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  已婚的張軍(化名)在婚戀網站上自稱單身,mini storage假冒特種部隊“軍官”的身份,連續詐騙6名女子30余萬元。記者昨天從朝陽警方獲悉,張軍因涉嫌詐騙被刑事拘留。  今年9月的一天,公司女白領李某來到雙井派出所報案。據瞭解,去年12月的一天,李某在某婚戀網站註冊後認識了張軍,他自稱是“現役特種部隊軍官”,素有軍人情結的李某立刻對這名“軍官”產生好感。在網上交流時,張軍自稱在某軍事大學讀研,曾經公派國外深造,並通過網絡給李某發來身著軍裝的照片,兩人的戀情很快從網上發展到網下。  在交往過程中,李某的男友張軍以錢包丟失急需用錢、墊付差旅費等理由向事主李某借錢,兩三個月的時間共借款8萬余元。其間,張軍為了證明自己,主儲存將自己的QQ號碼及密碼告訴她。於是在男友“出國深造”期間,李某登錄男友的QQ號碼,偶然遇到另外一名女子朱某,對方自稱也是張軍的女朋友,通過交流,二人有著相似的經歷。張軍從朱某處以同樣的方式先後借款達12萬余元。  通過調查,民警發現該男子早已結婚。據瞭解,張軍是大興某公司一名普通的技術工人,不具備軍人身份,公司安排他在河北分公司工作,常年不在北京,其本人也經常以家屬有病為由請假。  為此,警方制定周密的抓捕計劃,在張軍所在的北京公司將其抓獲。  經民警訊問,張軍承認他在婚戀網站註冊多個賬號,並假借軍人身份交友對事主李某、朱某等6人進行詐騙的事實,初步統計涉案金額高達30余萬元。(記者王晟 通訊員王桂雲)迷你倉

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加入惠普“惠彩商旅計劃”的星程酒店(上海田林店),迷你倉視服務為獨特DNA。開業雖不足半年,卻因向客人提供免費現磨咖啡、驅寒姜湯等貼心服務而廣受好評。經理李媛媛表示:“酒店行業競爭十分激烈,創新服務必須永不止步。”服務:酒店唯一出售的商品 地處繁華的星程酒店(上海田林店),商務客人約占70%,因此,商務客人需要什麼服務就成為員工探討的重點。李媛媛說:“之前在其它快捷酒店工作時,常有客人詢問是否可以打印資料,當聽到否定的回答時,他們只能在陌生的城市裡四處尋找打印店。”“雖然華住旗下所有中低端酒店都配置了電腦+惠普激光一體機的微型辦公區”,李媛媛接著道,“但隨著人們對品質的日益重視,要求彩色文印的客人越來越多。有了‘惠彩商旅計劃’提供的HP M276nw彩色激光一體機後,我們就不會再讓客人失望而歸了。”未來:機遇就在下一個轉角 張新遠,浙江溫州人,擁有一家員工近30人的小型電子元器件配件廠。如今他已是第三次入住田林店了:“這裡最吸引我的是員工的用心服務。”確實,走進客房,彩色打印的問候卡片靜靜躺在桌上;走出客房,大廳提供的免費電腦與惠普打印機,讓他總能從容不迫地打印出所mini storage資料。“作為企業間商務交往的紐帶,一份彩色打印的合同成本不高,卻能讓合作伙伴眼前一亮。田林店配備了惠普彩激後,打印品質更是有了保障,免去了我所有的後顧之憂。”正是憑借對高品質文印資料、品牌形象的執著,在漕河涇開發區一次促貿活動中,張新遠現場展示的彩色企業介紹就吸引了一家大型企業的關注,並在幾輪溝通後收穫高額訂單。就像他一直強調的,堅持品質,機遇總在下一個轉角。秘訣:惠人方能利己 在張新遠第三次入住時,田林店服務人員已能迅速根據其偏好選定了客房。張媛媛坦承,員工們會格外留意常客的住宿習慣和要求,參加“惠彩商旅計劃”,其實是為了更好地滿足他們的需求。據統計,M276nw在田林店布放月余,已累計惠益客人200余位,免費文印黑白/彩色文檔近千頁。“賓客至上,服務第一”貌似老生常談,但只有從業人員真正站在客人的角度,才能不斷豐富服務的外延,給予客人便利與家的溫暖,從而在白熱化的競爭中一枝獨秀、佼佼不群。惠普“惠彩商旅計劃”現已在北京、上海的多家快捷商務酒店展開,入住客人可免費享受5頁彩色、10頁黑白的文印服務。以“#惠彩商旅計劃#”為話題微博分享使用體驗還能參加抽獎贏大禮。儲存

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  中新網10月25日電 據《紐約時報》中文網報道,迷你倉美國聯邦當局正準備在針對摩根大通的刑事調查中採取行動,理由是懷疑該行對伯納德?L?麥道夫的龐氏騙局視而不見。  摩根大通剛剛就其抵押貸款業務達成了一項130億美元(約合790億元人民幣)的臨時和解協議,這起與麥道夫有關的案件又緊隨其後,讓這家美國最大的銀行的聲譽再遭重創。  知情人士透露,檢察部門與摩根大通初步探討了所謂的“暫緩起訴協議”,這反映出調查的深度。此類安排將暫停對摩根大通的刑事起訴,作為交換,該行將繳納一筆罰款、做出某些其他讓步,並且認可一旦出現不佳表現,就將面臨指控。檢察部門還可能要求摩根大通僱傭一家獨立監督機構。該行曾反複強調,在麥道夫問題上“所有員工均表現誠實”。  暫緩起訴協議是受到司法部青睞的懲罰大企業的手段,能夠讓檢察部門表現強硬,同時又不會傷了企業的元氣。雖說如此,但它一般只在不端行為較為嚴重的時候�用。幾乎從未聽過說被用在大型美國銀行身上。  不過知情人士還表示,政府尚未排除對摩根大通的國內銀行業務部門施加更為嚴厲的懲罰的可能性。檢察機構可能會要求該部門在違反《銀行保密法》的刑事指控上認罪。《銀行保密法》是美國聯邦法律,其中規定,金融機構應向政府報告可疑活動。  知情人士稱,檢察部門與監管摩根大通的一家機構討論了刑事起訴的後果,這突顯了對認罪可能會在該行引發動蕩的擔憂。這家監管機構是美國貨幣監理署。它向檢察部門保證,不會插手此事。  摩根大通的代表、貨幣監理署及檢察部門均拒絕評論此事。知情人士透露,當局可能在年底宣佈一項行動。他們還表示,檢察機構正在權衡,是否要對與麥道夫有業務往來的摩根大通僱員提起刑事訴訟。目前,尚不清楚究竟是哪些僱員正在接受調查。  相關調查由聯邦調查局與駐曼哈頓的聯邦檢察官辦公室牽頭,中心議題是,摩根大通是否沒有盡到提醒聯邦當局留意麥道夫行為的義務。在二十多年的時間里,麥道夫都以摩根大通作為主要銀行,因此後者有獨特的視角來觀察他的行為。  本案的結果很可能取決于一系列的電子郵件。這些郵件表明,即便是在針對麥道夫的運作出現了越來越多的質疑之後,摩根大通仍繼續與之合作。另一樁法律訴訟中披露的一封電子郵件顯示,一名摩根大通僱員承認,麥道夫的超高收益率似乎“有點好得太不真實”。  相關知情人士要求不透露姓名。他們謹慎地表示,政府尚未決定起訴任何之前或現在的摩根大通僱員。而且,與該行的討論本身也處於初級階段,政府尚未決定採取何種行動。有兩名知情人士指出,比起要求摩根大通認罪,檢察部門更可能尋求達成暫緩起訴協議。  弗吉尼亞大學法學院的數據庫顯示,無論是摩根大通,還是其他任何華爾街大銀行,以前均未施行過此類協議。在大型美國銀行中,僅美聯銀行與美國運通的銀行部門曾達成過暫緩起訴協議。  可是,假如尋求認罪,政府將再次給予摩根大通及其首席執行官傑米?戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)重重一擊。該行一度是銀行業監管圈里的寵兒。  比方說,匯豐為和解一樁洗錢案支付了19億美元,不過,美國司法部並未起訴這家英國銀行。這起案件加深了一種擔憂,那就是,各大型銀行變得規模如此龐大、彼此之間的關係如此盤根錯節,以致于沒法起訴。  然而,負責摩根大通案件的曼哈頓聯邦檢察官普里特?巴拉拉(mini storagereet Bharara)不同意這種看法。在最近的一次發言中,巴拉拉表示,他拒絕接受有些公司所說的,“因為我們規模太大,對我們採取行動,天就會塌下來”的說法。  “我不認為有任何公司大得不能起訴——沒有人重要得不能被關進監獄。”巴拉拉在另一個場合說。  盯上摩根大通和麥道夫案關係的不僅有駐曼哈頓的聯邦檢察官和聯邦調查局。兩名知情人士稱,美國貨幣監理署最近也發給摩根大通一份通知,說該機構很快將因麥道夫案對該行處以罰款。  歐文?皮卡德(Irving H. Picard)是為麥道夫案受害者追回資金的受托人,他曾在2010年起訴了摩根大通。一同遭到起訴的還有瑞銀集團(UBS)、匯豐和奧地利聯合信貸銀行,不過曼哈頓的一家聯邦上訴法院已經駁回了他對這些銀行的起訴。皮卡德最近請求美國最高法院受理他的上訴。  摩根大通否認了皮卡德的指控。  摩根大通正處在面臨政府嚴查的困難時期,現在又出現了這些新發展。  麥道夫案特別棘手。它是超過一代人時間里最臭名昭著的金融犯罪案件,任何行動都會把摩根大通跟它聯繫到一起。麥道夫精心策劃了一個持續時間長達數十年的龐氏騙局。據估計,他損失了來自投資者的約170億美元現金。該案件賬面損失逾640億美元。  麥道夫跟摩根大通的關係可以追溯到1986年,當時,摩根大通成為麥道夫的主要往來銀行。皮卡德稱,摩根大通先後從這種關係中“賺取了至少5億美元的費用和利潤”。  皮卡德的訴訟資料中說,摩根大通“罔顧自己反洗錢的職責”,通過讓麥道夫的經紀公司在該銀行的賬戶中“進出上百億美元”,賺到了可觀的收入。  在2006年左右,摩根大通也開始從事跟麥道夫所謂的“支線基金”投資者有關的衍生品交易。“支線基金”是一種對沖基金,它們用客戶的資金向麥道夫投資。  差不多在那個時候,摩根大通內部開始有些人對此表示擔憂。訴訟資料中援引的一封電郵顯示,2006年2月,摩根大通的一名員工在研究過麥道夫的一些交易記錄後寫道,他有一些顧慮和疑問,所有的交易都是在麥道夫的暗箱中進行的。  但摩根大通的衍生品交易還是發展壯大起來,其投資者獲得的回報跟相關支線基金利潤的掛�。皮卡德的訴訟資料中稱,到2007年6月,摩根大通的非標準金融產品(部門已經向投資者銷售了逾1.3億美元的這種衍生品。  當月,摩根大通的員工申請把總額提高到13.2億美元,訴訟資料稱。  2007年6月15日,當摩根大通的一個委員會開會研究這個申請時,又有人表示了對麥道夫的懷疑。該銀行的一位高級風險管理人員發電郵給同事,說該銀行的另一位高級管理人員“剛剛告訴我,很多人覺得麥道夫的頭上疑雲重重,據推測,他的投資回報屬於一個龐氏騙局”。這位高級風險管理人員還說,他認為,他們必須要做進一步的調查。  但根據皮卡德的說法,摩根大通的進一步調查就是打了個電話給麥道夫,並“在穀歌上搜索了一下,沒有後續行動”。  類似的擔心足以阻止摩根大通自己的私人銀行與麥道夫做生意。在一封電郵中,摩根大通的財富管理主管表示,麥道夫的“魔法一般的信號太難以忽視了”。  麥道夫在2008年12月被捕後,皮卡德說,摩根大通的許多電郵顯示,該銀行對此並不感到驚訝。在提到2007年6月那次會議的議程時,一名員工寫道,“這個東西最好永遠不要曝光!”迷你倉

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(雪蘭莪 八打靈再也、巴生25日訊)前天傍晚鎗殺女職員後,儲存搶劫銀行保險庫的保安員,共掠走45萬令吉;警方已逮捕5名男女,包括嫌凶妻子、弟弟夫婦及2名親屬助查,並起回2萬余令吉贓款。警方證實已捲鉅款而逃的嫌凶是印尼人,他的身份證是偽造的。警方相信年約四十的嫌凶還在國內,並已成立專案小組展開調查及追緝他的下落。由於他持有霰彈鎗,是一個極之危險的人物。據悉,警方在調查後掌握線索,至今日凌晨2時許,已先後在巴生和首邦市地區逮捕上述5名印尼籍男女。妻抱年幼兒上庭5名嫌犯於今早11時許,被押上靈市法庭申請延扣7天,至本月31日助查。嫌凶的妻子卅多歲,她抱著年幼的兒子上庭。雪州總警長拿督蘇基里高級副總監今日召開新聞發佈會公佈嫌凶的近照,全面通緝他。他說,警方已經證實嫌凶所持的身份證是偽造的,根據該身份證顯示,嫌凶名為阿迪韓查(Ardi Bin Hamza),來自沙巴;被捕助查的嫌犯也都來自鄰國。“調查顯示,嫌凶還匿藏在國內,警方已通過各個管道,防止他潛逃出境。”據悉,其中2名嫌犯也是保安人員,任職約2年,但與嫌迷你倉不同保安公司,警方是在其中一人的工作地點,即首邦市一間超市,起回一小部份贓款。蘇基里披露,警方也將調查這2名男嫌犯,為何在沒有證件下擔任保安人員。部份贓款交妻保管嫌凶疑在事發後曾聯絡妻子,將部份贓款交給妻子保管。梳邦再也警區副主任陳亞泉警監指出,經銀行統計後,嫌凶當天搶走保險庫內45萬令吉現款。他說,根據警方初步查悉,嫌凶在事發後曾與妻子和親友聯絡,並將部份贓款交給妻子保管。警方在掌握線索後於今日凌晨2時許分別在巴生和首邦市地區逮捕上述5名印尼籍男女,並於嫌凶在巴生的住家起獲部份贓款。陳亞泉指出,死者與同事每天放工前都會將現款存入保險庫,因此不排除嫌凶早有預謀幹案。付2友人“掩口費”消息指出,嫌凶的2名友人相信知情,為了避免事情曝光,嫌凶意圖叮囑妻子付“掩口費”給他們。陳亞泉披露,警方調查證實嫌凶來自印尼巴布亞省蘇拉瓦迪島,在馬有不少同鄉朋友。另外,雪州副總警長拿督阿都拉欣指出,由於有關保安公司聘請使用偽造大馬卡的保安人員,因此也將被警方調查。他呼吁知情者致電03-20529999向警方提供情報。;儲存倉

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【本報訊】黑客無孔不入,mini storage過往本港有多間機構均遭黑客入侵,導致大混亂,令大量私隱資料流失,涉及損失金額更以億元計。今年六至八月僅三個月內,城市大學校內電腦系統兩度遭黑客入侵,逾兩萬名師生及用戶的帳戶密碼疑被盜取。香港大學於七月進行例行檢查電腦系統時發現有異常,疑有木馬程式竊取大批電腦密碼,約三千七百人受影響。早前軟件巨擘Adobe被黑客入侵電腦系統,偷走近三百萬名用戶資料,包括加密的信用卡號碼。襲港交所港股大亂港交所迷你倉披露易」網站一一年八月遭黑客攻擊,導致七隻市值逾萬億元的股份、四百多隻相關衍生工具停牌半日,令當日港股大混亂,不少股民因未能及時沽貨而損失慘重,有�控股民聲稱半日內損失二百多萬元。另外,按資料顯示,警方商業罪案調查科科技罪案組去年共接獲逾三千宗罪案,涉及損失金額多達三億四千萬元,較前年急升一點三倍,其中以非法進入電腦系統,包括電郵騙案升幅最高,去年較前年增加達八成三,而今年首半年已有九百多宗舉報,損失總金額超過三億元。文件倉

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Source: The Columbus Dispatch, OhioOct.迷你倉 26--A North Side financial adviser who defrauded banks with his real-estate purchases was sentenced to a day in prison today and ordered to pay back more than $400,000.The prison sentence was part of a binding agreement that Robert E. Haines Jr., 58, reached with the U.S. attorney's office after pleading guilty to one federal count of bank fraud in July.Bank fraud is punishable by up to 30 years in prison and a $1 million fine.Assistant U.S. Attorney Brenda S. Shoemaker said Haines was involved in a scheme to purchase three Columbus houses by providing false information on mortgage-loan documents. Lenders lost $463,469 in the transactions, which took place in 2006 and 2007.U.S. District Judge Algenon L. Marbley ordered Haines to pay that amount in restitution and to serve three years of supervised release.A grand jury indicted Haines a year ago on six counts of mail fraud, bank fraud and failure to file an income-tax return. The other charges were dropped as part of the plea agreement.The indictment says that,儲存with the help of former Gahanna mortgage broker Ryan K. Blankenship, Haines bought properties at 360 S. Roosevelt Ave. in Bexley, 1018 Greythorne Place on the Far East Side and 9444 Slough Rd. in Canal Winchester. He obtained $1.3 million in loans from National City Bank and First Magnus.Blankenship was owner of Household Mortgage and Creekside Title at the time. He was sentenced in 2011 to a day in prison for bank fraud and money laundering, and was ordered to pay $617,869 in restitution.Haines, who is in a wheelchair because of diabetes, a leg amputation and heart problems, did not comment about his sentence. The plea agreement also requires him to file and pay his 2006 and 2007 income-tax returns.In 2008, Haines was sentenced to three years in prison for writing $18,500 in bad checks to Ohio State University for two seasons of football tickets.kgray@dispatch.com@reporterkathyCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) Visit The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) at .dispatch.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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NASHVILLE, Tenn.迷你倉, Oct. 18, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- Vital Findings LLC, the leading-edge full-service market research and consulting agency, today announced it has partnered with The Market Research Event (TMRE) to design a custom infographic for the annual conference taking place next week. This is the first time that TMRE has partnered with a research firm to develop an infographic guide to the conference.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131018/MN99988)The visually engaging infographic showcases key statistics about the 2013 TMRE conference and will be distributed to all researchers attending the event, as well as being featured on all promotional literature and signage. To develop the work, Vital Findings researched the key facts about the event including an analysis of the speakers, the countries they represented, and company size. Additional research was undertaken on keynote speakers to add color and depth to the infographic, including an analysis of their Twitter followers, as well as books they have had published. Custom icons were designed to represent each of the 10 key content tracks at the conference.Jason Kramer, Managing Director at Vital Findings, commented: "This is the second year that Vital Findings has sponsored TMRE and we decided to create something very special to support this great event. Typically, our information design team works with market research data to develop our infographics. But we love a challenge, and this was a great opportunity to showcase our team's skill in producing a stand-out infographic with non-market research data, as well as to demonstrate our commitment to TMRE."Krista Vazquez from TMRE stated: "Vital Findings' infographic is extremely sophisticated in design and adds extra depth to the materials provided to our delegates. The creation is testament to TMRE's commitment to state-of-the-art communication materials and the science of market research, and we're delighted with the result."In addition to the infographic, Kramer, will present a case study entitled "Unlocking the Digital Media Path to Purchase: How Information Design Reveals the Keys to Successful Digital Merchandising." Immediately following, Kramer will host a discussion on these findings with Laura Gross, Vice President of Global Consumer Insights & Research, Warner Home Entertainment. The presentation will be held at 11am on October 23,mini storage2013.The discussion will uncover consumers' transition from physical media to digital media and how the purchase process has changed as a result. This is the first study of Americans' adoption and purchase process across all main digital media categories, including eBooks, music, videogames, TV shows, and movies.The TMRE conference has been established to help researchers stay ahead of trends in the field. The infographic will be available at the event and mailed to 10,000 leaders in the consumers insights industry. It will be in wide distribution at the conference and available at both the conference's and Vital Findings' website for viewing and download.This year the Market Research Event 2013 in Nashville, Tennessee, Oct. 21-23, 2013.About The Market Research Event 2013October 21 - October 23 2013, Nashville, TNConnecting the Best in Insights from Around the World. TMRE delivers more proven value than any other event of its kind. That's why it's the #1 trusted event brand in the world and the annual meeting place for career researchers - uniting over a thousand consumer insights executives with more than 65% from client side companies. Featuring more than 140 sessions and 175 speakers, this is the most comprehensive research learning and networking experience of the year.Media ContactKrista Vazquez, kvazquez@iirusa.comAbout Vital FindingsVital Findings is a full-service market research firm offering expertise in quantitative research, qualitative research, design research, and advanced analytics.The firm's mission is to elevate the market research profession beyond just delivering reports and PowerPoint bullets, using the tools of design, marketing science, and management consulting to allow researchers to drive business action. The company conducts research worldwide from its headquarters in Los Angeles, CA.For more information, please see .VitalFindings.com and our information design portfolio at vitalfindings.com/we-do/visualstorytelling.Media ContactVictoria Usher, victoria@gingermaymarketing.comP: +44 (0)203 642 1124C: +44 (0)7971 129104Media Contact: Victoria Usher, GingerMay Marketing & PR, +44 (0) 7971129104, victoria@gingermaymarketing.comNews distributed by PR Newswire iReach: https://ireach.prnewswire.comPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131018/MN99988PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comVital Findings LLCWeb site: .vitalfindings.com/迷你倉

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SAN FRANCISCO, Oct.迷你倉 10, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Fotor (.fotor.com), already a recognized leader in free, powerful photo editing tools, is now bringing HDR imaging to iOS7 devices with its new Fotor HDR app. HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, which is an imaging method that generates more true-to-life photographs than standard methods. Fotor has been at the forefront of HDR research, while maintaining the principle of making tools and products that anyone can use.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131010/PH95513)In general, smartphone manufacturers have been slow to integrate HDR techniques with their onboard cameras and native apps. Among digital photo aficionados, however, HDR has been the gold standard for some time. Fotor helps bridge this gap between hardware and software with its latest iOS7 app.The effects of applying HDR techniques to a set of images are anything but subtle. Typically, users start with three pictures of the same scene, each taken at different shutter speeds. Next, the images are carefully merged, bringing out details at both high and low light levels. The user can then adjust the overall tone of the picture. The result is an image much closer to reality, and definitely more visually striking.Company executives are confident that the Fotor HDR app will exceed expectations. The app boasts 32-bit processing, dual capture modes, and a collection of pre-set HDR styles. But what truly sets this app apart from its competitors is how it puts a sophisticated tool into the hands of even novice photographers.Fotor HDR also includes features designed to improve 儲存倉he quality and reliability of finished photos. For instance, alignment technology fixes minor problems arising from camera movement. Sometimes, an object in the frame will move between exposures (birds, flags and clouds are all examples); these moving objects are referred to as "ghosts." Fotor has the tools to reduce these ghosts when the various shots are combined.Fotor HDR is a product of Everimaging, a creator of intuitive, accessible and professional photo editing tools. The original multiplatform Fotor photo editor was released in May 2012 to excellent reviews; more than 20 million people have downloaded the editor so far.The Fotor HDR app can be downloaded at the Apple App store:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fotor-hdr-multistyle-hdr-camera/id694981416?ls=1&mt=8About FotorFotor was launched in May of 2012 and has from the very beginning brought powerful, easy to use photo editing tools into the hands of anyone and everyone with an Internet connection. Utilizing cloud computing to provide a suite of image processing tools ranging from basic cropping to HDR (High Dynamic Range) processing, Fotor has made professional-level photo editing accessible to everyday users through a clean, intuitive interface and workflow. Fotor strives to provide the highest quality tools in the most accessible manner and continues to pursue this goal with each new product and version release.ContactMs. Patricia Tietgens (415) 894-0471Read more news from Everimaging.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131010/PH95513PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comEverimagingWeb site: .everimaging.com/迷你倉最平

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LONDON, October 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Millennium & Copthorne Hotels (M&C) launched a new proprietary Facebook app - The Trip Tailor - at its inaugural Travel Blogger Conference this week.迷利倉 The app, which allows users to build their trip from an intuitive form, is a vivid illustration of how social media is changing the travel market.Around 90 bloggers attended M&C's conference at London's Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington on Monday, 7 October. The conference was led by a panel of distinguished travel writers - Simon Calder, Senior Travel Editor of The Independent, Sally Shalam, from The Guardian and Julie Falconer, author of the award-winning blog "A Lady in London". Also on the panel was social media expert Sam Haseltine, Senior Social Media Strategist at M&C's digital agency, Greenlight Digital.The conference covered a wide spectrum of subjects over three hours. One of the discussions included asking the panellists which gadgets they can't travel without; Mr Calder choosing his passport, Ms Falconer her phone, Ms Shalam a pen and Mr Haseltine a good set of headphones. Debate began over what was content and what was writing, with Ms Shalam preferring not to consider travel writing as content and Mr Calder proposing that writing or content is just words and spaces, and what is important is the audience.Mr Calder said, "Anything that encourages journalism is terrific, the online revolution is making traditional journalists keep our wits about us." Ms Shalam concurred, saying "The more interest there is in journalism is fantastic but if you really want to make a mark, bring your own passion into blogs, bring in your own expertise."Ms Falconer spoke about how she has built her online audience and how the social media drive to her is all day and all night. She said that to have a successful blog you "need to find your own experience, find a unique voice." Mr Haseltine explained how to connect with, not only your own existing network, but with their networks too, and 迷你倉dded, "bloggers are in a unique position because they can innovate and change much more quickly than traditional media."They were all in agreement that it is vital to be in control and responsible, for not only the content on your own blog but also the comments that others leave on your hosted space. They also discussed being legally aware of your responsibilities as a journalist and ensuring that what you write is always fact.The night proved to be a huge success, with many of the audience members tweeting some of their favourite quotes from the panel, and it provided a great opportunity for bloggers to not only hear from the travel experts but also to meet and talk with their peers. Simon Calder concluded, "Thanks for a fascinating evening that I hope will do wonders for the profile and professionalism of travel blogging. It's great that Millennium & Copthorne are taking the digital initiative."Nayan Peshkar, VP Revenue Management & Ecommerce - Europe, at Millennium & Copthorne Hotels said, "We were proud to organise such a successful launch event. Travel bloggers came away from the conference with some invaluable tips for their future blogging endeavours. We believe in investing in this type of event to allow us to maximise engagement with our guests and to provide them with services to enrich their experiences."For further information, please visit:https://.facebook.com/MillenniumEU/app_605970052786637whatson.millenniumhotels.co.ukNotes to editorsMILLENNIUM & COPTHORNE HOTELSMillennium & Copthorne Hotels (.millenniumhotels.co.uk) is a publicly quoted (Lon:MLC) international hotel group with 12,000 staff and over 100 hotels around the world. The group's UK hotels are located in Aberdeen, Birmingham, Cardiff, Dudley, Gatwick, Glasgow, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Plymouth, and Slough.Millennium & Copthorne HotelsCONTACT: For further information, please contact: Ginny Lancaster,Consumer Marketing Manager, Tel: +44(0)207-872-2444, Email:ginny.lancaster@millenniumhotels.co.uk自存倉

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MONTREAL, Oct.迷你倉 7, 2013 /CNW Telbec/ - From October 13 to 15, Montr�al will host, the 2(nd) World Social Science Forum that will bring together more than 750 experts from all disciplines of social sciences. This year, delegates will address different subjects around the theme "Social Transformation and the Digital Age" such as the role of social media (Arab Spring, Wikileaks, Anonymous, IdleNoMore, Occupy movement, e-health and the digitization of medical files, the transformation of war (drones, diplomacy and the digital game discourses session featuring Mia Consalvo from Concordia University). The儲存Forum will be held at the Palais des Congr�s (159, St-Antoine Street West).Three plenaries are also scheduled, featuring Robert Darnton, Herv� Fischer, and Sally Wyatt.Read More: Press Release @WSSFMontreal #WSSFMontrealConcordia UniversityCONTACT: Media Contact : Sarah VEILLEUX-POULINInternational Political Science Association514 848-8799 Cell Phone: 514 442-9530 (October 13 to 15 inclusively)sarah.veilleux.poulin@ipsa.orgSource :Fiona DowneyMedia Relations AdvisorConcordia UniversityTel.: 514-848-2424 ext. 2518Cell.: 514-518-3336Fiona.downey@concordia.catwitter.com/@fiodowConcordia.ca/mediarelationsmini storage

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儲存倉 未能提供文字內容。.classifiedpost.com/career-centre/news-insights/case-study/power-social-media-comes-great-responsibility迷你倉最平

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  本報記者 楊曉政 本報通訊員 陳志華 本報實習生 賈迪爾  開放胸懷,儲存聘十大“刺客”,讓給西湖挑刺成為常態。  昨日,杭州西湖景區管委會召開新聞發佈會,歷時2個多月的“城市文明—西湖先行”文明西湖百日行、西湖請你挑挑刺活動“第一季”收工。接下來,�動西湖景區APP、廣邀“西湖刺客”等,將成為“文明西湖天天行”,遊客市民常年為西湖挑刺的新辦法。  面對面溝通  市民代表當場挑刺  昨天,管委會邀請十幾位挑刺市民代表參加面對面溝通會,包括親自送來建議的楊老先生、反映湖邊商家向西湖倒鍋底的余女士、湖濱街道湖濱晴雨工作室志願者等等。  西湖小學退休老師諸珣與西湖很有緣分,她曾在2009年向管委會提出了西湖申遺的12條建議,而“給西湖挑刺捉蟲”的點子就是她首先提出的。這次她向管委會提出意見將“西湖因你而美麗”活動改為“西湖因我而美麗”,呼籲市民以主人翁姿態保護西湖。  湖濱晴雨民情觀察室的成員都家住西湖邊,是與會挑刺市民的主力軍。楊章耀先生說:“西湖的刺也是我心中的刺。”他提出從錢塘江引水到九溪,還原九溪風貌;設立湖濱步行街,還湖于民等建議。袁關根先生從遊客角度出發,提出引導遊覽購物——對於有品位的小紀念品店要扶持幫助。  來自省級文娛單位的胡永祥先生,提出了兩條貼心的建議。一是建議園林局管委會設立通俗易記的熱線電話,安排熟知西湖文化的接線員專門解答市民遊客關於西湖的問題,將這迷你倉打造成西湖的金名片之一。另外他又提出了美化斷橋止入標誌,將原本難看的圍欄改造成實用又美觀的西湖景點介紹。  “西湖作為世界文化遺產的價值不僅僅在於美麗的風景,更重要的是西湖文化。”在醫院從事志願者工作的熱心市民阮女士說。她發現六公園的英語角雕塑以及湖濱石頭上的書法等許多西湖文化景觀都沒有專門注釋,這對於西湖文化的傳播很不利,因而向管委會提出對於西湖邊的文化景點進行宣傳。  聘十大“刺客”  讓挑刺成為常態  挑刺活動從8月15日開始至今,管委會接到市民“挑刺”逾500條,有些意見已被採納改進,如環湖電瓶車的音響設備已在調試更換中、西湖邊增設六處“愛心哺乳點”;再如,在“隨手拍”的震懾下,商家不敢再往西湖倒鍋底“抹黑西湖”,野導的飯碗被紛紛敲掉……  管委會主任劉穎表示,“挑刺”沒有結束,而是將長期堅持下去。  今後,西湖景區將組織“刺客”隊伍,聘請10位挑刺代表,成為“西湖刺客”,刺客們可以憑聘書在一年內免費遊覽西湖管委會所轄各收費景點、坐船登島,全年不限次數,每次可免費攜帶一位同伴。  不過,刺客也不容易當,還有任務哦——需要每月逛西湖景區任意景點三次,每月提交一份西湖景區文明體驗報告。  手機APP平台——掌上西湖計劃明年10月開通,今後,遊客市民可以通過這一平台即時挑刺,另外還包括邀請行風義務監督員、效能監督員、雙最公園檢查評比專家等�多舉措,以打造“立體挑刺”機制。self storage

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 【本報記者賴敏弘桃園報導】黃色小鴨在高雄的高人氣吸引全台上百萬民眾爭相目睹,存倉今天開始也將在桃園縣新屋鄉後湖埤與中北部民眾見面。黃色小鴨帶來的這波巨大商機,吸引在地的商家及旅遊業者紛紛摩拳擦掌祭出多種優惠,桃園縣政府觀光行銷局為便利民眾規劃遊程、查詢住宿優惠好康,已陸續整合活動期間的住宿優惠資訊,提供大家歡喜規劃黃色小鴨2日或3日愛ㄑ桃遊程。 業者提供優惠多元、各出奇招,地景藝術節期間,有的旅館業者提供黃色小鴨應景餐點,如馬卡龍、蛋糕、餅乾、飯糰等,也有的利用大型黃色小鴨翻糖或小型黃色小鴨玩偶裝飾,更有多家業者加贈黃色小鴨造型禮品等等,也有部份業者提供免費交通接駁服務,與主辦單位提儲存的免費交通接駁服務結合,為旅客免除找路、停車的麻煩。 目前已針對桃園地景藝術節推出住宿優惠專案的業者有歡樂汽車旅館、黃金海岸商務旅館、東森山林渡假酒店、依蝶時尚汽車旅館、悅華大酒店、渴望會館、桃禧航空城酒店、台北諾富特華航桃園機場飯店、古華花園飯店、南方莊園渡假飯店、采宴精英大飯店、桃園大飯店、翰品酒店桃園、住都大飯店、富立登國際大飯店、愛錸汽車旅館、愛莉園汽車旅館、168旅館事業集團、中悅國際大飯店、福容大飯店中壢、激點情境旅館,好康優惠仍在陸續增加中,詳情請上本府官網、桃園地景藝術節官網.tylf.org/或桃園觀光導覽網travel-taoyuan.tycg.gov.tw/查詢。迷你倉

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LONDON, October 25, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --- The launch of a smart service in LondonAt a press conference this morning, Kelly Klein, Managing Director of Student@Home announced the launch of a new service bringing IT students to people's homes to solve computer problems.儲存 Student@Home offers help to all ages and levels of experience, covering virus removal, keeping safe online, data back-up, Wi-fi set-up, operating system recovery and more. The firm also provides one-to-one tuition on any aspect of using computers, mobiles and tablets.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131025/648560 )Paul Doe, Chief Executive of Shepherds Bush Housing Group, expressed his satisfaction with the services provided by the students to his residents. Shepherds Bush Housing Group is one of Student@Home's housing association partners.Keeping people independentAs might be expected, many Student@Home clients are seniors. With nearly 1 in 5 of the population expected to be aged 65 or over by 2020, helping people to live independently at home for as long as possible is a priority in the UK (1).Student@Home gives people the skills to stay connected to the world around them: to email or Skype family and friends, shop or pay bills online and access entertainment such as catchup TV or music streaming.The initiative will bring relief to Londers struggling with technology but reluctant to ask for help from family or neighbours.Closing the digital divideThe Student@Home concept was introduced to the UK last year by former JPMorgan private banker Kelly Klein. "I loved my role at JP Morgan," she says, "though I missed the freedom and flexibility of having my own business and longed for an opportunity to put my entrepreneurial ideas into practice. I decided to take the plunge and start Student@Home, a socially-focused business that employs IT students at university to tackle technology problems in homes. I am convinced that IT students are the missing link in closing our digital divide."Employment for studentsThe Chiswick-based company already employs 60 students from 8 universities across London, tackling head-on the 14% unemployment rate among computer science graduates (2). A 迷你倉art-time job with Student@Home offers students a good salary, flexible hours in their local area and valuable sector-specific work experience. It also gives them improved social skills and the confidence to move into full-time employment.Safe, reliable serviceClient peace of mind is a high priority: all students are interviewed, provide references and undergo thorough training before starting work. Customers are also sent a photo of their student prior to their appointment, so they know who to expect.Nick Jenkins, a customer from Battersea, recalls his experience. "I used Studentathome to help me with a complex spreadsheet I use for managing my finances. It was the kind of problem that needed a face-to-face conversation rather than a helpline. The student not only redesigned the sheet to make it run five times faster, but spent half an hour optimising my computer. It's a great service. Helpful, efficient and really good value."Prize winning formulaStudent@Home also works in partnership with housing associations to help residents develop basic computer skills - vital for improving employability, financial literacy and overall wellbeing (3). The company recently won support from the National Lottery, and is a Social Enterprise of the Year finalist in the National Business Awards. It plans to become the leading provider of IT support for homes and small businesses, rolling out services across the UK as it develops.For more information visit: .studentathome.co.ukReferences:1 In January, the government announced a funding deal of GBP51 million towards Home Improvement Agencies, GBP20m for Disabled Facilities Grants and GBP1.5m for independent advice on future housing needs https://.gov.uk/government/news/new-deal-will-help-older-people-live-at-home-for-longer2 Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey of 2011/12 graduates.3 Partnerships include Newlon Housing Trust, Viridian Housing, SBHG and A2DominionPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131025/648560Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131025/648560Student@HomeCONTACT: Contact Kelly Klein (Managing Director),kelly@studentathome.co.uk, +44(0)20-3056 6869, +44(0)7508-315-253儲存倉

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【本報綜合報道】3D打印槍械引發全球保安警號,迷你倉英國前日搗破當地首個3D打印手槍工場,檢獲疑似用來製造手槍的3D打印機,懷疑是黑幫用來製造致命武器。警方指,不法分子透過3D打印技術,將來可在家中製造武器,或成為槍械新一代趨勢。警方在現場檢獲一部3D打印機。(美聯社圖片)曼徹斯特警方在該工場,拘捕一名正在製造彈藥的男子,並檢獲一批疑似塑膠彈匣及扳機等配件,以及一部工業用3D打印機。警方擔憂儲存恐怖分子和罪犯會透過互聯網下載藍圖,打印出3D手槍。3D打印手槍大部分配件以塑膠製造,或可避過X光探測器和機場保安檢查。下載製作藍圖 擬列違法英國內政部揚言沒可能禁用3D打印機,執法機關正另覓方法應對,包括增加違法擁有槍械的刑期,以及將下載3D打印手槍製作藍圖列為非法。3D打印手槍「解放者」的製作藍圖,在美國已被下載超過十萬次。不過有專家質疑被搜獲的部件可能是3D打印機零件,而非手槍配件。mini storage

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科技進步帶來方便,儲存可調式避震機雖然有車身高低及軟硬調整,但車主只可以進行避震軟硬度調校,要調整車高必須到車房。因此,避震改裝商KW繼早前推出了利用智能手機控掣避震軟硬度的DDC系統後,近日追加了能對應氣壓避震KW DLC的電腦Module和W-LAN盒,結合原裝配備氣壓避震的車輛,便可以透過智能手機遙控車高,為車主帶來前所未有的方便。系統原理KW DLC (Dynamic Level Control)是一個電子式氣壓避震的Module,通過電腦Module插頭連接原裝插頭,使安裝後車輛最高可以降低50mm車高,系統亦可以透過安裝在智能手機、iPod Touch或iPad兼容的APP軟件,利用W-LAN接收器與無線網絡連接,提供自訂化降低離地距設定。KW DLC現時除可對應褔士Touareg外,將會推出適用於Audi、Benz、Porschemini storageRange Rover及Bentley的氣壓避震系統。3系Gran Turismo最新KW避震系列KW最新為寶馬3系Gran Turismo開發的不鏽鋼製避震器。有Variant 1、Variant 2和Variant 3,及有電子軟硬度控制的DDC "Plug & Play"絞牙避震器,四款避震套件允許降低車頭30至55mm和車尾15至40mm。Evoque專用KW DDC ECU高階版避震器KW針對Evoque開發了DDC ECU的高階避震器,能透過手機APP軟體改變前後避震軟硬反應等數據。DDC ECU的避震器筒身與KW V3相似,但就多出了專用線組與感知器,可利用無線傳輸和智能手機APP結合設定避震,以及內建了Comfort、Sport與Sport+模式。撰文:華 查詢: TW Autosport 電話: 2142 0001self storage

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南都訊 記者張東鋒 福州市旅遊局的騰訊官微昨天被圍觀:當天上午,自存倉該微博出現了一則有關記者被拘事件的評論,稱“最討厭你們這些記者,一聽說哪裡報道有錢啦,狗一樣的跑過去”,“就會挑黃黑腐這種容易紅的新聞,沽名釣譽”。就此,福州市旅遊局通報,上述言論是該局微博管理員誤用官微賬號發了個人言論,並已據相關規定對其予以效能告誡、取消年度績效獎等處分。認證官微辱記者是“狗”這條引發爭議的微博發佈于昨日8時57分。原文是:“賺黑心錢,說謊,總會遭報應的。最討厭你們這些記者,一聽說哪裡報道有錢啦,狗一樣的跑過去。平時老百姓的事情沒爆點的根本不給人家報道,就會挑黃黑腐這種容易紅的新聞,沽名釣譽。”後來的微博截圖顯示,上述內容是就網友“雪梨柚”24日的一條微博做出的評論。當時,“雪梨柚”在微博中說,自己是新快報記者陳永洲的妻子,並表達了對陳的擔心。作為認證的官微賬號,@福州市旅遊局的這條評論微博旋即遭到質疑。昨日12時29分,福州市旅遊局官微第一次作出回應,稱“關於對新快報記者事件的評論,並非福州市旅遊局官方意見發佈”。約一小時後,該局官微又更新說,初步查實,評論系福州市旅遊局微博編輯人員用個人手機發佈,誤用了官方賬號。不是臨時迷你倉幹的在網友圍觀的同時,從昨日14時43分起,騰訊微博上名為@冠北的網友多次發微博,稱自己就是發佈者。據他所說,自己早上上班看到新聞後,打完卡往辦公室走時發了評論,隨後就去工作了,直到後來被告知用的是單位的微博賬號。“講話真不該一棒子打倒一個群體。”@冠北稱,自己有不少媒體的朋友,稱“我確實言語很失當,我是針對這個新聞本身,真沒針對所有記者”、“自責”。針對有網友質疑其是頂責者,@冠北回複稱,本來就是自己的失誤,“這種事情有什麼好炮灰的,是誰發的就是誰發的。”昨日15時57分,福州市旅遊局正式在官微中通報此事,稱已證實是該局官方微博管理人員誤用官方微博發佈了不當的個人言論,並就此道歉。據介紹,這名工作人員是該局服務中心正式事業編制人員,鑒於此事造成的不良影響,根據省市相關規定,該局黨組已研究決定給予其效能告誡處分。此外,通報還說,該工作人員被停止了該局政務微博管理工作,“本年度工作考評不能評定為稱職及以上等次,不得享受本年度績效獎金,本年度不能提拔使用,不能作為後備幹部”。掌握更多即時快訊 或與我們互動 敬請關注@南都深度w eibo.com /nandushendu t.qq.com /nandushendumini storage

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  • Oct 26 Sat 2013 13:02
  • 臺灣

趕在年底感恩節、聖誕節旺季前,迷你倉微軟及索尼(Sony)也將推出新一代遊戲機,新機拉貨效應帶動相關供應鏈廠商第4季營收升溫,加上中國大陸上海自由貿易區,將開放遊戲機在區內生產銷售,在大陸龐大市場成長預期下,相關概念股短線上漲動能強勁。微軟新款遊戲機Xbox One下個月將問世,緊接著索尼新機PS 4也將上市,相關零件廠及組裝廠出貨大補,新鉅科(3630)及正崴9月營收已出現明顯上揚。業者預期,Xbox One及PS4拉貨潮將持續到年底,為儲存關零組件廠業績添動能。群益創新科技基金經理人陳煌仁指出,遊戲機近幾年銷售量下滑,任天堂的Wii日前宣布停產,顯示遊戲機產業深受手機遊戲的衝擊。但新一代遊戲機Xbox One及PS 4即將在11月上市,預期換機玩家及年底雙節購物效應,將帶動供應鏈一波鋪貨潮,有利相關概念股表現。中國信託投信台灣活力基金經理人周俊宏表示,以後能在中國境內將可買到微軟Xbox、Sony的PS、任天堂的Wii等遊戲機,中國龐大的消費市場,將成為遊戲機產業的新藍海。mini storage

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迷你倉 bjrb.bjd.com.cn/html/2013-10/26/content_119924.htm...中關村核心區推出創意轉化平台 創意變產品 時間減一半 本報記者 孫奇茹 昨日,在中關村文化和科技融合產業峰會開幕式上,海澱區發佈...mini storage

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【廣編特輯】面對節節高升的物價,self storage許多的消費者對於價錢越來越敏感,想要買個東西慰勞一下自己時,總是會考慮許多的因素,而遠傳電信近期,推出全台首家Outlet電信門市「遠傳站前暢貨中心」,不僅提供超低折扣的3C拆封商品,更能享有全省遠傳門市三個月保固,提供許多精打細算的消費者,享有更優惠的消費管道。 Outlet商機大 平價手機現正夯 根據內政部統計,現在國人普遍存有「經濟限制感」,也就是說民眾更重視「物超所值、高CP值」的商品;也因為如此,遠傳電信瞄準電信Outlet商機潛力及民眾對於智慧型手機的需求,特別選在每日人潮超過五十萬人次的台北車站商圈,推出全台第一家電信暢貨中心,不但有各式各樣知名品牌拆封手機與配件,更透過開架式的倉儲空間與配件陳列,讓消費者一走進門市,就可以清清楚楚,掌握商品的品質狀況,搜尋到適合自己的平價手機。 除了遠傳門市既有的貼心服務外,遠傳站前暢貨中心每月定期更新拆封機品項(含過季未拆封、僅拆封9.5成新、展示機7成新)分級定價,拆封商品均為原廠公司貨,還有精選配件1折起,更提供專人解說,讓消費者仔細檢視商品實際狀迷利倉後再行購買,更提供全省遠傳門市三個月安心保固,提供最貼心且完整的保障,此外像是「廢電池回收」、「舊機估價買回」等,讓資源更能靈活運用,與消費者共建環保平台。 10月21日正式開幕當天,現場湧入超過千人,現場數百隻單機搶購一空,而為了回應消費者熱情的支持,遠傳站前暢貨中心陸續會再追加提供iPhone5、iPad mini、小米2S等熱銷機款六折起,精選智慧手機單一特價$999,所有的商品都是限量,先搶先贏喔!! 遠傳站前暢貨中心開幕期間 六大好禮大回饋 遠傳電信為了歡慶全台首間電信暢貨中心開幕,即日起至11月30日止,開幕活動期間推出六大好康及多項優惠好康回饋消費者,像是:免費手機健檢服務並加贈精美小禮、手機全機包模送螢幕保護貼以及開幕期間購買Samsung GALAXY S2 16G,驚爆價只要5,500元,想知道更多好康,還在等什麼,快到遠傳站前暢貨中心去仔細挑選或到官方網站查詢唷!(優惠好康數量有限,送完為止)更多好康請看>>ads.fetnet.net/TrackingLog/stmc.aspx?ids=AP7uE迷你倉

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