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【本報消息】橫琴新區爭取今年對橫琴島實行封關運作,新蒲崗迷你倉使之成為國內首個實施分線管理的區域。目前橫琴一線口岸、二線通道和環島監控系統等封關設施建設正全力推進中,對於本澳單牌車進出橫琴問題,待橫琴封關運作和粵澳兩地政府簽訂相關協議後,由橫琴海關對進出橫琴的澳門單牌車予以監管。監控項目全速推進橫琴新區昨日證實,海關總署出台《中華人民共和國海關對橫琴新區監管辦法(試行)》已於本月一日起實施,橫琴島封關運作所需的環島監控項目和一、二線查驗設施的建設,目前正全速推進中,期望今年底前完成相關建設並提請海關總署驗收,爭取於年底前正式封關運作。  橫琴封關運作後,海關將對橫琴實施“一線放寬、二線管住、人貨分離、分類管理”的創新通關模式,國家賦予橫琴的有關免稅、保稅、退稅以及“選擇性徵收關稅”等稅收優惠政策才能落地實施,海關總署和國家檢驗檢疫總局出台的橫琴監管辦法等創新舉措才能進入正式實施階段。橫琴新區管委會表示,橫琴“一線”、“二線”、環島監控等項目建設進展順利。其中,橫mini storage口岸及綜合交通樞紐過渡期通關設施工程已取得項目建議書批覆,項目可行性研究報告及專家評審已完成,房建工程上月四日已正式動工,反恐中心場地平整、臨水臨電等前期工作已完成,並正式開始基樁工程,預計明年十月可對過渡期通關設施進行竣工驗收。二線通道加緊建設影響橫琴島封關運作的樽頸工程是二線通道,該通道位於橫琴大橋南側,佔地面積十四萬七千餘平方米,概算總投資逾四億元人民幣,由出入島綜合樓、貨檢查驗樓、查驗通道等組成。該項目出、入島綜合樓主體結構現已封頂,砌體工程亦基本完成,計劃在今年底完成該項目的竣工驗收工作。此外,橫琴新區環島監控項目初步設計方案已確定,進入政府審批流程,項目施工單位招標工作已展開,即將進入全面施工階段。對於本澳單牌車進出橫琴問題,橫琴新區管委會主任牛敬稱,對橫琴與境外之間進出的澳門單牌車輛,由海關根據國務院授權廣東省政府與澳門特區政府簽訂的相關協定實行監管,須待橫琴封關運作和粵澳兩地的相關協定簽訂後,橫琴海關才能對進出橫琴的澳門單牌車予以監管。self storage

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“其實,儲存倉我們的胃,吃的是一種記憶。”在上海這樣的都市,有機會嘗到各地的美食,可在那些地方風味的館子,我們只能吃到別處的滋味,卻嘗不到自己的記憶。糕餅,深懷故鄉滋味,富含了太多的親情和友情。春卷卷春很多上海人家年夜飯飯桌上,都能見到一盤金燦燦黃澄澄冒著油光的春卷。每到小年夜甚至更早兩天的光景,小菜場里許多攤子,甚至會新開一門生意———做春卷皮。小小的一個鐵鏊子,燒熱了,現做現賣。但見做春卷皮的朋友,手里提著一團濕面團,擊到鏊子面上,旋轉半圈再提起來。上海人有句老話———“濕手粘上幹麵粉,甩都甩不掉”。其實,換一個角度,逆向思維,用幹手去碰濕麵粉,和成面團,甩成一張張比巴掌略大的薄餅,換來的可是一張張花花綠綠的鈔票,算是美差了。豈可輕易甩掉?我甚至見過一家開水果店的,到了過年前,寧願不賣散稱水果而全店總動員,現場制售春卷皮,只留一個小子做“看守內閣”的“光杆司令”,留在店里賣禮品盒水果。因為過年時候散裝稱斤賣的水果,相對來說利潤太薄,不如做春卷皮來錢 快。相對而言,有經驗的主婦當然樂得到小菜場買現做的春卷皮,而不會去超市賣場之類搶冷凍貨色。吃個新鮮勁,不僅是為了新年新氣象。上海人吃春卷,喜歡油炸。甜的是豆沙餡兒的;難得也會有黑洋酥餡的,也就是黑芝麻白砂糖舂成粉,拌以豬油,當然,這一般作為寧波湯糰的餡子。鹹的是爛糊肉絲餡的,講究的還要放些香菇絲;更高級的,可以是韭黃肉絲餡的。在從前沒有蔬菜大棚的歲月裡,冬季室內栽培的韭黃,即使在江浙上海,也是一道蔬菜中的美食。當然,嚴格說來,韭菜屬於小五葷之一,不能算做素菜。過年吃春卷,其實源自古代立春之日食用春盤的習俗。公元三世紀晉朝時有一本《風土記》上,就有“元旦造五辛盤”的記載。也就是說,元旦這一天,要吃五種被歸為辛類的蔬菜。五辛者,大蒜、革蔥、慈蔥、蘭蔥、興渠是也。中國歷史上,凡改朝換代,必定會改元。比如夏代正月初一為元旦,商以十二月初一為元旦,周以十一月初一為元旦。後來,漢朝定立太初歷,每年的立春之日被定為元旦。兩千年後上海人家過年時候,桌子上那一盤春卷,其實與《風土記》中的元旦造五辛盤,是一脈相承的,特別是韭黃肉絲餡的,更是特別正宗。吃春卷的風俗,既然在中國最洋派的城市上海,都依舊風行至今,在祖國各地更沒有失傳之虞了。當然,吃春卷未必要用油來炸。比如北京人吃春餅,一定要弄幾盤可口的小炒,外加盒子菜和攤雞蛋,卷進烙薄餅里吃。能夠入卷的,講究用各類絲,比如韭菜、豆芽、肉絲、粉絲等等,而盒子菜,其實就是上海人所謂熟食店中售賣的貨色是也———各種鹵味,醬肘絲、雞絲、肚絲等等。北京人將卷進春餅來吃的習俗稱為“咬春”。不過,如今年頭好了,所謂四時如春,所以,想吃卷餅不一定非得等到春天。如果突然嘴饞了,跑到烤鴨館子,點一隻片皮鴨,包了烤鴨蘸醬蘸白糖兩可,再輔以大蔥絲、黃瓜絲之類,卷進荷葉餅中,送入嘴,那叫一個美。如今,對中國一知半解的老外,凡說到中華美食,許多人不會漏了烤鴨和春卷。殊不知,兩者都和吃春餅的習俗,有著千絲萬縷的聯繫。只不過,烤鴨上了國宴,成為春餅的高級變種罷了。到了我國西南地區,春卷內容以絲為上,已經發展到另一個高峰,可見人們的口感,確實是相通的。“絲娃娃”,是貴陽街頭最常見的小吃,乍看似產房里初生的嬰兒被裹在“繈褓”中。“繈褓”是用大米磨成的粉烙的薄餅,再捲入蘿蔔絲、魚腥草絲、海帶絲、炸黃豆、糊辣椒等,外加澆一勺酸酸辣辣的湯汁。此道小吃,別名素春卷。“絲娃娃”之所以使用大米磨制的粉來烙成薄餅,而不用高筋麵粉為原料,無疑,是因為貴陽地處西南,當年的人們連麥子都沒見到過,用米粉做餅,無非因地制宜的一種辦法,卻也成就“絲娃娃”入口時的爽滑之感。值得一提的是,就像上海人吃鹹的油炸春卷要蘸黃牌辣醬油或者米醋一般,吃“絲娃娃”,也要蘸調料,只是那稱作“蘸水”的調料,要比辣醬油、米醋雲雲複雜得多———油炸脆花生、油炸酥黃豆、魚腥草、蔥花、蒜水、姜末、鹽、糊辣椒面、花椒油、麻油、醬油、醋、木姜子油等等配製而成。其中,所用醬油或醋要用涼開水來兌過,水與醬油或醋加涼開水的比例一般是1.5︰1,才能保證口味輕重適度。年糕“年年高”年糕“年年高”,白領小妹妹愛好口彩,更愛地道的傳統美食滋味。夠甜嗎?夠香嗎?從崇明圍著稻柴火燒的灶頭,到徐家匯高層公寓,是四個小時的車程還是走過了幾千年?2008年1月18日一大清早6點鐘,崇明78歲的楊才輔老伯坐船往上海市區趕。經過45分鐘的輪渡、三個小時的長途汽車,他終於趕到了位於徐家匯的外孫女家。這一天,外孫女瑤瑤過生日,楊老伯是來送年糕的。1月17日,楊老伯花了一整天時間,揉粉、裹餡、蒸糕,一共做了兩個相當于18英寸生日蛋糕大小的蒸糕。瑤瑤看到的,已經是蒸熟切成條狀的年糕了,看得出棗子、芝麻等等誘人的芯子鑲嵌在白胖鬆軟的糕體上。瑤瑤把年糕帶到辦公室,微波爐里轉出的香味瀰漫開來,引得大家圍上來“哄搶”而光。為什麼這年糕這麼受歡迎?瑤瑤說:“超市里買的年糕沒有外公做的好吃。”而出生在市區的“年糕妹妹”,就沒瑤瑤這麼幸運了,她可迷你倉沙田一個會做年糕的外公。她說:“我最喜歡七寶老街上的阿毛年糕。不過今年漲價了,帶松仁的要28 元一塊了。2007年17元,2006年才15元。”“年糕妹妹”名叫趙曉璐,最喜歡吃年糕。雖說已經是盧灣區一幢寫字樓里的OL———Officelady,辦公室女郎,女白領,但每隔幾個禮拜,曉璐都會去閔行區的七寶老街買年糕吃。趙曉璐說,七寶年糕和崇明年糕的區別應該是———七寶年糕有豆沙餡,而崇明年糕沒有豆沙餡。農曆臘月十八,七寶老街熙熙攘攘。這個位於外環線附近的著名景點以小吃著名,白切羊肉、湯糰、扎肉,總是勾起無數小饕的饞蟲。阿毛年糕店門口也一如既往地人聲鼎沸,和剛剛遭遇“雪崩”的證交所形成了鮮明的對比。“七寶年糕今年要28元一塊?差不多的貨色,松江泗涇才7塊錢。”聽我報出七寶年糕的價格,我的嬸嬸郭鳳英女士不免驚訝。嬸嬸娘家有親戚在松江。在她的印象里,如今聞名遐邇的七寶年糕,它的發明者應該是松江泗涇人。嬸嬸告訴我:“年糕這東西幾百年前就有的。我小時候,過年去泗涇,鎮子上的親戚就會蒸年糕、蒸饅頭。特別是年糕,用每年九十月份收上來的新米做的。當時還是計劃經濟。鎮上的人吃商品糧,就會用洋秈米和鎮子外圍村里的農民調換糯米,用來磨水磨粉以蒸糕。”當時,即使上海市區的人也自己使用石磨磨糯米粉,很少有現成的糯米粉出售。嬸嬸回憶道,1970年代,一過農曆臘月十五,泗涇鎮上每家每戶都會磨水磨粉,然後等待鎮上請來的大師傅。請大師傅也不必花錢,每次蒸完糕大師傅會拿去一小塊作為酬勞。孩子們是最先吃到糕的人。圍著稻柴火燒的灶頭,孩子們眼睛緊盯著灶頭裡冒出的第一縷香氣,口水吸溜吸溜等待。糕蒸熟後第一個品嘗的是孩子,大人們會問小孩,夠甜嗎?夠香嗎?因為當時計劃經濟,許多食品還是憑票供應,蒸糕的料比如水磨粉啊、棗子啊、豆沙啊不能隨心所慾地放。家人聽了孩子的話,在蒸第二塊糕的時候會考慮是否添加配料。蒸糕風乾水分後,可以存放好幾個月,所以一般人家會做好幾塊。“後來七寶開發旅遊,特別是阿毛年糕名氣越來越大,首先開發出餡料蒸年糕的泗涇反而不大被人提起了。”嬸嬸有點感慨,“小時候去泗涇會路過七寶,倒是當時4分錢一塊的梅花糕挺好,現做的,冬天里吃著熱乎著呢!”別看松江如今是上海市下面的一個區,在明朝的時候,這裡可是松江府的所在地,與蘇州府並駕齊驅帶動著長三角的經濟。“怪不得松江的蒸糕里有餡料,而現在屬於長寧區的華漕出產的本地年糕,和崇明一樣沒有餡料,而且糯米的成分是50 %。原來當年松江才是市區,當年那裡的居民生活水平高啊!”聽了我嬸嬸的話,愛吃年糕的瑤瑤對我說。其實,年糕就是過年的一種民俗。如今許多上海人只以為寧波年糕做的湯年糕、炒年糕、排骨年糕是年糕,其實上海本地年糕見證了這個城市的發展與變遷,從小小的年糕里,我們竟然能看到當年上海的中心在松江呢!路過七寶的阿毛年糕店,我想到這點,不禁又排到了買年糕的隊伍中。何處尋覓油墩子最近看到這麼一則微博,講的是滬上路邊小吃蘿蔔絲餅———“金燦燦,香噴噴,麵粉里裹著蘿蔔絲,很多人的路邊攤記憶中應該有這種美食吧?它在上海叫油墩子,在杭州叫油墩兒,在溫州叫燈盞糕,也有的地方叫油墩果、油端子,或者直接叫蘿蔔絲餅,是不是很懷念啊,不知道現在哪裡還能吃到呢?油墩子就是蔬食、小葷裹了麵粉油炸。以前,下午3點到5點,是油墩子的黃金時間。當年在上海,那些小學、初中的校門口,石庫門房子的弄堂口,紡織廠的廠門口,煤球爐上支一口油鍋,豆油在鍋中翻著魚眼,火候不大不小。炸油墩子的阿姨,往往身穿著第一、第二乃至第十、第十八、第廿織布廠發的圍兜,用竹筷子撥拉油中吱吱哇啦著的油墩子。邊上的小老頭兒,用一把綁著筷子的長把柄的調羹,將面漿舀到鋼宗模子里,然後用筷子往模子里填蘿蔔絲,當蘿蔔絲填滿了,再灌入面漿,並用調羹稍微撥一撥,往當中再放一隻河蝦。然後老頭將模子放入大油鍋汆。汆上一會兒,“奇跡”發生了———那淺金黃色的油墩子,脫殼而出,浮了起來。這一幕,讓圍觀的小男生小女生們興奮不已,有人脫口而出:“潛水艇。”想來,當炸得金黃的“潛水艇”浮出油面的時刻,地球的另一端,披頭士正唱著《黃色潛水艇》,讓英倫乃至歐美的大男生、大女生興奮不已。在鄧麗君的小情小調都被稱為黃色歌曲、靡靡之音的年月,幸好這邊還有滿足口腹之欲的、炸得金黃的“潛水艇”,讓人們的生活不至於太單調。如今生活極大豐富了,那曾經尋常可見的油墩子,也在城市的大拆大建中,漸漸失去了蹤影。人們不屑于這樣低級的食物,而去尋覓富有異國情調的天婦羅、炸薯條。那些充滿鄉野情趣的小食,已經無處尋覓。那一日,我在一家大賣場,倒是見到了現炸的油條和油墩子。只是這油條,號稱用酸奶發酵,沒有加過明礬。而油墩子,實墩墩,不僅沒有河蝦,甚至連蘿蔔絲都劈得像木柴一般。總之,不是那個味兒……走出賣場,我一直在想,現代化城市就一定沒有街頭小食的容身之地嗎?同樣的油炸食品,比如北歐、德國的街頭,炸魚攤位上,也經常人頭攢動。也許,無論西方還是東方,人們都喜歡那有些溫暖、有些酥脆的油炸小食,能讓人有幸福的存在感。迷你倉價錢

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鄧華貴☉報道李白娟☉攝影“Running Man”人氣最旺的成員李光洙前兩天來新會粉絲,迷你倉庫他近期參與不少電影和電視作品,卻始終與獎項無緣,在記者會他應主持人要求,表演驚訝得獎的表情,還為粉絲表演招牌的“機械舞”,可謂有求必應。跳機械舞,模擬得獎後表露的雀躍心情……“Running Man”裡頭的“亞洲王子”李光洙日前在本地的記者會上,展現出“有求必應”的一面。李光洙是韓國人氣綜藝節目“Running Man”成員之一。他上周四來新三天,在星期五于聖淘沙名勝世界會議中心舉行的記者會上,展露了既親和又靦腆的一面。以模特兒身份出道的李光洙,近期參與不少電影和電視作品,曾獲得幾次演技獎提名,卻始終與獎項無緣。主持人因此在記者會上要求他示範,若有一天真獲得演技大獎,會有什麼反應?李光洙起初顯得害臊,後來在主持人的鼓勵下,開始在�人面前展露出極為驚訝、四處張望的演技,大聲說:“是我嗎?真是我嗎?”引來全場爆笑。結尾時,在主持人的要求下更是大展招牌式的逗趣“機械舞”表演,引來在場粉絲尖叫,可謂有求必應。人氣最旺,被封“亞洲王子”身高190公分的李光洙,一出場就成為全場焦點。在接受記者提問時,他時而顯得靦腆害羞,偶爾聽完問題後又會突然爆笑,然後給予意想不到的答案。例如開場,記者問他打算在幾歲結婚。聽完翻譯員的翻譯後,他突然哈哈大笑回答:“我目前還沒有任何結婚的打算,應該要等到(金)鐘國大哥結婚後才儲存到我吧。不過感謝你這麼關心我的人生大事!”令大家笑成一團。李光洙憑“Running Man”節目里的“背叛者”形象躥紅,本地記者會的話題不免圍繞著他在節目里的表現。有記者問他如何評估自己和其他成員在節目的排名,他說:“石鎮哥應該是勝算最低的成員,接著是哈哈、Gary、在錫哥和智孝姐……至於鐘國哥,他向來對這類排名很敏感,就讓他排在第一名好了,自己排第二!”“Running Man”每次拉隊到國外如泰國、澳門、香港等地方拍攝,李光洙在當地的人氣總是最旺,因此被冠以“亞洲王子”之稱。他坦言:“其實這個名稱是製作人和其他團員取的,我每次聽到都會感到很不好意思。”他對自己的外貌還是頗有信心,例如當有記者要求他以1到10自我評估外貌時,他給自己打了七八分。當在場粉絲高喊“11分!”時,他更是開心地笑得合不攏嘴。古裝劇《火之女神》首次挑戰反派除了在綜藝界贏得�多粉絲喜愛,李光洙也表示希望認真往演藝道路發展,未來能挑戰多種不同角色。他目前所參演的古裝劇《火之女神》正在韓國播出,並在裡頭首次挑戰反派角色,飾演不擇手段的惡人臨海君,與他之前所擔任過的一些傻乎乎、可愛型角色大不相同。李光洙說:“我的目標就是盡全力把每一部戲演好。要是能得獎當然是件好事,但身為演員,要是能為每一部作品竭盡所能,我想就已經夠滿足了。”讀者想觀賞李光洙在記者會上表演的“機械舞”,可上網.facebook.com/zbNOW。新蒲崗迷你倉

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 昨日一早,儲存倉李先生夫婦就將趕制的錦旗送往205路車隊,親手交給剛剛開完一趟車回來的姚慶龍。   鄒蓬 攝  記者 陳暄  6歲的小女孩獨自乘公交下錯站,205路公交車司機姚慶龍擔心孩子走丟,在徵得全車乘客同意後,掉頭找到女孩並將其安全送到家人身邊。昨日,本報報道《對不起,叔叔讓你早下了一站》在社會上引起強烈反響,近千網友紛紛通過微博、微信等方式給與讚揚和褒獎。同時人們也在關注:小女孩的父母怎麼會讓她獨自乘車?姚慶龍平時是個什麼樣的人?……昨日一早,記者再次來到205路車隊採訪,正好遇到小女孩的父母李先生夫婦為姚慶龍送來錦旗。  家長:我們只想鍛煉孩子  6歲的小女孩為什麼會獨自坐公交車?孩子的父親李申榮告訴記者:我們只想鍛煉孩子,沒想到會出現這麼曲折的故事。  “我盼了多年直到30多歲才有了這個女兒,所以特意給她取了個小名叫‘盼盼’。這次讓盼盼一個人坐公交車,其實是想鍛煉鍛煉她。因為我們住在205路公交車起點站附近,平時經常要坐這趟車去紫薇路口附近的盼盼外婆家,我們想著這條線路盼盼應該已經很熟悉了,而且她已經6歲多,加上有媽媽送上車,又有外婆在站下接,想著應該不會出什麼問題。哪知道,盼盼第一次一個人坐車就會出現這麼一段曲折的故事,還好,是有驚無險。”  “平時,我們坐205路公交送盼盼去外婆家,一般在25分鐘左右。所以我愛人把孩子送上車之後,就給我岳母打電話,囑咐她25分鐘後在紫薇路口站等盼盼。  可昨天岳母多等了10多分鐘才等到盼盼下車,她以為是在路上堵車耽誤了,也沒有多想。後來,我們無意中從媒體上知道了這件事,看到車上的小女孩很像我家盼盼,我就問她,昨天是不是有位公交叔叔送她回來,她馬上說‘那個叔叔真好,我下了車,找不到外婆。不知道為什麼,我哭的時候公交叔叔又回來了,又讓我坐了一次車’。”  “一聽到這個消息,我的第一念頭就是一定要去感謝這位師傅。當時是晚上10點多,我出門去找做錦旗的地方,可店子都關門了。早上7點多我就趕到205路公交車調度室,想當面向姚師傅說聲謝謝,他那時正在開車,我就立即找地方加急做了一面錦旗,上面寫著‘最美司機 誠實守信’,真的非常非常謝謝他!”  公司  授予姚慶龍“誠實守信好司機”稱號  發現孩子提前一站下了車,姚慶龍在徵得全車乘客同意的情況下,調轉車頭又將孩子接了回來。這一善舉的背後,人們不禁想到另一個問題,那就是公交司機擅自調整線路,會不會受到處罰?  “我知道公交車臨時改道是違規的,可當時情況緊急也就顧不了那麼多了。孩子的母親囑咐我關照她,我答應她了,這就是一種承諾,我要安全地將孩子送到才行。況且,這麼小的孩子丟了哪能不著急?”姚慶龍告訴記者,他當時就想著要趕快找孩子,如果違規要受處罰,他也會接受。  記者從205路公交車所在的長沙縣星沙公共交通有限公司獲悉,按照規定,駕駛員擅自調整線路要停車迷你倉沙田習3天,並罰款500元。但對因善舉造成的違規,不僅不處罰還會獎勵。公司已授予姚慶龍“誠實守信好司機”榮譽稱號。  同事  他答應的事從來沒有失約過   採訪中,記者發現姚師傅是一個話不多的人。沉默內斂的他在同事們眼中又是個怎樣的人呢?  “他人很好,平時找他代班他都很樂意。”在205路公交調度室,正在休息的幾位駕駛員告訴記者。據205路公交車隊長陳明介紹,姚師傅是常德人,以前是開長途車的,今年過年後才來車隊。雖然開公交時間不長,但他卻是一個很講信用的人,答應同事的事情從來沒有失約過,車隊也從來沒有收到過有關他的服務投訴。“住在附近的老人經常和我們說,姚師傅開車很細心,都是等老人坐好了才起步、等老人下車了才關門,從來不會催促他們。”  乘客  真想在這師傅身上點一千個贊  姚慶龍的善舉,最早是被一名車內乘客發現並發到網上的,網友“felity-mm”發微博稱,“真想在這師傅身上點一千個贊”。當她聽到駕駛員對小女孩真誠地說“小朋友,對不起啊,叔叔錯了,讓你早下了一站”時,瞬間被感動了。  昨日,記者通過微信聯繫上網友“felity-mm”,這位年輕的女孩對於自己的微博能被轉載上千次、產生如此大的影響感到很意外,“我是第一次坐205路公交車,在長沙晚報站上車後,就聽到司機師傅在和車內乘客商量要掉頭去接小女孩,當時是上午9點多,車上有20多名乘客,對於司機的建議,大家都表示理解,趕時間的乘客主動下車搭乘下一班車,不趕時間的乘客都留在了車里,大家要一起幫著找小女孩。”  “felity-mm”告訴記者,調轉車頭後,車內的10名乘客都不停地向窗外張望,幫著找尋小女孩。小女孩上車後,車內的阿姨大嬸都不停地誇駕駛員是位好司機,車廂里蔓延著濃濃的溫暖之情。“我的微博平時關注的人很少,這件事情後有很多網友給我留言,他們都坐過姚師傅的車,說他人特別好,每次有人問路都會很耐心地和乘客講清楚。”  相關鏈接  晚報請您隨手拍  記錄身邊“最美”  本報訊(記者 彭培成)“你在我心中是最美!”8月16日9時24分,晚報微博好友“felity-mm”用手機發的一條微博“好有愛心的公交師傅啊”,感動了許多人。短短的一天時間里,這條微博已經被轉發了上萬次。在我們身邊,有許許多多的“大愛與最美”,正等著我們用心去發現。  晚報手機報“最美拍客團”招募�動啦!歡迎各位拍客拿起手機,拍下這座古老城市生活中的新事、新風尚,通過長沙晚報新浪微博、騰訊微博以及長沙晚報微信“cswbweixin”發給我們。我們將第一時間在手機報發佈,並擇優在本報重要版面刊發。採用就有獎哦!  晚報手機報(湘江手機報)免費體驗活動正在進行中(注:免費體驗目前僅限省內移動手機號碼),從8月15日起,晚報手機報將不收取任何費用。歡迎各位拍客編輯短信XB到10658688免費體驗,瞭解更詳細的招募信息!迷你倉價錢

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埃及當局十四日清晨對聚集在首都開羅阿達維耶清真寺廣場及復興廣場的前總統穆爾西的支持者實施清場行動。行動開始後,self storage埃及全國多地爆發衝突。根據埃及官方數據,清場行動和各地衝突已造成超過六百人死亡,四千二百人受傷。穆斯林兄弟會則宣稱逾二千六百人喪生,萬人受傷。埃及局勢急劇惡化,令人擔憂埃及已經在混亂的泥潭中越陷越深。自從穆爾西七月三日下台以來,其成千上萬的支持者開始在阿達維耶清真寺廣場及復興廣場這兩個營地靜坐抗議,要求釋放穆爾西,並重新恢復其總統職位。埃及政府則指,抗議群�在首都靜坐示威,不僅引起暴力衝突,還造成交通混亂。在開齋節之前,國際派員斡旋,但調停失敗。同時全國暴力衝突有增無已,當局決心清場。埃及警方原計劃十二日早些時候行動,因走漏消息,穆爾西支持者聞訊開始在營地前壘起沙袋和石堆應對,擔心引發更多流血衝突,清場計劃延後了兩天。十四日,經過四個多小時行動,安全部隊在武裝推土機和催淚瓦斯的支持下完成清場。埃及內政部隨後宣佈“完全控制”了規模較小的復興廣場營地,廣場上的大部分帳篷已被移除。雖然埃及內政部發表聲明稱,警方在清場行動中只使用了催淚彈,而且警方已採取各種必要措施來驅散示威者,並允許示威者安全通過指定的出口離開現場。但從埃及國家電視台播放的畫面來看,廣場周邊高樓上部署了狙擊手,清場過程中,現場也曾發生激烈爆炸。目前,有關此次清場行動導致的人員傷亡數字各方說法不一。這次清場行動的時機選擇顯然經過縝密考慮,選在臨時政府提議和解、西方和波斯灣國家調停、宗教界倡議和談等努力均失敗後進行,是希望讓埃及民�和國際迷你倉為,武力清場是最後不得已的解決方案,以求減輕輿論對過渡政府和軍方的壓力。但事實是,這次清場行動的血腥程度比推翻前總統穆巴拉克時的暴力衝突還要嚴重,引起國際社會不安。許多國家對此提出譴責,作為埃及主要盟友的美國,總統奧巴馬在度假期間亦不得不發表講話,譴責埃及當局以暴力對待平民,又宣佈取消原定下月舉行的兩國聯合軍事演習。不過,奧巴馬也批評穆兄會焚燒教堂等暴力行為,而且至今奧巴馬政府仍未將推翻穆爾西的行動定性為政變,這意味著華府仍然會向埃及提供軍事援助。值得留意的是,在清場前,臨時總統曼蘇爾宣佈任命廿五名新省長,其中十七名來自軍方、兩名來自警察部門,其他六人包括兩名忠於穆巴拉克、敵視伊斯蘭教派的法官。穆爾西下台前任命的十一名來自穆兄會的省長被完全拔除。這令人懷疑,國防部長塞西利用地方政權培養軍警高層效忠,同時擴大對國家的掌控權。民運人士立即抨擊這次省長任命是重回獨裁老路。知名民運人士法塔在推特上說,“塞西就是穆巴拉克”。雖然穆兄會領導人之前稱埃及軍警不敢對示威者採取斷然行動,但埃及政府最終還是啟動了清場程序。這一行動再次激化了世俗自由派主導的臨時政府與穆兄會之間的矛盾,進一步撕裂埃及社會。埃及政府十四日宣佈國家進入緊急狀態,在開羅以及其他十個省實施宵禁,這意味著安全力量在執行任務時有更多權限,更方便逮捕示威者以及將他們拘留。穆兄會揚言,“我們將不斷起義,直至將軍隊推回兵營,恢復民主。”穆兄會又呼籲支持者參加大型示威。目前,埃及各地仍有衝突,埃及軍方的鎮壓和宵禁似乎未產生效果,這會否演變成更大規模衝突,值得關注。文件倉

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Rise in wiretapping of mobile phones during arrivals for Lunar New Year last year revealedA surge in Chinese visitors to the United States during Lunar New Year celebrations last year offers a clue to the scale of American spies’ wiretapping of citizens in China.mini storageAccording to a report on privacy breaches by the US National Security Agency, leaked by whistle-blower Edward Snowden and published by The Washington Po st yesterday, an 11 per cent rise in “roamer” incidents in the first quarter of last year may have been caused by the annual Chinese holiday.These incidents are when a “valid foreign target” whose mobile phone is being wiretapped without a warrant lands on American soil.The target becomes active in the US when they land and an individual warrant is needed to continue the wiretap, or else it would be a breach of US laws which protect the communications of Americans and others while they are in the country.The report, which tracked accidental and deliberate breaches, said that the rise in roamer incidents between January and March last year “may be attributed to an increase in Chinese travel to visit friends and family for the Lunar New Year holiday”.The classified audit was part of a number of wider leaks made by Snowden in June this year which exposed the domestic and global reach of the NSA’s cyberspying programmes.Snself storagewden further claimed, after he broke cover in Hong Kong, that US spies had been hacking into computers and mobile phones in Hong Kong and mainland China for years.The audit separated the violations into two categories: those in breach of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and those that flouted Executive Order 12333, which gives more power to spy agencies.In the 12 months to March 2012, the NSA broke privacy rules or overstepped its legal authority 2,776 times through the unauthorised collection, storage and access to, or distribution of, legally protected communications, The Washington Post reported.Most of the breaches were unintended and many involved failures of due diligence or violations of standard operating procedure.Roamer incidents accounted for the bulk of breaches (1,904) and were “largely unpreventable, even with good target awareness and traffic review, since target travel activities are often unannounced and not easily predicted”, the audit said.Meanwhile, the Hong Kong government said US officials had still not responded to a letter sent in June which sought answers to Snowden’s claims that the city’s computers had been hacked by US spies.Macau officials are also waiting for a response to a letter demanding answers over hacking claims, which was sent to the US consulate on July 3.Snowden’s Dell secrets A8迷你倉

sgusers10 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()《 光明日報 》( 2013年08月17日 01 版) 開欄的話 近來,迷你倉新蒲崗我國一些出境遊客的不文明行為成為國內外輿論關注熱點,引發國人深思。實現文明...

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Members of Hong Kong’s business elite say they fear that mounting political gridlock threatens the city’s ability to flourish in a changing world.迷你倉新蒲崗A growing number of Hongkongers are turning on Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying’s administration amid a slew of scandals, a perceived lack of progress on political reform and record-high housing prices. Street marches and protests are on the rise, with the threat of a shutdown of the streets in Central looming next summer if no progress is made towards universal suffrage.Speaking at a seminar on the city’s future hosted by the Post yesterday, businessman Vincent Lo Hong-shui said: “Business is deeply involved with politics.”“Unfortunately, the community in Hong Kong has become overly critical,” said Lo, chairman of listed developer Shui On Group. He feels the businessmen who have gone into politics have done little to help. “A lot of former businessmen don’t speak on behalf of their industry any more after becoming politicians. How would that work?”“I am very worried about the political situation in Hong Kong – my biggest worry for the city,” Lo said.Benjamin Hung Pi-cheng, chief executive of Standard Chartered Bank in Hong Kong, compared the current mentality of Hong Kong people towards business opportunities to “11 footballers staying in defence mode” rather than moving forward to try to score goals.“Within Hong Kong, we did very crap,” Hung said. “We are fighting each other and spending most of our energy doing that.”The c迷你倉出租ty’s high standard of living and its standing as an efficient and productive financial market, as well as its role as a logistics and shopping hub, have made it an attractive destination both for expatriate workers and international tourists.But despite its world-class legal and civic infrastructure, the political system remains underdeveloped and the power to elect the chief executive remains in the hands of a “small circle” election committee largely made up of establishment figures, including many of the city’s powerful tycoons.Beijing has indicated that the next chief executive poll in 2017 can take place by universal suffrage, and pressure is mounting on Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying to start a consultation on electoral reform amid fears the poll will be limited to candidates loyal to the central government.Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Professor Chan Ka-keung told the seminar: “There is no conflict between so-called integration with the mainland and maintaining Hong Kong’s characteristics.“I think you are wrong to try to say the choice is one or the other. The Hong Kong-mainland integration is about opportunities, people, culture and so on. At the same time, Hong Kong owns its own values, characteristics, strengths, which we haven’t emphasised or enhanced.”“If Hong Kong can’t maintain its strengths, it cannot compete anywhere in the world,” Chan said. “The message [about the strengths of Hong Kong] sometimes gets lost.”Ray Chan and Jeanny Yu儲存倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/旌城新貌。程果攝東汽百萬千瓦核電轉子正在加工。東電大型發電機定子裝配。旌湖三國文化主題公園。德陽經濟技術開發區產業園。人、鳥、自然和諧相處。  @華西都市報:這是一座古蜀文明與現代工業文明交相輝映的城市,迷你倉出租創新是這座城市的源動力,包容與開放是她特有的氣質,30年的發展變遷與產城融合,德陽正呈現出宜居、宜業、宜商的嶄新面貌和獨特魅力。德陽地處成都平原東北部,距省會成都47公里。現轄旌陽、廣漢、什邡、綿竹、中江和羅江六縣(市、區),幅員面積5911平方公里,人口389萬,是成渝經濟區和成德綿高新技術產業帶的重要組成部分。  作為四川重要的經濟增長極,發達的工業、便捷的交通使德陽擁有重裝之都的美譽。2012年,全市實現地區生產總值1280億元,居四川第三位;規模以上工業增加值653.5億元,居四川第二位。  發電設備產量連續7年居世界第一位,亞洲最大的雪茄生產基地,石油鑽機出口國內第一,國家首批新型工業化產業示範基地、聯合國清潔技術與新能源裝備製造業國際示範城市、全國社會管理創新綜合試點市、全國優秀旅遊城市……多張名片環繞著“重裝之都”德陽。人文德陽古蜀文明的發源地  一座城市,文化是靈魂,是底蘊,也是城市凝聚力的核心體現。  燦爛的歷史文明為德陽這座城市標注了神秘的文化符號。  1929年,三星堆的發現被譽為世界上最驚人的發現之一,昭示了長江流域與黃河流域一樣,同屬於中華文明母體,被譽為“長江文明之源”。  三星堆裝扮各異的青銅人像,可能是代表古蜀國的不同時代、不同部族或不同身份的祖先形象。金杖和金面罩是中國同時代其他任何文化區沒有的。  當然,這裡還有�多的三國文化、儒家文化、民俗文化,民間音樂和藝術也享譽中外。  “當經濟發展到一定程度時,城市就以文化論輸贏。”德陽市近年來抓住經濟快速發展的有利時機,捨得投入、敢於創新,逐步探索出了一條群�文化建設和精品文化建設相結合、統籌城市與農村一體化發展的文化建設新路。  20個“德陽元素”:三星堆古蜀文明遺址、中國年畫之鄉、德孝文化、白馬關-龐統祠、德陽文廟、德陽石刻藝術群、旌湖文化長廊、民俗文化節(系列)、川菜之父李調元、西川佛都等,從4800年前的古蜀文明,到近年落成的石刻藝術群,從非物質文化到道德力量再到人文之美,這座有著深厚文化底蘊的城市,再次出發。產業德陽 現代產業集群崛起  產業,特別是工業基礎雄厚,是德陽的鮮明特徵和最大亮點。德陽重大裝備製造業集群在中國乃至世界都具有巨大的影響力。  重大裝備、食品、化工是德陽三大傳統優勢產業,目前正步入產業結構調整和技術升級的快速期,這,無疑是德陽構建千億級支柱產業基礎中的基礎。  以重大裝備產業為例,今年初,德陽成為國內首個掛牌的“中國重大技術裝備製造業基地”,這是一個好開始。龍頭企業複蘇加快、中小企業創新集聚,一個集中度高、直奔國際產業高端的現代裝備製造業產業體系正在崛起。  通用航空產業揚帆起航,新能源新材料產業項目聚勢突破,新一代信息技術產業初現端倪……戰略性新興產業“遍地開花”,也為德陽實現次級突破發展布下新藍海。  審視德陽,正在建設和即將引入的大批產業項目,均圍繞先進重裝製造業和戰略性新興產業,涉及清潔能源、節能產品、軌道交通、航空、頁岩氣開采裝備等方面,一支支新生力量在未來將成為德陽做大優勢的新增長點。  如今的“重裝之都”,初步形成了高端裝備、新能源、新材料、節能環保、生物技術五大重點產業和新一代信息技術、新能源汽車兩大潛力產業加快發展的戰略性新興產業集群,並被聯合國工業發展組織確定為國內唯一的“清潔技術與新能源裝備製造業國際示範城市”,“德陽製造”正走向“德陽智造”。現代德陽 千億園區發展帶動  從全省來看,縣域經濟整體強,是德陽的顯著特色。充分發揮這一優勢,形成多點突破的整體競發,將是德陽次級突破的必然之勢。  綿竹與什邡,目前正步入災後振興發展關鍵期,走的是轉型驅動之路。綿竹,將旅遊業的發展與城市品牌打造相結合,力求形成新的增長點。什邡,提出以生態綠色標準引導產業發展,積極培育航空零部件製造、生物醫藥、節能環保等新興產業。  產業高端化發展是廣漢、旌陽區和德陽經濟技術開發區的共同路徑。志在打造中國油氣裝備製造第一園的廣漢,又將目光對準了通用航空這片新興領域。高新技術產業發展勢頭好的旌陽區,正在創建省級高新技術產業園區。經開區在引進了信義玻璃、博力迅鋰離子儲能電池等大項目後,正加快建設國內一流的新材料基地。  7月上旬,一個好消息傳來,在新近出爐的四川“51025”重點產業園區儲存倉展計劃中,德陽5個園區入圍:德陽經開區成為未來5年全省5個營業收入超過2000億元的培育園區之一,廣漢經開區為1000億元培育園區,德陽高新區、綿竹經開區、什邡經開區則被納入500億元培育園區。  此外,中江的興隆?輯慶工業園區、羅江經開區等新興產業園區,也開始奮力直追。前者近日被確立為成德兩地合建工業園的所在地,後者在引進了清華同方3C產業園項目後,擴大了原有電子信息產業的基礎,未來或可成為德陽承接成都電子信息產業轉移的前沿地。當前,各園區定位清晰,有分工有合作,以陣列發展態勢和梯度發展層次形成合力,為德陽經濟的整體提升注入強勁動力。生態德陽 田園都市城景呼應  黨的十八大報告提出,把生態文明建設放在突出地位,融入經濟建設、政治建設、文化建設、社會建設各方面和全過程,努力建立美麗中國。  建設現代化美麗德陽有著豐富的內涵,其中之一就是把德陽建設成一個環境優美的宜居城市,通過最嚴格的資源環境保護措施,讓德陽的天更藍、水更清、地更綠、空氣更清新,讓全市人民擁有更加舒心的居住環境,享受更多環境福利。  每天,德陽中心城區大大小小的廣場和十六公里的旌湖兩岸,總能看到不少鍛煉和休閒的人們,或舞劍或太極或慢跑或抽牛兒。  而綿延16公里的旌湖,則迎來千里之外的客人??紅嘴鷗。它們和大雁以及其他一些水鳥,和來看它們的人們嬉戲,人、鳥與自然界在這裡和諧相處。  “北方的鳥兒,飛越千里都要來的城市,你說她美不美?你說她生態不生態,宜居不宜居?”李芳田老人在旌湖邊打著太極,有跑步路過的人們跟他打著招呼,看來已經很熟悉了,“這麼好的環境,這麼好的空氣,不能浪費了,趁著還活著,多享受點。”  如今,從中心城區風景秀美的旌湖邊,到方興未艾的新區建設現場,到處是美麗的自然生態,到處是新興的產業氣息。從旌湖一枝獨秀到綠色翡翠環城,德陽將綠色輕巧地點綴在城市之間,這種設計理念更多地考慮了人居環境感受和城市持續發展。  以城際車站為起點,德陽從西向東將形成一條寬80米、長3000米的城市景觀中軸線,並在核心區域建設一座占地80公頃的濱河中央公園,呈現森林城市的生態美景。2013年,“郵票綠地”將成為德陽重點建設項目,依托城市水系,以生態景觀和城市公園組建環城“翡翠綠帶”,努力實現出門步行500米就能夠見綠的生態建設目標。  綿遠河、石亭江和萬畝良田將作為營造城市特色的生態本地要素,屆時人工景觀水系將連接旌湖與石亭江,將核心區打造成“環湖築城、水街連江,引田入城、都市阡陌,城景交融、中央創新”的“現代都市田園與特色水城”。  優美的環境,是資源,是財富,是生產力,更是競爭力。新區建設,把區域生活品質高、城市文明程度高、社會管理水平高、生活環境質量高、人民群�幸福感強的美麗德陽建設進一步推向深入。宜居德陽城鄉統籌產城升級  在區域經濟結構發生重大改變的當下,西部大開發深入西部腹地、成渝經濟區建設方興未艾、天府新區規劃如火如荼,德陽將抓住成都第二繞城高速、環成都經濟區高速公路和成綿樂城際鐵路建設的機遇,積極推進天星大道、旌江大道等成德快速通道建設加快推進成德同城化,其加快推進統籌城鄉和城鎮化的大好機會已經來臨。  打破行政界線,�動旌東新區和亭江新區建設,按照“以產興城、以城帶產、產城融合、互動發展”的思路,德陽將建立“1+5+X”組團城鎮群市域城鎮體系結構和“三環五廊”中心城區市域空間結構,分片區完善中心城區服務功能,大力發展現代商貿產業,均衡發展公共服務業,以增強人口、產業承載能力。  根據規劃,2015年,德陽要實現百萬人口大城市規模,中心城區面積達到100平方公里。到2030年,則要實現200平方公里和200萬人口的區域中心特大城市規模,成為四川重要的區域中心城市和山水宜居城市。  在“大城夢”的引領下,德陽的小城鎮建設也有其生動實踐。  羅江白馬關鎮打出三國文化旅遊牌,什邡紅白鎮的高山度假,綿竹土門遵道等鎮聯合打造的沿山鄉村旅遊觀光小鎮集群,綿竹孝德年畫村利用綿竹年畫這個非物質文化遺產品牌構建的4A級景區,成德共建的中江興隆?輯慶工業園區呈現的園城一體發展,廣漢小漢鎮主動融入德陽市亭江新區打造不鏽鋼產城基地……  目前,德陽已步入推動新型城鎮化的黃金時期。  為實現“新城市”夢想,德陽正加快推進新型城鎮化,著手打造“中國西部地區最具競爭力的城鎮群”。結語  如果您想瞭解中華燦爛的古蜀文明,那麼到德陽來。  如果您想感受中國改革開放30年所聚集的能量,那麼到德陽來。  品味一座城市,觸摸她靈動的脈搏,德陽帶來的想象充滿無窮的魅力和機遇。 華西都市報記者唐金龍  本版圖片除署名外均為德宣供圖迷你倉沙田

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香港文匯報訊(記者 鄭治祖)「港台經濟文化合作協進會」(「協進會」)主席李業廣,新蒲崗迷你倉將於本月19日訪問台北兩天,推動港台交流與合作,並準備「協策兩會」於9月下旬在香港舉行第四次聯席會議。 李業廣將於8月19日下午抵達台北,與「台港經濟文化合作策進會」(「策進會」)董事長劉德勳會面,審視港台兩地各項合作範疇的進展,以準備兩會於9月下旬的第四次聯席會議。同日晚上,李業廣mini storage出席由香港經濟貿易文化辦事處為支持「亞洲青年管弦樂團」赴台演出而舉行的酒會,並擔任酒會的主禮嘉賓。 李業廣將於8月20日上午參觀台北市文化設施,了解台灣文創事業的最新發展,同日下午結束訪台行程返港。「協進會」和「策進會」是香港和台灣之間探討公共政策合作的協商平台。兩會成立至今舉行了三次聯席會議及多項互訪活動,共同推展包括經貿、文化、旅遊、民生方面多個優先合作範疇。self storage

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There are cafes, and then there are speciality coffee joints.迷你倉沙田 BT Weekend rounds up the latest fray of cafes hoping to brew a more robust speciality coffee scene in SingaporeCommon Man Coffee Roasters22 Martin Road, #01-00Tel 6836 4695Hours 8am to 7pm dailySINGAPORE'S speciality coffee scene has become so trendy of late that new entrants easily fall into the trap of gunning for style over substance. Common Man Coffee Roasters, however, seems to have gotten both parts down in equal measure.Firstly, it comes backed by both coffee and retail heavyweights: the fortnight-old, 60-seater is a collaboration between the Spa Esprit Group, Harry Grover of 40 Hands Coffee in Tiong Bahru, and Australian speciality coffee roaster, Five Senses Coffee, a wholesale-only business that supplies Australia-roasted coffee to the group's outlets.Style-wise, they've thankfully skipped the predictably broody industrial-chic design brief, forging their own path instead with whimsical three-legged chairs and a glamorous marble bar as the centrepiece of the brightly lit, 2,500 sq ft space.And instead of inundating the budding java lover with jargon-clad beverage options, the coffee menu here comes in four simple choices: black ($5) or white ($4.50) espresso coffees, filter coffee ($6) or Back Room coffee (market price). Back Room coffees are made from award-winning beans brought in only in limited quantities, while filter coffees are either dripped through a Hario v60 pour over or an AeroPress for a cleaner, brighter caffeine kick. Two single origins are featured each month, with a spotlight on a robust Sumatran and a citrus-tinged Ethiopian for August. Advanced coffee geeks can also request bespoke brews.Unlike at most coffee joints, the food at Common Man is far from an afterthought - and substantial enough to keep even non-coffee drinkers coming back.Now-ubiquitous eggs benedict ($24) gets a gourmet lift with braised ox cheeks and organic eggs, but for something truly original, try the green pea fritters topped with slivers of crispy pancetta and balsamic syrup ($22), or the Turkish breakfast ($25), a refreshing salad of hummus, feta and tomato padded with pita bread. A soft poached egg encased in a slightly sweet nest of phyllo pastry steals the limelight.While Common Man is a coffee retail spot for now, Mr Grover and his team have their sights set on expanding into roasting and wholesaling coffee beans to other speciality cafes here and in the region by the end of the year.A roaster fronted in a glass-encased room onsite supplies the cafe's needs, while a larger industrial roastery will soon be set up for the wholesale business.While Mr Grover will oversee the retail aspects, American barista Andrew Kent, re-assigned from Five Senses' Barista Academy in Melbourne, will man the roasting and wholesale business. A confessed coffee geek who efferverscently takes our questions on everything from coffee presses to his year spent in Ethiopia tracking coffee supply chains, Mr Kent adds that cupping sessions and coffee appreciation classes will be rolled out soon - a luxury that space-constrained sister outlet 40 Hands did not have."When we first started 40 Hands in 2010 on a shoestring budget of $30,000 and in a quiet street in a traditional neighbourhood, everyone said we were crazy," says Mr Grover. "Now, the speciality coffee scene in Singapore has progressed so much that everyone has gone from drinking Starbucks to running a cafe-roastery almost overnight.""But it has missed a few steps along the way," he adds. "And that's where we want to step in, with the pedigree and expertise of Five Senses, to give the speciality coffee scene here that nudge forward."By Debbie Yongdebyong@sph.com.sgDrury Lane94 Tanjong Pagar RoadTel 6222 6698Open weekdays from 9am to 10pm, and weekends from 10am to 6pm. Closed on TuesdaysMUFFINS may well be the new doughnut as folks swing by Drury Lane for their favourite cup of java and a crumbly pay-as-you-wish muffin in various flavours including kaya, black sesame and taro.Yes, "pay-as-you-wish". Which means you can pay as little or as much as you like for a muffin, and the caf?m owners are not allowed to gripe about it, says one co-owner, Marilyn Liew, 25. She later reveals that the most they have gotten for one muffin so far was $10 while the least was 50 cents.Ms Liew is one of five people who started Drury Lane after realising that they shared a common goal of opening their own caf?m. Since Ms Liew attended culinary school in Australia, she does the baking every morning, and helps with the cooking in the afternoons.Another co-owner, Chin Chia Hwee, 27, focuses mainly on the coffee served in the caf?m. They get their coffee beans from Australian coffee chain Toby's Estate, but blends them in-house so they can tweak the mixture as and when they feel the need.Mr Chin, who got his barista training from previous work in cafes, describes his coffees as "a choice of the exciting blend or comfort blend". The blends are seasonal though, so you won't get the exact same flavour every time you drop by, but it would still be a good cup, he says. An espresso costs $3.50 while a cappuccino costs $4.50.As for their menu, it includes a standard all-day brunch menu, and a list of specials that changes every other day like the prawn laksa pasta ($14), beef rendang lasagna ($14) or smoked duck sandwich ($10).One staple item on the brunch menu is Ms Liew's own creation - baked eggs. Basically it's a concoction of tomatoes, homemade baked beans, a choice of meat like bacon or salmon, topped with eggs and cheese and baked in the oven. While it has a rather overpowering taste of tomato, the flavours still work nicely to earn its place in the brunch menu for $12.By Rachel Loirachloi@sph.com.sgDepartment of Caffeine15 Duxton RoadTel 6223 3426Open weekdays from 10.30am to 7.30pm and weekends from 9.30am to 7.30pmA NAME like Department of Caffeine might suggest a speciality in coffee. Owner Andrew Lek, 35, doesn't discount the importance of it, but his real speciality is actually his hot chocolate."When you open a caf?m, hot chocolate is the thing most people tend to forget. But some people don't want to drink coffee after 4pm or 5pm. So instead of just using chocolate sauce or Hershey's, I have this," he explains. The drink he refers to is a M?rk speciality hot chocolate ($6.50) imported directly from a small company located in Melbourne. It's actually Venezuelan chocolate grounded into powder, so it tastes richer than the usual hot chocolate.As for his coffees, Mr Lek brings them in from an Australian coffee roaster company called Five Senses Coffee. He usually has a house blend, a single origin blend plus another three or four filter coffees, where the latter two would rotate depending on seasonal availability. An espresso costs $4, while a cappuccino costs $5.Another thing Mr Lek believes caf?m owners tend to forget about is the quality of food. According to him, before starting Department of Caffeine, Mr Lek had visited many cafes in Singapore, and felt that the food served was fairly straightforward, if not a bit bland."There wasn't a place where attention and detail was applied to both food and coffee, so I thought that was the right time to start my own," he adds.His caf?m is located in a little corner of Duxton Road that's easily missed if you're not looking out for it. Which is what Mr Lek liked about the space in the first place.The menu is designed by his head chef, Benedict Yong, a 23-year-old graduate from Temasek Polytechnic, with input from Mr Lek. There's an "over the counter" section where $15 buys you a choice of salad and main for diners who are in a hurry, as well as a "from the kitchen" section where mains take a little longer to cook and are priced differently. All the items change every now and then to keep things fresh, but a couple of dishes have stayed since the caf?m's opening in April.One of these is the 8hr pulled pork sandwich ($14.50) with a tender meaty filling covered in barbeque sauce and coleslaw. It's messy to eat, but at least Mr Lek promises that no one in his casual caf?m will judge you for licking the sauce off your fingers.By Rachel LoiThe Coffee Shot103 Lavender StreetTel 6299 5909https://.facebook.com/thecoffeeshottkc/Open Mon, Wed-Sat: 10am to 10pm; Sun: 9am to 7pm. Closed on TuesdaysDON'T be fooled by The Coffee Shot's European-inspired d?mcor and increasingly hipster location ie Jalan Besar. Owner Bryan Tan is into equal-opportunity coffee appreciation, in that "everyone, such as youngsters, as well as aunties and uncles, can enjoy our coffee".Hence, his local-inspired concept which serves drinks such as Old School Ice, which is really just a fancy name for the coffee shop classic, kopi-peng (iced coffee).The difference is that the five-month-old cafe uses 100 per cent arabica beans and includes an espresso shot in every cup of coffee it serves - hence the name, The Coffee Shot."A lot of coffee houses these days target the younger generation, but we want to cater to all age groups," says Mr Tan. "I feel that good coffee should be enjoyed by people of all ages, not just the young ones."For those a little more adventurous, you can take on some of the cafe's speciality coffees, namely the Honey Con Leche, which is "sort of a latte with honey"; the Chinchulilla, which contains peach liqueur with a honey latte; and the Rome Holiday, a milk coffee with baileys, peach liqueur and whipped cream - all inclusive of that espresso shot, of course.On why he's so enthusiastic about espresso, he simply replies: "Personally, I have to drink coffee every day . . . I can even drink two cups of arabica coffee at a time. I like coffee - so why not?"Coffee is the main draw although there is a small menu which also emphasises local flavours. The Old School Bun is the familiar childhood egg and luncheon meat snack, and there's also otah pizza. There are also few Western options such as poached eggs and ham, as well as cakes and sandwiches.Mr Tan, who has helmed several F&B ventures including cafes and western food stalls, struck out on his own so he could indulge in his coffee passion and also he felt there was room for a concept 迷你倉價錢ike his. Since the cafe launched in March this year, business has been gradually improving, and Mr Tan is confident it will improve even more as the area is currently going through a revival of sorts. "There are a lot of coffee places coming up here, but mostly along Jalan Besar road itself, while ours is at Lavender Street. But I see us as co-existing rather than competing. There is definitely a market for plenty of coffee places in the area," he adds.By Natalie Kohbtnews@sph.com.sgCraft Bakery & Caf?m24 Lorong MambongTel 6467 7710Open Sundays to Thursdays from noon to 11pm, and Fridays to Saturdays from noon to midnightTHREE years after siblings Celine and Kevin Yeo made a name for themselves selling molten lava cakes at their dessert bar 3-Inch Sin, they decided to branch out with a casual eatery - the month-old Craft Bakery & Caf?m at Holland Village.?"The idea of a caf?m always enticed me. But we didn't want to dilute 3-Inch Sin's concept by selling sandwiches, so we opened this instead," says Kevin, 32. According to him, Holland Village was the ideal location because it held many childhood memories for the pair. So when they chanced upon the available space, they knew they had to take it.?Craft is a bright, modern-looking caf?m with wooden benches and white walls that offers a refreshing contrast to the pubs around the area.?Of course, you can still find their famous 3-inch in diameter molten lava cakes ($9.50) there, among a list of other cakes and pastries that Celine bakes at the central kitchen every day. But Craft was also intended as an opportunity for a wider and more adventurous menu, so that includes mains such as sandwiches, pastas, and pizzas.?One unique creation is The Craft ($11.50) - an unconventional sandwich made up of waffles filled with maple-caramelised bacon and green apple slaw with mustard. While the combination may sound a little daunting, they do a decent job of balancing one another out.?And if you don't feel like having the molten lava cake for dessert, they have others like a slice of red velvet cake ($7.50) with cream cheese and covered in a layer of shredded coconut.?As for coffee, they get their blends from local coffee roaster called Papa Palheta, which has also been supplying coffee to 3-Inch Sin for two years.What's different about this coffee is that there is a bit of a chocolate flavour to it, to go with the sweet desserts that Craft offers, says Kevin. After all, what goes better with chocolate than more chocolate?By Rachel LoiBrawn & Brains100 Guillemard Road #01-07https://.facebook.com/brawnbrains.sgOpen Tue-Sun: 11.30am to 8.30pmWHEN Gwen Peh, 30, and Xavier Teo, 37, decided to open their own cafe, they just wanted a quiet place for them to roast their own coffee beans and share a cuppa with their fellow coffee-loving friends.Sure, a little extra business would be nice, but they weren't exactly expecting much tucked away in a corner of the Old Badminton Hall at Kallang.But since their soft launch two weeks ago, they've been getting a pretty decent crowd during the weekends - and not just from the usual rock-climbing enthusiasts from the climbing gym next door."Suddenly we were getting customers who would come in all dressed up in designer wear, which isn't common in this area," Mr Teo shares. "It turns out they found out about us through Instagram because someone posted a photo of our cafe, so people decided to come and check us out. We're so amazed at how powerful social media is. And we are quite happy about it, of course."For now, the caf?m is offering a Brazilian single-origin coffee with nutty overtones, but they will be introducing some original coffee blends into the menu in a couple of weeks - once Ms Peh and Mr Teo have worked out the kinks of the cafe operations and fine-tuned the blends.And even though the blends haven't been finalised yet - one thing's for sure: they will be made from organic beans. "We noticed that there's a lack of organic blends in the market right now, and we want to promote healthy food," says Mr Teo. "I'm planning to have maybe two to three origins to one blend - all organic."While coffee had always been a big part of Mr Teo's life, it was only a few years ago that he was hit by inspiration to start roasting his own beans."I visited Milan a few years back and I just loved the coffee culture there. So I got the idea to start doing my own coffee, and since most of my friends love coffee as well, I thought of buying a roaster that we could all benefit from," he remembers.He began buying raw beans, reading up on coffee roasting, and experimenting with his roaster until he found himself liking the idea of having his own blends more and more. "It felt quite nice to have some personal touch to my coffee," he says.And that, perhaps, is precisely the appeal of cafes with their own coffee blends - that personal touch in each blend that doesn't shout "mass production" like the commercial brands do.The caf?m currently offers a staple of sandwiches and cakes in the daily menu. Ms Peh bakes the cakes fresh every morning, and shares that her Lavender and Earl Grey Pound Cakes are among the more popular choices with customers.On why they chose the Old Badminton Hall to open shop, Mr Teo shares that it was really by chance - he had been passing by and noticed that there was an empty shop space."Both of us liked that it wasn't too crowded. And a place like this has a very strong character because of its history; at the same time, we're bringing something new and modern to it," he says.By Natalie KohAnythingz Caf?m139 Tyrwhitt Road #01-03https://.facebook.com/anythingzcafeOpen Mon to Wed: 8am to 8pm; Fri & Sat: 8am to 10pm; Sun 10am to 10pmIT takes some guts to open a cafe right across the highly popular Chye Seng Huat Hardware, but Jackey Wong doesn't seem too bothered by the competition."Every cafe has its own identity and specialities," he says. "Our coffee is different from theirs, so it's really up to the customers' personal preferences."Seeing that there was little point in trying to compete with the special coffee blends offered by cafes in the surrounding area of Jalan Besar, Mr Wong decided to take a more tried-and-tested path: selling a well-known brand of coffee.During his six-year stay in Sydney, Australia, he fell in love with Vittoria Coffee, and decided to bring that into Anythingz Cafe, which he opened in March this year."I chose this brand because I was most familiar with it, and you would like it even if you weren't a coffee person," he shares. "The espresso doesn't taste acidic, and you can actually taste a bit of sweetness in it."But perhaps the most attractive thing about the cafe is its intimate, homely feel, thanks to a small seating space for up to 26 people, and delightfully homemade food that he makes himself every day."I just wanted to have a relaxing place for people to have nice coffee, dessert and food," Mr Wong says. "My intention was to create a cosy hangout place for high tea and chit chat."Most of the food, like the breakfast sets, sandwiches, pizza and pasta, are made from his own personal recipes, created through rounds of trial and error. "I wanted to have a variety of international and western food," Mr Wong says. "So I take some inspiration from photos that I find on the Internet, then I look for different recipes and ingredients for each dish, and experiment with them."Even a few of the desserts, such as the Cr?ome Brulee, Mille Crepes, Chocolate Mousse and Tofu Cheese Cake are homemade, while the others are imported from France.Being a small establishment, the cafe offers a very personalised form of service as well. Mr Wong is currently a one-man show, so he meets all his customers personally and tries to remember all of them. Which is probably why he gets plenty of return customers."I try to give good and friendly service so that customers would feel good here and come back again. That way, new customers become regular customers, which will definitely boost my business," he offers."By Natalie KohRevolution Coffee21 Media Circle, #01-03ATel 6777 2110Open weekdays from 8am to 5pm and weekends from 10am to 6pmWHEN someone is passionate about what they do, it shows. So it does with 33-year-old Ajie Permana, who talks about coffee-making techniques involving temperature, pressure or his custom-painted coffee machine with the energy of an excited child."The most important thing about coffee is to keep it consistent. So you have the same cup no matter who makes it. Because coffee is a living and breathing thing," he explains.Though he has a degree in mechanical engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Mr Permana worked a few jobs in other fields like marketing, where he had the opportunity to travel to Australia where he was exposed to their growing caf?m scene.Before opening his now-three-month-old caf?m, Revolution Coffee, Mr Permana contacted coffee roasters from all over Australia, and eventually chose eight different coffees from four different roasters. He then conducted a blind taste test at home with his friends, and picked what later became his house blend - Reservoir Road by Single Origin Roasters, a small company with their own caf?m in Sydney. It is a mix of beans from Burundi, Ethiopia and Costa Rica, blended together to give a smooth caramel taste, he says.And while the house blend has a more fruity and acidic flavour profile, Mr Permana also makes sure to carry a contrasting earthy blend that rotates every two weeks.An espresso costs $3.50, while a cappuccino costs $5.50.The caf?m itself has a laidback, cosy atmosphere, with a bit of an "indie" feel. Hanging on the ceiling is a lamp made of used coffee filters, while the tables are made of beer crates and recycled wood from our local stadium benches. Not to mention, on the wall is a black-and-white wallpaper art piece by the "sticker lady", Samantha Lo.And since his main interest is in coffee, Mr Permana hired food consultant Shen Tan of Wok & Barrel to help him construct a menu to suit his caf?m. The food leans towards local fusion, such as low fat chicken satay breast salad ($8) and sticky date pudding with gula melaka sauce and ice cream ($9.90).By Rachel Loi迷你倉庫

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Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelAug.迷你倉價錢 16--Business owners Tom and Marji Snyder don't take many vacations. Unless you count the backyard at their Town of Jackson home. They vacation there every night.The deck is where the owners of Trivera Interactive, a digital agency in Menomonee Falls, catch a breath, open a bottle of Zinfandel and settle in with their dogs Kayley and Miss Muffett. When the air begins to chill, the Snyders move a little closer to the built-in fire pit."We try to make it a home that gives you this feeling," Marji said. "It should be a place to be comfortable."The Snyders had the deck in mind when they bought the property. They had a similar deck, a similar view (down to the wood chip paths through the woods), and a similar house in Germantown, but after five years they identified a few things they would have done differently.So they did them.The couple sold that house and rebuilt a version of it in Jackson, with the changes. For example, the couple had a hot tub on the deck in the former house but put it under skylights in the sunroom next to the deck in this house. That way they can leave the doors open to enjoy snowy nights in the tub but not have to deal with snow and ice to get there.The Snyders expected they would call it home for three years and then sell again.That was seven years ago.In that time the couple, whose Menomonee Falls business is in an old mill that dates to 1891 and decorated in a contemporary style, discovered antiques. Specifically, they discovered a mother lode of antiques in Tom's dad's house after he died. After loading three dumpsters with old items, they took a second look at a few of the trunks, oil heaters, oil lamps and other items he left behind and began to respect, restore and redecorate with them."People might find it ironic that we have antiques," Tom said. Suddenly the people who spend their days in the digital age were coming to a home filled with tools and furniture from the 1900s."We just thought it was junk until he died," Marji said. "Pretty soon we were replacing our stuff. It started with that trunk.""That trunk" is front and center in the living room. Tom's father would refinish vintage trunks and more. Another trunk holds magazines about decorating with antiques. It wasn't refinished when the Snyders took it home, so they sold it on eBay. When it came up for sale there, completely redone, they bought it back."Turns out the guy that bought it knew my dad," Tom said.An old school table holds an aquarium. An Ideal oil heater dating to the early 1900s serves as an end table. The couple also salvaged the one working cuckoo clock from the dozen that were "mostly in pieces," Tom added.Red Wing jugs serve as accent pieces on shelves and wooden toolboxes hold potpourri and sachets on the dining room table. The eye is drawn to birdhouses above the cupboards and on the walls in the kitchen, which is open to the dining and living room. The sideboard, which replaced the couple's former hutch, is not an antique but is made from 100-year-old reclaimed wood from a Malaysian fishing village (they bought it online), and the dining room table is made from reclaimed bar wood from Canada.Off the dining room is the master bedroom. The bed and dresser are contemporary pieces but are accented with antiques. In the modern bathroom, Marji filled a vintage toolbox with items one would find in an old-fashioned medicine chest.Nearly every room迷你倉庫in the house holds an oil lamp from Tom's dad, with the exception of one bedroom. When Marji says they attempted to replicate their previous home, that includes a now-grown son's bedroom that is decorated with a "Survivor" theme. Stuffed monkeys hang from lattice attached to the ceiling and laced with green vines.Just outside the room is a mural that a friend painted. The portrait includes the "margarita path" the couple forged in the woods to and from the home of their neighbors, who shared their taste for the cocktail. Music plays on speakers in every room and the front porch. Visitors begin to sense a theme. The Snyders like to entertain.Enter the basement. The couple did much of the work themselves turning the vacant space into a posh pub.Tom and a friend built the room's large bar using old construction scraps. Marji stained it all. He also put in the half-bath."Tom would watch a YouTube video and then come down here and hang a door," Marji said. She would stain it. A projection screen hangs in one corner for movies. They added a window from the exercise room so the couple could watch movies while they work out.Inspiration came from an old tavern table they found at an antique show (no one is more surprised than the Snyders that they have begun shopping at antique shows).They added a pool table, a ceiling that only looks like stamped metal and an engineered wood floor. They also added a wine cellar/cigar room using a door with a speakeasy-like peephole that they found online and on the cheap because it was scratched and dented (you can't tell).Inside, wine is displayed on shelving they bought from Blatz Liquor in Milwaukee after it closed. They met the former owner on Twitter, as they have many of their new friends."It's a feeling of being at a bar," Marji said. "And the booze is free," Tom said."I think men like it a lot down there. It's a good man cave," Marji said.The Snyders, along with their dogs (who have their own Twitter account @KaleyTzuMuffet2), sat on the deck to talk a little about their four-bedroom house in a cul-de-sac.Q. How would you describe your decorating style?Marji: My decorating style is romantic rustic. It has a little masculine touch.Q. Where do you spend the most time when you're home?Marji: It would be here (outside on the deck). After work we make dinner. We come out here and have wine. And then we transition to the chairs and have a fire. If it's too rainy or too cold, then we're just in the living room.Q. You said you entertain often. How so?Tom: We have Packer parties downstairs (basement) with the big screen.Marji: Don't forget the "Moulin Rouge" party. With absinthe.Tom: One night on Twitter someone tweeted a line from the Nicole Kidman movie, and then someone else tweeted another line. There was a whole community of people who loved the "Moulin Rouge" movie.Marji: We had a party out here (on the deck) with some food out here and some inside and then someone read passages from "50 Shades of Gray."Tom: Once a year we have the overnight party. We play games, get crazy and no one has to worry about driving.Marji: The theme is "Lighten up, have a sleepover." A friend wanted to get bumper stickers that said that. We said no.Q. What do you want people to know about your home?Marji: This is us.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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ExhibitionsFlame and the SeaGroup exhibition featuring paintings, sculptures and installations by Gao Weigang, Huang Yuxing and Ouyang Chun.迷你倉出租 Aug 17, 11am-8pm, Galerie Perrotin, 17/F, 50 Connaught Rd, Central. Inquiries: 3758 2180. Ends Aug 17Lover and ArtistBeijing-based artist Fang Lu makes her debut in the city with a three-part multimedia installation that includes two video works and one text-based LED display. Aug 17, noon-6pm, P�kin Fine Arts (Hong Kong), 16/F Union Industrial Bldg, 48 Wong Chuk Hang Rd, Aberdeen. Inquiries: 2177 6190. Ends Aug 17Meeting PointDual show by Taiwanese artists Tsai Char-wei and Wu Chi-tsung featuring works influenced by the preservation of Chinese culture. Aug 17, 10am-7pm, Edouard Malingue Gallery, 1/F, 8 Queen’s Rd Central. Inquiries: 2810 0317. Ends Aug 17The Origin of Dao: New Dimensions in Chinese Contemporary ArtMore than 30 artists from Taiwan, Hong Kong and the mainland display paintings, lacquerware, ceramics, installations, videos and animations that reflect contemporary Chinese art. Aug 17, 10am-8pm, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST, HK$10, free on Wed. Inquiries: 2721 0116. Ends Aug 17Performing ArtsThe 3rd Asian Grand PrixBallet competition featuring international dancers between the ages of nine and 24. Aug 17, 2pm: semi-finals, HK$150, HK$200: Aug 17, 4.10pm, Aug 18, 2pm : finals, HK$200-HK$350; Aug 18, 8pm : awards ceremony and gala, HK$100 Urbtix. Y-Theatre, Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Rd, Chai Wan. Inquiries: 6405 1999 (English and Japanese) or 5635 7928 (Chinese)DetentionFourth run in the city for the non-verbal comedy centring on an after-school detention session with a group of students and a teacher that turns into complete mayhem. Aug 17-18, 2.30pm, 5.30pm, Aug 17, 8.30pm, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, HK$190, HK$260 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2144 5335Isla School of DanceThe ballet school celebrates its 5th anniversary with a public performance. Aug 17, 3pm, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, 1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, HK$150-HK$350 HK Ticketing. Inquiries: 2915 0822Joyous Foundation Fund-RaisingFundraising concerts featuring student and professional bands. Proceeds go to Music for All, a charity that offers music courses for students. Aug 17, 3pm, 10pm, Fringe Club, 2 Lower Albert Rd, Central, HK$100 (3pm), HK$250 (10pm). Inquiries: 2521 7251The Magic FluteOpera Hong Kong presents its interpretation of Mozart’s opera performed by young singers from its summer school programme. In English with Chinese surtitles. Aug 17, 3pm, 8pm, Aug 18, 3pm, Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre, 111 Shau Kei Wan Rd, HK$200, HK$300 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2234 0303MasqueradeHong Kong Dance Company presents an ethnic dance drama that blends elements of nuo opera and Dong folk music in a story about an artist who lives his life behind a mask. Aug 17-18, 3pm, Aug 17, 7.45pm, HK Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST, HK$180-HK$300 Urbtix. Inquiries: 3103 1815ExtremeDrama that deals with a group of desperate people trying to figureout the meaning of life. In Cantonese. A ug 17, 7pm-8.30pm, Fringe Club, 2 Lower Albert Rd, Central, HK$88 (Fringe Club members), HK$110 (non-members) HK Ticketing. Inquiries: 2521 7251SDM Annual Performance and Dance Award Presentation 2013SDM Jazz and Ballet Academie’s annual show featuring its students in a junior musical about a group of dancers who enter a competition. Aug 17, 7.15pm, Aug 18, 3pm, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, 1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, HK$150-HK$550 HK Ticketing. Inquiries: 2528 2222The Big Big DayChung Ying Theatre Company’s drama about a man who finds a photograph of his sister’s fianc� with another woman, and how he handles the discovery as the big day approaches. In Cantonese. Aug 17, 7.30pm, Aug 17-18, 2.30pm, Hong Kong City Hall, 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, HK$160, HK$240 Urbtix. Inquiries: 3961 9805Stars of Tomorrow 2013 – Copp�liaJean M. Wong School of Ballet welcomes more than 1,000 student dancers in this comedy ballet. Aug 17-18, 7.30pm, Sha Tin Town Hall, 1 Yuen Wo Rd, Sha Tin, HK$180-HK$380 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2886 3992Wanna a PieceDrama about three artists with converging problems: a writer who can’t forget, a dancer who can’t remember and a painter who can’t express his feelings. In Cantonese. Aug 17, 7.30pm, Fringe Club, 2 Lower Albert Rd, Central, HK$96 (Fringe Club members), HK$120 (non-members) HK Ticketing. Inquiries: 2521 7251ChthonicTaiwanese metal band in concert. Aug 17, 8pm, Music Zone@E-Max,儲存倉Kitec, 1 Trademart Dr, Kowloon Bay, HK$400 (advance), HK$420 (door) CD Warehouse. Inquiries: chthonic.twFTISLANDFive-member K-pop band in concert. Aug 17, 8pm, AsiaWorld-Expo, Lantau, HK$280-HK$1,380 HK Ticketing. Inquiries: 2850 5825Nitro CircusForty of the world’s top BMX and skateboarding stars perform gravity-defying stunts. Aug 17, 8pm, Aug 18, 3pm, CotaiArena, The Venetian Macao, Estrada de Baia de N. Senhora de Esperanca, s/n, Taipa, HK$280-HK$1,168 HK Ticketing. Inquiries: nitrocircuslive.comDJ Bert BevansStudio 54’s resident DJ spins dance. Aug 17, 9pm-2.30am, Armani/Prive,2/F Landmark Chater (Chater House), 8 Connaught Rd, Central, HK$150 eventrbrite.com. Inquiries: 3583 2828Spirit of BollywoodProducer DJ Nyk spins dance music all night in celebration of India’s independence day. Aug 17, 10pm, Aqua Spirit, 29/F-30/F, 1 Peking Rd, TST, HK$250 tolanisanj@gmail.com. Inquiries: 3427 2288InfiniteThe seven-member K-pop boy band in concert. Aug 18, 8pm, AsiaWorld-Expo, Lantau, HK$380-HK$1,280 Urbtix. Inquiries: ifnt7.comAll Time LowThe punk band make their debut in the city with guest performers ToNick. Aug 19, 7.30pm, Kitec, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, HK$420 (advance), HK$480 (door) cityline.com. Inquiries: alltimelow.comCinemaHKIFF Cine FanThe Hong Kong International Film Festival Society presents a selection of films designed to broaden audience appreciation, including the following four. UA Langham Place, 8/F-11/F Langham Place, 8 Argyle St, Mong Kok, The Grand Cinema, 2/F Elements, 1 Austin Rd West, Kowloon, HK$75; HK Science Museum, 2 Science Museum Rd, TST East, Hong Kong Space Museum, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, HK$65 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2970 3300Where is the Friend’s Home?Abbas Kiarostami’s drama about a young schoolboy who embarks on journey to return a notebook he mistakenly took in order to save his friend from expulsion. In Persian with Chinese and English subtitles. Aug 17, 2.15pm, Aug 29, 7.30pm, Hong Kong Arts CentreAnd Life Goes On…Abbas Kiarostami’s faux-documentary sees the “director” and his “son” travel to an earthquake-devastated area to search for the actors of one of Kiarostami’s earlier films. In Persian with Chinese and English subtitles. Aug 17, 5.30pm, Aug 30, 7.30pm, Hong Kong Arts CentreBand of NinjaNagisa Oshima adds voiceovers, music and sound effects to cartoon stills drawn by comic artist Shirato Sanpei in this experimental drama. In Japanese with English subtitles. Aug 17, 7.30pm, Hong Kong Space Museum; Aug 24, 5.30pm, Hong Kong Arts CentreBoyNagisa Oshima’s 1969 political-drama centring on those left behind by the development of the economic miracle in his home nation. In Japanese with English subtitles. Aug 17, 9.40pm, Hong Kong Space Museum; Aug 25, 2.30pm, Hong Kong Arts Centre100 Must-See Hong Kong MoviesHong Kong Film Archive presents 100 Hong Kong films made between 1916 and 1999, including the following one. Until 2014. Broadway Cinematheque, Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square St, Yau Ma Tei, HK$55 cinema.com.hk; Cine-Art House, G278-280 & 283 Amoy Plaza, Amoy Gardens,77 Ngau Tau Kok Rd, Ngau Tau Kok, HK$50. Inquiries: 2388 0002; Hong Kong Film Archive, 50 Lei King Rd, Sai Wan Ho, HK$40 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2734 2900Love Lingers OnBased on Emily Bront?’s Wuthering Heights, this romantic melodrama centres on a couple whose follies and selfishness ultimately doom their relationship. In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles. Aug 17, 7pm, Hong Kong Film Archive; Oct 13, 2pm, Broadway CinemathequeSummer International Film Festival 2013Hong Kong International Film Festival Society presents a programme of 21 films from around the globe, including the following two. Until Aug 27 . Hong Kong Science Museum, 2 Science Museum Rd, TST East; Hong Kong Space Museum, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST; Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, HK$65; UA Langham Place, 8/F-11/F Langham Place, 8 Argyle St, Mong Kok; The Grand Cinema, 2/F Elements, 1 Austin Rd West, Kowloon, HK$75 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2970 3300Blindly in LoveRomantic drama centring on the secret romance between a socially awkward man and a blind girl. In Japanese with English subtitles. Aug 17, 20, 7.30pm, Hong Kong Science MuseumPawn Shop ChroniclesAction-comedy centring on the hunt for a missing wedding ring involving an Elvis impersonator, white supremacist meth addicts and a husband searching for his kidnapped wife. In English with Chinese subtitles. Aug 17, 9.45pm, UA Langham Place迷你倉沙田

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已變身內房股、並即將更名為藍鼎國際發展的嘉輝化工(0582),mini storage日前與濟州國際自由城市開發中心(JDC)訂立協議備忘錄,投資屬於韓國濟州島「神話歷史公園」項目的一部份。整個神話歷史公園項目定位為世界級大型主題公園度假村,嘉輝可於主題公園所在地塊發展、管理及經營酒店、賭場、購物及娛樂場所、渡假村及別墅等。為集團提供機會進軍韓國之房地產、娛樂、酒店及款待行業。大股東明益公司項目公司註冊資本將不少於500億韓圜(約3.46億港元),需從中撥款向濟州發展中心支付136億韓圜(約9,422萬港元)按金,集團大股東兼主席仰智慧透過藍鼎以無抵押及不計利息方式提供。值得留意的是,仰氏今年4月已與JDC就上述投資簽訂協議備忘錄,擁有此項目發展的全部權益;但這次把機會轉讓給上市公司,而仰氏卻繼續承擔所需開支,上市公司不花分毫,明顯乃與股東共享收益之舉。加上神話歷史self storage園項目由JDC全權負責及韓國政府支持,集團直接與官方機構接洽,亦相對穩當可靠。娛樂博彩收益可觀項目既集酒店、賭場、購物娛樂場所及地產項目於一身,單計前3項經營項目,已相當吸引。現時濟州島上以樂天酒店項目最高端,參考其表現,酒店入住率逾九成,年銷售額約4億港元;其免稅店日銷售量達175萬港元,年收入可達6.3億港元;若以此兩項收益為參考,待投資項目協議正式落實,嘉輝即時大翻身。另外,區內賭場發展以澳門最具代表性,參考6家上市賭股,2012年收入最高與最低分別為795億港元及214億港元,若取其中位數約500億港元,已相當不得了。此尚未計算房地產項目收益。一句到尾,嘉輝未來錢途無限,撈之哉。廖金基韓國政府與濟州國際自由城市開發中心銳意打造濟州島為集綜合旅遊、教育、醫療、尖端產業等的自治區,發展潛力深不可測,嘉輝能進軍當地旅遊地產博彩項目,錢途無限。迷你倉

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By Cao Yin and Zhang Yuchen in Beijing, and Wang Ying in Shanghai ( China Daily) Disorderly parking on the sidewalk is a common problem in big cities, especially Beijing and Shanghai.mini storage Feng Yongbin / China Daily A warden collects a parking fee from a driver in Beijing. Feng Yongbin / China Daily Parking in inappropriate places, such as bus lanes, often results in traffic jams in downtown Beijing. Provided to China Daily Poor management and bogus fee collectors add to the problem, report Cao Yin and Zhang Yuchen in Beijing, and Wang Ying in Shanghai.He Xiaobei, 25, is always frustrated when he drives in downtown Beijing. He is worried about parking because it can often take 15 minutes or longer to find a space.On a recent trip, it took him more than 30 minutes to find a space on Gulou Dajie in Xicheng district. The fee, 15 yuan ($2.45) for 15 minutes, drove him crazy too.There is no fixed citywide tariff and different areas charge differently."You would not believe how many times I drove around in circles, desperate for a parking place," he said. "Many people just leave their cars on the side of the road, but I'm wary of doing that because it is against the law. I was once fined 200 yuan for doing that." "The convenience of parking has become my first consideration when I drive, especially on the weekends," he said.He is just one Beijing resident concerned about the lack of parking spaces as a result of the massive increase in vehicle ownership in recent years.By March 2012, around 5 million autos had been registered with the municipal government of Beijing. However, the number of parking spaces is only 2.48 million, according to a joint report by Beijing University of Technology and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, which noted that the capital needs another 2.5 million spaces in the inner-city areas to meet the rising demand.The report noted that three types of parking sites are currently in use in Chinese cities: Specially built lots in shopping centers, railway stations, airports and other large buildings; off-road public parking lots; and parking either on the side of the road or on the sidewalk."The on-the-road or pavement parking areas are the source of most of the parking-related problems in the city, such as arbitrary charges and disorderly parking, but the companies that manage the spaces are not the only ones at fault," said Ding Limin, a professor who specializes in traffic safety at Chinese People's Public Security University.The problems, including the rise of bogus wardens who charge drivers illegally and the use of fake parking fee invoices, require more action from the government. "Parking is a public service, and the government should devote more time and resources to it. It should be handled like public transport," said Ding.Confusion reigns A development plan for Beijing will see the establishment of 280,000 more parking spaces of all kinds in a bid to alleviate the difficulties faced by drivers, said the report.Tang Di, a supervisor of parking lot services in the city's Haidian district, said the number of spaces in the city is far from sufficient and urged the government to clearly identify the areas where parking is allowed to avoid confusion."The establishment of new parking areas is a slow process and doesn't satisfy demand. In addition, many drivers have no idea which areas are legal parking lots because some of the street signs are difficult to see," said Tang, who noted that the situation provides opportunities for illegal charging and disrupts the use of parking lots.A list of the location of legal parking lots and the fees is available on the website of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport. In theory, drivers simply have to enter the name or area code of the place they plan to visit to discover the location of lots and the local fees.In reality, very few drivers take advantage of the site, according to Tang."After all, most people don't search for parking lots before they set off," he said.In recent years, so-called multi-layered parking lots, where cars are stacked by hydraulic lift, have been used in many old communities, including the hutong, the narrow alleys that crisscross Beijing, and lanes, "but the maintenance fees are too high," said Tang, adding that the fees are the main reason the technology has failed to develop as expected.Wang Yan, an officer responsible for the management of wardens employed by Jinganda Parking Co, echoed Tang's comments, saying that the poorly labeled parking sites also confuse her employees."We provide regular training and tests for the wardens and ask them to wear their uniforms and display their ID cards, but we can't ensure that every one of them abides by the regulations and charges drivers the correct amount," said Wang, whose company employs more than 30 wardens."We can't supervise them (the wardens) all day, every day, so we can't exclude the possibility of people asking for extra parking fees in unregulated areas, where the municipal commission doesn't make it clear if parking is allowed," she explained.Shi Xiangqian, a warden responsible for spaces on Huixin Dongjie in Beijing's Cself storageaoyang district, admitted that he doesn't know the standard fee for the area and said that he sometimes reduces the charge for drivers he meets regularly, while upping the rate for newcomers."If drivers park their car for the entire day, I charge 15 yuan or 20 yuan, but sometimes I give up charging after 8 pm because I don't have time to wait around for drivers to return to their cars," said Shi, who earns 3,000 yuan a month.Wang Bing works on a stretch of road roughly 100 meters from Shi's. He charges drivers 9 yuan per hour, but said he is powerless to act if they refuse to pay."Sometimes we've even had disputes with car owners who claimed that we have damaged their cars and used that as an excuse not to pay," he said.Bogus wardens In addition to these issues, new problems have arisen recently, such as bogus wardens who issue fake parking fee receipts that unscrupulous drivers use to make money from their company expense accounts, said Liu Xuming, a prosecutor in Dongcheng district.Between January and June, Dongcheng district dealt with the six cases of people suspected of either masquerading as wardens or of using fake receipts. One of the suspects, a man surnamed Zhu, is accused of illegally charging drivers in the area around Hepingli Hospital in Chaoyang district. He netted almost 3,000 yuan during a two-week period, much more than his monthly salary, according to Liu.In the past, misdemeanors such as this were punished by fines, but a recent change in the law means those who pose as wardens or who produce and sell fake invoices in amounts of more than 100, or to the sum of 400,000 yuan and more, face two years in prison.Li Long, another prosecutor in the authority, said wardens should hand in invoice fees to their companies, but they will make more money at little cost if they buy fakes.In one case, a man bought 200 fake invoices at 25 yuan each. However, the face value was 500 yuan, so he made 475 yuan every time he presented one of the receipts, said Li.However, collecting evidence of wrongdoing is difficult, said Zhou Zhijun, a prosecutor at the Chaoyang investigation department."So many people park cars every day, it's hard to work out who is buying the fake receipts or how many have been sold," said Zhou. "Sometime we catch people red-handed, but they usually only carry a small number of receipts and that makes it difficult to prosecute them." Zhou and Li suggested that point-of-sale machines should be used to collect parking fees; drivers could either swipe a prepaid card or use a credit card to pay, thus reducing the incidence of fraud and lowering the cost of hiring so many wardens.However, Wang said the plan would be impractical "because the companies would have to invest a large amount to establish the system and monitoring the machines would take up too much time." Coordinating authority Zhu Tao, a lecturer at the school of sociology at Beijing University of Technology, said an overall coordinating authority should be established to tackle the capital's parking problems."There's a lack of focused management, and governance is weak. The municipal government should think about giving power to a parking authority that could handle all the issues such as planning, building and pricing the lots, plus regulating and managing all the facilities and their use," he said. Zhu suggested that the city government could learn from the experiences of other large cities, both in China and overseas.Shanghai, one of China's largest municipalities, is also exploring developments in the field of parking.By June 2012, the city had 389,000 parking lots, providing space for 80 million cars annually, according to Zhou Huai, deputy director of the Shanghai Transportation and Harbor Administration at a media briefing held by the local government.To improve the efficiency of public parking lots, the city has set up 267 information boards in the downtown districts of Huangpu, Xuhui, Jing'an, Changning and Yangpu. The boards provide drivers with information about the availability, location and fees of 193 parking lots in those areas, said Zhou.The city will also add more than 10,000 parking spaces this year. They will be located in residential areas and close to hospitals and schools, according to the news portal People, which cited the Shanghai Static Traffic Management Work Conference.In Beijing, the State-run Beijing Gonglian Co is the biggest player in the field of parking management, far overshadowing its rivals. That's an unhealthy situation, according to Ding."A lack of efficient competition in the market and an unfair pricing system means the parking business in Beijing is in poor shape," he said. Ding urged greater competition among parking-management companies and also suggested that communities and government departments should allow drivers to rent prepaid parking spaces that are unoccupied during the day when their owners are at work: "In this way, the pressure on the side-of-the-road parking areas would be alleviated, and we could make full use of these temporarily unoccupied spaces." Contact the writers at caoyin@chinadaily.com.cn and zhangyuchen@chinadaily.com.cn迷你倉

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bjyouth.ynet.com/3.1/1308/16/8208282.html...  “暑期接近尾聲,迷你倉出租遊客對於進入北京大學參觀遊覽的熱情依舊,校門外依然排著長長的隊伍。在7月份,�多媒體相繼報道了北京大學...

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Source: The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.迷你倉沙田Aug. 15--WILKES-BARRE -- Anyone who talks to attorney William Ruzzo can see he loves his job as a part-time public defender.He continually compliments his fellow attorneys, talks of more than 20 years worth of defending clients and is quick to thank former chief public defender Basil Russin for giving him a chance.Ruzzo, 71, of Wilkes-Barre, is retiring from the county's Public Defender's Office next Thursday -- a decision not made easily."I started here in 1988 and I never left," Ruzzo said Wednesday. "They couldn't get rid of me."He will continue working with his private office, where he is currently handling a number of federal cases.Ruzzo said his retirement is due, in part, because his private office is busy and all of the homicide cases in the county are in "very capable hands."Ruzzo has mostly handled the office's homicide or capital murder cases. He said Wednesday that if the county were to ask him to work on a capital murder case in the future, he wouldn't turn it down.Ruzzo became a lawyer a little later in life than most, first attending Wilkes University, where he majored in political science before becoming a teacher for a few years.It wasn't until 1984 that a woman he was dating -- an attorney -- encouraged him to attend law school.He worked on the case of George Banks, who shot and killed 13 people on Sept. 25, 1982 in Wilkes-Barre and Jenkins Township and continued to handle appeals at the state and federal level throughout the years.He also represented John Michaels during his January 2005 trial. Michaels was charged with setting a blaze that killed a woman. Prosecutors said Michaels set the fire to迷你倉價錢get revenge on his former landlord who evicted him from the building.Michaels was acquitted of all charges and released from the county prison."(Fellow public defender John) Donovan did a magnificent job," Ruzzo said of the attorney who he worked with on the case and who is still a public defender.Ruzzo can remember nearly every case he has tried, the good and the bad, and is quick to refer to fellow public defenders who have helped him along the way.Donovan, Ferris Webby, Jonathan Blum, Joe Yeager, Tom Cometa and Al Flora, to name a few -- all the go-to guys for specialties and questions. Or just some good-old Public Defender's Office camaraderie.Ruzzo said that's what he'll miss the most, but knows each of his fellow attorneys is available if he needs them.He'll miss the endless trials, too, and the competitiveness, but not some cases that one can see still linger in the back of Ruzzo's mind.The case of Lamont Cherry, convicted of third-degree murder in the May 2009 death of a 1-year-old girl and later sentenced to 20 to 40 years in prison, is one of them."He's one of the guys who is serving prison time who I think is innocent," Ruzzo said. "That was my bitterest loss."Ruzzo said now he'll enjoy some down time, his longtime girlfriend, Janice Dimirco, and their Golden Retriever.Ruzzo, who has two sons, one an attorney, the other a sales rep, and one daughter, a tipstaff for a judge in Dallas, Texas, will likely still attend many seminars on aspects of the law -- what he calls his hobby.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) Visit The Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) at .timesleader.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉庫

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【記者張聖奕╱台北報導】知名網路旅館飯店訂房網站Agoda.com十四日公布亞洲最佳機場排行榜,mini storage新加坡樟宜國際機場一致評定最優,至於我國桃園國際機場排名則是第九名,名次決定方式由旅客來評定,至於機場新舊則並不是主要決定排名關鍵,而是旅客所感受到的服務與創新。 Agoda.com表示,這次所評選的機場共有十五個,以亞洲主要城市為主,包括曼谷、北京、、胡志明市、香港、雅加達、吉隆坡、馬尼拉、新德里、金邊、首爾、新加坡、台北、東京、永珍、仰光等,由曾經使用過這些機場的旅客進行整體表現評分,評分等級由最差的一分到最佳五分,總共有一萬一千位旅客參與。 排名第一的不意外的由新加坡樟宜機場獲得,平均獲得分數為四點三七分。Ag oda.com指出,樟宜機場向來以高效率與不斷改進及升級機場設施而聞名,因此不僅在此排名中獲得第一名,就連其他排名評鑑中也是保持在前三名,年平均流量約五千一百萬人次。 第二名則是香港self storage際機場,獲得分數為四點一三分。Agoda.com指出,香港機場與樟宜機場同樣是國際機場評比的常勝軍,旅客流量也是屬於高流量機場。比較讓人跌破眼鏡的,則是常勝軍之一的韓國仁川機場,這次獲得名次僅第三名,平均分數差點落到四以下(四點零一)。 至於我國的桃園國際機場,名次則是只獲得第九名,分數不是很好看,僅獲得三點三八分,落於北京國際機場後面。不過Agoda.com倒是很看好桃園國際機場的未來發展潛力。Agoda.com表示,預計二零一八年桃園國際機場第三航廈完工啟用後,旅客流量預計增到每年四千三百萬人次,將可滿足更多旅客需求。 第三名以後的機場排名分別為新德里英迪拉甘地國際機場、曼谷蘇旺那普國際機場、東京成田國際機場、吉隆坡國際機場、北京首都國際機場、台灣桃園國際機場、金邊國際機場、印尼蘇加諾哈達國際機場、越南新山一國際機場、緬甸仰光國際機場、寮國永珍瓦岱國際機場、菲律賓尼諾伊•阿基諾國際機場。 迷你倉

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