has not been charged in it, prosecutors also believe Rios was present during the March 22 murder of Crystal Figueroa and it was his car that was used.He is also believed to have been a passenger in a vehicle that crashed in downtown Yuma later the morning of the murder and one of the people who fled the scene after it happened.存倉Prosecutors believe Rios knew there was an attempt to locate him regarding the murder, which is what led him to stealing the vehicle that was involved in the vehicle pursuit with San Luis police.Figueroa's body was found March 22 in a citrus grove near County 17th Street and Avenue 2E. The mother of three had been shot 16 times with three different weapons.According to San Luis police at about 3:20 p.m. on April 6, an officer spotted a Jeep that had recently been reported as stolen being driven near Juan Sanchez Boulevard and 8th Avenue in San Luis, Ariz. The officer attempted to pull the Jeep over, but the driver allegedly refused, leading to a vehicle pursuit.A short time later, while allegedly fleeing along a dirt road behind a subdivision in the area of the 1200 block of East America Street, the driver lost control of the vehicle, and it came to a halt in front of a brick wall. The driver then fled on foot.SLPD officers were able to catch the driver and arrest him. They later identified him as Rios. Officers, including a K-9 Team, searched the area for other possible occupants of the stolen Jeep that may have fled, but did not find anyone else.Rios was then turned over to the Yuma Police Department, where detectives questioned him for several hours in connection with the Figueroa murder investigation, then released him back to the custody of San Luis police.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) Visit The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) at .yumasun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

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Source: Daily Mail, LondonAug.迷你倉價錢 14--IT is on the cards: all the latest data points to another UK housing boom. Mortgage lending to first-time buyers has hit its highest quarterly total since 2007, while the latest RICs housing survey has shot to its highest level since November 2006 with new buyer enquiries rising to a three-year high.Respected economist Howard Archer at Global Insight now expects house prices to rise by 3pc over the rest of 2013 and a whacking 7pc in 2014, all underpinned by new Bank of England governor Mark Carney's forecast that interest rates will remain at a rock bottom level of 0.5pc for another three years.Investors therefore looked at stocks which should benefit from a buoyant housing market. London-based residential developer Quintain Estates was popular and rose 4.25p to 92p. Management has forecast there will be a looming shortage of about 115,000 homes in London over the next five years and it proposes to help solve the problem.It plans to build 5,000 homes at Wembley and another 10,000 on Greenwich, its two biggest developments. Last month it secured planning permission on its GPRL joint venture to build 1,683 'high-end' flats at Peninsula Quays, the prime riverside site overlooking Canary Wharf. Quintain is targeting pounds sterling 650-950 per sq ft valuations.Panmure Gordon recently initiated coverage with a 104p price target. The broker says the stock offers investors exposure to London residential, commercial real estate development and investment at a significant discount to net asset value.Bulls held centre stage following news that UK inflation edged lower to 2.8pc from 2.9pc in July. It is still way off the Bank of England's target of 2pc but dealers are relaxed because inflation is now taking a backseat in deciding the Bank's monetary policy as it's now all about unemployment. The Footsie closed 37.6 points better at 6,611.94 and the FTSE 250 23.93 points higher at 15,100.82.Reflecting a firmer silver price Fresnillo rose 62p to 1165p. Insurance group Old Mutual cheapened 5.2p to 196.1p after NomuraCode downgraded to neutral from buy.Another day, another set of record results from Mears. Interim pre-tax profits rose 15pc to pounds sterling 15.5m on revenues 49pc higher at pounds sterling 457.8m. The dividend is hiked 9pc to 2.50p. The order book stands at a stonking pounds sterling 3.8bn, up from pounds sterling 2.7bn in 2012. Analysts forecast full-year profits of pounds sterling 36.6m on revenues of pounds sterling 900m.Chief executive David Miles said the integration of the Morrison social housing business is now substantially complete. The business is expected to m迷你倉庫ke a profit in the second-half. Broker Canaccord Genuity's target price is 490p compared with the closing price of 417.5p, down 12.75p, on profit-taking.Tony O'Reilly Junior's Irish oil explorer Providence Resources remained friendless at 355.25p, down 21.25p, despite news that JP Morgan Chase has increased its stake in the company to 9.04pc. The stock was trading above pounds sterling 7 last September.Toumaz, the pioneer in ultra-low power wireless semiconductor technology, added 0.5p to 4.25p following Monday night's BBC Horizon report on the growth and opportunities in the digital health and monitoring market.Heavy buying on rumours of an imminent upbeat drilling report on its Mexican lithium prospect lifted David Lenigas's Rare Earth Minerals 58pc to 0.1p. Highly speculative oil firm TomCo Energy firmed 0.13p to 1.35p. It has secured 2,919 acres in Utah that are known to contain substantial volumes of shale hydrocarbons. It plans to use the EcoShale technology, pioneered by US firm Red Leaf Resources, to unlock the projects potential. Watch this space.Disclosures that institutional investors Invesco and Abingworth have been increasing their holding in the stock helped ReNeuron edge up 0.1p to 4p.Chamberlin, which is engaged in the production and sale of iron castings, rose 5p to 81.5p after chairman Keith Butler-Wheelhouse bought 25,868 shares, increasing his shareholding to 1.1pc.Castings accelerated 28.5p to 443.5p on hearing that strong demand from UK and international car makers is keeping business buoyant at the engineering group. It supplies 80pc of its cast iron products to multi-national car and commercial vehicle manufacturers.After saying it is trading in line with expectations, educational services company Tribal put on 1.75p to 202.25p. Synthomer, the former Yule Catto which develops and markets polymers used in consumer products, rose 9.5p to 215.5p despite lower interim profits. Buyers took more notice of the 0.2p hike in the dividend to 2.4p.Pubs group Punch Taverns rose 0.62p to 13.38p on recovery hopes.---WORD is don't be short of InterQuest, rock steady at 72p. Next month's interim results are expected to exceed market expectations. The specialist IT recruitment firm has been trading strongly and has a proven and heavily incentivised management team. It also has astute shareholders on its share register including hedge fund manager David Newton of Helium Securities, entrepreneur Jim Mellon and small cap expert Giles Hargreave.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Daily Mail (London, ) Visit the Daily Mail (London, ) at .dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Source: The Wisconsin State JournalAug.迷你倉價錢 14--The song remains the same in the Southern Badger Conference football race, with Monona Grove being tabbed the unanimous preseason favorite.And why not? After all, the Silver Eagles are 41-5 spanning the last four seasons. That includes four consecutive unbeaten seasons in conference play. MG advanced to the third round of the Division 3 playoffs, last year, falling in a quarterfinal to Northern Badger runner-up Mount Horeb/Barneveld.But MG coach Mike Stassi will have to turn to a potentially formidable defense and a veteran offensive line that includes Wisconsin recruit Jaden Gault to hold off steadily improving Fort Atkinson and perennial strong Madison Edgewood.Monona Grove needed a last-minute defensive stand to win at Fort Atkinson in 2012. But the Blackhawks, who return one of the area's most exciting players in potential NCAA Division I recruit James Nachtigal, will have to win at MG on Sept. 27 to keep their title hopes alive.Among the rest of the league, new coaches in Milton and Stoughton could serve as wild cards. Bill O'Leary, a 1970 Milton graduate, returns to the coaching ranks to turn around the Red Hawks' fortunes after posting a 49-49 mark during a previous nine-year stint at Janesville Craig. Jason Thiry takes over at Stoughton and faces a major rebuilding project on both sides of the ball.-- Dennis SemrauFORT ATKINSONCoach: Steve Mahoney, 13th season (61-58).On offense: The Blackhawks return a trio of all-conference first-team selections in OL Ethan Foerster, WR James Nachtigal and RB Tyler Courtier who, along with RB Tyler Zaspel, are three-year starters. Senior OG Kevin Freel and junior OT Adam Lawrence also return to anchor a solid line. But it is imperative that the versatile Nachtigal, one of the area's best all-around athletes, remains a focal point of the offense. "He'll play running back. He'll play quarterback. He can play anywhere and everywhere that we need him," Mahoney said.On defense: All-conference second-team DL Dion Hupke returns at strong side tackle, along with weak-side tackle Nick Brown, to form a potentially formidable front line in the Blackhawks' 3-4 scheme. Mahoney said he will have an athletic secondary led by Nachtigal and Zaspel at safety and CB Sam Patterson. The linebacking corps will be young but aggressive.The bottom line: "We'll have good team speed. I think we're faster than we were last year on offense and defense. Our skill kids are pretty quick," Mahoney said. "The previous two years, we were 6-2 and 7-2 and some of these kids have been playing since they were sophomores. We want to sustain what we've gotten back to. We've been to the playoffs nine years, hopefully 10 this year."Returning letterwinnersSeniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Austin Armstrong;LB;6-0;185Hunter Brandt;DL;6-0;215Nick Brown;DL;5-9;195Nate Ciske;OL;6-0;195Tyler Courtier;RB;5-9;195Ethan Foerster;OL;6-0;235Kevin Freel;OL;6-5;235Brady Hansen;OLB;5-10;180Addison Harjung;OL;6-3;205Dion Hupke;DL;6-2;260Seth Knox;DL;5-9;300James Nachtigal;WR-DB;6-2;210Sam Patterson;DB;5-11;165Tommy Riggs;QB;6-2;170Nick Simonson;WR-DB;5-11;175Sean Topel;OL-DL;6-2;225Cameron Wolter;WR;6-1;170Tyler Zaspel;RB-DB;6-0;180Juniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Alex Johnson;OL;6-0;250Adam Lawrence;OL;5-10;215MADISON EDGEWOODCoach: Al Minnaert, 22nd season (138-83).On offense: There might be a shortage of numbers in the program, but certainly no lack of talent. The Crusaders welcome back all-conference first-team RB Evan Bondoc (814 yards, 6 TDs), second-team TE Alex Semrow and a trio of honorable mention picks in RB Alan Anderson (479 yards, 3 TDs), QB Bobby Dunn (1,321 yards, 13 TDs passing) and OT Michael Semrow. All-league first-team and All-City PK Jake Dragoo leads the special teams. But the offensive line is in rebuilding mode.On defense: All-conference linebacker A.J. Imholte anchors a unit which returns six starters, including DL Alex Semrow, DL Michael Cleary, LB Ryan Simon and DBs Bondoc, who earned all-league second-team honors, and Trevor Roessler. Dragoo earned honorable mention honors at punter and was a spot starter in the secondary. As is the case on offense, lack of depth is a major concern.The bottom line: Monona Grove may be the team to beat, but Edgewood can't afford to look that far ahead, with crossover games against Badger North powers Waunakee and DeForest to open the season. Minnaert said the 66 players in the entire program is its lowest since 1992. But if the Crusaders can remain relatively healthy in spite of their small roster, they are capable of contending for their first conference title since 2005, along with a return trip to the playoffs -- where they lost in the Division 3 state semifinals in 2011.Returning letterwinnersSeniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Alan Anderson;RB-DB;5-8;150Blaine Barker;OL-DL;6-0;210Austin Blanchar;WR-LB;5-11;165Evan Bondoc;RB-DB;6-1;200Michael Cleary;OL-DL;6-2;220Devyn Dockery;RB-LB;5-10;185Stephen Dorn;WR-DB;5-10;160Jake Dragoo;WB-DB;5-11;170Bobby Dunn;QB-DB;5-11;190Tom Hellenbrand;RB-LB;5-10;175A.J. Imholte;RB-LB;5-9;185Connor Jacobson;OL-DL;6-4;260Armen Megan;OL-DL;6-6;325Trevor Roessler;WR-DB;6-0;170Alex Semrow;TE-DE;6-3;210Michael Semrow;OL-DL;6-4;225Ryan Simon;TE-LB;6-0;190Alex Wendler;WR-DB;6-1;175Joel Zimbrick;OL-DE;6-3;200Juniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Parker Alsteens;RB-LB;5-11;185Will Fox;OL-DE;6-0;190Bryce Haefer;WR-DB;5-11;165John Paul Hellenbrand;OL-LB;6-0;215Matt Hembel;RB-LB;5-10;170Mitch Homburg;RB-LB;6-0;175Dale Johnson;TE-DE;6-2;175J.J. Johnson;WR-LB;6-0;180Ben Kussow;OL-DL;6-5;200Nick Miller;WR-DE;6-5;175Cordell Murphy;WR-DB;5-9;150Mitch Snider;RB-LB;5-11;185Noah Thompson;TE-LB;5-11;175Sophomores;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Jack Dunn;RB-DB;5-9;165Cody Link;QB-LB;6-4;190MILTONCoach: Bill O'Leary, first season.On offense: The Red Hawks' offense will run through junior QB Tyler Westrick, who started several games over the past two seasons. Three-year starting OL Nate Trewyn earned all-league second-team honors and is receiving interest from several colleges. OT Isaac Gunn and C Brian Hare also return to clear the way for RBs Howard Greene and twins Anthany and Zachary Hoard. WRs Devon Higginbothan and Colin Weberpal are burners who will stretch defenses.On defense: The Red Hawks are switching to a 4-4 scheme. The change will cause few adjustment problems, because most of the 2012 unit graduated, including two-time all-state DE A.J. Natter, now at Nebraska. "It's a work in progress," said O'Leary, who added that Trewyn will make an impact there, too. "But we hope to execute with good enthusiasm."The bottom line: "We're looking to run the ball a little more than in the past with a traditional set. We'll be under center a lot more than last year," said O'Leary, who spent nine seasons as head coach at Janesville Craig, making the playoffs seven times. A 1970 Milton grad, he couldn't wait to get started. "It was a very exciting summer," he said. "Our numbers are down, but we will get things going in the right direction and that will change."Returning letterwinnersSeniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Carson Beaty;TE-DE;6-4;215James Christensen;SE-DB;6-2;175Jon Dummer;G-DT;5-10;260Michael Guenther;TE-LB;6-1;210Robert Guenther;TE-LB;6-2;190Isaac Gunn;OL-DL;6-1;270Tyler Hammil;TE-DB;6-3;165Brian Hare;C-DT;6-0;250Andrew Heisz;FB-LB;5-9;195Anthany Hoard;RB-DB;5-11;165Zachary Hoard;RB-DB;5-11;165Spencer Leverence;OT-DE;6-2;190Taylor Snell;RB-LB;6-0;215Dylan Splan;SE-LB;6-0;170Nate Trewyn;T-DT;6-5;270Jared Weberpal;TE-DE;6-1;190Cody Young;迷你倉庫-DT;6-1;240Juniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Howard Greene;RB-LB;5-9;155Tyler Hansing;SE-DB;5-9;160John McCarthy;FB-LB;6-1;155Dakota Moxley;RB-DB;5-8;165Hunter Nelson;T-DE;6-4;265Avery Ousterout;T-DE;6-3;245Colin Weberpal;SE-DB;6-4;170Tyler Westrick;QB-DB;6-0;170MONONA GROVECoach: Mike Stassi, 15th season (119-39).On offense: The Silver Eagles return arguably one of the top lines in the state, with four returnees who earned postseason honors, including all-conference first teamers OT Jaden Gault -- a University of Wisconsin recruit who earned all-state recognition -- and OG Jalen Thomas. C Jacob Decorah was a second-team pick and OG Josh Butteris earned honorable mention. Casey Donahue and Danny Button also have experience. But the bulk of the 2012 team's skill-position players graduated. QB Tyler Blang and RB Brock Offerdahl will lead a youthful group high on potential.On defense: Six starters return, including LBs Offerdahl and Brock Lippiatt and DL Donahue, who all earned all-conference honorable mention recognition. CB Sawyer Livesey will lead the secondary. The 6-7, 300-pound Gault is expected to help on the line at tackle. LB Markus Goff will be hard to replace but the Silver Eagles are poised to reload.The bottom line: Question marks remain on offense that could put MG's four-year league unbeaten streak at risk. But a veteran offensive line and experienced defense, along with all-conference second-team PK Drew Schuchardt, still make the Silver Eagles the team to beat. "Madison Edgewood and Fort Atkinson are always good. Those teams will be solid," Stassi said. "The sleeper team will be Oregon. They are very talented at the skill positions."Returning letterwinnersSeniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Mitch Bernarde;WR-DB;6-2;166Tyler Blang;QB-DB;6-3;180Tommy Brown;WR-DB;6-3;195Josh Butteris;OL-DL;5-7;210Danny Button;OL-DL;5-9;235Jake Decorah;OL-DL;6-3;270Max Ethridge;WR-DB;5-11;175Jaden Gault;OL-DL;6-7;300Dexter Guyette;RB-LB;5-8;185Brock Lippiatt;OL-LB;5-11;205Sawyer Livesey;RB-DB;5-9;155Sean McCosky;OL-DL;6-3;190Brock Offerdahl;RB-LB;5-10;185Jalen Thomas;OL-DL;6-2;195Derek Zenger;RB-LB;5-9;180Juniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Casey Donahue;OL-DL;6-3;255Drew Schuchardt;WR-DL-K;6-3;190MONROECoach: Curt Miller, sixth season (15-30).On offense: WR/P Charlie Kind, TE Noah Thompson and RB Cody Wolf provide the Cheesemakers experience. However, the entire offensive line and starting backfield must be replaced. Miller said spirited competition at quarterback has him considering using multiple starters there. But a killer opening schedule which includes Mount Horeb/Barneveld, Waunakee, DeForest and Monona Grove makes taking care of the ball and time management crucial.On defense: One of the league's top returning playmakers is back in LB Ryan Hughes, a three-year starter who earned all-league first-team honors, along with three-year starting NG Brett Zimmerman and CB Kind. But eight starters have to be replaced. Monroe uses a 33 stack scheme which allows it to be aggressive with its athletes at linebacker. The Cheesemakers will be fast and athletic but a bit undersized on the line.The bottom line: After ending a nine-year playoff drought with its first appearance since 2003, Monroe faces a huge rebuilding project. "We will have to develop a lot of new kids to football quickly in order to be successful," Miller said. But he acquired several new upperclassmen, including three sprinters and a conference champion pole vaulter from the track and field team to add talent and depth at the skill positions."Returning letterwinnersSeniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Troy Gorr;OL-DL;6-1;220Charlie Kind;;WR-DB-P;6-4;180Forrest Klug-Hanson;WR-DB;6-2;165Ryan Hughes;OL-LB;5-6;170Kyle Olson;RB-LB;5-11;190Noah Thompson;TE-DB;6-5;205Brett Zimmerman;OL-DL;5-11;245Juniors;Pos; Ht.;Wt.Cody Wolf;RB-LB;5-6;170OREGONCoach: Dan Kissling, fourth season (4-23).On offense: The Panthers return junior WR Josh Stromovsky, who earned all-conference second team honors, along with starting QB Jack Krueger to run the Wing-T offense. The skill positions show promise, with junior RBs B.J. Bucker and Luke Knipfer expected to contribute heavily. While the overall unit is still young and inexperienced, Oregon has good size up front in John Best, Nick Beino and Jack Maerz. Kissling said keeping the line healthy is a key.On defense: Former Stoughton head coach Sean Stokes has joined the staff as defensive coordinator. He will count on DE Maerz, ILB Matt Sampson and Stromovsky, who also earned all-league honorable mention at CB, to provide stability. But several will have to start on both sides of the ball, which may have an impact on the unit's long-term fortunes.The bottom line: The Panthers haven't been to the playoffs since 2009 or won a conference title since 1990. Despite coming off a winless season, Kissling expects to see continued improvement. "We're talented skill-wise but still a very young team with 11 seniors, only five who saw significant playing time last year," he said. "We're going back to old school. We're going to have a lot of guys going both ways."Returning letterwinnersSeniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.John Best;OL-DL;6-3;240Jack Krueger;QB;6-0;165Jack Maerz;TE-DE;6-3;240Joey Milz;OL-LB;6-1;195Alex Neal;RB-LB;5-9;200;Andrew Nyenhuis;OL-DL;6-5;195;Christian Poe;WR-DB;6-1;160JJ Roger;WR-DB;5-8;135Matt Sampson;RB-LB;5-8;195Jawon Turner;WR-DB;5-8;130Juniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Christian Alcala;RB-DE;5-10;175;Darnell Armour;WR-DB;6-2;150B.J. Buckner;RB-DB;5-9;180Luke Knipfer;RB-DB;5-9;160Zach Novotny-Mandt;OL-LB;5-8;180Josh Sromovsky;WR-DB;6-3;190Sophomores;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Alex Duff;WR-DB-K;6-3;155STOUGHTONCoach: Jason Thiry, first season.On offense: Most of last year's production graduated, but the Vikings will count on QB Luke Logan. OL Jesse Adams, FB Paul Wagner and WRs Cole Spangler and Paul Rosowski to improve upon last year's 14.5 points per game average over the final six games. Thiry has installed a multiple-formation, pro-style offense for a host of new starters. Rosowski will handle the kicking duties after earning honorable mention all-conference honors last season.On defense: The Vikings allowed an average of 28 points spanning a six-game losing streak to end the season. LB Wagner, DL Adams and CBs Lund -- who earned honorable mention all-league honors -- and Spangler return to anchor a 4-3 scheme. Good overall numbers in the program will provide plenty of help.The bottom line: The Vikings have been close to ending a playoff drought that extends to its only postseason trip in 1998. But Thiry, who was 16-13 the past three years at Morton (Ill.) High School, said the Vikings will be rebuilding on both sides of the ball. "We're a little low on seniors but we have good numbers in the underclassmen," he said. "We'll have to take the seniors we've got and hopefully put them in the places where they can help us win."Returning letterwinnersSeniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Jesse Adams;OL-DL;6-6;255Jace Carlson;WR-DB;6-2;160Luke Logan;QB-DB;6-2;175Chris Lund;WR-DB;6-0;190Kyle Patun;OL-DL;6-2;215Braden Poirer;WR-LB;6-0;205Joe Pulley;OL-DL;5-8;200Paul Rosowski;WR-DB-K;6-3;175Cole Spangler;WR-DB;6-3;185Brian Wagner;RB-LB;6-0;220Jayce Yellowbird;WR-LB;6-1;185Will Zeichert;WR-DB;6-1;170Juniors;Pos;Ht.;Wt.Austin Benton;OL-DL;5-9;215Ben Brandt;WR-DL;6-2;225Zach Hasselberger;RB-DB;5-7;155Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wis.) Visit The Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wis.) at .wisconsinstatejournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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觀點新聞本報北京8月13日訊(記者李成剛) 當前國際環境發生深刻變化,文件倉國內經濟形勢錯綜複雜,一方面,經濟增長速度放緩符合經濟增長的內在規律;另一方面,從我國經濟運行的基本面和基本格局看,我國有條件也有可能達到一定的發展速度。如何準確把握經濟走勢,科學選擇經濟政策和宏觀調控政策取向,國家行政學院決策咨詢部鄭慧認為,有必要確定一個經濟運行的合理底線,在此基礎上加強柔性管理,避免使用短期見效但長期負面作用較大的政策。鄭慧認為,這種柔性管理應該把握好幾個“發展底線”:一是守住就業的底線。調查失業率上升、就業彈性下降、就業結構性矛盾突出,使當前就業形勢不容樂觀,若不妥善處理將給社會帶來不穩定因素。長期看,應通過提高服務業比重增加就業,通存倉鼓勵第三產業發展及優化第三產業內部結構,並注重加強我國公共服務保障,改善勞資關係、注重兼顧專業技能與興趣的就業培訓,我國的服務業可容納的就業人數還有相當的發展空間。二是控制價格穩定的底線。當前經濟運行條件下,需要嚴格控制流動性,不能因為短期的經濟問題出現濫發貨幣的情況。鄭慧表示,失業率的柔性管理促使我們抓住影響就業的主要矛盾,解決好結構性失業問題,達到就業均衡狀態;物價的柔性管理要求我們必須把握新時期影響物價的貨幣因素與非貨幣因素,對通脹和通縮跡象保持高度警惕,做好預案,使物價穩定在合理的區間內。總之,注重對經濟發展底線的柔性管理是應對當前經濟社會發展的突出矛盾,推動經濟轉型升級,保持可持續健康發展的重要舉措。(詳細報道見6版)自存倉

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