信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from  昨天上午10時,迷你倉出租蘋果中國在北京舉行發佈會蘋果中國在北京舉行發佈會。。此前猜測的“平價平價””蘋果並沒有出現,5C 最低售價為4488元,5S 最低售價5288元。  據悉,兩款新的iPhone手機將于9月20日在中國內地與美國、澳大利亞、日本等地首次同步上市,iOS 7正式版將從本月18日對外提供下載。蘋果首次出“彩”  吐槽 “集齊八款顏色的手機機就可以召喚以召喚喬幫主,他會實現你一個願望。”  蘋果公司此次推出的新款iPhone手機有兩款,分別是iPhone 5S和iPhone 5C。與此前外泄的信息一致,新款iPhone是彩色的,其中iPhone 5S顏色有深空灰、白配金、白配銀三種顏色;iPhone 5C有5種顏色,分別是綠、白、藍、粉、黃。也許是考慮到國內用戶習慣于給iPhone加上保護套的使用習慣,蘋果公司在發佈iPhone 5C手機的同時,發佈了6種顏色硅膠保護套,售價228元人民幣起,iPhone 5S有6種顏色的皮質保護殼,售價298元。  網友調侃看到蘋果彩色手機想到了洞洞鞋,還有網友吐槽:“集齊八款顏色的手機就可以召喚喬幫主,他會實現你一個願望。”5C只是換殼版  吐槽 “iPhone 5桑心死了:換個馬甲你們就認不出我了?”  記者發現,蘋果公司此次發佈的iPhone 5C 在硬件配置方面與目前用戶使用的iPhone 5保持一致,只是將後殼換成了塑料的。由此看來,字母“C”是英文“Colour”(彩色)的意思。  蘋果iPhone 5C採用的是一體成型的塑料外殼,硬件配置與去年9月發佈的iPhone 5保持一致,屏幕仍是4英寸視網膜屏幕,手機後置攝像頭是800萬像素,存儲空間有16GB和32GB可選。  在iPhone 5C之後亮相的iPhone 5S在硬件方面進行了升級。iPhone 5S是全球首款使用64位處理器的智能手機。蘋果為iPhone 5S新增了指紋識別安全功能“Touch IDID”,”輕觸手機下方的“HOME”主屏幕按鈕,手機會自動識別用戶的指紋來解鎖。手機讀取指紋的次數越多,指紋識別會越精准。這項功能還支持多個指紋。另外,iPhone 5S的攝像頭仍然保持800萬像素,但光圈變大。在拍照光線不足時,iPhone 5S可以自動開�全新的圖像防抖功能,將瞬間拍攝的四張照片合成一張。  總體來說,新品的亮點很少,網友吐槽:“iPhone 5桑心死了:換個馬甲你們就認不出我了?”5C國內售價不便宜  吐槽 “四千多的‘廉價’手機,賣腎的,你還有腎可賣嗎?”  與以往不同,中國內地成為新款iP迷你倉one的首批上市地點。另外,首批上市的手機是聯通版和電信版。中國移動用戶可以使用聯通版打電話和上網,但是無法使用中國移動的3G模式上網。  蘋果公司稱,iPhone 5S和iPhone 5C均將于9月20日在中國內地上市,蘋果在線商店9月13日接受預訂,蘋果零售店9月17日接受預訂。此前傳言的“廉價版蘋果”iPhone 5C手機的存儲空間分別為16GB、32GB,售價卻高達 4488 元和 5288 元,傳聞並不屬實。iPhone 5S 存儲空間分別為 16GB、32GB、64GB,售價分別為5288元、6088元、6888元。  昨天上午,有網友在微博中稱,iPhone 5C在美國的合約機售價僅99美元,折合人民幣600多元。其實,iPhone 5C 16GB以及32GB版本的美國市場的裸機價格分別為549美元以及649美元,折合人民幣約為3360元及3970元。而國內市場的iPhone 5C 最低售價是4488元。網友調侃:“這麼貴的‘廉價’手機,賣腎的,你還有腎可賣嗎?”據《北京晚報》行情反饋 蘋果推“新品”股價暴跌  美國蘋果公司10日發佈兩款iPhone手機新品,可是當天的股票市場對此反應甚為“清涼”。鑒於新品定于10天後投放市場,最直接初步反應沒有出自消費市場,而出自股票市場:蘋果公司股票價格當天下跌2.3%,以每股494.58美元收盤。  去年9月發佈iPhone5大致時段內,蘋果股價一度升至最高點,達到每股705.07美元。自那以後,美國標準普爾500種股票價格指數上升大約14%,而蘋果股價累計跌去將近30%。 據新華社川南市場5S/5C合約機價未定內江多渠道接受預訂  華西城市讀本訊(記者 于小晏)昨日,備受關注的蘋果新手機發佈,內江各渠道全面接受預訂,而新iPhone合約機價格未定。  華西城市讀本記者從內江蘇寧大區、國美內江分公司等渠道獲,iPhone5S 和iPhone5C的零售價格指導價與蘋果公司一致 ,即 iPhone5C 16G 零 售 價 4488 元 ,iphone5S 16G零售指導價為5288元。  “最近接受咨詢比較多。”內江蘇寧方表示,他們和蘇寧全國1600多家實體門店和蘇寧易購于9月11日開始接受預訂,20日正式發售。而國美方也表示,從即日起,接受消費者預訂。  “即日起,用戶可在中國聯通網上營業廳、各地營業廳及連鎖賣場等全部授權網點預訂。”昨日,內江聯通相關負責人告訴華西城市讀本記者,他們已經開始全面接受消費者預訂。對於聯通版合約機的價格,內江聯通方表示,還未最終確定,“快的話,會于最近兩日公佈”。  內江電信方則表示,目前正在準備預訂工作,具體時間未定。儲存倉

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Source: The Monitor, McAllen, TexasSept.儲存倉 11--RIO GRANDE CITY -- Police were mourning the death of one of their narcotics K-9 officers Wednesday.Officer Grant, a yellow Labrador retriever who had been with the department for approximately two years, died when he was struck shortly before noon Wednesday by a tractor-trailer outside the police substation, said Noe Castillo, assistant police chief.Grant was on break from his daily duties at the police substation at the intersec迷你倉價錢ion of Aguirre and U.S. 83 when he managed to get away from his kennel and chase a female Labrador loose on the street -- only to be struck by a passing tractor-trailer, Castillo said.The Police Department will hold a memorial service at the substation, where it plans to bury Grant with police honors.iortiz@themonitor.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Monitor (McAllen, Texas) Visit The Monitor (McAllen, Texas) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平

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(美國 紐約11日訊)東南亞貨幣近來狂貶,迷你倉新蒲崗讓區域國家人民赴新加坡旅遊意願下滑,令該國觀光和零售業遭受明顯衝擊,業者叫苦連天,但同時日本卻受惠於日圓貶值,大幅帶動赴日觀光人潮。根據美國CNBC報導,大馬、印度和印尼等國貨幣近2個月來匯率紛紛走貶,對新元紛紛縮水4%至14%不等,連帶使得這些國家人民赴新旅遊花費水漲船高,部份旅客因此打消到新加坡度假的念頭,轉向其它選擇。新加坡聯昌國際(CIMB Research)經濟學家宋誠煥說:“如果鄰近國家的匯率繼續大幅貶值,恐怕將對旅遊業部門和整體經濟構成重大衝擊。”新加坡是東南亞觀光勝地,旅遊業在該國整體經濟所佔比重約為4%,尤其在開放博弈業後,每年更是都可吸引到數百萬名亞洲遊客。零售業飽受打擊去年,新加坡到訪外國遊客總人次高達1千440萬人,其中有大約19%的遊客來自印尼,8%來自大馬,6%來自印度。新加坡兩大賭場業者之一的聖淘沙名勝世界(Resorts World Sentosa),便對鄰近國家匯率貶值憂心不已。聖淘沙指出,來自大馬和雙印遊客都是其主力顧客,為了持續吸引他們造訪,將計劃推出優惠促銷方案來降低匯差影響。另外,同樣飽受打擊的還有零售業者。因為新元升值也使得商品售價顯得更加高昂,讓旅客購物意願大減,尤以精品業所受影響最為明顯,其中許多歐洲精品品牌的銷售人員紛紛證實,過去幾周來迷你倉出租印尼的精品消費者有顯著減少的跡象。日圓流通量大幅提高另一邊廂,由於日圓貶值帶動赴日觀光人潮提昇,不但推升日本經濟,亦使得日圓流通量大幅提高。自今年初至6月底止,日圓流通量增長1.7%至84兆日圓(約8千390億美元),經季節性調整後寫下史上最高水準。全球最大外匯服務公司Travelex匯率專家史旺(David Swann)表示,今年市場對日圓的需求加溫,部份原因來自於觀光客。史旺指出,日圓兌其他主要貨幣貶值,顯然讓日本成為具吸引力的旅遊去處,驅動日本觀光熱潮,同時亦帶來龐大的消費力。他說:“我們可以從觀光業的零售額看出此趨勢,尤其是英國、澳洲、意大利、德國和荷蘭的日圓銷售皆告上揚。”總部位於倫敦的外匯服務公司TTT Moneycorp也發現觀光業正在推動日圓需求。該公司旅遊資金部門主管布恩指出,去年人們出國旅遊前所購買日圓爆增500%,而TTT機場外匯據點的日圓需求亦躍升240%。布恩表示,赴日旅遊的英國人,對日圓的需求顯著增加,主要是儘管預付外匯卡有助於減緩匯率波動的風險,但大多數觀光客仍寧願攜帶現金。同時,觀光客在日本的消費力亦相當可觀,為當地經濟注入活水。日本官方週一公佈的資料顯示,今年1至6月的服務出口額(包括日本境內訪客消費的住宿費和旅費等)達10.97兆日圓,為2008年中(全球經濟衰退衝擊日本之前)以來最高水準。;迷你倉

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Source: The Oregonian, Portland, Ore.迷你倉Sept. 11--MILWAUKIEStretch, Dance, Play: Iris Nason of the Growing Arts Center leads the interactive program for ages 2-5 featuring music, dancing, yoga and stories. 10:30 a.m. Wed, Sept. 11. Milwaukie Ledding Library, 10660 S.E. 21st Ave., Milwaukie; free; or 503-786-7580Milwaukie Poetry Series: Reading by Ralph Salisbury, Professor Emeritus of the University of Oregon and author of 11 books of poetry, three books of short fiction, and a just-published, prize-winning memoir. 7-8 p.m. Wed, Sept. 11. Milwaukie Ledding Library Pond House, 2215 S.E. Harrison St., Milwaukie; free; or 503-786-7580LifeLine Financial Program: Learn how to take control of your finances and reach your financial goals in this relaxed and supportive class. Hosted by the Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation, a nonprofit geared toward helping people overcome financial hurdles and plan for a brighter future. Registration required. Weekly 5:30 p.m. Wed, Sept. 11-25 (plus one optional one-on-one meeting with a financial counselor). Community Room, Clackamas Fire District Lake Road Station #4, 6600 S.E. Lake Road, Milwaukie; free; or 503-655-8974Diabetes Support Group: Monthly meeting for people living with diabetes with the goal that participants learn and grow together in a safe and nonjudgmental environment. Monthly 6 p.m. second Wed, Sept. 11-Dec. 11. Franciscan Spiritual Center, 2512 S.E. Monroe St., Milwaukie; donation; .yourdiabetespartners.comLet's Lego: All ages design and build Lego constructions. Sponsored by the Clackamas YMCA. 2 p.m. Sat, Sept. 14. Milwaukie Ledding Library, 10660 S.E. 21st Ave., Milwaukie; free; or 503-786-7580Library2Go Clinics: Get the help you need to download e-books, audio books and videos. In Fiction Room. 7-8 p.m. Mon, Sept. 16; 7-8 p.m. Mon, Sept. 30. Milwaukie Ledding Library, 10660 S.E. 21st Ave., Milwaukie; free; or 503-786-7580Puppy Tales: Children can improve their reading skills while reading aloud to a therapy dog named Tempo. Call to sign up for a 15-minute session. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Sat, Sept. 14 and Sept. 28. Milwaukie Ledding Library, 10660 S.E. 21st Ave., Milwaukie; free; 503-786-7588Book Buddies: Ages 7-9 read books nominated for this year's Beverly Cleary Children's Choice Award. Contact library for title. 4 p.m. Tue, Sept. 17. Milwaukie Ledding Library, 10660 S.E. 21st Ave., Milwaukie; free; or 503-786-7580North Clackamas Chamber of Commerce: Business After Hours networking meeting features free hors d'oeuvres, beverages, and a wine tasting. No-host bar available. Also hosted by the Milwaukie Riverfront Task Force. 5 p.m. Wed, Sept. 18. Milwaukie Riverfront Park, Southeast McLoughlin Boulevard and Jefferson Street, Milwaukie; free; or North Clackamas Area Chamber of Commerce, 503-654-7777Mt. Scott Creek Restoration Project Completion Celebration: Clackamas County Water Environment Services partnered with North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District and the City of Milwaukie to improve in-stream and riparian areas along the lower Mt. Scott Creek within North Clackamas Park. The project is designed to enhance ecological functions and diversity for fish and wildlife, improve water quality in the creek, improve watershed health awareness, provide community stewardship opportunities, increase educational opportunities, and enhance community access to nature. Refreshments provided. At new overlook deck, a short walk from the back parking lot. 10-11 a.m. Wed, Sept. 18. North Clackamas Park, next to the Milwaukie Center, 5440 S.E. Kellogg Creek Drive, Milwaukie; free; Education Workshop: Home Instead Senior Care outlines the causes, symptoms and behaviors associated with Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias. Participants also learn techniques to encourage loved ones to share their stories and memories; and become familiar with the format of a life journal and how to record information about your loved one's past. 1-3 p.m. Wed, Sept. 18. Milwaukie Center, 5440 S.E. Kellogg Creek Drive, Milwaukie; free; or 503-653-8100Family Education Workshop: Home Instead Senior Care presents "Techniques to Handle Challenging Behaviors" that may be displayed by those with Alzheimer's disease of other dementias. 1-3 p.m. Wed, Sept. 25. Milwaukie Center, 5440 S.E. Kellogg Creek Drive, Milwaukie; free; or 503-653-8100Farewell to Summer Barbecue: Entertainment by the Chihuahua Desert band. Menu includes beef and veggie hamburgers and hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad, potato chips, watermelon, lemonade and cake. 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thu, Sept. 19. Milwaukie Center, 5440 S.E. Kellogg Creek Drive, Milwaukie; $2.50 ages 60 and older, $5 others; or 503-653-8100Spanish Story Time: All ages can listen to books read in Spanish. 2 p.m. Sat, Sept. 21. Milwaukie Ledding Library, 10660 S.E. 21st Ave., Milwaukie; free; or 503-786-7580Poker Tournament: Card games for ages 21 and older. Food and drink and raffle tickets available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Rex Putnam High School dance team, the Royal Crowns, winners of the 2013 Oregon School Activities Association dance/drill championship (5A Intermediate). 6 p.m. Sat, Sept. 21. American Legion Post 180, 2146 S.E. Monroe St., Milwaukie; $40 buy-in and $25 re-buys (first 3 hours); Deb Boltz at dboltz@bridgewellres.comJohnson Creek Bicycle Bonanza: Family-friendly, four-mile bike ride on the Springwater Corridor Trail. Stops along the way at several restoration projects. Registration required by email or phone. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sun, Sept. 22. Johnson Creek Watershed Council Headquarters, 1900 Milport Road, Suite B, Milwaukie; free; or 503-652-7477 or amy@jcwc.orgHealthy Aging Seminar: Providence Miwaukie Hospital physical therapists discuss "Fall Prevention" and conduct free individual gait and fall risk assessment on participants. Registration required. Space limited. 10 a.m.-noon Mon, Sept. 23. Milwaukie Center, 5440 S.E. Kellogg Creek Drive, Milwaukie; free; or 503-653-8100Healthy Aging Seminar: Whitney Yazzolino, an attorney with Oregon Elder Law, presents "Will, Trust and Other Important Documents." Registration required. 1-12:30 p.m. Fri, Sept. 27. Milwaukie Center, 5440 S.E. Kellogg Creek Drive, Milwaukie; free; or 503-653-8100North Clackamas Chamber of Commerce: Women in Leadership Networking Group meeting features a presentation by Feroshia Knight titled "Innovate From Here: Courageous Space." Knight is CEO and founder of Baraka Institute: Coach Training World. Registration required. 11:30 a.m. Fri, Sept. 27. Royalton Place, 5555 S.E. King Road, Milwaukie; free to visitors, bring a brown bag lunch; or North Clackamas County Chamber of Commerce, 503-654-7777 or info@yourchamber.comOngoingMilwaukie Farmers Market: Vendors sell produce, plants, cheeses, meats, seafood, bakery items, food and handcrafted garden art. Live music featured. Weekly 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun, through Oct. 27. Milwaukie Farmers Market, Southeast Main Street across from City Hall, Milwaukie; free admission; .milwaukiefarmersmarket.comTalk Back to Books:Ages 10 and older read and discuss the book of the month. Free snacks provided. Visit website or call for title. Monthly 4:30 p.m. third Tuesday. Milwaukie Ledding Library, 10660 S.E. 21st Ave., Milwaukie; free; or 503-786-7580Book Club: Adults read and then discuss a different book each month. Call for titles. Monthly 7-8 p.m. Wed. Milwaukie Ledding Library Pond House, 2215 S.E. Harrison St., Milwaukie; free; or 503-786-7580Ledding Library Book Club: Call for titles. Monthly 7-8 p.m. fourth Wed. Milwaukie Ledding Library, 10660 S.E. 21st Ave., Milwaukie; free; or 503-786-7580Knit Nite: Valarie Matthews leads a group for people who love to knit or want to learn the skill. Weekly 6:30-8 p.m. Thu. Milwaukie Ledding Library, 10660 S.E. 21st Ave., Milwaukie; free; bring your own supplies; or 503-786-7580CivicWillamette Falls Chapter of the Coastal Conservation Association Meeting:Visitors welcome. Monthly 7 p.m. third Wed. Round Table Pizza, 16550 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie; free; Dale Ballard, 503-551-9772 or daleballard52@molalla.netThe following meetings are held in Milwau文件倉ie City Hall, 10722 S.E. Main St., Milwaukie. Details: or 503-786-7555--Milwaukie City Council holds its work session at 5 p.m. and regular session at 7 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month.--Milwaukie City Council holds its study session at 5 p.m. on fourth Tuesday of each month.--Milwaukie Citizens Utility Advisory Board meets at 6 p.m. on third Wednesday of each month.SupportDiabetes Support Group: A monthly group open to all who are living with diabetes. Our goal is to learn and grow together in a safe and nonjudgmental environment where anyone and everyone can share. Franciscan Spiritual Center, 2512 S.E. Monroe St., Milwaukie; donation; or 503-794-8542National Alliance on Mental Illness: Support meeting for spouses or partners of persons with mental illness. Monthly 6:30 p.m. last Wed. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Clackamas County, 10202 S.E. 32nd Ave., Suite 501, Milwaukie; or 503-344-5050 or nami.clackamas@gmail.comNational Alliance on Mental Illness: Suicide bereavement group. Monthly 2-4 p.m. second and fourth Sunday. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Clackamas County, 10202 S.E. 32nd Ave., Suite 501, Milwaukie; or 503-344-5050 or nami.clackamas@gmail.comNational Alliance on Mental Illness: Dinner, program, support sessions for families and friends who care about someone of any age or relationship who has a mental illness, and persons managing their own recovery.for family/peer groups of persons with mental illness. Monthly 6:30-9 p.m. second Tue. Homewood Heights Assisted Living, 17999 S.E. River Road, Milwaukie; or 503-344-5050 or nami.clackamas@gmail.comNational Alliance on Mental Illness Connection Group: A recovery support group just for persons with mental illness regardless of their diagnosis. Weekly 1:30-3 p.m. Mon. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Clackamas County, 10202 S.E. 32nd Ave., Suite 501, Milwaukie; or 503-344-5050 or nami.clackamas@gmail.comGLADSTONEGladstone Business Owners and Managers Meeting: Hosts are Dr. Candace Krause and Dr. Jeremy Kato. 5-7 p.m. Wed, Sept. 11. Gladstone Family Dentistry, 1105 Portland Ave., Gladstone; free; Walt Fitch, 503-544-9672 or walt.fitch@gmail.comConversations on Aging: Volunteers Involved for the Well-being of Seniors (VIEWS) presents "Staying Engaged in Life." Participants explore the difference between sadness, depression and grief. They share ideas on how to make days a little brighter and how to stay engaged in life. Registration required. 10-11:30 a.m. Wed, Sept. 11. Gladstone Senior Center, 1050 Portland Ave., Gladstone; free; or 503-655-7701Learn About Juggling: Jacob Graham demonstrates basic techniques. 2-3 p.m. Sat, Sept. 14. Gladstone Public Library, 135 E. Dartmouth St., Gladstone; or 503-656-1411Special Story Time: Community Heroes/Our Policemen: Gladstone Police Chief Jim Pryde will read to kids. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Tue, Sept. 17. Gladstone Public Library, 135 E. Dartmouth St., Gladstone; free; or 503-656-1411Health and Wellness Fair: Get a free blood pressure check and a free lunch and then peruse informational tables that feature demonstrations, presentations, and screenings. Flu vaccines are available for $25.99, or free with most insurance plans or no out-of-pocket cost with Medicare Part B. 10 a.m.-noon Wed, Sept. 25. Gladstone Senior Center, 1050 Portland Ave., Gladstone; free admission; or 503-655-7701GETFIT Gladstone 5K: The run and walk with the theme GETFIT (Get Exercise Today Feel Incredible Tomorrow)is designed to promote wellness and healthy lifestyle in the Gladstone school district and community. Registration recommended. At track. 9 a.m. Sun, Sept. 29. Gladstone High School, 18800 Portland Ave., Gladstone; $25 ages 18-59, $15 others by Sept. 23, includes T-shirt; $5 more after that; .eclecticedgeracing.comConversations on Aging: Volunteers Involved for the Well-being of Seniors (VIEWS)present "Engaging With Adult Children." Relationships with children change with age. Participants examine current problems, foster greater understanding between generations, discuss their situations with adult children, and share concerns. Registration required. 10-11:30 a.m. Wed, Oct. 9. Gladstone Senior Center, 1050 Portland Ave., Gladstone; free; or 503-655-7701Conversations on Aging: Volunteers Involved for the Well-being of Seniors (VIEWS)present "Holiday Wellness." Participants will talk about how their holiday experiences have changed with time, identify what is important to them, explore ways to bring those things to this year's celebrations, and how to reduce stress. Registration required. 10-11:30 a.m. Sun, Nov. 10. Gladstone Senior Center, 1050 Portland Ave., Gladstone; free; or 503-655-7701OngoingTake Off Pounds Sensibly: T.O.P.S. is a nonprofit weight-loss support group. Weekly 5:30 p.m. Mon, through Aug. 26 (including Memorial Day). St. Stephen Lutheran Church, 290 W. Glocester St., Gladstone; free; or 503-750-7686Aerobics: Low-impact chair aerobics for senior citizens. Weekly 10:30-11:30 a.m. Tue and Thu. Gladstone Senior Center, 1050 Portland Ave., Gladstone; free; or 503-655-7701Wednesday Afternoon at the Movies: Features popcorn, tea, fellowship and popular movies. Visit website for titles. Weekly 1 p.m. Wed. Gladstone Senior Center, 1050 Portland Ave., Gladstone; free; or 503-655-7701Mommy's Morning Off: Child care provided for ages infant-5 years so parents can take a break to do whatever they please. Registration recommended. Weekly 9-11:30 a.m. Thu. Tri-City Baptist Temple, 18025 Webster Road, Gladstone; free; or 503-575-0629Craft Circle: Make new friends while working on your knitting, crochet, embroidery, hand-quilting and other projects. Monthly 7 p.m. first and third Wednesday (except holidays). Gladstone Public Library, 135 E. Dartmouth St., Gladstone; free; or 503-656-1411Bridge Games: Card game for senior citizens. Weekly 12:30 p.m. Fri. Gladstone Senior Center, 1050 Portland Ave., Gladstone; free; or 503-655-7701Cribbage Group: Senior citizens can make new friends while participating in the card game that involves playing and grouping cards in combinations which gain points. All levels welcome. Weekly 10:30 a.m. Wed. . Gladstone Senior Center, 1050 Portland Ave., Gladstone; free; or 503-655-7701Gladstone Historical Society Meeting: Visitors welcome. Monthly 6 p.m. second Wednesday. Gladstone Senior Center, 1050 Portland Ave., Gladstone; free; .gladstonehistoricalsociety.orgCharitySalvation Army West Women's and Children's Shelter Drive: The wish list included nonperishable food, toiletries, and new and gently-used clothing, shoes, and coats of all sizes. Visit the website for a list of acceptable items. Contact the club to have items picked up or for information about renting its facility. Gladstone Community Club, 255 E. Exeter St., Gladstone; free; or gladcommclub@juno.comOAK GROVEMarket: The Trolley Trail Market is held in a lot behind the shops in historic downtown Oak Grove from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. For more information, visit the market's Facebook page.Back-to-school Celebration: Ages 5 and older can get excited about school with special crafts, like backpack buddies and pencil toppers. 1:30-2:30 p.m. Sat, Sept. 21. Oak Lodge Library, 16201 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd., Oak Grove; free; 503-655-8543Note Night: Oak Grove residents Chips and Edrid of the Rich Gritty Band perform rhythm and blues, jazz, country, Tex-Mex, rock, pop and other style of music. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Thu, Sept. 26. Oak Lodge Library, 16201 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd., Oak Grove; free; 503-655-8543Wiggle-Time Story Time: Ages 2 years and younger and their grownups can enjoy some wiggly fun with lots of singing, finger plays and stories. Weekly 1 p.m. Wed, through Dec. 18. Oak Lodge Library, 16201 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd., Oak Grove; free; 503-655-8543Family Story Time: Ages 2-5 can get creative with stories, songs and other activities. Weekly 11 a.m. Fri, through Dec. 20. Oak Lodge Library, 16201 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd., Oak Grove; free; 503-655-8543-- Vickie KavanaghCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Oregonian (Portland, Ore.) Visit The Oregonian (Portland, Ore.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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Source: The Salina Journal, Kan.文件倉Sept. 11--A new web-based, self-guided walking tour of downtown, highlighting Salina's history and making use of Quick Response codes, is now available.The tour starts at a "Walk Salina" sign in front of the Smoky Hill Museum, 211 W. Iron.On the sign is a QR code that can be scanned with most smartphones to access historical information about the location and historical photos.The downtown historic tour was developed by Salina Downtown, Inc. and the Smoky Hi存倉l Museum, based on a proposal from Salina-based DH Video Productions, and was funded by a grant from the Kansas Humanities Council.Not including the starting location, the tour includes 12 downtown stops, with a QR code at each stop that links to historical information and photos.Read more about the tour in Thursday's Journal.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Salina Journal (Salina, Kan.) Visit The Salina Journal (Salina, Kan.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from  成都的高端別墅市場一直以來並不十分高調,迷你倉不過近期市場上卻是“蔚藍卡地亞”不離口,原來是因為蔚藍卡地亞要推四期新品??城市度假名宅,這一消息對於高端別墅市場還真是舉足輕重,大家都知道,“城市別墅”一向就指的是占據城市中稀缺資源的高端住宅產品,突然來個“度假”元素,且是豪宅專家蔚藍卡地亞的新品,自然引來關注無數。  “能將產品的優勢落實到居住本身,用超過居住者的期望來雕琢房子,是蔚藍卡地亞一直引領市場的制勝之法。而這一次,又把‘城市’和‘度假’兩個原本相悖的概念有機結合在一起,營造出一年365天,每天都是度假式的生活狀態。單這一點,蔚藍卡地亞便又一次走在了中國地產行業前端。”有資深業界人士在獲悉南延線蔚藍卡地亞四期城市度假別墅即將亮相時表示:“南延線蔚藍卡地亞已經很完美地開發了前3期產品,而且已成為入住率最高的別墅區。這說明,業主們對“只做高端並專注于做高端”的蔚藍卡地亞高端生活品牌的高度認同。所以四期新品‘身未露,名已遠’也在意料之中。”身未露 名已遠蔚藍卡地亞四期新品令人期待  “自從8月底首次釋放推新消息以來,每天都有很多老業主和業內朋友打電話給我,希望提前來看看我們新品,但目前只能婉拒這些要求,因為我們希望以最好的姿態呈現,所以只能請大家敬候9月28日四期‘城市度假別墅’的正式亮相了。”蔚藍卡地亞營銷總監肖肖告訴記者,蔚藍卡地亞即將推出四期產品消息見諸報端後,她的手機就一直很忙碌,想提前預約看房,預訂房源的人非常多。  緣何蔚藍卡地亞總能虜獲無數高端消費者?“在市場地位及專業層面,沒有哪家別墅敢自稱超越蔚藍卡地亞。”業內公認,蔚藍卡地亞早已成為成都高端別墅的旗幟。南延線的蔚藍卡地亞項目是“蔚藍卡地亞”品牌進入成都後首個項目,這個國際城南門戶的首席純別墅項目,自2007年開盤至今,3年之內3期銷售一空,打造729戶高端別墅,突破30億銷售金額。業主對其物業服務的滿意度之高,又是其屢創市場奇跡的堅實支撐。  “聽聞自2010年南延線蔚藍卡地亞三期售罄後,整個項目團隊便將全部精力集中在了四期產品的研發上,即將面市的‘城市度假名宅’產品據說是創造出了成都前所未有的全新別墅形態。所以作為同行,我們肯定希望能夠盡早地去參觀和學習。”這位資深業內人士說,看成都別墅,只看三家,蔚藍卡地亞必在其中。因為,蔚藍卡地亞期期都是經典,濃縮著極致的產品主義。雖然尚未見到四期城市度假名宅的真容,但他肯定極其驚豔。談創新 展極致比肩全球頂級度假酒店服務體系  “高端墅居品質生活,絕不僅僅是一棟房子和止于房子的服務,而是全方位的全球化頂級生活感受。”肖肖說,為了給業主帶來獨一無二的極致生活體驗,在這默默無聞的3年間,整個團隊全情投入創新性產品的研發,醉心于對巔峰生活的追求;並與香港最負盛名的室內設計大師陳建中強強聯合,最終找到了一條全國開發商都沒有發現並走過的路??以極致南歐度假風情為標識的“名宅”建築形態和物業服務體系,皆為全國首創。  “四期產品不僅重磅加注本身的硬件設施,同時還將星級酒店的服務品質導入社區。從日常起居到物業托管代理,百余項私家定制服務及上門服務、24小時隨伺,可謂是頭等艙物業享受,比肩全球頂級度假酒店。”深諳名流階層居住需求的蔚藍卡地亞認為,城市在給予人們現代自存倉生活的同時,也給人們投下了煩躁和困惑的巨大陰影。渴望回歸大自然,享受清新的原生態,已成為許多事業有成人士心底的一份奢望,所以四期城市度假名宅,就是為滿足這種“身在鬧市而心在山水”的對家,對生活的多重要求而築。正是基於對成功人士居住需求的深刻瞭解和把握,蔚藍卡地亞,3年來以執著的產品主義情結和不斷超越的態度,延續著蔚藍卡地亞每一期產品都不同、都創新的精神,終於研發出在空間感受上大大優于小獨棟的度假型服務式別墅。窺芳容 心嚮往前所未見的里程碑式獨特產品  蔚藍卡地亞四期創新之作僅156席城市度假名宅,建築形態和物業服務體系,皆為全國首創。  為了給業主提供最真實、最完美狀態的別墅居住藍本,而不是在圖紙上考驗買家的想象力,蔚藍卡地亞四期依然堅持現房發售。足見,這家低調內斂的開發商,不僅擁有不可比擬的雄厚品牌底蘊和先進的物業打造手法,還憑借超前的眼光,深研成都頂峰人群的生活需求、審美趨勢和標準,再次以重磅作品衝擊成都高端市場。  “在蔚藍卡地亞的產品鏈條中,不可能有平庸的產品,因為,蔚藍卡地亞總能為城市帶來嶄新時尚的居住理念。”有幸率先領略過四期風貌的業內人士這樣描述他的感受:“整個就是實實在在的‘高端、大氣、上檔次’的產品,是成都高端別墅發展史上的一座新的里程碑。”在他的描述中,城市度假名宅令人神往:“7米超高奢華入戶門廳、客廳或餐廳為每戶標準配置;特殊雙廳設計,家庭廳,宴會廳,橫廳長度可達11米,開間最大可達30米;部分戶型配備私家景觀泳池;道路全部採用昂貴石材鋪就,品質不言而喻。更令人驚嘆的是建築形態,四期‘城市度假別墅’內部空間具有獨幢別墅的一切元素,有天、有地、有花園。而且,放眼全國,看600平米以下的獨幢別墅,可以說在室內空間感、居住的舒適度方面,都是難以超越四期產品的。”必轟動 無懸念城市度假別墅將引爆高端市場  總能執掌行業話語權的蔚藍卡地亞,此番蓄勢三年,厚積薄發的卓越產品??城市度假名宅,濃縮歐洲最為典型的七大主題園林景觀,將南歐度假元素體現得淋漓盡致。“四期產品是一個可以深度居家的真正城市度假別墅,會讓居者享受到一年365天的度假感受,而這一切均是在城市中完成。”肖肖告訴記者,在四期可以觀賞到歐洲的一年四季。歐陸式的疊水噴泉、英國肯辛頓草坪公園、意大利威尼斯水城式景觀、托斯卡納式入戶花園、1300平休閒度假式泳池、法國紅葉園等景致,以及優雅的園林小徑在四斯的建築間合理分佈,所營造的極致南歐度假風情園林還有一大亮點??園林的夜景設計。精心打造的園林景觀不但在日光的照耀下使人身心舒暢,在夜幕降臨時會隨著燈光漸亮之際又展現其另一種視覺景觀。整個四期產品位於卡地亞湖南岸,地勢最高,湖岸線最長。地勢水平落差6米,整個湖岸景觀盡收眼底。縱向樓間距最寬達80∼100米,橫向最寬達200∼300米,中庭1300平方米超大景觀泳池及各式水景花園,視覺非常震撼。在柔和的燈光下,歐陸式的疊水噴泉和庭院式入戶花園更顯高貴和優雅,休閒度假式泳池和水景波光粼粼,光影照在建築和園林景觀中,將使整個社區充滿休閒、浪漫的異域氣息。  “9?28”也將成為9月成都樓市,最受人矚目的一天。屆時,以全新姿態亮相的四期南岸城市度假別墅,注定會以其獨特的居住理念及生活方式,讓國內名流階層屏息以待,心生嚮往。隨之,蔚藍卡地亞四期的一切傳說,均將在這一天得到應驗。迷你倉新蒲崗

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香港文匯報訊 (記者 文森) 近期有評論指香港國際機場雙跑道容量未用盡,儲存倉反對興建第三跑道。其中獨立股評人David Webb(股壇長毛)更在其個人網站公開民航處檔案密碼,讓公眾查閱2008年至今的飛機升降詳細資料,促善用香港機場現有資源。民航處則稱有關資料非最終飛行資料,故將檔案加密以免引起公眾誤解,但正與持份者商討移除密碼的可行性。加密檔案被爆密碼 民航處擬移除 據《蘋果日報》報道,現時民航處每年均會公布飛機升降次數總數,但每次航班升降時間、飛機類別、座位數量及目的地等詳細數據,則屬於加密資料。公眾人士雖然可瀏覽有關檔案列表,但需輸入密碼方可查閱加密檔案內容。獨立股評人David Webb於本周一在他個人網站上,公開民航處檔案密碼。公眾迷你倉價錢入有關密碼後,即可查閱由2008年至今飛機升降的加密資料。 《蘋果日報》委託「機場發展關注網絡」初步分析數據,稱2011年至2012年度香港國際機場共有6,424架次私人飛機升降,2012年至2013年度則有8,138架次升降,一年間增加27%。而David Webb接受《蘋果日報》查詢時聲稱,機場跑道屬公眾資源,當私人飛機用跑道時,其實可供一架載有300人的客機升降。他認為機管局應統一私人飛機和民航客機的收費水平,同時要求民航處公開數據,供學者研究如何善用香港機場現有資源,再研究是否需要興建第三條跑道。 民航處回應查詢時表示,有關資料或因應航空公司修訂而變更,並非最終飛行資料,故把檔案加密以免公眾錯誤解讀,正與持份者商討移除密碼是否可行。迷你倉最平

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Janet主持的《瘋台灣》邁入第14季,文件倉最新企劃是帶著同頻道的老外主持人們遊台灣,有瘋癲的Ian Wright、貪吃的Bob Blumer…;而我們也跟著玩了一 ,同伴是新加坡混血美女、《馬來西亞新風貌》主持人Denise Keller。 因公訪台好多次的Denise,從來沒有機會探索台北之外的世界,這次終於在Janet的帶領下出了海、爬了山,還泡了溫泉;模樣時尚豔麗的她,其實渾身燃燒野外魂,邊烤山豬肉邊遇到颱風來襲,精神充沛、不減興奮…嗯,非常有台灣人的特質! 走出台北城 「這趟行程超讚!」Denise說:「因為我來台灣好多次,總在城市裡。大家說,這是最棒的牛肉麵!這是最棒的臭豆腐!我想,OK,我到底還要吃多少臭豆腐?!」 我們常以為用一樣的東西餵養外國人就行,殊不知外國人並不見得那麼容易滿足,尤其像Denise這種。她的母親是來自馬來西亞、住在新加坡的華人,父親是德國工程師,她自幼便半年在新加坡、半年在德國地唸書長大,13歲開始當模特兒、21歲開始當VJ,現在是旅遊節目主持人兼紀錄片製作人;她或許親切隨和,但絕非普通觀光客。「你給我一張地圖,當然我知道這是台灣,」海風吹得她短髮飄揚、眼睛閃閃發亮:「但我們搭船出海,看到東北角的景色,這才是這個島嶼真正的景觀!」 亞洲 是故鄉 新一季的《瘋台灣》讓Janet帶著不同主持人到處玩,對她而言沒有壓力反倒簡單,「大家都知道該怎麼做!」她笑開懷:「真是太輕鬆了!」 當然她還是有「主場優勢」,譬如嚇唬Denise皮蛋是用馬尿做成的、新店的南勢溪裡有鱷魚之類,但也順勢同Denise分享許多關於台灣的知識,Denise認真聆聽,頻頻發問:「那座山是什麼山?」「有沒有哪裡可以買到關於台灣原住民的英文書?」 「西方是我向外的路徑,是冒險、是旅行,」Denise說:「但我的心,我的家永遠在亞存倉。」為了讓自己看起來不要那麼「西方」,她把頭髮染黑、眉毛修細,還主持了《馬來西亞新風貌》,去探索這個她從不了解的故鄉;當她終於見到當地的親戚朋友們時,大家抱著哭成一團。「其實我在節目中一直哭啦,我是個大哭包,」她不好意思地承認。 雙眼 親見證 雖是當模特兒起家,Denise並不鍾情那個浮華世界,只覺得可以到處走走很好;在3千人中被選為MTV台 VJ後,Denise發覺流行音樂的世界過份浮躁,於是她又同時進入紐約Lee Strasberg戲劇學校研讀,讓自己得以往內探索。 「而主持旅遊節目,像是我終於抵達了想去的地方。」因為事必躬親,她開始身兼製作人,後來甚至成立公司、製作紀錄片,其中關於馬來西亞皇室的《Reveal:Malaysia' Majesty》是最令她驕傲的作品;她獲許進入皇宮拍攝,非常小心地遵守規矩。「譬如你不能從國王面前走過去,他們可以立刻殺了你!」 Denise也曾獲邀前往阿布達比拍攝節目,「很多人叫我別去,說很危險,但我必須用自己的雙眼看到一切!」Denise堅決地說,而伊斯蘭文化的美麗多采果然回饋予她無比感動;身為旅遊節目主持人,這是最幸福的事情了。 profile Denise Keller,中德混血,1982.3.24出生於新加坡,新加坡德國國際學校畢業。13歲成為model,2002年起擔任VJ,2008年開始主持TLC頻道節目《馬來西亞新風貌》。 profile Janet,本名謝怡芬,1980.1.20生於美國德州,麻省理工學院生物系畢業。曾以《瘋台灣》獲第46屆金鐘獎行腳節目主持人獎,最新一季明年春天將於TLC頻道播出。 名人圈之花邊教主 用智慧型手機掃描此QR Code,進入「壹週刊名人圈之花邊教主」讀者服務站。只要按讚,即可加入。我們提供名人派對專訪居家化妝品潮貨比拚和名牌故事的相關服務。迷你倉

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新蒲崗迷你倉 本報訊記者歐陽興報道:除了南昌和平旅行社被舉報收錢不出游不退款外,又有遊客舉報南昌市博旅投資咨詢有限公司“收錢不辦事”。讀者樊女士稱,今年3月份,她和老伴想到台灣旅遊,便交了5800元給南昌市博旅投資咨詢有限公司的章某,對方聲稱5月份安排她和老伴出游,但對方一直沒有兌現承諾,後來她找到了章某要求退錢,但對方只退還了3000元,目前仍有2800元沒有退還,如今人也找不到了。mini storage

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