南方日報訊 (記者/鄧聖耀)昨日,儲存“廣貨我看行——全國網絡媒體南粵行”在廣州舉行�動儀式。作為今年“廣貨網上行”的一項重要活動,全國20余家網絡媒體將相繼走訪9家電商企業和平台,深入瞭解廣東電商發展的新情況,通過推廣借鑒,讓更多的企業瞭解並參與電子商務,開拓新市場。今年是“廣貨網上行”活動舉辦的第二年。作為廣東省貫徹落實黨中央、國務院重要指示精神的具體行動,“廣貨網上行”是廣東擴內需、促銷費、穩增長的創新之舉,並將逐漸常態化。“廣貨網上行”在促進電子商務平台、網上商城、網店、萬家企業等參與活動的同時,還提高了相應的配套服務,進一步鼓勵物流、支付、信用、金融、網絡安全等迷你倉務商為電子商務發展提供支撐服務,力求促進粵企電子商務蓬勃發展。為進一步加大對廣東電商的扶持力度,今年省政府新出台了《關於加快發展電子商務的意見》。作為廣東省政府首個電子商務發展意見,在扶持電子商務發展上有諸多政策突破。在調整准入門檻方面,廣東將進一步放寬企業市場准入條件,允許企業在登記註冊時冠以“電子商務”行業名稱,這也標誌著廣東認可“電子商務”行業名稱。在資金扶持方面,除省財政將安排專項資金進行扶持外,省戰略性新興產業專項資金、信息服務業專項資金和中小企業發展專項資金等也要加大對電子商務的支持力度。此外,稅收優惠和融資支持也首次出現在全省扶持電子商務發展的政策意見中。儲存倉

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【本報綜合報道】大部分主流社交網站利用真實身份,自存倉公開交流互動。但面世十八個月的網站Whisper則反其道而行,讓用戶以匿名方式張貼秘密或想法,盡訴心中情。大部分留言頗有黑色幽默味道,也有的發人深省,瀏覽率近期錄得驚人增長,每月高達三十億次。網民選定圖片為背景後,便可加入粗體文字的簡單語句。(互聯網圖片)在Whisper貼文的方式是選定圖片為背景,再配合顯示粗體文字的簡單語句,雖然大部分內容較嚴肅,但發人深省,如迷你倉當所有隊員在更衣室開同性戀玩笑時,我靜靜地坐在那�,內心很慶幸地想說:『幸好你們不知道我就是同性戀。』」另一則內容是「我很擔心我們的蜜月會很糟糕,因為我們都還沒破處。」年輕用戶群中女性佔七成始創人海沃德強調設立Whisper的目的,便是要與主流社交網站作出區別,讓用戶可在網上說出平時只跟密友分享的秘密。據統計,Whisper用戶平均每天花二十分鐘瀏覽網頁,次數達八至十次。而在十七至廿八歲的用戶中,女性比例高達七成。mini storage

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互聯網所帶動的消費轉型,迷你倉深刻投射了中國經濟結構轉型方向。2013年國務院首次發佈《關於促進信息消費擴大內需的若干意見》,明確提出信息消費規模快速增長的要求和時間表:到2015年,信息消費規模超過3.2萬億元。其中.基於互聯網的新型信息消費規模要達到2.4萬億元。互聯網語境下的消費轉型,符合國家產業結構、新經濟增長極的題中之義,具有良好的發展基礎和巨大發展潛力。傳統零售商貿與電商界限模糊傳統零售商貿經營模式受衝擊22.70% 2013年,卒土會消費零售頹勢依然,預計同比僅增長14.8%,甚至低於2008年金融危機時期的增速。但另外一方面,網購仍處於快速崛起期,占比不斷擴大,對傳統銷售模式帶來實質性衝擊。2013年,傳統零售商貿紛紛涉足02迷你倉西貢,傳統商貿與網絡電商不再涇渭分明:2013年,馬雲放飛一隻“菜鳥”,為物流行業引入大數據之翼:2013年,去哪兒成功登陸納斯達克,中國在線旅遊市場整合潛力吸引投資者目光:2013年.500彩票網掛牌美股,中國最大的B2C互聯網體育彩票資訊及交易平台開始走向陽光。互聯網顛覆傳統產業生態,促進消費轉型是不可逆轉的明顯趨勢。隨著互聯網,特別是移動互聯的深化應用,基於互聯網所誕生的新產品、新服務、新業態必將大量湧現,並形成新的消費熱 點,信息消費前景光明。互聯網消費轉型並非粗暴的破壞式創新,也絕非無本之木,憑空而來,互聯網消費轉型根基在於互聯網與傳統商業的融合共生,“磚塊加鼠標”才是�定趨勢。所有傳統產業都將沖浪互聯網,所有互聯網都將擁抱傳統行業。迷你倉將軍澳

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Source: The Bakersfield CalifornianDec.迷你倉 22--Millennials may be scouring Pinterest for the right do-it-yourself present or cruising the mall for last-minute Christmas gifts, but there's something else on Hilda Nieblas' to-do list this season: figure out this health insurance business.The 24-year-old graduate student plans to use her winter break free time to find out what kind of insurance she could get under the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. She doesn't have health insurance, but Nieblas said she was so busy working as Cal State Bakersfield's student government president and taking classes for her master's in public administration this fall that she didn't keep up with what the law means for her."I haven't really taken the time to go in to depth and (research) it by myself, which I will eventually do," Nieblas said, adding that for her and many of her peers, this is their first introduction to health insurance.Ready or not, Nieblas and her companions are key players in the success of the Affordable Care Act. Often called "young invincibles," the buy-in of the 18- to 34-year-old age group is pivotal because insurance companies need them to sign up for health care coverage to balance out older, sicker customers.But pitching insurance to a healthy demographic that doesn't go to the doctor often is a tough sell. And with only three months left until young adults must have insurance or pay a penalty, local insurance agents and community advocates said many young invincibles are still befuddled by the law."Are they confused? Yes. Do they really know what to do? No. They really need the help of the agent to help them figure it out is my experience," said Robin Carpenter, vice president of employee benefits at Tolman & Wiker Insurance Services.MILLIONS OF MILLENNIALS COULD BENEFITMore than a quarter of 18- to 34-year-old Californians don't have insurance, according to the aptly named advocacy group Young Invincibles.The national advocacy group for young adults, which also has offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco, estimates that up to 1.03 million young Californians could qualify for Medi-Cal and up to 1.29 million could qualify for tax credits to help them buy a plan on Covered California, the state's health benefits exchange.But statewide, only 23,825 people ages 18 to 34 signed up for plans on the exchange in October and November. That makes up for 21 percent of the exchange's total enrollment for that time frame, while that demographic accounts for about 25 precent of the state's population, according to Covered California.It's hard to say how many young adults could benefit from the law in Kern County, but from October through November, a total of 1,146 Kern residents -- not just the younger ones -- signed up for a plan through the exchange and another 1,474 had submitted applications for expanded Medi-Cal coverage.The exchange's first open enrollment period runs from October through the end of March. With some exceptions, most people will pay a penalty of $95 or 1 percent of their annual household income -- whichever is more -- if they don't have insurance by the close of open enrollment.While community advocates who are gearing up to target more young adults when they return to school in January, several young adults said they are still somewhat in the dark about what is going on."At this point I haven't seen anything in the news. I haven't seen anything on campus that would remind people" about Obamacare, said Shelby Sward, 20, who is the legislative liaison for Bakersfield College's Student Government Association.Like many young adults, Sward is covered by her parents' insurance. Most of what she hears about the Affordable Care Act from her peers are complaints about the law and confusion about problems with the federal website, which is different than Covered California's site."I don't think any of my friends even know about it," she said, adding that many of them are probably banking on staying on their parents' plans until they are 26.Insurance agents and local enrollment workers said young adults may not just be uneducated about the law, they also might not realize the value of health insurance at this stage of life.Carpenter said young adults may decide to opt out of getting insurance if they have never seen medical bills pile up first-hand."(If) they see their parents talking about the bills that have come in and the cost of health care, particularly the cost of hospitalization, that really awakens them to what it really means to not have insurance," she said."But that's not every family, 迷你倉西貢 lot of young adults are heavily independent and unaware of the cost of medical care."And agents said they haven't gotten many calls from young adults seeking advice on insurance."I'm not actually getting a lot of interest and you'd think that I would being from the age group," said Nicole Nieuwkoop, a 28-year-old agent at The Lynn Company.Nieuwkoop said even people she expected to be up-to-date on current events and politics surprisingly don't know the details of the law.Jonathan Torres, outreach and education specialist for the United Way of Kern County, said that young invincibles are the toughest group of potential customers to reach. So he tries a different approach -- get the parents on board."What I've tried to do is target families with young invincibles and that's easier than targeting the young invincibles themselves...They have someone who's concerned for their safety, concerned for their wellbeing," Torres saidSure enough, when Carpenter gets a call from a young adult, it's usually because their parents prodded them to call her."I would say the 18-to-30 group the parents are still actively involved in making sure they apply for something, encouraging them, coaching them, saying, 'Call Robin,'" she laughed.The groups try to stress that even if a young adult is healthy now, an accident or unexpected illness could swoop in and ruin them financially right at the start of their adult life and career.SPREADING THE WORDNieblas, the graduate student, said she learned a bit about the Affordable Care Act from a guest speaker who visited one of her classes, but she still thinks she and her fellow students need more information.Nieblas said Associated Students Inc. -- CSUB's student government -- hopes to host an information session next quarter so students can get a better understanding of the law. Torres and outreach workers at the Community Health Initiative of Kern County are also plotting to partner with CSUB, BC and vocational colleges to get on campus and talk to students."We have until March 31 to get people enrolled so the next few months we're just going to be hitting it hard," said Edgar Aguilar, the health initiative's program manager.While enrollment efforts for young adults may not be as visible in Kern County compared to bigger cities -- for instance, Young Invincibles did outreach at Los Angeles music festivals -- several local groups obtained grants to target young folks.The health initiative received grant money to hire an outreach coordinator tasked with getting in touch with hard-to-reach populations, including former foster youth and young, single men. Torres' position at United Way is also a paid for by a grant.Planned Parenthood Mar Monte in Bakersfield is also using grant money to get in touch with young invincibles. Pedro Elias, director of public affairs for the group's Bakersfield region, said it has reached about 1,100 people in the last five months through classroom presentations and booths at community fairs.Planned Parenthood also has an enrollment counselor and will have two more in the new year to help people through the process of signing up.But it will probably take a lot more than just community groups' outreach plans to get Kern's young people excited about insurance. Linda Leu, California research and policy director for Young Invincibles, said young adults need to step up and learn what's going on so they can help themselves and their friends."At this point we need everyone to kind of empower themselves and educate themselves and be that person for their peers," Leu saidAndrew Vanderpool, 26, of Shafter, said he would share his experiences with other people his age after he explored his options on Covered California's website and finally picked a plan.Vanderpool had some issues with the website, which he mostly blames on a spotty Internet connection, but managed to select a bronze plan from Health Net on Thursday night. If he is approved for the plan, his monthly premium will only be $40 a month after subsidies."I just wanted to get it out of the way" and avoid the penalty, Vanderpool said of his first insurance purchasing experience.Vanderpool said he understands why his friends with children might be worried about insurance, but he is pretty healthy and only makes $10 an hour at his security guard job."I'm single. I got no kids to worry about. I'm fine," Vanderpool said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, Calif.) Visit The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, Calif.) at .bakersfield.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉將軍澳

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  • Dec 23 Mon 2013 13:46
  • 台灣

吳英鎮:No!科技股要重返榮耀,迷你倉最平我覺得有點難! 從現在到明年不是科技大成長年,到農曆年前,我認為會溫和上漲,電子股很難打敗大盤的漲勢,大陸春節訂單效應,我也認為不強。 年底電子股有機會表現的,可能是LED,因為股價低基期,比較偏題材面。中長期我建議,電子股選股不選市。 今年多空易位,你看科技股指數沒怎麼動,但是股價漲超過五○%、一○○%的個股有沒有?有,像是工業電腦、DRAM,連大家最看不起的面板類股,也有因為受惠日圓貶值,成本下降、上漲超過一倍者,所以我說,不要迷信概念股。概念股都是在講題材,反倒讓你看不到這些被市場錯估的個股。 未來我們投資的邏輯也會延續今年的主軸:在真正的基本面和市場誤解中套利。 我們不買概念股,一定要看得到未來一到兩年獲利才會投資,特別是產業板塊,體質開始改變、業績逐漸變好,但是多數投資者沒有注意到的個股。 台灣是個沒有效率的資本市場,但還算是個公道的市場,對於財報反映很有效率,第一個月營收成長你不相信,連續三個月成長,就有人相信了,股價就會開始反映。 像是DRAM產業爛成這樣,我們從去年底就投資,就算DRAM股價已經反映上來,我們今年持續看好,理由有三:主要剩下三家,兩年沒大幅擴產計畫,若非標準品或者通訊用DRAM比重又達七○%以上,就值得買進,過去DRAM漲的是景氣反轉,本益比不高,但市場已經重新洗牌,我已視它不是景氣循環股了。 受惠產業洗牌還有工業電腦 POS(銷售時點情報系統)廠漲最多,主要受惠於IBM退出,市場重新洗牌,但是要注意工業電腦營收不是每年二○%的成長,而是一○%穩定成長,現在他們確實獲得養分,競爭環境也對他們有利,但是現在股價,我覺得不便宜,如果明年他們的股價變得便宜一點,我才會考慮買進。 挑股原則有三:長期看好,數字都有,還會成長,就沒有問題,就放著長期投資,如果長期看好,數字都有,但是成長期短暫,就得去控管進出風險。 我們會從「寡占的績優股」去挑,寡占代表廠商殺價減緩,獲利改善,回到較合理的利迷你倉,加上有升級和創新的,股價自然有表現。 鄭凱元:No!我也不認為科技股有機會重返榮耀,只有個股會好。 我們曾在○八年碰過四大「慘」業,像DRAM和面板,但現在建議投資不純熟的散戶別碰,因這是轉機性太強的股票。 我同意前者的觀點,也不認為科技股有機會重返榮耀,台灣科技股整體產業的競爭力已經下滑,只有個股會好,像是大立光、聯發科、台積電,強者越強態勢確立。 未來兩季題材性比較強的會是4G概念股、網通零組件,設備商有機會受惠。 像是工業電腦裡也有做雲端伺服器或者板卡者,加上配息穩定,股東權益報酬率高和現金流正向,投資者不妨長抱。 我持續看到工業電腦的原因是,它有點類似電子股中的「傳產績優股」:過去,科技股每年營收成長三○%,工業電腦每年成長一○%,一點都不吸引人,所以這族群過去本益比就是固定在十倍左右。但現在不同,相對科技股成長有限,工業電腦每年穩定成長一○%看起來就吸引人,有POS廠,本益比已高到十七倍,都高於現在的PC品牌廠。 【延伸閱讀】 財報高手 鄭凱元現職:財報狗創辦人之一成績單:挖掘工業電腦飆股振樺電和飛捷,2013年整體報酬率逾4成看好個股:艾訊(3088) 推薦理由:產品遍及伺服器和博弈機等,殖利率為4%台燿(6274) 推薦理由:產品轉向高階市場,毛利率拉高,短期轉機股振樺電(8114) 推薦理由:殖利率4.15%,POS龍頭且擁有自有品牌融程電(3416) 推薦理由:工業電腦顯示器,本益比13.3倍仍屬合理 科技好手 吳英鎮現職:復華投信數位經濟基金經理人成績單:2013年台股科技股票型基金報酬率第一(統計至12/13)看好個股:華亞科(3474) 推薦理由:來自通訊和利基產品營收有助提升獲利大立光(3008) 推薦理由:股價雖創新高,但本益比17倍低於過去隆達(3698) 推薦理由:LED題材在第4季發酵,適合搶短,不適合長抱湧德(3689) 推薦理由:網路連接器屬利基型商品,搭上網通題材 註:個股以專家建議條件篩選得出整理:曾如瑩 mini storage

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2013年12月4日,迷你倉最平工業和信息化部正式向中國移動頒發了LTE/第四代數字蜂窩移動通信業務(TD-LTE)經營許可。這標誌著4G這艘通信巨輪揚帆起航,開�全新的移動互聯網時代。上海移動制定了以第四代移動通信標準TD-LTE為引領,2G 、3G、4G、WLAN“四網協同”的智慧城市建設“十二五”規劃。廣大用戶既可暢享3G“廣”網絡,又能嘗鮮4G“快”生活,充分感受網絡高速、通道智能、應用豐富的移動“智慧”生活。明年起下調3G流量標準資費 推出4 G 流量優惠營銷方案近期,上海移動開展了4G(TD-LTE)終端預約活動,並公佈了部分4G(TD-LTE)流量套餐。針對2014年1月底前辦理4G(TD-LTE)套餐的用戶,上海移動推出“流量買一送一”的優惠營銷方案。同時,上海移動從明年起將下調流量標準資費至1元/M 。據悉,針對2014年1月底前辦理4G(TD-LTE)上網流量可選包等4G(TD-LTE)套餐的用戶,上海移動將在2014年年底前每月額外贈送與套餐內包含的流量資源總和相同的本地移動數據流量,以及5G的WLAN流量。舉個例子,原價70元/1G的4G上網流量套餐,在促銷期內能另外獲贈1G上海本地流量和5GWLAN流量,即70元一共包含了7G流量(含WLAN)。據瞭解,上海移動目前的WIFI熱點覆蓋已達6000余個。在將來很長一段時間內,2G、3G、4G、WLAN這4張不同定位的網絡將長期共存,供不同需求的手機用戶選擇最適合自己的網絡。4G(TD-LTE)終端普遍是兼容2G、3G、WLAN網絡的多模終端,能夠實現四網間自動切換,在沒有4G(TD-LTE)網絡覆蓋時,多模終端可自動切換到3G或2G網絡進行通信。為滿足3G(TD-SCDMA)用戶規模增長對數據流量的需求,同時回饋老客戶,上海移動在年底陸續推出了3G(TD-SCDMA)流量促銷和客戶回饋活動,根據市場分析和客戶反響,同時進一步縮小流量套餐內外的價格差距,上海移動將從明年1月1日起,將國內移動數據流量標準資費下調整至1元/MB。據悉,目前上海仍有超百萬用戶尚未訂購流量套餐,其中不乏因使用標準資費而產生高額費用的用戶,上海移動此舉將大幅度降低此類用戶的上網費用。同時針對已訂購流量套餐而超額使用的用戶,上海移動也在日前推出了價格更優惠的流量加油包,資費為3元/10M。選擇適合自己的流量套餐,將使上海移動用戶享受更多的流量和更優惠的資費。2 G 、3 G 、4 G 、W L A N “四網協同”滿足不同用戶需求在關心4G超快的網速、便捷的體驗同時,也有不少用戶產生了疑問。如果4G商用了之後,是否意味著一定要換上4G手機?如果用戶對目前使用的手機和套餐都很滿意的話,是否可以仍然延續現有套餐?其實,上海移動早已制定了以第四代移動通信標準TD-LTE為引領,2G、3G、4G、WLAN“四網協同”的模式。這說明在將來很長一段時間內,2G、3G、4G、WLAN這4張不同定位的網絡將長期共存,供不同需求的手機用戶選擇最適合自己的網絡。4張移動通信網絡好比是4條無形的“道路”,廣大用戶就是上面跑的“車”。移動通信的基礎———頻率資源是有限的,在“迷你倉路”不可能無限制拓寬的情況下,要讓各種“車輛”跑得歡暢,既不擁塞又不空空蕩蕩,運營商就必須把“道路”設計得更加集約,把交通管理得更加有序。上海移動提出的“四網協同”,就是根據每一輛“車”的不同訴求,設計出的集約使用有限頻率資源,既不因為技術的發展而動輒“推倒重來”,浪費資源,也能夠確保用戶能用上最新最快的網絡。比如2G網絡適用的是對數據業務的速率要求不那麼高的用戶,電話打得通、短信發得暢就行;3G網絡如同“高速公路”,適合對數據業務有一定要求的用戶;4G則好比“磁懸浮”,高清視頻點播、視頻監控、遠程醫療等都將成為現實;WLAN方便又實惠,在相對固定的範圍內,深受娛樂需求高的年輕人喜愛。同時,終端的革新也將進一步推進“四網協同”。4G終端普遍是兼容2G、3G、WLAN的多模終端,能夠實現四網自動切換,在沒有4G網絡覆蓋時,多模終端可自動切換到3G或2G網絡進行通信。讓用戶在不知不覺中,就選擇了最匹配、最省錢上網渠道,享受到“網絡自由切換,業務使用不斷”的沖浪感受。就像交通中的可變車道,道路總寬度沒有增加,但通過靈活調度,做到了道盡其用。3 G 網絡廣覆蓋將成為流量跑道“中堅力量”4G網絡的建設,其實與上海移動前期3G網絡的投入有著莫大的聯繫。由於TD-L TE技術是基於TD-SCDMA的演進技術,因此目前上海移動的大部分3G基站可通過更換少量部件直接改造成為4G基站,既有效避免重複建設和資源浪費,也使得4G網絡的建設和鋪開有了堅實的“後盾”。目前,上海移動的3G基站已超過1萬處,地域面積覆蓋率接近90%,基本實現除崇明以外地域全覆蓋,業務覆蓋率達到99%;上海地區3G和2G基站比例為37%和63%;路測TD數據下載速率達到791.88kbps,3G網絡計費 時長在3G網絡上承載的比例超過50%。這些數據充分表明,TD-SCDMA作為我國自主創新的3G標準,在上海的網絡覆蓋情況和用戶感知度均表現良好。在終端方面,TD-SCDMA終端相關合作伙伴總數已從最初的20余家發展至近300 家,TD終端已超過1000款,今年總銷量超過1.5億部,TD版定制手機已超400多款,並形成高中低端均衡發展的良好格局。近期,中國移動還推出了自主品牌TD終端,發佈M701、M601兩款自主品牌、高性價比的智能手機,成為國內首家試水自主品牌智能終端產品的電信運營商,也為即將推出TD-LTE自有品牌終端奠定市場基礎。伴隨著3G網絡質量提升和終端價格平民化,4G網絡不斷優化,3G在今後相當長時間內還將持續完善和優化,繼續為用戶提供全面、優質、高效的服務。為滿足3G 用戶規模增長對數據流量的需求,上海移動深耕流量經營,針對3G手機上網用戶推出了2元5M至200元5G不等的數據優惠套餐,每檔套餐還能疊加閑時包和流量優惠包,可供用戶根據自身使用情況進行“最優配置”,以最實惠的價格,享受最暢爽的3G上網體驗。同時,為讓更多用戶體驗中國移動的3G網絡,上海移動推出“3G-MiF i充電寶”,打破2G用戶無法使用3G網絡的限制。只要你的終端具備WIFI功能,無須換機、換卡,直接連上由3G網絡轉化而來的WIFI網絡,就能用上3G網絡。mini storage

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Source: Alaska Journal of Commerce, AnchorageDec.迷利倉 18--Gov. Sean Parnell revealed his $12.4 billion 2015 fiscal year state budget plan Dec. 12, which includes a $3 billion pension payment and significant cuts to spending.The proposal calls for $5.6 billion in state general fund appropriations for fiscal year 2015, which begins July 1, 2014. That's down from $6.9 billion in fiscal year 2014 (which ends next June 30) and about $8 billion in fiscal year 2013 (which ended this past June 30)."I have consistently led with the principle that the state should live within its means, just like we all have to and should in our own households," Parnell said in his address to the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce.He said a decline in forecasted Alaska North Slope oil prices for the upcoming fiscal year -- from $109 per barrel in spring to $105 per barrel in a Department of Revenue report issued Dec. 4 -- anticipates a $1.4 billion decline in revenue, which weighs heavily on budget numbers."The state builds its budget base on forecasted oil prices," Parnell said. Oil revenues account for more than 90 percent of all unrestricted state revenue.In legislators' reactions to the governor's proposal, Republicans were supportive and Democrats critical.Sen. Kevin Meyer, R-Anchorage, co-chair of the Senate Finance Committee, said he was pleased at the direction the governor is going on the operating budget."With oil production down, our revenue is down and our corresponding spending must do the same," Meyer said.Sen. Pete Kelly, R-Fairbanks, the other co-chair of the Finance Committee, voiced similar feelings:"This is the second year of budget constraints and I appreciate the Governor's and the Legislature's willingness to cut back. State government has been eating a pretty high-fat diet the last 10 years and its pants are getting pretty tight. We have no choice to but to put it on a diet," Kelly said.House Democratic Minority Leader Rep. Beth Kerttula, D-Juneau, had a different view: "With a two billion revenue decline, we knew the budget would be tight this year. It would be worse if we didn't have the savings we've accumulated, and as long as we are no longer getting a fair share for our oil, it'll be harder to get out of this hole in the future. It doesn't have to be this way."Kerttula was referring to the Legislature's passage of Senate Bill 21 last April, which revamped the state's oil production tax. Democrats blamed the reduction in revenues on the oil tax change, but Parnell said SB 21 will have no effect on revenues next year.Rep. Les Gara, D-Anch., a member of the House Finance Committee, was more specific in his criticism."A sustainable budget is necessary, but Alaskans should know that more proposed education layoffs, the failure to implement the state's own child abuse prevention study, and the cuts to the renewable energy fund which will hamper our ability to lower the cost of energy, were all avoidable," Gara said.Parnell's 10-year budget plan calls for general fund spending to be capped at $5.6 billion per year through fiscal 2024, with projected budget shortfalls ranging between $464 million and nearly $1.6 billion.Under the governor's plan to shore up its obligation to retired workers, a $3 billion lump-sum transfer from the state's Constitutional Budget Reserve, which currently has about $12 billion, to the state retirement systems would stabilize growing pension costs in future operating budgets, he said.The state is paying $629 million this fiscal year for employee retirement costs and is projected to pay $703 million next year, according to the Office of Management and Budget. With the proposed $3 billion payment in fisc迷你倉l year 2015, future payments would hold steady at $500 million for the next 20 years, Parnell said. He likened the current retirement payment system to an adjustable rate mortgage with a continuously increasing rate.Parnell said the Legislature took a step towards managing its unfunded pension liabilities in 2006 when it closed defined benefit plans and switched to defined contribution plans to new employees, but he said further action needs to be taken."We still owe about $12 billion for these earlier pension systems," he said. "It's a debt we lawfully owe for past contracts and it's currently unfunded."OMB projects the state would need to pay more than $1 billion per year towards its pension liabilities by 2025 to keep the Public Employees' Retirement and Teachers' Retirement systems funded. By paying $3 billion down now on pensions, the state would save more than $4 billion by 2030 at its current contribution rate, according to OMB figures.The state's retirement accounts would be fully funded by 2037 under his plan, Parnell said.Including the $3 billion pension payment, Parnell's overall operating budget grew 24 percent from the final fiscal year 2014 budget, to $11.4 billion.However, the unrestricted general fund portion of the proposed operating budget shrunk 13 percent year-over-year, from $5.9 billion to $5.1 billion. Already designated general funds and federal contributions make up the rest of the $12.4 billion proposal.The governor's capital budget saw a bigger cut -- 66 percent to its unrestricted general fund appropriations and nearly 32 percent overall. Parnell proposed $429.6 million in general fund appropriations for fiscal year 2015, down $846 million from the current capital budget. His total capital proposal is for $1.6 billion, with nearly $1.1 billion in federal funds that go primarily towards highway and airport maintenance.As is common practice for governors, Parnell said his budget is a guideline for legislators and leaves room for them to add some appropriations where they see fit.He said overall education spending stayed flat in his budget and he looks to put $5 million towards the Alaska Digital Teaching Initiative to help students in rural villages participate in classes held in other areas of the state through interactive software."We're going to continue focusing on education as a priority," Parnell said in his budget speech.Parnell appropriated $10 million to the Alaska Energy Authority's study work on the Susitna-Watana Hydro project and $20 million for AEA's Renewable Energy Fund. He put $19.5 million towards his ongoing Roads to Resources initiative and $10 million towards chinook salmon research -- part of a five year, $30 million commitment to fisheries study.The 32-mile Port MacKenzie rail extension project from Houston to the port got $5 million from the governor. Matanuska-Susitna Borough officials have said the $270 million-plus project will need approximately $100 million to finish on schedule in 2016.The under-construction engineering buildings at the state universities in Fairbanks and Anchorage received $10 million each. In November, the board of regents requested a total of $78.9 million to complete both projects.Absent from Parnell's budget were appropriations for a proposed $245 million combined heat and power plant upgrade at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and funding for Port of Anchorage construction.Elwood Brehmer can be reached at elwood.brehmer@alaskajournal.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Alaska Journal of Commerce (Anchorage, Alaska) Visit the Alaska Journal of Commerce (Anchorage, Alaska) at .alaskajournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

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騰訊00700手遊增長快  高盛把騰訊列入明年首選股之一,存倉目標價450元。除了高盛,其他大行也普遍建議買入騰訊,德意志銀行、法巴最樂觀,分別看570元、525元。  騰訊主要於中國為用戶提供互聯網增值服務、移動及電訊增值服務、網絡廣告服務及電子商務交易服務。  騰訊的焦點集中在旗下微信/WeChat及移動遊戲上,自從微信推出手遊以來,已成為內地最大的手遊發行平台。  大行普遍看好騰訊在手機市場的機遇及強大的遊戲銷售,預料藉內地4G技術及智能手機普及,騰訊亦將推出更多遊戲,微信及手機QQ的遊戲收入,明年料倍增,為未來的增長重點。---------------------聯想00992搶佔智能手機市場  瑞信范卓雲和里昂張耀昌都看好科技股表現,不約而同把聯想選為明年的首選股之一,看好其增長前景,分別予目標價10元和9.9元。  聯想是內地電腦產銷商的一哥,但筆記本電腦已非其未來主要增長點,聯想的最新亮點是搶佔智能手機市場。隨�中移動(00941)取得TD-LTE制式的4G牌照後,預期明年國產智能手機將會加快布局。中移動已揚言要建成全球最大4G網絡,該公司管理層預期,到明年底4G網絡將覆蓋逾340個城市,TD-LTE手機銷售目標是1億部。  聯想的賣點是在內地的高滲透率,及其知名品牌,預料這個優勢可由從前的產銷電腦王朝,一直延伸至現在的智能手機時代。  里昂指,今年3季度聯想在內地智能手機的市場份額達14%(1,080萬部),僅次於韓國三星的21.6%(1,750萬部),該行預期,聯想將專注於高端機儲存,以求擴闊毛利。--------------------------復藥02196擁併購憧憬  復星醫藥獲高盛列入明年首選股之一,目標價19元;此外,摩根大通、瑞銀也建議買入,分別看22.5元、19.7元。  復星醫藥業務覆蓋醫療服務、醫學診斷與醫療器械,加上藥品分銷與零售,受惠於內地醫療業的全面發展。  復星醫藥擁有併購的憧憬。中央政策加快公立醫院改革、鼓勵民營資本進入醫療服務市場,在政策的推動下,民營醫院發展潛力大,醫療巨頭例如復星醫藥,有機會加快併購以提高市佔率。復星管理層曾表示,將在珠三角及華南地區併購一系列綜合醫院和專科醫院,打造一個高水平的醫院集群。---------------------------------康哲00867增長前景強勁  在一眾藥品股當中,康哲藥業擁有較強勁的增長前景,彭博社綜合券商預測,康哲2014年、2015年盈利料分別增27%、23%。  高盛預測康哲2013年至2015年盈利年複合增長達26%,列入明年首選股之一,目標價8.5元。此外,瑞信、摩通分別看9元、8.9元。  康哲的主營業務為在內地分銷由海外引入的專科藥品,銷售的主打產品,除了進口專利藥,更有不少是擁有獨家推廣及銷售權,於市場上沒有或只有甚少競爭者,故售價較為理想,及較少受減價戰所影響。  相對同業,康哲擁有用於專科的獨家藥物組合,同時亦擁有完善的銷售網絡,以配合其產品組合。  康哲母公司研發的多�類國家一類新藥酪絲亮�(CMS024),將在獲批使用後,轉讓至康哲,為康哲未來提供盈利上升潛力。迷你倉

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時至今日,存倉任何東西只要加上「智能」兩個字,都可能為人們帶來無限憧憬和關注,除了手錶和眼鏡,市面上已出現各式各樣的智能隨身物品,例如手環、波鞋、智能水杯、智能Bra……無獨有偶,兩家科技巨頭Apple和Google正打造智能化日常交通工具。然而兩個冤家各自開發的項目卻不盡相同,Google正研發無人駕駛汽車,Apple則專注在現行汽車設備上,將iOS作業系統植入到我們的私家車�。 最近,Apple對開發人員發佈的iOS 7.1 beta系統中,就有一個名叫Car Display的新功能。其實,早在iOS 7的發佈會上,Apple就介紹過有關iOS in car的新設想,這套系統可以將iPhone與汽車緊密結合,讓駕駛儲存隨時使用Siri、定位或播放iPhone�的音樂、影片。這個Car Display的新功能,明顯是將iOS系統移植到汽車中央控制台的屏幕上,駕駛者可透過Siri控制iPhone上的訊息、音樂,甚至實現汽車定位導航,至於曾被批評得體無完膚的Apple地圖,屆時是否中看中用,就要看Apple如何繼續優化地圖的質量。 研發汽車相信比智能手機複雜得多,需要耗費不少時間,硬件設備上根本無法像手機般頻繁更新,將智能手機系統與汽車結合,就能夠幫助汽車實現更多功能,Apple此舉顯然比Google短視(無人駕駛技術其中一個願景就是挽救生命及減少交通事故),但實際效果卻顯然而見,而且計劃還得到不少日本及歐洲車廠支持。 •逢周一及三見報 迷你倉

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